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Onideus Mad Hatter/Facebook postings

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Here are the inane and tl;dr Facebook postings of Onideus following his being b& from Encyclopedia Dramatica; the site now being possibly the only place he is tolerated OTI after he threatened Zuckerberg into submission so that he could create a new profile. They appear in a reverse chronological order with newest first.
The timestamps are GMT +1 (CET).

April 5 2014

April 5

 Onideus MH

LOL, the ED kids are shelling out threats again! :)

This time they're claiming they'll burn my house down...


*nearly dies laughing*

NekoArc one of my favorites that happened to me years back was "let's pizza bomb" and then the people list carryout-only places. like dude wtf r u smoking lol

5 April at 22:20

 Onideus MH It's too bad that won't even work these days. LOL Every major pizza joint on the planet works off "accounts" now and if you call up using a new number and it doesn't match the one on the account (or the number is blocked) they will ALWAYS call back to confirm the order.

I think the last time they tried that trick was a year or so back. I all get a call from Pizza Hut and they're like, "Uh, did you just order a pizza?" And I'm all like, "LOL, no."

It ~might~ be a semi-plausible tactic to use against someone who has never ordered pizza before, but even then I would guess that they probably do call backs with new accounts as a form of confirmation.

That tactic is doubly stupid in that you're essentially trying to fuck the pizza joint over as opposed to the person who actually enraged your pooper. The pizza joint is the entity that loses money as a result and it causes no problems at all for the real intended target. Even more stupid given that the pizza joint could actively pursue legal retribution against whatever entities are actively encouraging or promoting such practices.

That's why when I was still on ED I edited that particular article so as not to make a giant beaming legal target out of the site.

Same with various other articles. Zaiger never was very bright as far as the potential legal ramifications of a great deal of material on ED. In general he seems to be under the continual delusion that simply throwing a "disclaimer" onto the bottom of the site somehow makes him completely immune to any form of civil or criminal liability... sadly that's just not how it works in the real world.
5 April at 22:39

Likeicare why do you lie like that to make yourself seem cool Matthew? show me these threats (Onideus deleted this comment soon after it was posted)

6 April at 07:43

Likeicare why do you delete my comments matthew?: why do you lie like that to make yourself seem cool Matthew? show me these threats (Onideus did, of course, also delete this comment)
7 April at 17:54 AEST

November 24

November 24:

 Onideus MH

"I tried to help him and all I got in return are threats and bullshit. I finally had to remove his ops because I literally had no arguments left to keep him on, and we were losing good editors because of him, and instead of using that as a wake-up call and getting his shit together he proceeds to threaten lolsuits and generally spew bullshit on facebook."

Translation: "Hatter poked at me for adding n00b, non-contributing, meth addicts as admins, I got all indignant and flustered about it, then Hatter poked me over the fact that the forums see me as a complete joke...MY ASS EXPLODED!"


I'm not sure what he's going on about "threats" though. I ~am~ suing the idiot. Oh and apparently not wanting my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER plastered all over the Internet makes me "insecure". *rolls eyes* I ~really~ fucking hope that's going to be his "defense" when the judge nails him to the fucking wall over it.

AE Scampini HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Court is now in session!

24 November at 03:36

 Onideus MH I really don't get why you idiots think the lawsuit thing is a joke...I family in general has a looooong fucking history of suing people all over the fucking place. Hell my mom sues people just to grief them!

I can understand the ignorance though...I mean Jason thought he was untouchable too...and now he gets to have his wages garnished for the rest of his natural life. LOL

Zaiger ~is~ the next Jason Fortuny. It's not a question of "maybe" it's a question of "when".
24 November at 03:41

AE Scampini I'm watching you anonmgur, motherfucker.

24 November at 03:43

 Messy Jessie cause you tell people you are fabricating everything you say and don't care if we believe you or not. oh but when you need it to be understood that you are serious who the fuck gives a shit to listen to your drivel if you are so fucking stuck up and full of yourself. lies interwoven with more lies. nobody takes your empty threats seriously. You are a joke. I am just here to try to fuck you but you don't even know when a girl is hitting on you. Take a shower and go to bed.

24 November at 05:30

 Messy Jessie egotistical people don't get over butt hurt as easily as meth addicts I guess.

24 November at 05:39

 Messy Jessie boy let me get up all in that diaper.

24 November at 05:44

 Messy Jessie I wouldn't ever drop someone's social security number. these people are ruthless and cruel. but I am not sure who will believe you now. I haven't seen it nor will I care to look for it. it's not really a classy group of people you hang out with.

24 November at 06:06

 Onideus MH You certainly do post a lot. By the by, I'm really not interested...mostly because of the whole diaper thing. I know your type, the closet diaper fetishist who thinks I'm one of you, who wants to "explore" their weird ass interest and latches onto me because I'm seemingly open about such interests.

The creepiest one was the lady who kept stalking me back around 2010...while wearing a huge ass, overly obvious diaper under her practically see-thru white pants. Yeeeaaah...not really my cup of tea, sorry.

I tend to go for women who like the "bad boy" type. Most of my preferred relationships have started off with me verbally ripping them apart in 32 different directions. A lot of women really like that for some odd reason.

Besides which, didn't you say you had an STD?
24 November at 06:50

 Messy Jessie so you like your diapers nice and tight on the ladies? and you let the ladies know they are worthless in 32 different flavors? and there is something weird when diapers are involved even to your standards for diaper role playing? youre the one with the problems not me. I was trying to poke fun at your seriousness about certain things but took your dox situation seriously. no matter how condescending you are to me. you really blasted a ton of people on your talk page. and you won't admit when you are wrong either. I post a ton cause I am looking to get help with my disability through vocational rehabilitation. so I don't work right now and have a ton of time.

24 November at 07:10

 Onideus MH Uh huh, well you should probably go find someone to share your diaper fascination with.

24 November at 07:19

 Messy Jessie that's not what I had in mind. I want a virgin.

24 November at 07:48

 Messy Jessie I wonder why likeIcare and Alana cones have never met since they live in the same city. un less they are the same person. that would be weird. I got super excited when you appeared in my radar.

24 November at 08:08

 Onideus MH PROTIP: If a guy tells you he's a virgin...he's probably lying (or has severely unrealistic expectations).

24 November at 09:26

 Messy Jessie pro tip don't admit to fabricating everything you say cause if a guy tells you he isn't a virgin he probably is lying.

24 November at 21:00

 Messy Jessie works both ways.

24 November at 21:14

 Messy Jessie you would be perfect for my next victim. nobody will believe you that you got raped by a girl.

24 November at 21:40

 Onideus MH LOL, you can't rape a guy, dipshit. Not unless by "Messy Jessie" you mean you're a mess "down there" in you've got a pecker.

I think that's cute though when a girl believes that though. The only real danger for guys for the most part is forgetting to wear a condom. And don't ever accept condoms from a girl (they could be full of holes) and don't ever believe that line about, "I'm on the pill!" Hurr de durr...let's just pretend you're ~not~ shall we?
24 November at 22:00

 Messy Jessie well most of the time I don't let anyone know about my pecker if we are only going to have a one night stand. but relationships are about mutual respect and honesty. Being a stubborn liar and deflection from getting caught lying is not going out of your way to be considerate of your friends family and mate. Also I think our children would end up on some autistic spectrum since I been diagnosed with ADHD and non verbal learning disability and you probably have a disability as well. Protection is a must

24 November at 22:31

 Messy Jessie I guess you can lie to me and others on the internet but you have blended your irl with the internet world. it's hard to lie when we can research some of your posts.

24 November at 22:43

 Onideus MH You know...most of the time...when you're posting...I have ~no~ freakin idea who you're even talking to. LOL I mean, it's ~like~ you're talking to me...but you're not. It's more like you're talking to yourself ~about~ me...which is quite peculiar to say the least (as well as mildly entertaining).

24 November at 22:59

 Messy Jessie you talk to yourself all the time before I came around.

24 November at 17:00

 Messy Jessie but once again you got caught in a lie and are still avoiding admitting that you are wrong.

24 November at 23:01

 Onideus MH No, I make journal/exposition type posts, I don't talk ~to~ myself in the way that you seem to do most of the time.

24 November at 23:01

 Onideus MH PS - I was wrong...uh...about whatever it is you think I'm wrong about. LOL

24 November at 23:02

 Messy Jessie Virgin or not a Virgin when you tell someone not to believe yet you don't care if we believe and yet complain that you don't know why they don't believe you will sue. well it all backfires on you.

24 November at 23:05

 Messy Jessie no that was a half ass apology. I don't like it. you need to stop being so stubborn and apologize for being a liar.

24 November at 23:07

 Messy Jessie no one will believe you anyways. apologize for lying to me about being an adult baby. and lying to me about being a Virgin.

24 November at 23:09

 Messy Jessie you can't change your story anymore but you can start choosing a different lifestyle. cause nobody judges z for being a drug addict but if he denies it and lies we will notice and judge him for it.

24 November at 23:12

 Messy Jessie just like the way everyone notices you say one thing but go on to say it was a lie.

24 November at 23:14

 Messy Jessie soon you will be giving pro tips about if someone says they are going to sue someone it probably means they are lying.

24 November at 23:15

 Messy Jessie anyways you should probably consider buying some land in walla walla cause I hear the best wine in the world comes from the vines grown in walla walla.

24 November at 23:17

 Messy Jessie or you could sit in your diaper listening to me.

