Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/March 22, 2024

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Animu (sometimes called anime and Japanimation) and desu manga (pronounced man-gay) are the result of the Japanese population getting severe brain cancer from the nuke which Albert Einstein threw unto them, coupled with an extra WMD of feminism castrating their collective balls. The result? Asperger's Syndrome: Mass Media Edition. An entire slave-race of Chris-chans forced by their Jewnited States masters to emulate and surpass Renaissance art: and the result was the most powerful brainwashing medium in the entire history of the Internet. Animu's true purpose is to erode the minds of innocent children, 16 year old girls, and basement dwellers so that they will eventually only know the words "KAWAII" and "DESU", leading to the entire world to fully submit to Jewpan.

Animu's secondary purpose is to introduce normal humans into Jewpanese Aspie sexual practices including the torture, mutilation, rape and cannibalism of innocent children (sometimes with bestiality to add insult to injury!)

BTW, in IRL, call it a "cartoon". People say anime so it doesn't ruin their teenage self-esteem, (what little is left desu). People still cling to the genre even though it's been declared a fact that Anime is Dead in North America.

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