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User talk:Snarfies

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R. Giskard Reventlov, about to deliver some sweet lovin'

Giskard (sometimes Giskarduk) is an exceptionally delusional end egomaniacal lolcow of a modder for Elder Scrolls games. He has been banned from Nexus, Bethesda's Forums, and pretty much every other modding community due to the excessive drama his mental illness brings to the community. As such, he had to found his own little hugbox called The Engineering Guild (TEG).

A long history of fail

Despite modding for a living, Giskard has a complete failure of understanding of how the games he mods actually work, or how to correctly use modding tools. Any attempts to correct this misconceptions on his part have been met with rediculos levels of rage. This eventually led not only to him being banned from Nexusmods, it led to all discussion of his mods being banned.

Giskard closed TEG to the general public

The war vs Reddit

/r/modpiracy/ is a Subreddit that formed as a heroic response to Bethesda's move to monetize modding. Once Bethesda realized that was an insanely stupid idea, the Subreddit members made it their duty to preserve and share mods that authors have yanked after being banned or just because they were throwing a tantrum in general. Giskard was a primo target. Once the call went out, it didn't take long for people to share all of his Elder Scrolls mods.

Giskard's measured and rational response was to try to have Reddit shut down.

Moderators where informed and clearly chose to ignore it. So i have personally sent a message to the Reddit admins. If they chose not to act, I will be contacting the Singapore police.

Whilst I wait for them to make a decision, I'll be doing my own research in how best to proceed.

Singapore is where Reddit is registered and they have laws against this sort of thing. So I am going to start with that.


—Giskard, who doesn't understand how police jurisdiction works


Recently, there has been a lot of turmoil concerning the collective works of Giskard. They have been pulled, put back up, he is leaving and turning over control to his team, no they can't have them, etc. etc. the recent problems.

So here is the solution.....the files will no longer be hosted here in any way, shape or form, no pointer pages will be allowed either.

No matter what actions the admin/moderators and staff have taken to accommodate him it has not met the standards of Giskard himself. He demands total control of his works, and in an effort to meet these needs and demands they will be deleted shortly and may not be re-uploaded to the Nexus by anyone....not even Giskard may upload them.

I had been in contact with his team leader prior to his re-uploading his works here....this was with his blessing, and after his announcement that he was leaving the community and turning control of his works to his team; I transfered ownership of his collective works to the team leader under a restricted account.

Further since there have been threats of legal action and other unpleasantness, his account Giskard44 has been banned as a duplicate account (not allowed under forum/site rules) and his account Giskarduk now has restricted posting. He has caused enough turmoil here, so he can now take his issues elsewhere.

Do not start a thread or make any more comments about Giskard and how he was treated have no idea what has transpired behind the scenes.

The drama ends.



— Buddah of Nexusmods
