Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 22, 2024

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Mangs/Margull (powerword: Magnus Hestsveen) is a fat retarded bald coomer lolcow and a professional victim from the land of the fjord niggers. Mangs is an utter failure at life who used his E-fame to come on to stupid fangirls and mods 10 years younger than himself. He preyed on women with self-confidence issues, cosplayers and LGBT. Mangs passes himself off as a right wing channer cool guy who shows the middle finger to twatter but is a flaming faggot behind the scenes. His fanbase is made up of sad basement dwelling incels and children with parent issues. He used to keep around an autist retard who'd constantly demean him for entertainment.

Last Thursday Mangs was outed as a predator but because his accusers were none the better, he managed to play up the pity to pass himself off as a victim of cancel culture. He makes it out to be a coordinated effort to take him down and glosses over the dozen other unrelated women who showed proof. Still insecure about the call out, Mangs attempted to prove his accusers wrong by marrying a mod 10 years younger than himself. He labels everyone who calls him out on his faggotry a mentally ill hater who wants to take down his channel.

(( It's Not Me. Those Girls Are Just Out To Get Me ))

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