24 November at 23:25

 Messy Jessie complain about folding my clothes and being on my period.

24 November at 23:26

 Onideus MH Blah, blah, like to argue just for the sake of arguing, don't you?

24 November at 23:27

 Joe Lan Jessie:2 points Onideus:0 point

24 November at 23:33
· 1

 Messy Jessie no you!

24 November at 23:33

 Joe Lan What do I do?

24 November at 23:34

 Messy Jessie I want to go on a wine tour in walla walla. take me out on a date Mathew!

24 November at 23:37

 Messy Jessie you both annoy me. trolling me so hard.

24 November at 23:38

 Joe Lan How am I trolling you, Jessie?

24 November at 23:39

 Messy Jessie you suggested that people like oni should use their wiki on encyclopedia dramatica as a wake up call to change what's wrong.

24 November at 23:41

 Joe Lan No, I suggesting that Oni try to prove them all wrong by changing his habit and moving on with his life, how is that wrong? Also, how is my recommendation that he work out in the gym and get a girlfriend wrong? You do notice how he behaving recently, do you?

24 November at 23:46

 Messy Jessie honestly it makes people's behavioral problems intensify. someday you will have a stampede of lol cows trample your ass.

24 November at 23:46

 Joe Lan Huh, thanks. Since you believe my way not working, what better way do you think that will help Oni out?

24 November at 23:50

 Messy Jessie people hate being called out on their flaws. and all of what you said you think he needs to do is probably not what he is comfortable with. he probably would not be ready for a girlfriend. poor guy has been homeless and needs a social worker or a therapist. for this reason I will not rape him.

24 November at 23:50

 Messy Jessie take down his wiki. pot calling the kettle.

24 November at 23:52

 Messy Jessie someone should.

24 November at 23:52

 Onideus MH "people hate being called out on their flaws" mean *YOU* hate being called out on your flaws. Don't project your idiosyncrasies onto others thanks.
24 November at 23:52

 Messy Jessie also I won bingo first time. not so lucky the other times on his wiki.

24 November at 23:53

 Joe Lan Onideus, do you not realize that Jessie have some concern for you? Show some feeling. She do seem to care about your well being.

24 November at 23:55

 Messy Jessie yes oni stop being mentally ill right now! stop that at once! he won't change unless he wants a therapist that is really good at dealing with this.

24 November at 23:59

 Joe Lan "Your greatest enemy is your own inner perception, your own ignorance, your own ego."

--Dr. Obadiah Harris
25 November at 00:01

 Messy Jessie he can't stop it. it's obvious you can't stop him. you know how much patience someone has to have? his family is probably as burnt out and frustrated as mine.

25 November at 00:01

 Messy Jessie he could do some self exploration with a therapist. the more mentally ill someone is the less likely they seek help. people with egos like his are so not the type to get help. everyone else is the problem. not him.

25 November at 00:03

 Joe Lan So I'm at loss then. But wait, you live near him. Do you think you could pay him a visit and kindly help him will solve the problem? I would greatly appreciate it. He down to his last hope.

25 November at 00:27

 Messy Jessie reminds me of this boy I talked to on irc # ed who told me if was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. that was before they took personality disorders out of the new DSM

25 November at 00:08

 Joe Lan Who do you think I remind you of?

25 November at 00:08

 Messy Jessie no cause we would probably kill each other. I can't leave Oregon anyways.

25 November at 00:09

 Joe Lan Oop, I forgot.

25 November at 00:10

 Joe Lan But there still trace of hope for him. He could overcome it.

25 November at 00:12
· 1

 Messy Jessie I was reminded of the boy I talked to because of oni

25 November at 00:13

 Joe Lan Who is it?

25 November at 00:14

 Joe Lan Also, Jessie, how your mental health? Is everything going OK? I just making sure going alright.

25 November at 00:21

 Joe Lan Just trying to be a Good Samaritan.

25 November at 00:28
· 1

 Onideus MH LOL, I like how Jessie tries to play pretend psychoanalyst on the Internet. ^__^

PROTIP: No ~real~ psychologist would *EVER* try making *ANY* sort of "diagnosis" based upon "words on a screen". In fact that would be a great way to get yourself laug...See More
25 November at 00:39

 Joe Lan Please do get mad at me for saying this, but are you also diagnosis with autism? You seem to have some of the notable traits.

25 November at 00:46

 Onideus MH The lessers and wannabes always gravitate towards making "online diagnosis" most often in regards to autism and narcissism, 99% of the time having ~no~ freakin clue as to what those things even are, let alone the diagnostic criteria for them (which for...See More

25 November at 00:50

 Joe Lan Ok then, how you been? Everything go alright.

25 November at 01:01

 Messy Jessie shove a pacifier in your mouth and shut up oni. I wasn't talking to you anyways I was talking to myself remember??? besides I never said I was diagnosing you with anything but suggested that you do have a mental illness. I have no idea what it could be...See More

25 November at 02:23

 Messy Jessie I can't exactly deny my problems like oni can. and it's really not a good thing to always deny what's going on in your life cause you end up facing a bigger problem in the end.

25 November at 02:26

 Onideus MH Blah, blah, blah...don't care; didn't read.

25 November at 02:46

 Messy Jessie looks like that wiki article you quoted says your type have a strong libido. now I can say you have been asking for it all this time.

25 November at 02:49

 Messy Jessie blah blah blah.

25 November at 02:51

 Messy Jessie blah blah blah quotes a wiki article to make him appear less of a Virgin. blah blah blah

25 November at 02:55

 Onideus MH You know Jessie, if you didn't sleep with random guys all the time you wouldn't have STDs...I'm just sayin.

25 November at 02:55

 Messy Jessie only takes one boy not several men to get an STD you fucking ass hat. you should wear a diaper for your ass hat too.

25 November at 02:58

 Messy Jessie I only wanted to graze in the same field as the other lol cows but oni is too good to graze next to me.

25 November at 03:03

 Joe Lan Oni, I think you should play this video, , and reflect on it. And please do not bite the hand that feeds you.

25 November at 03:57

 Messy Jessie lol I wouldn't open that link. do a virus check

25 November at 03:59

 Messy Jessie never mind it's you tube

25 November at 04:01

 Joe Lan So what your refection on it Jessie?

25 November at 04:03

 Messy Jessie lol I think meditation music is my cup of tea when I need to relax

25 November at 04:19

November 20

November 20:

 Onideus MH

ED3 is online...albeit private right now and not with the original domain (which I hope to procure in the near future). I'm basically working on it in secret for now. There's TONS of work to do though. Zaiger really has no fucking clue at all just how much work I was doing on the site and just how fragmented/damaged his iteration presently is.

Basically there were HUNDREDS of articles I was working on simultaneously as far as gallery restructuring/sorting. A lot of stuff in fact was taken OUT entirely and presently only exists on MY system in dozens of different text files (where it was being sorted and eventually would have been put back in)...only now it's only being worked on in ~my~ iteration.

Mass uploads are continuing as well. Basically all the work I was doing on Zaiger's iteration...I'm now doing on ~mine~ in secret.

That way when his winds up obliterated (for one reason or another) I can immediately put mine up directly in its place. And it'll be vastly superior on every level imaginable.

Mine is gonna be slightly different though. Mostly in that there's no "blatant attack articles" and no tweenage muppet fuck Deviantartlet articles whining about some nobody who "stole" their artwork and made them all butt flustered.

Basically it needs to be noteworthy on at least ~some~ relevant level. Not like Zaiger's rendition where the only real rule is, "WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH USELESS SLOP, DON'T REMOVE ANYTHING!"

*rolls eyes*
20 November at 02:31

November 18

November 18:

 Onideus MH

Joe Lan died apparent. Rest in peace. Goodnight sweet prince.

 Joe Lan I am alive, you fool. At least I'm not on Facebook every single day like you!

18 November at 05:03

 Onideus MH Boy that certainly flew on over yer lil head now didn't it?

18 November at 06:39

 Joe Lan So how's life?

19 November at 18:34

 Joe Lan Seem like you just disappeared off the face of Earth. Goodnight, Captain Underpants.

20 November at 02:31

 Onideus MH Work is presently being done in secret...and no, you're not invited. ED3 is already online...we just need to get the original domain back. ^__^

20 November at 11:35

 Joe Lan How about instead of continually plotting against ED and becoming more like LIAT, you take a deep look over yourself and said "I do not want be this, it not who I am". Also, hit the gym for God's sake, get a girlfriend, and prove your article wrong if you can. I double dare you! In other words, learn from your past and then try to turn your life around.

20 November at 16:01

 Onideus MH LOL, you wanna know why I'm not bothered by my article?

PROTIP: It's all bullshit. ^__^

Might wanna take your ~own~ advice though, Sparkes.
20 November at 16:01

 Messy Jessie I don't like Joe lan. people really should mind their own business. there really is no reason to change unless you are not happy with your life. if captain underpants wants to not have a love life and sit inside enjoying his internet hobbies why change? people have far worse habits that need attention. I don't even bother cause they are responsible for themselves only.

November 23 at 00:59

 Messy Jessie and someone is trying to advocate for you to get back on encyclopedia dramatica. unless you want to talk shit I would not associate with any of them.

November 23 at 01:09

 Onideus MH Usually when a person obsesses over a random stranger's lifestyle/hobbies/interests/etc it's because they have very low self-esteem and trying to tear down others is their only means of feeling better about themselves. I honestly feel kind of bad for them...I mean when your entire life is reduced to nothing but hating on the things that random strangers are doing with their time...yeah, you've pretty well reached an entirely new level of sad.

