Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 14, 2014

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Andrew Alan Escher "weev" Auernheimer ( weev  rabite) smells of rotting turnips, yet incongruously claims that his turnips are ripe and fresh. He is one of those people that is extremely handsome, and has girl-killing powers, but doesn't realize it.

Because of this, weev defaults to his comfort zone: being an introverted eDork. But that's A Good Thing, since if this were not true, all of us fellow eDorks would have never had the pleasure of making his acquaintance. weev is a qualified attorney at lol, with a lol degree from distinguished Bann Towne University. weev is also a very talented song-writer. weev is also God.

In 2013 weev was sentenced to 41 months in prison for embarrassing the fuck out of AT&T after posting email addresses for iPad users that they were storing on a publicly accessible website, and reporting the gaping hole of security to Gawker.

In 2014 his sentence was vacated, and weev became a free man once again. He immediately used that freedom to hang out with  ggreenwald.


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