Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 6, 2024

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Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is a classic anime, meaning that it features schoolgirls, rape, and enormous fire spouting penises destroying Tokyo that is popular among pedophiles in Japan and America and used by them to condition young girls because it tells the tale of a 22 year old college student making a 13 year old girl in junior high school his girl friend. The first of a series, it revolves around the legend of a "superfiend" that attempts to unite the three realms (Human, Beast, and Demon.)

Director/Screenwriter Hidicki Takayama brought many important modern Japanese cultural memes and motivations to this series , namely schoolgirls, rape, age inappropriate relationships and enormous fire spouting penises destroying Tokyo. Thus, it is no surprise that the series was a worldwide hit, especially with young girls, fags, and boys who don't care about the show and are just looking to jerk off after a long day of school. Gurl power!

There are five seasons; each new season features a new group of nut job villains who suck at their jobs. As the show progresses it gets stranger and stranger but still manages to deliver a pantyshot every other episode. By the end of the series, three shemales come in to help save the day, because everyone knows shemales pwn.

(( Someone Tell Usagi To Move, Her Ass Is Blocking The Sun ))

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