November 23 at 01:11

 Messy Jessie I guess Hunter Moore reminds me of z. he allows the most evil shit to happen. members that encouraged suicide and other creeps. Hunter Moore even called his followers "my children” I doubt z has ever said that but I know he is a black hat thinker. I stopped talking to like I care when he admitted he thinks Amanda Todd suicide was because she was stupid and deserved it. not everyone has a support group when you are being followed from school to school and harassed by an older male.

November 23 at 01:24

 Messy Jessie it's mental illness. you have to be so incredibly strong and thick skinned to deal with the entire world shaming you. Like it's nothing compared to the women who didn't do anything to deserve being on a revenge porn site. I still think it would be far more traumatic being an innocent person compared to guilty person like me. But not everyone on encyclopedia dramatica is a bad person. You and your family never have committed any crimes. Nor do the punishment necessarily needs to come from them anyways.

November 23 at 02:35

November 14

November 14:

 Onideus MH

OH NOES! They're recording all my PUBLIC FaceBook posts?! Holy shit this is SERIOUS BUSINESS!

*rolls eyes*

Wake me up when they shoot up a school or get themselves arrested for threatening children, otherwise I could generally care less.

 Joe Lan And that does it, I am out. I try to be nice, but you do not care. Way to use people. And what with the false accusations now?

14 November at 15:28

 Ludwig Linkermann Joe Lan, you're a faggot

14 November at 16:45

 Joe Lan Agree!

14 November at 17:35

 Onideus MH Oh wow! Ahahahaha! The talk page is fucking priceless! It's like "The Time Masheen" from Idiocracy!

The part where they're whining about not being able to find really old posts is also pretty hysterical. Apparently the retards have never heard of Hipcrime. Hurr de durr! As far as I know the actual damage inflicted by the group was largely incalculable at the time, but most estimates put the number of burned posts at somewhere in the range 10 to 50 thousand...a large chunk of which were my own.

At least when Google bought out Deja they fixed their Mickey Mouse security and patched all the holes Hipcrime was using to rewrite history.

Personally, I want to see some pictures of this supposed five million dollar hat they claim I own. LOL I should go and get a gigantor fucking sombrero and take some pictures of myself with it and then nonchalantly drop them around here and there...then in ten years or so when the next group of fumbling retards takes a "Time Masheen" trip it'll wind up getting linked to the "five million dollar hat" deal. *snicker*

These retards are nothing if not entertaining. I need to make sure I archive all their hilariousness though in case they suddenly go "poof" sooner rather than later.

If Cloud Flare gets a cease and desist they may pull the plug on everything prematurely and the whole site will topple on over.
14 November at 19:27

 Joe Lan Excuse me, who are you talking to?

14 November at 22:00

 Onideus MH Excuse you, who are you talking to?

14 November at 22:40

 Joe Lan That what I like to ask you. But anyway, how do you like the picture?

14 November at 22:41

 Messy Jessie He wants this attention obviously or he feels like he is a threat without any consequences.

15 November at 01:51

 Messy Jessie Eventually they will all tell him to deal with it like my family did cause you kept antagonizing all of them. Or you have gone as far as sending emails to the school yourself.

15 November at 01:54

 Messy Jessie Honestly have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist? If all of this bothers you a therapist can give you tools to cope. The people on encyclopedia dramatic are really Ill informed about mental health issues. They diagnose everyone that is different as a faggot or stupid.

15 November at 02:51

 Messy Jessie Atomic Joe keeps talking shit about you being a adult diaper wearing retard cause he works as a CNA and secretly enjoys changing diapers. Why else would he come on so strong? He enjoys the work and wants to change your diaper.

15 November at 02:58

 Messy Jessie So about that cloud flare idea. There are several people who have had the idea to sue encyclopedia dramatica. But all have obviously attempted to do it the wrong way. What we know about encyclopedia dramatica is that they are not welcomed by the internet community. Example of this is pay pal banning them and encyclopedia having to resort to vanilla reload. Green dot would tell them to fuck off too. Vanilla reload was a good idea. I was thinking of contacting all the people who have written via am attorney to encyclopedia dramatica that have it displayed on their wiki to suggest to try cloud flare instead. There is one wiki on encyclopedia dramatica showing off the letter from a lawyer. So just in case you don't go through with this a frustrated family I know might be interested in what you have to say about cloud flare.

15 November at 05:20

 Onideus MH I don't think anyone has actually tried to sue Encyclopedia Dramatica, or more directly Brian Zaiger. If they had, the site wouldn't exist any longer. Lots of people ~threaten~ to sue, but so far no one actually has. Basically, he's running on luck...and it's quickly running out.

15 November at 06:52

 Messy Jessie Z has no money. Why would anyone want to sue him or even date him.? What kind of girl dates someone that has no money? Fuck love! I wouldn't mess with that!

15 November at 07:20

 Messy Jessie Good luck oni. I don't want to be a part of this anymore. It just enables my mental health issues and I start obsessing. I am taking you off my Facebook only to keep it out of my mind so I can move on.

15 November at 08:58

 Onideus MH It doesn't matter if Zaiger has any money or not because if he doesn't pay he'll wind up sent to collections, his credit with be destroyed, his car/house/belongings repossessed and he'll have his wages garnished for the rest of his worldly existence. All in all quite a fitting end for him I think. ^__^

15 November at 09:41

November 11

November 11:

 Onideus MH

If you're on ED...I would get off of it right now. Apparently Zaiger did something monumentally stupid beyond measure (threatened a school) and I wound up having to turn over all of my data on ED and its users to the cops...*ALL* of it, including a complete archive of the drugs forums and dox on most of its users that I had amassed.
Rock Huerta likes this.

 Messy Jessie I really doubt you did but honestly schools deal with drama all the time. the drug forums are not illegal either in till people openly start to offer what they have for sale. no cop will take this seriously in till someone writes threats of physical harm to another person . truth is you have to have evidence that this person in question was writing the threats and it does not mean that zaiger is really posting under zaiger. what if his account got hacked? and even if an ip address was subpoenaed what difference does it make if you can't prove they are the ones writing these so called threats. you sound as mad as I do when everything about you has been exposed. and for what? a flame war on the internet? good grief! just remember that you can be active with this community or you can be involved in society. society will always be the best choice due to it's diplomatic approach.

11 November at 22:12

 Onideus MH You must be living under a rock or something. You sound like that guy who got nailed last January. All he did was make a sarcastically threatening comment about a school and last I checked he's ~still~ behind bars.

Threatening a school is like walking into an airport and joking that you have a bomb. Even if it's a joke they nail your ass in every other direction imaginable.

And while talking about drugs and drug use in an online forum isn't illegal per se it DOES give them "just cause" to come breakin down your door and rooting through every last thing you own. And if they find even the smallest amount of drugs they can basically take everything you own...permanently. If the drugs aren't yours, even if it's a friend's drugs in your house...if they're in your forfeit the house and everything in it to the feds.

I would HIGHLY suggest you do some research, because if you're really that ignorant as to just how fast law enforcement can rip your life apart over the smallest, stupidest thing're basically a target waiting to happen.

They wouldn't even tell me what the "threat" was exactly, just that someone made a threat and either I could cooperate or they would simply ~take~ my stuff. I chose to cooperate and I chose to give them...everything. What they're going to do with it and who they're tracking down I have no idea, that's not really my concern.

And it doesn't matter if the threats came directly from Zaiger or not. If you supply the means to facilitate and fuel get to go to jail if they decide to make a billboard out of you. Don't think so? Go have a talk with the owners of Pirate Bay. The only thing they ever hosted was hash files to torrents and they're all doing jail time at this point. Even though they didn't host any of the copyrighted/illegal material in ANY direct manner they still facilitated the illegal activities and, as such, are guilty. REALLY need to wisen up, before you wind up in jail for doing/saying something monumentally stupid online.
11 November at 22:50

 Messy Jessie I have said a ton of stupid things online. just ask zaiger. stupid is easier to accomplish on the internet. and I happen to be very good at getting straight up stupid. try being stupid IRL and you either end up in jail , dead or wishing you were dead. sometimes the internet does cross into our daily lives and it really does end up being regrettable or un fixable.. I wouldn't take anything on the internet seriously in till it effects your real world problems offline. your just a classic case of everything on the internet is your reality. step aside good sir for I speak from experience with these people and know that they are rarely looked upon as a legitimate threat to your daily life or that of your mother. truth is you are in control and actually responsible for exposing yourself to these people. un like me I have not been aware of the internet culture till recently. I had no idea what I walked into. I was really naive about how cruel some people can be to one another and I started learning all this the hard way. I wish I lurked more but it's too late for that so I joke about my misfortunes cause that is the only road to recovery.

11 November at 23:18

 Messy Jessie everything is going to be okay onideus. it's mind over matter and what you don't mind doesn't matter.

11 November at 23:22

 Onideus MH Kiddo, no offense but you have ~no~ idea who you're talking to. I once enraged a guy online to the point of hacking into the NAMBLA website and defacing the front end of it with picture of me for about a week straight...he got to serve time in a federal prison for his efforts.

Then there's the wondrous case of Emmett Gulley who got to be the FIRST poster child of what *NOT* to do in the online world...

He too got to spend several years in a federal penitentiary for his "efforts".

