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From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Glee is another retarded half-assed show shat out by FOX that will, just like the rest of FOX's failed abortions, be canceled in the next two years. The show was an attempt by FOX to mirror High School Musical and just like High School Musical, it is excruciatingly painful to watch. Unlike High School Musical, it actually points out the realities about high school and wasn't developed by a pseudo-Christfag children's company. Glee focuses at a singing club named "the Glee club", Kurt (the club's lead singer), some jock and his girlfriend, and a morbidly obese fat singing Nigra. Just like the rest of Fox's crappy shows, Glee will eventually get canceled and Glee fantards -who proudly call themselves Gleeks- will bawwww in agony. Nobody actually likes Glee especially since their target audiences are too busy getting stoned and playing video games, leaving the only people who watch it to be no-lives who instead of doing homework, whore out in front of the TV. Said Gleeks will obnoxiously rave about the show until it becomes conformity to watch it.

The show

The show takes place in the a make believe High School in Lima, Ohio. The plot of every episode mostly involves Kurt's faggotry, Mercedes dancing her fat ass off, Tina starting IRL flame wars with Teams Edward and Jacob, or about Finn's girlfriend crisis. They occasionally rip off songs by singing an original song's lyrics (like Bad Romance) and rendering them to ever shittier versions than the original songs by using their annoying voices. The only original content that the producers of Glee came up with the show was the part in the story where Quinn got pregnant. Of course being apart of a network aiming to produce family friendly entertainment; Glee also feels the need to mock atheists.

Typical scene from an episode


  • Rachel Berry - The main star of the show and an attention whore kikess who craves Finn's cock. She once tried to seduce Will Schuester until one of his former stalkers pointed out she was too dogfaced to stand a chance.
  • Kurt Hummel - Cute homo known for being a flashy cross-dresser. He is often being bullied by the football team. He does everything from dressing up like a Lady GaGa, joining the cheerleader squad, and making the football team dance to Single Ladies . His wet dream is to be Finn's gay lover and always creams his pants whenever he sees Finn walking by. But fate squashes this, when he finds out that Finn would rather be his best friend than lover and even goes as far as to have Finn's mom marry Kurt's dad so that they can be step-siblings. Currently dating a guy from a rival glee club, who's school he transferred to after he nearly outed a self-hating homosexual football player.
You would hit that, wouldn't you?
  • Finn Hudson - Dimwitted quarterback of the Handegg team who's bitch is currently was Quinn. He later hooks up with Rachael after his ex-prostitot cheats on him. Has a weird relationship with Kurt, wanting to protect him and even arranging their divorced parents into marrying so that they can be siblings.
  • Mercedes Jones - The fat singing black person of the Glee club, she develops a crush on Kurt and is unaware that he is actually gay. A stereotypical sassy black chick who gets away with the stupidest comments (such as saying women have every right to lie about who knocked them up) because she's sassy and black.
  • Quinn Fabray - The wet dream of every straight Gleetard, she is the prego captain of the cheerleading squad who decides to cheat on Finn and gets knocked up and asshammered by one of the handegg players and becomes pregnant. She decides to wait to give birth to her inbred child instead of rather aborting it.
  • Santana - A latina cheerleader who takes Finn's virginity. However, we all know her heart wasn't in it because she's actually gay for Brittany.
  • Tina Cohen-Chang - The show's azn whore (only without any sex appeal) who dresses up in gothic lolita outfits and ultimately has a Twilight fetish and has wet dreams to Edward Cullen. She joins Team Edward and starts an IRL flame war in her school against Team Jacob. Her screen time is mainly confined to puckering her face as if she's just smelled a dog turd.
  • Emma Pillsbury - The school's incompetent guidance counselor who no one gives a flying fuck about. Appears once every twelve episodes, apparently a fuckbuddy for Will Schuester, but because he loves the loli, that's never gonna happen.
  • Brittany - A blond retard who resorts to cheating in tests and sucking cocks for answers in order to ace her classes. Lesbian lover of Santana.
  • Puck - Also Jewish and enjoys fucking Finn. Internet tough guy of the merry band of retards.
  • Artie Abrams - A handicapped guitarist and the school nerd who tried to get laid with Tina and ended up failing miserably. He became a paraplegic when he was ran over by a car as an 8 year old.
  • Will Schuester - The pedophile teacher of the Glee club, who is blatantly homosexual (he knows and loves every musical in history), but desperately tries to cover it up by fucking every teenage girl in the club. Gets raped by Sue Slyvester on a daily basis.
  • Sue Slyvester - The bull dyke coach of the cheerleaders, and the only character on the entire show that anyone gives a shit about. She rapes each and every girl daily. Hates Will Schuester as he is raping her cheerleaders as well. In order to keep all that sweet pussy to herself, she must end him and his queer club.

The Fans

The main fanbase of Glee is a bunch of 16 year old girls known as Gleeks (the more appropriate term is Gleetards), who furiously write yaoi fanfics about it, which is easy enough because every character in the show is ghey, and gay men. It is common knowledge that all Gleetards are fat, fugly retards and social outcasts who will never lose their virginity for many years to come. No straight guys ever watch Glee, EVAR. Unless it is to see lesbian action between Brittany and Santana, even though there never is any, thus making the faggotry that is Glee complete and utter shit. Because of this, trolling the fans is relatively easy.

The recent episode of Glee includes even more faggotry as well as token lesbian tensions. Now we REALLY know who the show's target audience is.

The Glee Wiki

Last Thursday some people who wanted to feel useful realized that a Glee Wiki was exactly what this world needs. While most articles on this wiki are well-written and organized this Wiki has some really interesting discussions going on. Some of these include:

  1. Is the guy who bullies Kurt all the time going to be Kurt's boyfriend?
  2. Will Jacob, the sick fuck who masturbates to Rachel's porn pics all the time get pussy?
  3. Will Schuester ever stop being a whore?

The users are also some of the worst examples of aspies and USI on the internet. Their sysops don't know what templates are and automatically assume template vandalism is "hacking". One user went as far as to claim that they needed therapy after viewing pain series.

How to troll Gleetards

  1. Say the actors can't sing worth shit.
  2. Tell them that Glee's songs are unoriginal because they steal the lyrics of other songs and sing them to make the songs as their own work.
  3. Tell them that Kurt will die of AIDS in Season Three.
  4. Say that Will Schuester is going to fuck that Shelby bitch instead of Emma.
  5. Tell the show is going to get cancelled, just like the rest of Fox's failed shows.
  6. Use the word "fag" in every sentence.
  7. Say they're all gay.
  8. Remind them that God hates fags.
  9. Basically, say anything negative about the show in general and watch them freak the fuck out.
  10. ???
  11. Profit!

Related Articles

External Links

Glee is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

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Visit the Music Portal for complete coverage.

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