Alexander4488/Approved ED Page

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Game Dude is a brand new satirical video game reviewer that is inspired by the Angry Video Game Nerd.

He has been reviewing games for over 1 year now and mainly focuses on shitty games, although he has also reviewed good games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Mario Kart series, Star Fox, and Star Fox 64.

His videos are tributes to the Angry Video Game Nerd and unlike the Irate Hack, credits the Angry Video Game Nerd in all his videos.


For moar information on other great video game reviewers, see The Angry Video Game Nerd.
Alexander4488 is an Epic Lolcow
One page alone is not enough... it comes with commentary from Alexander4488 himself!!!

He's smart and treats a wiki as a forum.
Alexander, smiling in glee at his efforts to fix and humor the internet.

A very hilarious picture that he would not want to deletedelete this picture. separate accounts. He loves this picture a lot!

Alexander4488 (Full name: Alexander Jared Hans Badr) is a hilarious and smart Canadian filmmaker who creates wonderful video game reviews with the original schtick in them on YouTube. He also visits the Vancouver Film School, hoping to "become an even better director and filmmaker" and he is the greatest thing on YouTube next to the Angry Video Game Nerd, despite the fact that many of his reviews are funnier than the nerd's.

Alexander4488 dealing with one of his trolls.

But dare you ever insult or criticize him! Alexander4488 Googles other peoples names on a hourly basis to find out if anyone has ever written anything bad about him or his videos, so he can call their parents and get them grounded. If that is the case, he will mercilessly track you down and defend his good name while he deletes comments on his own videos that troll him. Fortunately, he responds to everything, showing that he really cares about his viewers.

Video Game Journalism



—Summary of every video by Alexander4488

So far, my goal is to have no 3.5 star rated videos. I have one curse that needs to be revised, and that's the awful Mario Kart review. After that, I must have no 4.0 star rated videos, than no 4.5 star rated videos. They all must have 5 stars each, and I will reach that goal for sure.


—Alexander, showing how much he cares about his fans

Actually, all my humor is very clever.Maybe it's just too clever for you.


—Alexander, being a smart guy!

Regarding the two links: I fucked so many hot girls when I forced them to read your stupid comments.


—Alexander, exposing him as a pimp!

Just like every video game reviewer on YouTube, he was influenced by the Angry Video Game Nerd's videos, except Game Dude's videos are actually good. He says that [he has sent hand-written letters to James Rolfe, and James replied saying how funny he was. He also created a hilarious video game reviewing series on YouTube by the name of the Annoyed Gaming Geek. However, Alexander realized that the name was too similar to the AVGN's and changed it -- his smartest decision so far -- to the Game Dude.

The name changed, the fad remained: in his rewiers -- which are actually more like hilarious rants -- the Game Dude sits there and harshly reviews the games that deserves it, and is funny as well! At the end, he invents new swear words and combines them to the point where they are added to the English dictionary. There's even more: The Game Dude also rants about new games from old Nintendo or Sega franchises -- up to the point where he trashes them because they now suck and are terrible.

To cut a long story short: Alexander4488's reviews are the best video game review series in the entire mother fucking universe!

Theme Song

When Alex isn't re-uploading the same videos over and over with minute edits because they got 3 1/2 stars (even though he's not realized it's trolls downvoting them just to fuck with him) he's also re-editing his theme song over and over.

But unfortunately for us there are enough people who are brave enough to remix said theme song and make it terrible.


fuck you jaquan1254, alexnader4488 is awesome


Kylebuschfan187, who isn't able to type Alexander's name correctly

I saw the Barbie commentary those two people in the commentary were making fun of you. Block them from going on YouTube.


PaperShadow2001, new to the Internets

His fanbase are the same scum that like the wackiness of Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Irate Gamer's unneeded swearing: 13-year-old boys, furries, retards and retarded 13-year-old furries. Like every fanboy, they come to defend the person that - in their eyes - is the greatest and funniest video game reviewer of all time, not realizing how much their idol sucks.

The reason why most of Alexander's fans are under the age of 16 is that sooner or later they'll have to realize that Alexander's style of reviewing is just a carbon copy of the AVGN's style. Thus, they decide to leave the "fann comunity" and prefer to flame Irate Gamer's videos as AVGN Nazis.


Alexander4488 gained notoriety by his, let's say, "unconventional" way of promotion: spamming every gaming website and YouTube video ever. These hilariously blunt attempts to boost his popularity (and butthurt responses) can be seen here.

A Collection of Alexander4488's Spam and Butthurt About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Alexander4488 vs. ED

That ED article is just more advertisement for me and all game reviewers have an ED article.


—Alexander, failing to see how exposing him as a sheep fucker can be classified as advertisement

Because Alexander is typing his name into a search engine in a hourly basis he had to find the blurb about him in the "Video Game Reviewers" article. In a case of extreme butthurt and insanity Alexander registered and tried to delete his picture on said article - with two accounts. The ED sysops didn't tolerate these dumb actions and banhammered his ass(es).

But that's not enough! Alexander registered a third account, this time with the purpose of "commentating" on this ED article and vandalizing it. This, of course, got his ass "suspended" again - but us here at ED predict that he will return, not knowing how much lulz he will produce.


This time he tried to delete his dox. But unfortunately for him he's a dumb ass faggot and doesn't know that articles can be recovered really fast.


He just never learns.

Alexander4488 vs. HeavybassX

As with all attention whores, sooner or later they always gain their own Moriarty, their own Liquid Snake, their own Nemesis. Spax3 has Boomstick545, Chris-chan has Clyde Cash and thus Alexander4488 has HeavybassX (AKA Tarosan).

Despite giving the appearance of an overtly pissed-off four-eyed, overweight Welshman. HeavybassX has risen above the level of trolls to call out Alex on his faggotry and has intellectually checkmated the vain douchebag on several occasions.

Unfortunately, Alex never gets the picture that maybe shutting the fuck up for five seconds will stop HeavybassX. But as he's an arrogant, idiotic Canadian it means this will be a never ending oroborus of LULZ for all of us!!!

Part One

Alexander4488: Uninspired AVGN rip-off worse than Irate Gamer

Part Two

Game Dude: Enemy of the Circle

Part Three

I Win Round One Sheep Fucker

Part Four

Game Dude is a Liar

Part Five

I Hate that Paki!!!

Contact Information

And he calls us the retards...
His Home.

"Fan" Videos

Barbie is one of those shitty games

More shitty games

And even more shitty games

Mario is one of those shitty games

Horrible commentary on one of Alexander's horrible videos

Another commentary

Alexander4488's TRUE and HONEST theme song

Another commentary,
this time with more butthurtness by Alexander himself

Boomstick545 discovers Alexander4488

Proof of Alexander4488's plagiarism
(like it wasn't obvious enough)

External Links/Examples of Alexander's Douchebaggery

SockPuppet Accounts

See Also

Alexander4488/Approved ED Page is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal