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Imagine for a moment that you're lonely, you don't have many friends and the ones you do have never want to hang out anymore. Your life is a depressing cycle of barren social interaction. So then one day along comes a guy who seemingly forces his way into your life. He seems alright at first, a bit pushy, but you give him the benefit of the doubt and let him on in the door. At first things are a bit fun, you think you've found a new best bud to hang out with and share your interests with. But then, slowly, but ever creeping, your new best friend starts taking liberties. Suddenly he's hanging out at your house almost all day long, he's sleeping on your couch, ordering PPV movies off your cable subscription, he's eating all your food, ordering pizzas and making you fit the bill. Before long your new best bud is a manchild mooching off your good graces, taking advantage of you and wrecking your shit without any remorse or regret.
This is the current state of the comics industry as of 2017.
Beginning back around the new millennium's budding childhood, a group of feminist regressives began an exploitative invasion of various interest groups and social communities, in turn invading the industries and companies that catered to them. One of these was the comic book industry and their community of largely beta male, interpersonal outcasts and affection starved, social spaz artists.
This group of women forced their way on into the door of the industry, seemingly offering comradery and companionship in the guise of "making the industry more inclusive to women", with a long list of good intentions and a boatload of boobs to go along with them. These "Milkshake Girls" were readily invited on into the loser's tree house with open arms and high hopes of finally losing their virginity.
Unfortunately these women had no genuine interest in their proverbial playthings and simply sought to vindictively wreck their shit out of malcontentive malice and indignant spite. All the while strip mining the entire industry for as much short term gains as they could garner before the inevitable fallout.
Milkshake Wars - Attack Of The SJWs
Your goldfish died. It's sad, we know. Your goldfish died because you didn't feed it enough. The social justice warrior response to such a problem is simple... continuously dump food into the fish bowl until, oh, oops, your replacement fish died.
SJWs have almost no cognitive concept of moderation or subtlety. They want to change the world, but they've put so little thought into it that their only solution is to destroy the very world they're trying to change. And their inevitable response to this is, "Well I guess it wasn't worth saving then."
Whether a product of laziness or a lack of real commitment to the cause, an SJW seeks divisive domination as their only path of persuasion and influence. The comic book industry is, by far, one of the best examples of this riotous and recklessly inefficient ideology put into play. Over the past few years these types, largely comprised of faux feminists, have taken a proverbial crowbar to the fan base and have relentlessly beaten readers with the most cringe ridden cacophony of crowing complaints and canon cracking cast cutting.
SJW Stank Face
The perfect SJW
replacement for
Captain America! -
Vigorously Gay
Milkshake Wars - Revenge Of The Fanboys
It didn't take very long for fans to see the writing on the wall, or in their comics as the case was, and to start voicing concern and complaints over the continuously sweeping changes that were turning their beloved fandom into an overly transparent political platform for disingenuous dissidents and self-oppressing opportunists. The fan cries were of course met with scoffing belittlement and condescension. After all, if someone carries a banner of peace, you can't rightly criticize anything they do, or else you clearly oppose peace.
This is the battle standard of SJWs, who wrap themselves in amity addled armor, their "good intentions" paving the road right on into hell on earth. Any contrary complaints are cut down with ad hominems, the well poisoned and pointed at for pity points. In the wake of these attacks there was seemingly little fans could do to stop their beloved interest from being forcibly gang raped and gutted by these industry shills and shanks.
But like a band of rebels on the run the fandom began to rise and reorganize itself. YouTube channels, web forums and other social media sanctuaries allowed fans to quickly organize against the attacks and to educate and inform the fan base of exactly which comics had been compromised. A collective effort to actively starve the invading parasites of any revenue to prevent them from spreading further into the fandom.
Milkshake Wars - Fall Of The Industry
Like asking a fox for suggestions on how to build a better hen house, the comic book industry had essentially engineered their own inflamed fall. By inviting a group of play-pretend comic creators into their club in exchange for promises of virgin rage relief they had cucked themselves into a corner. Desperate to try and stave off the inevitable self-destruction they began dumping huge amounts of money into adverticles, paying regressive feminist rags like The Mary Sue to constantly promote and push their pandering products.
Attacking their existing fan base, while hemorrhaging huge amounts of cash into an attempt to replace it with a delusionary demographic that simply didn't exist, managed to keep up the appearance of market stability... for a while. But eventually they ran out of money to keep up the advertising onslaught and it very quickly became apparent that the sales figure equality was being unequally funded on the advertisement level.
Without the overzealous advertising things began circling the drain, largely in the beginning of 2017. A point at which most people really began to tire of the incessant SJW indoctrination. The first major blowout occurred when The Washington Post dropped their graphic novel best seller list like a bad habit. A bitch slap of reality which left the industry reeling in shock as comic book pros were left dangling over the drain, their coming demise now indisputable, any doubts were already drowning.
Some shills, still in a desperate panic to try and save their sinking ship of SJWs began slashing costs by giving professional comic writers and artists the boot in favor of flunkies they found on Fur Affinity, DeviantArt and the like. These amateur hour artists could be paid peanuts and in exchange were allowed free reign to fuck up the entire industry even further than before.
This eventually culminated in a 91% REVENUE DROP by September of 2017.
Comic Pro PTSD (Panic, Threats, Slander and Derangement)
The regressive feminists and social justice white knights that caused all this collapse, chaos and collateral damage have about as much introspection and self awareness as the one dimensional, Mary Sue self-insert characters they create to try and replace existing fan favorites. As such it's impossible for them to ever admit any kind of fault or wrong doing, even when they wind up doing things that are quite obviously batshit insane and/or illegal.
Now certainly one can understand that sanity is a luxury when you've trapped yourself into a giant flaming shit bag of your own making, but you would think after tripping over their own self-destructive stupidity enough times they'd eventually wisen up a bit and stop trying to double down on their delusional, single player, dick licking deflection.
Unfortunately the "Comic Pros" of the industry didn't know when to stop which eventually led to the exposure of a private FaceBook group used by "Comic Pros" for the purposes of collusion and conspiring attacks against the fan base.
No, you didn't read that incorrectly, the "professionals" of the comic book industry had a private FaceBook group wherein they specifically sought to target, harass and physically assault their own customers!
If it's not apparent yet that the inmates are literally running the asylum over on the liberal end of the political spectrum... yeah, yeah ya best check yerself there, Edith.
B. Clay Moore
Text goes here.
Mark Waid
Text goes here.
Magdalene Visaggio
Text goes here.
Sophie Campbell
Another transtrender quota filler, Sophie was feeling a bit left out of the whole pity party clusterfuck. Watching all his friends in the industry first attack fans and then flip around, feigning victimhood, for in-house tranny train rectum alignment work. He wanted in on the action as well and so he decided to make like a cock carrying copy kitten and ripped off fellow tranny Magdalene. Tweeting out crazy death threats (that he would later delete), in turn inciting everyone to shell out harsh criticism and condescending clap backs, Sophie had setup the perfect play to weasel his way on into the self-harming circle jerk.
Ardian Syaf
In April of 2017 a Muslim "diversity hire" by the name of Adrian Syaf was fired after it was discovered he was adding subversive antisemitic and anti Christian propaganda messages in the art work he was producing for Marvel...
Shon C. Bury
Shon's parents were too illiterate and lazy to know how to spell Shaun so they just half-assed his name, right along with his upbringing, which eventually cultivated an overly indignant, terminally flustered manchild with an over sized ego and a giant chip on his shoulder. As bitter and angry as Shon is, he wasted absolutely no time at all jumping right on into the ComicGate fray, immediately attempting to slander the name of the owner of the YouTube channel Diversity & Comics.
Apparently his "master plan" didn't include said slandered owner sharing some fun personal anecdotes about working with Shon, which very quickly came back to bitch slap him as he then spent the better part of a week furiously trying to backpedal out of the fact that he stole another artists work, tried to pass it off as his own creation and then only wound up relinquishing creative ownership after he had completely failed to capitalize on the work for his own personal greedy gain.
This is a routine pattern for Shon, where he randomly latches on to other people's work, then tries to ride around like a tick on their creative backs, trying to suck out as much self-centered gain as possible before they drop. He has a nasty habit of trying to make other people's work look like his own, or as if he's at the center stage of it all, rather than just a bandwagon jumper along for the ride.
He does this primarily through his "talent management agency" Space Goat Productions, which is just as sleazy as it sounds. He basically runs around grooming young talent into forking over creative control of their work which he then in turn... well, destroys, in most cases. Most recently his "Nerd Boss" Kickstarter crashed and burned. He cancelled the account within a week after it only managed to get 4 backers and $131 of its attempted $25,000 goal.
Currently the only semi-viable property he controls is a Burger King Kids Club style pre-tween furry comic called "Moonlighters". Which features horrendously disfigured looking characters that turn into badly drawn furries, with statistically improbable ethnic diversity and over exaggerated faces/expressions that make the whole slop mess look like a sack full of Emojis that nobody wanted sacked up with the ass end of DeviantArt and shat out a bastard child directly into the bargain bin at your local comic shop.
Pandering to a completely
nonexistent demographic
is never a good idea.
How To Identify An SJW Comic
- Lots and lots and LOTS of racial recolors.
- Lots and lots and LOTS and gender bending pallet swaps.
- A statistically improbable number of gays and lesbians.
- Characters shocked and amazed whenever a character "comes out" like it's 1985.
- Purse Puppy liberalized Muslim characters that absolutely infuriate real Muslims.
- Constant emotional validation, even when failing, because no SJW hero is left behind!
- It looks like the Burger King Kids Club aka Forced\Tryhard Diversity.
External Links
- Diversity In Comics Youtube
- Secret Facebook Page Reveals Marvel, DC Comics Writers Conspiring to Harass Comic-Con Conservatives
- Exit Right To ComicGate