And then there's the case of Jason Fortuny, who had an absolute blast running around the Internet being a callously uncaring troll of the highest least up until the point at which he was sued for harassment, libel and various other things I can't recall and, well, now he gets to have his wages garnished for the rest of his natural existence.

I understand that for kids like you who just got into this game last week that you ~think~ you're untouchable in the online world...that you can say and do anything you want...but you really, REALLY can't.

99% of the time...the ONLY thing keeping your life from being unequivocally destroyed is "not enough give-a-fuck". Occasionally though you inadvertently trip up someone with the time, effort and wherewithal to bite back...and not let go.

I'm one of the very few "oldbies" left in this game. Most of my old friends are long gone. Either arrested or quit while they had the chance or smart enough to not do anything monumentally stupid. REALLY need to wizen up kiddo...
..that's TWO in less than a year. There are just some things you DO NOT ever do in the online world...threaten a school is pretty well NUMBER ONE.
11 November at 23:31

 Messy Jessie don't be an condescending smart ass. I know the Jason fortuny freak. not enough give a fuck? thank God nobody gives a fuck about me besides myself. girls are never a threat anyways. maybe that's why we get away with so much naughtiness.

11 November at 23:42

 Messy Jessie check your Washington Post article kiddo : Most victims have a harder time getting help from law enforcement, online advocacy groups say.

11 November at 23:46

 Onideus MH Oh did you want some examples of women? How about the countless number of high school girls who have been permanently branded as pedophiles and sex offenders because they were "sexting" topless and nude photos of themselves? The system which was supposed to be designed to protect children/teens from child molesters and the like is now being used AGAINST THEM in some of the most sordidly disgusting and backwards ways imaginable.

Again, you REALLY need to do some research. I don't think you have any idea just how screwed up our society has become in the past decade or so.
11 November at 23:52

 Onideus MH PS - Check the DATE of that article, it's 1998 kiddo! That was FIFTEEN YEARS ago!

11 November at 23:52

 Onideus MH Here's some more craziness which has recently come to light:

11 November at 23:49

 Messy Jessie another point of mine that is clear in that Washington Post article : At the same time, many police agencies are reluctant or ill equipped to deal with the problem because it is still so new and because it is often unclear when online misbehavior crosses the legal line from annoying to criminal. Many states are rushing to adapt their penal codes; in Maryland, a law making it a misdemeanor to send e-mail "with the intent to harass" went into effect Oct. 1.

11 November at 23:50

 Onideus MH We're living in the era of Thought Police where "1984" is no longer fiction, but quickly becoming our reality and way of life.

11 November at 23:50

 Onideus MH And again, you're reading an article from FIFTEEN YEARS ago...things are MUCH different/worse these days.

11 November at 23:51

 Onideus MH Are you under 18?

11 November at 23:55

 Onideus MH And actually you can get booted off FB for that you know.

11 November at 23:56

 Onideus MH Even if you're over 18.

11 November at 23:56

 Onideus MH All it takes it just a few random people to report that picture and you can lose your entire FB account in an instant.

11 November at 23:57

 Messy Jessie yes I am under 18

11 November at 23:58

 Onideus MH Your FB account says your DOB is 1986, that would make you 27. Still, if you want to ~keep~ your FB account (or don't want to bother with having to make a new one every couple years)...yeah, not a real smart idea.

11 November at 23:59

 Messy Jessie nobody cares. I am 27. at least I don't have people I hate on my Facebook like you do. they don't respect you. you are done with encyclopedia dramatica. now you got me though. come to Portland

12 November at 0:02

 Onideus MH My original FB page was semi-recently obliterated, which included a couple hundred friends (about a dozen close friends) and around 50 or so "followers". I made this crazy "Christian Witch" lady all buttmad though and she and her "Bible coven" continuously sent off hundreds of false abuse reports to FB...although on an up note she then shortly after wound up losing her ~own~ FB account and in turn had a spastic little fit about it (apparently that whole "do unto others" bit never sunk in with her).

I actually have ~another~ FB account that's a true replacement for my old one, however it's ALL private and ONLY close friends/family can see it. Basically unless I know you personally in the real world you won't ever see that account. This account is simply a "throw-away account", so it really doesn't matter whose on my friends list or whether they're actually friends of mine or not...that's not the purpose of this account.

And I'm not done with ED either, I really am seriously considering suing him in small claims court and, given case precedence in the matter...he'll very likely lose...well, ASSuming he can even get his ass up here for the court date, if he can't then he automatically loses and I get a couple thousand bucks with no effort at all.

Suing people is easy. My mom used to go around suing everyone under the sun simply to cause them grief. Usually for incredibly astronomical/nonsensical amounts of money. The trick was that they had to hire lawyers to get the cases thrown out of court...but then in doing so the judge would never award them any counter-suit attorney fees...meaning she would basically spend like $10 to $100 bucks in order to inflict upwards of a $1,000+ worth of damages into them. It's amazing what you can do with our legal system. ^__^
12 November at 00:16

 Messy Jessie your mom sounds like a great human being. suing people for billions instead of just fucking dealing with an issue is why the max to sue someone is at 250,000. people that actually need to sue for millions can not. watch the documentary called hot coffee. and it's incredibly difficult to sue someone in a different state. I would think you would have to go to their state that he lived in. my guess is that you are blowing steam and won't ever consider this. once again I doubt you have anything to sue him over. you haven't even said the reason why you would sue him and act like he would be forced to come to Oregon. once again it's very highly un likely. you have to sue them in the county they live in.

12 November at 00:24

 Messy Jessie truth is the best thing you can do is live a meaningful life that is far more interesting and successful. this means not being like them because honestly these people have similar situations where they are only interested in someone else's life and don't have a life themselves .don't be fooled that they make fun of you for this. turn this around and you dox them you will find not much going on besides the usual day to day occurrences of eating sleeping the internet and work. that's why they make it a hobby to take interest in other peoples lives. I mean it's got to be the only reason because if they had a life they wouldn't be involved in risking everything that is of importance to a bunch of people that dox others as a hobby. and they act surprised when you are one of them yet represent the average encyclopedia dramatica user. suddenly it surprises them to find a 33 year old man who probably has no life besides the internet? I think not. I think it's self hatred of looking at someone that reminds them of the average encyclopedia dramatica user. These people are sincerely lost.

12 November at 01:28

 Messy Jessie anyone that chastises you and gets in your personal business and not only that but makes it a hobby is really more likely to be hiding skeletons in their closet.

12 November at 01:32

 Onideus MH It's much, MUCH more complicated than that. There are dozens of different variables from state to state and even county to county and court to court. Some circuits/courts/counties/judges are more "plantiff friendly" than others.

Some states even have laws which allow an offender to be criminally prosecuted even if the behavior or conduct displayed only constitutes an IMPLIED threat!

Basically meaning that Zaiger could not only face the "tortish" end of the civil spectrum, but could even be prosecuted on the criminal end as well.

Oh, also, there are different TYPES of jurisdiction and venue changes can be sought as well.

In general though, in civil suits involving Internet stalking/harassment/libel and the like the courts tend to be more "plantiff friendly" than "defendant friendly".

In a lot of cases though it can come down to legal knowledge. Whoever has the most or whoever hires the most knowledgable lawyer is the one who comes out on top as far as venue. 12 November at 01:34

 Messy Jessie the moment you become a better human being is the day you win. and it sincerely won't take much to do this. these people have nothing better to do and you can move on knowing it's probably a blessing in disguise that you are not associated with encyclopedia dramatica

12 November at 01:39

 Onideus MH Oh, also, Internet trolls and the like get sued all the time...and uh...interestingly enough...they very often LOSE...BADLY...
I'm thinkin Zaiger is gonna wind up in the same boat...especially given what he's been doing with Encyclopedia Dramatica. On the ~old~ ED is was completely unheard of to post a person's personal information (unless they openly posted it), much less social security numbers, outright threats and attempts to incite real world personal damages against a person. The ~old~ ED wouldn't even tolerate most "blatant attack articles"...largely because Sherrod was smart enough to keep herself out of trouble for the most part (although even she was feeling a lot of pressure).

Zaiger is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. He's basically taken ED and turned it into his own little personal army playpen of wanton revenge against anyone who makes him overly buttmad. He openly uses the site to incite and facilitate real world level harassment, slander, libel and the like and openly encourages users to commit acts of violence and crime against article subjects.

He hasn't even been running the site for more than a couple years and has already lost two domain names (and only got the last one back because *I* helped him get it back). It's really only a matter of time. If *I* don't sue him...someone else will. And it would be best if it was me since I would be able to directly use any winnings in order to create the ~next~ iteration of ED...which is going to happen. Given Zaiger's present behavior it's only a matter of time. It's no longer a question of "if" but a question of "when".

I also have the best all around case since I presently have the only article that both links to an illegally obtained/published social security number, but one that also has Zaiger himself openly inciting and encouraging users of the site to commit acts of violence and criminal behavior.

Essentilaly...if I do sue this point, he's already lost. *shrugs* 12 November at 01:50

 Messy Jessie they do not contribute anything of value to society. they are horrible pain in the ass and take notice of Gnaa. that guy deserves to be in jail.weez fucking commented on how he caused the stock market to panic. he targeted our economy and acted like he was a victim of the evil government. truth is don't go hacking into other people's information and you won't get in trouble and possibly responsible adults will take your anti whatever seriously. in the end he only trolled himself

12 November at 01:49

 Messy Jessie lol Jason fortuny was a horrible fucking human waste. he hurt innocent people and was a coward all the way to the end. they all are cowards. he didn't show up to the court hearing and I already know about him onideous. it really should have occurred to me that this was not just one person who was like this but the entire group of encyclopedia dramatica users. I think I owe my family an apology.

