Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/June 1, 2024

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The Donald

His Grace, the Imperial Majesty on the Iron Throne, the Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus "Pußygrabbin" I of the House of Trump will make Warhammer 40,000 real. He is a pretty cool guy and the 45th president of the United States and doesn't afraid of anything. Never half-piss around when President Trump is near cause He'll rape you for not fully pissing around, fire you for being unproductive, sue you for libel, and pillage your clan of its cattle and fertile women. Trump literally put an epic Just As Planned: exactly at the time when Hillary was gloating over cheating and controlling the Polls, the Donald unleashed his secret superweapon, the Silent Majority who didn't participate in Clinton's rigged polls but revealed their support for Trump in the election. Before having the 2020 election stolen from him by (((them))), Trump was on the Iron Throne, gloating U mad SJWs? while Democrats were committing mass suicide while yelling "You maniacs! You should have endorsed Bernie Sanders! Damn you, God Damn You All to Hell!!"

(( The Donald Will Always Be Remembered As The First Former President To Be Convicted Of 34 Felonies ))

What have I missed?
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