International Dan Sanders Day

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File:Idsd event.jpg
Original Event


International Dan Sanders Day (also fondly remembered as Inebriation, Drugs, and Sex Day, IDSD) is an annual celebration occuring on the first Saturday after January 26. The day is marked by large amounts of partying and general merrymaking, followed by a day of waking up to discover that your car and all of your belongings have gone missing.

Celebrants begin the night by throwing a party for a friend whose birthday occurs in the winter, and then forcing them to leave and play CoD2 which you know they do not own.

After waiting several hours you can then invite them to the party, where they must chug a beer, followed by two beers to double fist.


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Dan, having a good time at the party.

IDSD was first celebrated in 2010 by some brilliant chaps who decided it would be fun and exciting to interact on facebook with intent to organize a night of defenestration and debauchery.

Thus, 14 Days of Dan and IDSD was born.

Our titular hero Dan had the worst week of his life, and so his friends decided to grant him the greatest night ever imaginable.

It was such an awesome night that the following day, everyone was covered in puke and Dan's car and all of his belongings were nowhere to be found. Dan's friends knew that he would wake up really hungry after donating so much predigested food so they thoughtfully replaced all of his cellphone's contact numbers with those of local fast food joints.

Official Event

14 Days of Dan

  • Days 1-3: Post terrible pictures of Dan, you know, the ones he doesn't want anyone to see.
  • Day 4: Hack Dan's Facebook, that new security system works great if you know enough of his friends.
  • Day 5: Dan is still locked out of Facebook, support has given him a 24 security lock.
  • Day 6-8: Start the shooping, birth of DFC
  • Day 9-13: Resurrection of Mancat & clone FB profiles of Dan.
  • Day 14: Silence. (Dan must prepare for Saturday)

Official guide to Partying with Dan

Dan must be disabled as soon as possible so you can leave him stranded at his Grandma's without his car the next day.

PROTIP - Dan sports the constitution of a tank and is tough to take down. Fortunately, he's a great guy and will gladly take any beer and/or joint you hand him.

First, you must hand him chug a Coors Lite (he will actually just sip it). Immediately afterwards, hand him two beers to double fist (specifically from a local micro-brewery, bought just for Dan).

Be prepared! IDSD standard-issue equipment (determined by Dan's consumption that night):

  • Numerous Bowl Packs, we estimate about 6/7
  • Entire case of beer
  • Hot Dogs
  • Absinthe w/ Vodka chaser (FUCK!)



Throw women at Dan, literally. He WILL begin stripping.

Number Swap

Dan might be kind of mad at you the next day, so take this opportunity to change all the numbers in his phone to fast-food joints so that when he finally manages to call you, it'll be on a full stomach.

Dan's New Phone Numbers!

  • Emma: Denny's
  • Chris: Popeyes
  • Mike: On The Border
  • Mike: Subway
  • Kirill: Wok King
  • Shawn: Burger King

Road Trip

When Dan is starting to pass out on the couch and nearly unable to walk, you must transport him (without any of his belongings) to his Grandma's house as fast as you can!

The following stage requires 3 players in order to drag Dan into a vehicle. He may not be happy that he won't be allowed to sleep, so you must make up lies that everyone is going out to eat but he needs someone to watch him. He won't understand anyways so just yell at him and eventually he'll comply.

You might want to cover the car interior in a drop sheet because on that fateful day, Dan blew up like a Boomer on while on the highway. Wipe that puke out of your eye sockets and carry on with the mission! Dan must be successfully delivered to his grandma's doorstep, sans Car/Wallet/Keys/Phone and covered in puke.


File:Idsd aftermath1.jpg
  • Dan getting in a car accident the next day, while hungover - $3,000.
  • Dan's phone is useless - all his numbers are fastfood joints. - $9.99 for a KFC family pak
  • Dan being hungover and immobile - 2 Aspirin
  • Dan finds videos of himself stripping on youtube - Priceless
  • ...oh, and Dan still admits he had the night of his life. - What are friends for?

Mancat Coon

Mancat Coon

Mancat Coon is the official mascot of IDSD, he was born January 26, 1987 and is of the breed Cattus Dannus.

Mancat is known to message Dan randomly of Facebook with attempts to go on a date, his is also a recruiter for the events.

He is very much infatuated with the original Dan Sanders and would like nothing more than to be a part of his life.

I am not of this world, I am not human nor animal. I am the Great ManCat Coon.


Contrary to popular belief, Mancat does not take part in faggotry.