12 November at 01:54

 Messy Jessie I am sorry this happened to you. nobody should expose someone's social security number. these people are severely socially stunted. I hope things get better. the website is hosted out of the country to avoid civil disputes. to my understanding this is why so much has been allowed to happen. for example copyright infringement.

12 November at 02:14

 Onideus MH Not all of them are, it's about 75% bad, 25% good. Those on the lesser end of the spectrum follow old trolling codes like Formosa's Law, don't ever cross or encourage anyone to cross the "RL Line" (real world/life attacks) and follow a general kind of code of honor in which you NEVER do to anyone online what you wouldn't want done to yourself.

That's the whole reason ~why~ I had an article in the first place that I created. It's because I follow and adhere to the OLD ways. Unfortunately most of the younger generation these days has absolutely no concept of personal responsibility. They want to attack others and to hurt them because they derive some sort of sordid, sick, twisted personal pleasure out of it. Ripping others apart to feel good about their own horrible little lives. They're not in it for the entertainment or satirical fun, they do unto others what they would NEVER want done to themselves.

Most of them also try very hard to hide online, many believing they're "anonymous" and as such can't ever be touched and can do whatever they like online, to any degree and without any reprecussions or consequences...however, as I said, they very, *VERY* often wind up learning the hard way. Weev, Ryan and Jason are only the tip of the iceberg. Those are just the more "famous" ED regulars who have been hammered by law enforcement in recent years.

Those who don't wizen up in this "game"...they basically wind up burning themselves...and often in some incredibly spectacular how Ryan Cleary was nailed for child pornography (in addition to his DDoS attacks and such). Makes me glad I was never apart of Zaiger's "inner circle" as he put it. I'm more than happy to be an "outsider" to child porn dealing criminal friends of his. 12 November at 02:20

 Onideus MH Actually, the site isn't hosted overseas, they only ~pretend~ it is. They're using CloudFlare to mask their servers true location, which is very much state side. That's why I'm actually thinking about suing ~them~ instead of Zaiger since I could get a *LOT* more money out of it. Even though they're not hosting the site they are providing direct access to it, and on that level case precedence is abundantly clear.

12 November at 02:17

 Onideus MH I'm mostly just pissed off at him because he's ruining ED's name and turning the site into a criminal/attack site rather than a parody/satirical comedy site.

Eventually things will get back on track though, like I said, even if ~I~ don't sue him, someone else will, or he'll wind up nailed by law enforcement (which could potentially happen in the next few days).

Once he is and the present iteration goes tits up in the ensuing wake then I'll put the site back up again and under my direct control. I'm actually the only person who even ~has~ a complete holistic backup of the entire original site.

Over the past two years I only got around to restoring about 5% of what was missing when the site was rebooted. I purposefully only restored a handful of files at a time, largely to ensure that I would be the only one to retain true "ownership" over the original site in its entirety. far as I know not even Sherrod can say that. From what I've heard she ~literally~ dumped most of the original site when she reformed it into Oh Internet, she didn't keep any original backups at all.
12 November at 02:28

 Messy Jessie the website would be wonderful if it didn't include people that are average users. people like Chris Chan , Jason fortuny and Jessi slaughter are great examples of what a wiki should be made up of. there are random dox of people like Phobos. a true waste of a wiki. he is not well known by anyone but yet has made it to the front of encyclopedia dramatica main page!. really a huge disappointment.

12 November at 02:51

 Joe Lan Chris Chan and his kinds running the wiki is a great example?! Hahaha...that hilarious.

12 November at 17:09

 Messy Jessie Joe lan what the fuck are you talking about? we are talking about people who should be a wiki compared to encyclopedia dramatica becoming an un professional dox drop of people that really nobody cares to read about. Everyone wants to read about Chris Chan.

12 November at 22:59

November 10

November 10:

 Ludwig Linkermann ->  Onideus MH


I like this.

 Messy Jessie unfortunately they have made a hilarious image of me in a diaper making a sexy pose. what has been seen can never be un seen. that image just burned deep into my retina. actually I was happy with how pretty my face is and my hair color. I plan on growing it out because I have some curls in my hair. I am going out shopping today for an industrial goth club tonight with my Lady friend who is more into then me. can I ask you what is up with the diaper thing? I have done fetish sessions with clients and have heard of it before but I mostly did humiliation.

10 November at 23:51

 Messy Jessie odd guy thinks I make friends with everyone to get back at him. honestly there have always been several people involved in attacks with each lol cow and not just him. I like to reach out to people just to see why they are too bizarre or different for encyclopedia dramatica . it just seems some of these lol cows venture out of the norms even more or do they actually have more in common with societies norms? regarding proper behaviors and mannerisms. I notice all lol cows are super sensitive . which reminds most of autism. some might be autistic which goes into how aggressive some are in fighting back against encyclopedia dramatica. but that's just human nature in general. or you kill yourself. my interest is the same as mewen brown was with Dr music 2010. it's easier to be friends with someone that shares the same hate for all encyclopedia dramatica users and NOT just odd guy. don't flatter yourself fool the world does not revolve around you odd guy. your the one that still updates my wiki when not even myself could care anymore. in fact I used it to find my grandmother's address to mail her a card. it's useful for me.

11 November at 00:13

 Messy Jessie and honestly you are truly never banned. get a friend to set up an account that lives in a different state. make sure they do not use a proxy server. they won't be able to anyways.

11 November at 00:44

 Onideus MH "Littles" don't actually like wearing diapers for the most part, that's more of an "Adult Baby" thing. "Littles" are more like "adult kids". The primary difference is that "Littles" are centered more on play type, watching cartoons, playing games, coloring, fun stuffs like that. On the flip side "Adult Babies" are more centered on comfort/security type things like blankies, bottles, pacifiers, etc.

There's also "Diaper Lovers" who have a simple object fetish, similar to leather, rubber and other such material/object forms.

And then there's also the BDSM side of it, in which they're primarily used as a form of punishment/humiliation/control.

A lot of "Little" and "Adult Baby" surrogates/"Bigs" tend to center in the BDSM dom side of things, they like being in control of someone, having someone dependent upon them, etc.

Most "Littles" don't much like baby oriented stuff because it can be dangerous. Basically, for "Littles", the more we're treated like children and the more "parental" someone acts towards us, the more we can't help but respond and react like a child. So if a "Big" or surrogate sticks us in diapers it's like being stuck in "Little" mode constantly, which makes us extremely vulnerable to manipulation, persuasion, control and the like.

That's also why we have to be *VERY* careful as far as real world relationships; absolute trust is essential since they basically know our weakest point and generally how to best exploit it as well. Most of us keep our "circle of friends" so to speak *VERY* small/tight as it's generally dangerous for us to be overly trusting with just anyone.
12 November at 06:00

 Messy Jessie interesting. so are you a little or a big? another question would you rather not talk about it or if you want to talk about do so in private?

12 November at 06:34

 Messy Jessie I have always been interested in the psychology behind it. truth is there is not much suggesting that you like under age partners unless you tell me otherwise. I could be mistaken since I read the wiki on autonepiophilia states that there really isn't much scientific research conducted about this behavior. so basically it must make you feel very vulnerable to anyone you talk to openly about this.

12 November at 06:45

 Onideus MH I'm a "Little", I'm quite open about it. Childlike creativity/imagination mixed with adult level intellect and's quite a handy combination. Being a "Little" has several distinct benefits. For one we have essentially zero stress since we can find comfort/bliss in just about anything. From glow sticks to cereal box toys to jumping in mud puddles to watching rain drops on the generally doesn't take much to keep us entertained.

We get the best of both worlds, able to be entertained by both adult level pursuits and child-like pursuits, we basically tend to be pretty happy about everything in general. And since we generally have little to no stress we often have less medical problems and don't appear to age as rapidly as most people. We feel young, we look young, pretty sweet deal.

There are some downsides though, like what I talked about before on the trust issue and we also have a sort of pervasive pattern of procrastination. Except it's not exactly procrastination. Basically our "Little" side will just outright refuse to do certain "boring adult stuff" and we put things off until the very last minute, at which point our "Little" side basically starts to panic and our "adult side" then becomes dominant. So basically we tend to work really good under pressure, but we very often put things off again and again until it reaches like a "crisis level".

We also don't often make the healthiest of choices as far as eating. I usually take a friend with me whenever I go grocery shopping just to make sure I don't wind up buying half the candy aisle out of impulse.

Most "Littles" do better when they have a surrogate/"Big" around to kind of keep their "Little" side in check.
12 November at 06:45

 Onideus MH It's actually impossible for an adult/teen baby or a "Little" to be a pedophile. Pedophiles seek to destroy innocence while we seek to embody, promote and push the form.

A good way to think of it is this...when we look at a picture of a child, we basically see a kind of mirror of ourselves, there's a kind of connection/familiarity on a personal level. Like how a person will identify with certain groups/labels, saying things like "I'm a feminist", "I'm a Christian", "I'm a Republican" us, it's "I'm a child", so when we see a picture of a child we essentially see ~ourselves~.

