Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 10, 2024

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The Democratic People's Republic of Animestan' (also known as Jewpan, Weeabootopia and Nuclear Testing Site) or more commonly known politically-correct as Japan is a totalitarian fifth-world dystopia on a radioactive wasteland in the Pacific Ocean with less sanity and human rights than even Best Korea. It is best known for being the inventors of anime and therefore being the #1 cause of Asperger's Syndrome on the planet. Their men are autistic sick fucks who enjoy raping little girls, and their women are gold-digging pathological liars who would rather go marry and scam rich foreigners than fuck their own manchildren back home.

Japan is basically to Asia what Israel is to the Middle East. Both are ruled by racist criminal mobsters (Yakuza vs Zionist Illuminati) and have a history of both being genocided (Hiroshima and US concentration camps vs Holocaust and German concentration camps) while committing genocide at the same time (Koreans are Japan's Palestinians). Every single nation in Asia (with the sole exception of the Japanese's loyal sex slaves, the sea niggers) hates Japan and would want to erase this microstate of degenerates off the Earth if not for the Jewnited States giving them military equipment... again just like Israel. Japan's current military is the 9th strongest in the world, but there are some bases that are still used by Americans, again, just like Israel. And for the last time, just like the Kikes, the Japs control the Internet media through their use of viral memes and degenerate entertainment, but the Jews at least won't resort to shitty cartoons (unless you're Lauren Faust) to mind control half the human population into instant retards. Japanese women are also known as filthy amoral and borderline-sociopathic feminists who have an obsession with your Jew Gold and will only date you so that she can blackmail you for money (e.g. the Chikan false rape accusations) then Hannibal-Lecter you into suicide. Wonder if all Japs need a massive nose to pass them off as kikes.

Japan is a perfect example of "not-as-good-as-it-used-to-be." Before being raped by the atom bomb, Japan was busy doing just that to inferior countries, but with a Katana instead of the mighty power of the atom. After the USA's rampage, however, it degraded into what you see now. Most of Japan's population has aspergers caused by the radioactive bombs we dropped on their asses. That—combined with the fact that every Japanese man, woman, and child is on crack—explains why everything Japan makes is so fucking weird. But somehow, Japan loves Germany: the whores want to suck Hitler's dick while he himself called them honorary Aryans. The most plausible theory on why Hitler could love who amounts to Asian Jews is because the Japanese used to be a bunch of strict decent honorable and civilized humans until a Jewish aspie invented the nuke for Science and therefore spread his radiation upon the entire Japanese population, mutating them all into the Aspie Jews they are today.

Japan is known for being the country with the lowest calculated crime rate in the entire universe. Which isn't that surprising when you think about it, since Japan doesn't count drug dealing, prostitution, necrophilia, pedophilia, weapon dealing, extortion, blackmail, cannibalism, male rape, and Yakuza (Japanese impersonators of Elvis) gang wars as "crimes".

Japs rarely exceed 150 cm in height. Most Japs would much rather be white, and some undergo limited caucasiaplasty to this end. Also, since they have a very light diet, the vast majority of Japanese wimmins have no tits. The few who have large tits end up as whores, which explains why porn of titted Japs exists. Theoretically, this could be solved with a little whale milk, but since they kill whales just to be conservative, they produce a nice duality, as an endangered Pacific string bean that's good for nothing and an endangered Pacific tub of lard that's good for nothing.

To their credit, they create good cameras and televisions and have invented flash memory that is used in USB sticks.

(( They Can't Complain. The Last Time We Checked The US Only Dropped 2 Bombs On Them ))

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