Pedophiles on the flip side, when they look at that SAME picture they imagine themselves sexually molesting and *RAPING* the child. Destroying their innocence and child-like nature in the process. Pedophiles are effectively the absolute anti-thesis to our very being. We are complete and total polar opposites on all levels. Which is why the two can never be one in the same...since you would basically have to imagine yourself...raping yourself... ಠ_ಠ

In fact, many AB/TBs and "Littles" were actually "made" by pedophiles, who effectively had their innocence, their babyhood/childhood forcibly RAPED and/or beaten out of them. In my case my I had a healthy dose of "middle child syndrome" mixed with lots of physical/verbal abuse from my dad. One of his favorite things to do when I was really little, 4/5 years old, was to flick his pointer finger off his thumb into the side of my head whenever I wasn't acting "grown up" enough.

I learned very early on that the only way I could get any praise or pseudo love/attention was basically by trying to be as "adult" as possible, which basically inflicted me with a wondrous attachment disorder, which is the basic root of my "Little" side.

Mmmm, while on the subject, it's generally not a good idea for us to ever be around known pedophiles or child abusers...the wanton urge to attack them can be...overwhelming.

To seed the hatred even further a lot of pedophiles try and infiltrate our communities, very often targeting "teen babies" and posing as convenient "mommy" and "daddy" figures...basically offering them a sort of "winning lottery ticket" many of them will jump at the opportunity, not realizing they're being ensnared by a pedo who can then use their own fetish against them, even blackmail them with it (threaten to tell family/friends, show pictures, etc if they ever tell anyone about what's going on). A lot of teens wind up trapped in a kind of vicious cycle of abuse/love. They get seemingly "unconditional love" but only on the condition that they allow themselves to be molested/raped.

Our community has been well known to start literal pedo witch hunts whenever one is discovered attempting to float amongst our ranks. In some instances there have even been real world attacks against them, often to expose them and to try and get them arrested.
12 November at 07:12

 Onideus MH It's generally a lot easier to talk openly about it online, although everyone is a bit different. For myself I've always had an extremely outgoing/open personality type, never shy even in the it's a lot easier for me to be open about it where as others probably don't find it so easy.

Some are also more vulnerable than others. For myself, I'm generally not vulverable at all unless you're someone I've come to trust. Otherwise my "adult side" will kick in automatically if something seems "off". So as such I keep my "trust circle" I guess you could call it, pretty small.
12 November at 07:16

 Messy Jessie I am certain furries and cross dressers deal with social stigmas too.

12 November at 07:21

 Messy Jessie do you know if j. Edgar hoover cross dressed before or after his mother abused him? and do you feel you started your fetishistic behavior before or after your father scolded you?

12 November at 07:27

 Onideus MH Furries often get labeled as bestiality fetishists and lot of those types like to infiltrate and "hide in the open" so to speak within their communities, as well as to try and shape/influence/push other furries towards their sexual interests.

Basically saying you like to fuck animals will garner a lot of hate/rage/disgust...but on the flip side saying you're a ~furry~ who is into "feral" or "non-anthro" forms sounds a lot less negative/disgusting/disturbing, especially if they use the "It's only a fantasy form!" (which is pretty well never is from what I've studied of them).

Furries in general though are much more tolerable towards bestiality fetishists for the most part. Usually with about half their communtiy outright hating everything to do with them and the other half generally just trying to ignore them. It's not like with ABs/TBs/"Littles" where it's a unilateral seething infuriation towards pedophiles.

For cross dressers they probably get labeled as "gay" or "sissies" quite a lot...although those forms have both become pretty mainstream, at least on the homosexual end, so that's probably not as bad I would imagine.
12 November at 07:31

 Onideus MH For myself it's a little hard to say whether it came before or after since it basically started when I was born.

Technically I'm not supposed to even be alive. Hence my real name, "Matthew", meaning "gift from God". Basically my mom kept going into premature labor and so they gave her a bunch of experimental drugs (this back in the late 70s) to keep her from going into labor...downside was that even if the labor was staved off via unnatural means I would likely be born retarded, worse or just outright dead on arrival (or shortly thereafter).

BUT, I wound up winning the "genetic lottery" of sorts and got only positives out of the ordeal; fun stuff like uber high bone density and superior intellectual capability. There's some stuff they still don't completely understand though. I had one doctor who did absolutely nothing but study the ANA levels in my blood for about five years straight (I never saw what so fascinating about it personally).

Anyway, I wound up being born...oooh, ahhh, a "miracle". Except the idiot doctors basically told my parents to "not get too attached" since they were convinced I could either suddenly up and die at any point or that I possibly had some severe mental impairments, etc, etc.

Well, long story short, basically after about a year my parents became pretty convinced I wasn't going anywhere and that I wasn't in any way mentally deficient (much the opposite), but at that point my mom got pregnant with my sister, who was basically an "accident". So, with my mom getting pregnant again that meant less and less attention paid to me...not that they paid me much attention before since they were basically told not to get attached. And then once my sister was born, well, at that point she was the baby and I was then expected to ~not~ be a baby. From babyhood to childhood in a snap and then a couple years later from childhood to adulthood in a snap. That's basically been my past.

So, like I said, hard to say if I was simply "born that way" or if it was due entirely to upbringing or a combination of the two. In either case I suppose it doesn't really much matter on the whole. At this point I am who I am...and I am generally quite happy with that.
12 November at 07:47

 Messy Jessie honestly most of these fetishistic lifestyles seem far more harmless compared to sadist. I honestly think odd guy got pleasure from non consenting subjects like Trixie and myself. and I think it bothers him when he is shamed or someone says they are a good guy in a thread about dropping dox. like most fetishes they come with a social stigma.

12 November at 08:17

 Messy Jessie this is probably the only way a sadistic person without consent from the subject of his interest without getting in trouble with the law.

12 November at 08:29

 Messy Jessie won't let me fix my statement. I meant that it's the only way to fulfill a non consenting fantasy. the internet is a perfect place for sadistic people.

12 November at 08:31

 Onideus MH I think you're right, you can tell by the way he wants to interact. It's one thing to document and write about someone and their kooky behavior (who is truly acting kooky/nutty)'s another thing to try and forcibly inflict it into someone. To try and ~make~ them crazy/kooky. And you know it's not simple/idle entertainment/joking because he can't stand to have the same done to himself without retarding back into some form of defense mechanism.

It could be rooted in some form of humiliation/shame he endured at some point. Basically someone inflicted him with such forms and he hasn't been able to come to terms with it, so as a means of compensating he seeks to try and inflict the same level of emotional damage into others.

It's also possible that his father was emotionally abusive to his mother and he simply "picked it up" as a result of upbringing.

In any event it doesn't appear to be a very healthy form at all. And given how long he's been at it, it's essentially a form of stalking.
12 November at 08:54

 Messy Jessie I don't know why they think you are a pedophile. truth is oddGuy's behavior of posting peoples information without consent is the same way a pedophile would not gain consent from the subjects of his interest. I don't think any other fetish really has anything to do with mom consenting subjects.

12 November at 10:44

 Messy Jessie * non consenting.

12 November at 10:45

 Messy Jessie he is now taking credit for us talking to each other. it really doesn't make sense to openly discuss us to take each other out either. the only person that is obviously wanting us to kill each other is odd guy due to his attempt to warn you about not pushing my buttons. he really wants the opposite to happen. time for bed.

12 November at 10:51

 Onideus MH The pedophile accusations are just more attempts at reaching. Since I'm generally not bothered by anything they have to keep "escalating" to try and "get back" at me and get some measure of relief from their pent up rage and ass hurt. So first it's "You're an adult baby!", then it's "You're a pedophile!" and now since that hasn't worked they've taken to threatening to hurt children and attack schools...obviously this isn't going to end well for them.

12 November at 19:33

 Onideus MH Their delusional fantasies in general are pretty boundless. They've actually reached a point where they're slurping up overly obvious forgeries of me from the late 90s and trying to pass them off as actual posts of mine.

They've also taken to slurping up the outrageously nonsensical "claims of victory" from some of the more kooky nut jobs I've poked at in the past. Stuff that was systematically burned off the original version of the article by the original ED admins because most of it was just so outlandishly stupid sounding.

I suppose maybe I should thank them for turning my article into the most completely unbelievable pile of slop that's ever been posted on ED. LOL
12 November at 19:37

 Onideus MH It's no surprise either that he would be "taking credit" for something like that. I mean when your life is so pathetic that you need to run around stalking people online...well, really, your range of potential "accomplishments" is pretty limited. I wouldn't exactly call it an "accomplishment" so much as a "lack of options" really, but it's pretty well all he has.

12 November at 19:41

 Ludwig Linkermann lol who's gonna read this?

12 November at 22:02

 Onideus MH @Linkermann - Given that 75% of all edits presently on Encyclopedia Dramatica are "me", "me", "me"...probably several thousand at least.

12 November at 22:30

 Messy Jessie good job oni. that's exactly what you want. you want the wiki to be so full of bull shit that it's really difficult to distinguish facts from the lies. the moment someone calls a person pedophile I want to see the facts to back it up otherwise without any mugshot and arrest records it's really hard to believe the rest of the wiki.

12 November at 22:31

 Onideus MH Yeah, except if one of them goes completely bonkers and shoots up a school that's not really something I want on my conscious. It's one thing to try and "get back" at's another to start blatantly attacking other people, especially kids, to try and "get back" at me.

I don't know exactly what the "threat" was (they wouldn't tell me anything), but it sounded pretty serious. Serious enough to get the police involved anyway.
12 November at 22:38

 Messy Jessie oni , odd guy has to feel in control at all times. especially with me because I fight back and he has no control over me. I won't allow it. he never has introduced me to anyone or manipulate me to feel the way he wants me to feel.

12 November at 22:43

 Messy Jessie oni that has nothing to do with you. these people are not going to go after a school. they want to scare you. these are fear tactics because they want you to fuck off and leave them alone.

12 November at 22:47

 Messy Jessie they would be so incredibly dumb to push the envelope. if a crime occurs who is it hurting the most? them. unfortunately crimes affect the rest of us.

12 November at 22:50

 Messy Jessie don't borrow problems from the future. it's a great way to make yourself ill thinking of all the ways this could pan out. they have free rent in your mind right now. are you really going to water the seed of fear they planted in your head. nope because you are in control of you.

12 November at 22:54

November 9

November 9:

 Onideus MH

ED...the dumping ground of hot-linked garbage images...

Never has a website been in such horrible need of a replacement. ED1 was basically being overrun with politically correct garbage and ED2 is basically being overrun with image and blatant attack article garbage.

ED3 needs be centered on QUALITY and not a dumping ground for retards to lash out at people who made them feel all butt flustered and indignant.

November 9:

 Onideus MH

You know that face palming feeling you get when the spergy autistic kid tries to immitate some cool thing you did...yeeeaaaah...I get that a *LOT* when I read what these dribblers try and write about me.

I get the distinct impression that they don't actually even ~know~ what the word "self-incrimination" means nor what circumstances and situations it actually covers.

The especially fucking hilarious part is that these retards ~actually~ believe that I went around using their names online asking people to post pedo pictures on their ED user pages.

*epic face palm*

Next thing you know they're going to start believing all those posts where I claimed I was a Vatican nun! LOL

I swear, these chuckle-fucks will believe ~anything~ you tell them!

November 9:

 Onideus MH

You's just occured to me that Zaiger is actually redirecting like...HALF of all CenturyLink users to the "kittens" page when they try and access the forums! LOL

At first I thought half the time I was just getting repeat IP addies assigned, but it turns out the retarded dipshit is actually redirecting WHOLE RANGES of CenturyLink IPs! o_O

...have I completely fucking STUPID Zaiger is? LOL

 Messy Jessie

I use to get past ip address bans by asking horny boys on chat roulette to set up an account on ed. it's not just you that has a century link provider. I also am redirected to kittens.
9 November at 16:10

 Onideus MHI've presently been accessing the forums with proxy servers. It's a little slow, but I've got all the images disabled so it's not too bad. I'm thinking I probably made Zaiger so incredibly butthurt that he'd likely try and ban/redirect half the country just try and keep lil 'ol me from giving him a further verbal ass whuppin. Not that I can blame him for being afraid of me, I mean he has REALLY thin skin. All you have to do is call him an "outsider" in the ED community and he'll pretty well explode with unrestrained rage.

9 November at 16:24

 Messy Jessie

proxy server? that's what I tried ages ago but they figured something out that it was an automatic ban with any good working sock I used. I would think all proxy servers identify themselves no matter how discreet or anonymous.
9 November at 16:48

November 8

November 8:

 Onideus MH

8 November

Have I mentioned recently how STUPID Zaiger is...cause!

It's gonna be epically hilarious to see how well his utter bullshit holds up in court against my bank's financial records. ^__^

 Messy Jessie Why would you ever donate money when you can get it for free? Just like porn.

9 November at 10:38

 Onideus MH Actually, at the time, the site really didn't have any money at all and was going to shut down completely. If it wasn't for the donations I continually made from 2011 to 2012 the site simply wouldn't even ~exist~ right now.

9 November at 10:43

 Onideus MH Oh, technically, the site isn't going to exist much longer as they've again completely run out of money and aren't getting enough donations (especially now that everyone knows Zaiger is pissing all their donations away on Google). So really, by effectively screwing me over, they've pretty well ensured the site's destruction since I'm pretty well the ONLY person who has ever made continous donations to the site.

9 November at 10:50

 Messy Jessie Only later to troll you with! It's like you paid them to troll you. If you ever want to hang out in Portland I have a couch. We could make some parody of lol cows from Oregon.I have a cow costume. Embrace the madness. I love Ground Kontrol if you are into geeky stuff like arcades.

9 November at 10:53

 Messy Jessie I just think it would be funny as hell to post a video with a message. Make it like a PETA theme of anti lol cow abuse with a twist of an anti bullying message. Either way people will cut their wrists after watching it. It must be as gay as possible.

9 November at 10:57

November 8:

 Onideus MH

8 November

Well this is all becoming rather...anticlimactic...

I keep expecting these frothing crazies to actually ~try~ something, but so far they've done pretty much nothing but make a whole lot of self-incriminating threats.

November 8:

 Onideus MH

8 November

UPDATE! Zaiger ~himself~ just added direct threats to the section!


...that boy really is dumber than fuckin dumb!

I mean does he have ~any~ fucking clue as to what he just ~did~ to himself?!

*epic face palm*

...I'm almost gonna feel bad about it now...I mean it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
I like this.

 Onideus MH Oh, by the by, the ~best~ part about all if someone actually ~does~ go and do this...Zaiger gets to be the one automatically arrested for it!

Oh I hope, I hope, I hooooope the squirrely little fruitcake does it!

*nonchalantly turns OFF all his surveillance cameras*
8 November at 13:32

 Messy Jessie Are you talking to yourself? Have they made a wiki of you yet with all your personal information? They did that to me. I been lurking and watching the drama.

9 November at 06:58

 Onideus MH Technically I actually made my own article, largely just for shits and giggles. I generally don't take much of anything online seriously...least of all myself

9 November at 07:41

 Messy Jessie Cool. Do you work on computers for a living? I noticed you sold land one time. What do you do for work? I usually do horrible costumer service jobs or veterinary assistance.

9 November at 10:25

November 8:

 Onideus MH

8 November

Holy self-incriminating lolsuits, Batman!

See now I ~really~ can't resist the urge to sue Zaiger! I mean giving me such ~itching~ all ending, self-incrimination like that publicly plastered all over his site...*shudder*'s like putting a bright shiny new button right in front of me that says, "DO NOT PUSH!"

Oh gawd there's so many choices too! Slander... threats... intimidation... libel... harassment... hell I could go for the full smörgåsbord on this one!

Plus it would also force him to wipe out my article...which, given how much attention and editing it's been getting...*shudder*...can you even begin to IMAGINE the level of ASS RAGE that would inflict into them?!

I mean it was a sheer blast just continually preventing them from editing the article for countless months on end. The funniest part was, it never actually would have bothered me at all to let them edit the thing...I just found sheer sadistic delight in arbitrarily preventing them from giving their ass rage an outlet. `, )

After all, what good is an ED article if it's not inflicting butthurt and drama? My logic was...if editing the article didn't bother me at all...then the only logical recourse was to use it to inflict butt mad into others, by ~preventing~ them from further editing it, in turn driving them spastically crazy with insane levels of ass infuriation...apparently to the point of making blatant death threats right on a public wiki!

 Messy Jessie TL DR

9 November at 10:22

November 7

November 7:

 Onideus MH

7 November

LOL, that Crack-head Rabbit guy is like orphaning images all over the site left and right. He knows he can't delete them so he's been non-chalantly orphaning dozens of images of random articles whenever Zaiger isn't paying attention to the server (which is hardly ever because he's such an outsider).

November 7:

 Onideus MH

7 November

Settin up a new server!

It's gonna be neat! Basically I'm putting up my Data Archive only I'm going to HOT LINK to all the stuff I uploaded to ED! That way I basically don't have to pay any real money for bandwidth, can directly leach/steal ED's bandwidth (which Zaiger openly supports) and in turn can profit off of the images via Google AdSense banners! ^__^

...well, at least for as long as the current ED iteration lasts. Obviously it's going to severly drain their bandwidth even more than Google and other search engines are already draining it and since they're basically bankrupt without me (since I was essentially funding the server) the whole site will likely topple over all on its own in just a few months.

Good news is that I have a complete archive of the present site! So even if it does topple on over it can still be restored in full...uh, except for the forums. On the forums I only archived the threads that I was directly involved in (or that tagged me).

On another great note Zaiger basically doesn't allow any images to be removed or deleted which means I can just create as many new sock accounts as I like and continue to upload entire sections of my data archive...they'll basically wind up as orphan files on ED, but I'll be making direct use out of them and profiting from ED's bandwidth.

I like this.

 Joe Lan Since these scumbags been wiki-stalking me on ED and Facebook, I think they thought you're on their side. They sent me this message four hours ago. What a coincidence. What do you said on this?

8 November at 04:54

 Onideus MHI'm on nobody's side but my own. And my side is...well...this quote about me from 1998 sums it up pretty nicely...

"Based on past experience, I think you will attack anything you want when you are bored or whenever it strikes your fancy.

Your principle form of communication seems to be antagonism. You enjoy manipulating people and situations in the on-line world on a level that is perverse and pathological (AND BEYOND REDEMPTION)

For 3 years you have travelled from one end of the internet to the other building a reputation that is offensive by the most liberal of thinkers (how many isps, name changes, scams, troll posts, stunts, wars, etc.?

You employ Machiavellian antics in group interactions for the sole purpose of creating anarchy, ridiculing "the ignorance of others", and couch it in the guise of being a revolutionray or intuitive reformer"

Zaiger I'm afraid though was a very weak little cuppycake. He toppled on over completely within three e-mails! LOL Definetly not the kind of person who should be running ED. People who can't stand the heat themselves should *NEVER* be trying to dish it out onto others. That's just WEAK and PATHETIC and asking to be obliterated with furious, reckless abandon. `, )
8 November at 09:00

 Messy Jessie You sound like a pretty smart guy

9 November at 07:01

 Jessi Donna Cones Yes, he's a super smart guy. And he can totally help you get back at me. You should become best friends with him. Even if he doesn't want you to.

9 November at 08:25

 Onideus MH Oh I would become friends with anyone if I thought it would lead to some entertainment.

It's unfortunate that ED is so weak and so thin skinned...I mean you're basically just making BLAZING targets out of yourself that I can't help but mess with.

As far as my fun online I'm generally drawn to the most hypocritical doorknobs. Especially those who seek to mess with others who in turn don't want anyone to mess with them at all.

I'm drawn to those types like white on rice. It's like inflicting me with an's impossible to ignore, I ~have~ to scratch it! I ~have~ to inflict emotional instability into you...simply because I know I can and simply because I know you're a hypocrite who effectively DESERVES it.
9 November at 09:17

 Jessi Donna ConesWonderful! Jessie, Onideus is a very sexy man. Just sayin' gurrrl

9 November at 09:18

 Onideus MH

Oh I thought she was taken...or at least you were taken with her. I get that you like her and all, but really, the whole elementary level pulling pigtails and being mean to the girl you like because you don't know how to express your feelings like normal people...yeah...I don't really think that's workin out too well for you. Why don't you just try telling her that you like her? What's the worst she can do...say she's not interested?
9 November at 09:21

 Jessi Donna ConesYou got me. I like her, but our love can never be because I live in another country. That is why I am giving her to you.

9 November at 09:23

 Onideus MH Love knows no boundaries! I for one support your online long-distance relationship! We could even throw an e-wedding!

9 November at 09:24

 Jessi Donna Cones But she lives in Portland! You guys are so close!

9 November at 09:33

 Onideus MH Yes but I'm gay, remember?

9 November at 09:41

 Jessi Donna Cones Oh, I forgot. Never mind then.

9 November at 09:44

 Onideus MH

How could you forget? You ~are~ the one who made my forum user name PINK along with the title "faggot" underneath. I mean if ~that~ doesn't magically make me a homosexual...well shit...I just don't know what else would! ...well, maybe sex with your mom, that could probably turn me over to the dark side of the rump ride.
9 November at 09:49

 Messy Jessie I have herpes. And I hate most men. So we should just be friends. Fuck off oddguy

9 November at 10:11

 Messy Jessie At least you understand bullying a girl and getting revenge by creating a wiki is NOT the way to crush on someone. But this is the internet and I still have the bar to find a beer and love before I start using the internet to find love.

9 November at 10:16

 Messy Jessie Odd guy is laughing at us. Nothing worse then someone who pretends to be interested in your happiness when they can't find it for themselves.

9 November at 19:42

 Messy Jessie truth is I feel bad for someone that hates someone enough to write a wiki.

9 November at 19:44

 Jessi Donna Cones You guys should be best friends.

9 November at 19:47

 Messy Jessie I think his style of writing clearly suggests he does not talk to women and enjoys the internet

9 November at 19:50

 Jessi Donna Cones hahahaha I have no idea who's side you're on at the moment.

9 November at 19:50

 Messy Jessie I don't like men. I chase off all of them just like Trevor

9 November at 19:52

 Messy Jessie And he liked me. Or I was entertainment to him. Fuck that shit. Learn how to treat people with some decency or fucking stay indoors away from people. Which Trevor does.

9 November at 19:55

 Messy Jessie I don't think odd guy really ever left high school. The who side are you on is a total turn off. Not that he was trying to turn me on.

9 November at 20:31

November 7:

 Onideus MH

7 November

Tryin to come up with some fun ways I can take pot shots at the server in order to keep the spergs riled up and obsessing over me without actually completely destroying the wiki (cause they'll do that all on their own).

One fun thing I did with all those thousands of images I uploaded was I purposfully removed ALL the attribution and copyright forms (not just links), so it might be fun to start informing all those THOUSANDS of copyright holders that ED is stealing/profiting off of their work (and taking credit for it)...the trick of course is that I'll need to do it all at ONCE. If I just do a few at a time it'll only provide Zaiger with a minor inconvenience, rather than flooding him with spastic crazy and so forth.

Another fun thing I could do is sue Zaiger in small claims court for the $500+ bucks I donated the site. I can just claim something arbitrary and random like "bad faith" arrangement or whatever. The trick is that he'll basically be forced to come up here to Washington in order to deal with it and it doesn't matter if he tries to counter-sue for attorny fees since I'm essentially bankrupt for all intents and purposes. ^__^

November 7:

 Onideus MH

7 November

Holy crap this is AWESOME!


They're shitting that article up in ways I never could have even hoped for!

No signs of slowing down either!

For the longest time my article sat festering and I couldn't get any frothing haters to touch it at all...but noooow! ^__^

See the trick is to make them think that you don't ~want~ the article to be edited and then, if you can, forcibly prevent them from editing it for months on end. It'll build up a HUUUUGE level of indignant animosity and enraging butthurt so that when you finally let the stupid bull out of its pen it'll go spastically apeshit all the fuck over the place in comical ass rage! :D

Love of Drew Barrymore

November 6

November 6:

 Onideus MH

6 November

Headin to bed! It's been a very fun day all much ~dramas~...

Tomorrow I'll probably put up all the e-mail exchanges between Zaiger and I. They're pretty funny, especially the part where I tell him that everyone on the forums thinks he's a joke and an outsider and then he turns right around in the next reply and ~spastically~ blows a load in his shorts. ^__^

November 6:

 Onideus MH

6 November

LOL, you have to love the "logic" of these retards.

It's like...when they do it to me first that's somehow ~not~ being buttmad...but then when I turn right around and mirror/immitate THEIR OWN ACTIONS...then somehow ~I'm~ butthurt?


No, sorry, "bored" would probably be a more apt description. Since I can't edit or upload anything to the site I've got ~aaaall~ this free time on my why ~not~ spend it taking idle reciprocating pot shots at the lessers?

I's only fair. If they get to block me from the site out of ass angry indignance then ~I~ want to play too! Why should they get to have all the fun?

November 6:

 Onideus MH

6 November

Zaiger doesn't seem to comprehend that banning/ignoring/redirecting me is only further enticing me into doing shit like this. LOL ^__^

Oh...and I know a little secret about how you're *NOT* using overseas hosting but are actually hosted right in the US and are simply using CloudFlare as a means to hide/cover up that fact.

 Onideus MH Oh, also, I think Chris may have been arrested...or he died. He's suddenly ~reaaaally~ quiet.

6 November at 23:09

 Onideus MH LOL, I see the lessers are busier than a cat tryin to cover up shit on a marble floor!

FYI, I actually sent off THREE different abuse complains, this first one with three links, the other two both have TEN apiece (and also link to entire articles).
7 November at 00:51

 Onideus MH Oh, they also cover different abuse aspects, the second one is all child porn links, the third one actually pertains to personal information, pages that attempt to crash a user's browser and other related forms.

I might also send a fourth one off that's all bestiality based stuff.

This is so much fun!

After all, if I can't access the site, why should anyone else be able to? It's only fair...and I *ALWAYS* play fair.
7 November at 00:53

November 6:

 Onideus MH

6 November

Posting some replies here (it's easier for me and more fun to drive people off the forums and make them come to me for replies rather than where it's convenient for them).

 Onideus MH Mmmm, it is rather convenient that they're not actually ~deleting~ stuff that I uploaded, I'm thinking I might just go ahead and start mass uploading whole sections of my data archive and then hot-link to them off site.

That way I can basically just get some piddly little throwaway account with high bandwidth restrictions and then just leach off of ED as much as I like...well, for as long as that lasts of course. Zaiger's new "Breaking Bad" business model is likely going to blow all up in his face pretty soon.

I realize he's desperate for money so that he can provide the world with free bandwidth, but really, selling meth to fund the server isn't a real bright idea and it's not going to end well for him (or anyone else whose an admin/editor of the site).
6 November at 21:26

November 6:

 Onideus MH

6 November

LOL, I like how they're undeleting all the blatant child porn I deleted.

It's gonna get *REALLY* hilarious when they start tripping all over the GIF size/dimension tests. *snicker*

I'm not sure what I like Zaiger publicly ensured that no one would ever donate any money to the site ever again...or his attempts to cut off his own nose to spite his face on the wiki!

...and all because I said everyone thought he was a joke on the forums. LOL Which is true, most everyone really does see him as a joke on the forums.

I find it most hilarious that he's spent the past 2 years demoding and banning people left and right for 'not being able to handle the lulz'...and then the very second ~he's~ on the recieving end he goes all spastically apeshit to the point of effectively butchering the wiki just to try and "get back" at me in some incredibly sordid manner.

The butt raging redirects are also a nice touch (and a testament to his cowardice and inability to defend his idiocy)...apparently he's not aware of the fact that I go through around 10 or 12 IP addies a ~day~ and unless he plans on redirecting the ~entire~ western seaboard to the "kittens" page...yeeeaaah...I can pretty much just create as many new accounts as I like.

I think it'll be fun to watch him try and play "whack a hatter" on the forums all day long. *snicker* That'll almost be as funny as his begging for donations so that he can give free hot-linking bandwidth to Google!