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Bahar Mustafa

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Like most feminists, Bahar doesn't realize that "male tears" means cum while drinking it by the gallon
Bahar Mustafa irl. Notice the caked-on makeup on her face. Based on looking at her snow white skin and brunette colored hair, she totally is an ethnic minority.
Do we really need to say more?

Bahar Mustafa is a rich, spoiled, buttrfaced white girl who desperately clings to her minority status so she can be a "Diversity and welfare officer" at a school she doesn't go to, despite being so pale that a TSA agent would let her through without inspection if she was wearing a burqa.

She recently gained unwanted e-fame after being embroiled in controversy by banning the superior sex and the master from her communist gatherings and only allowing in niggers, faggots and niggerfaggots. Mustafa later doubled down when given a chance to save herself by giving a 7 minute speech about how she can't be racist because she isn't white and is now being trolled by everyone on the internet who are making fun of her, spamming her support hashtags and trying to get her fired for the lulz.

Mustafa enjoying some of those tasty male tears. Suck it all in, you filthy whore.

Who is "Bahar"?

To understand this asinine kerfuffle, you must first know who Bahar Mustafa is (besides what comes out when your cat walks across your keyboard).

Bahar is a 27 year old, privileged girl who bangs on about anarchism and communism despite living a privileged, sheltered life. She majored in women's studies gender studies (feminists insisted the name be changed to make it look less like and obvious scam) at the prestigious and expensive Goldsmith University, which was undoubtedly paid for by her parents. She now lives in in their 450,000 pound home (which is incidentally also how much her mum weighs) while insisting she is a downtrodden minority and preaching for the downfall of society, one in which she feels she would fare quite well, despite being unable to get a job, her own flat and probably having trouble using the microwave herself.

The combination of being a rich, 20-something, living at home, jobless collage grad with a degree in feminism and anarchism t-shirt, means Bahar couldn't be a bigger cliche if she had brightly coloured hair and daddy issues. Which, of course, she does.

Drama party in detail

Prequel: Bahar wins election against herself

As a BME, queer, disabled woman from a working class immigrant family...


—Bahar, pretending to be a poor cripple.

To become a diversity officer, you must first run for (and win) the the position of diversity officer. And Bahar approached the task with autistic gusto.

Mustafa created a facebook page, where she posted illegible campaign flyers of armed women made in MS paint where the text is too bright compared to the background so you can't read half of it. She also made a wordpress blog where she further elaborates on her manifestos (which she hilariously called a "WOmanfesto"), as well as lying about being poor and disabled. Finally, she created a minute long video where, with baggy eyes and an unconfident tone, she stutters her way through her election promises.

So what are Mstafa's campaign promises? Safe spaces, gender neutral toilets, fatspo awareness, "a campaign to challenge structural misogyny inherent in organisations which do not have liberation and feminist politics at its heart", fight to reject the counter-terrorism bill, continue to campaigned with Goldsmiths Palestine Society, "ZERO TOLERANCE on homophobia, queer-phobia, trans*phobia, racism, Islamaphobia, misogyny, ableism, cis-sexism, and classist behaviour" and making "Woman's officer" a full-time position.

In other words, she will fight for and against a bunch of made up words while creating a safe space for arabs and terrorist as she focuses her anti-racism efforts for muslims and against jew, all the while creating a safe environment for false rape accusations by defending pretend victims and fighting to get rid of the on-campus police that should protect them but threaten to expose hoaxes. She also wants to expand the authorities of the "Woman's officer", citing that Goldsmith's female students comprise more than 2/3 of the people who go there and are discriminated, not realizing that them being an overwhelming majority shows the school seems to actually be discriminating against the men.

She also held, and will continue to hold, seminars like “Intersectionality 101” (that isn't a word), “Riot Don’t Diet: Body Image and Feminism” (as if those fatties can riot without getting winded) and “Feminism in Relationships” (read: pegging).

Bahar was able to win the election, which some might attribute to her overzealous campaigning for this meaningless role. But this proves itself false as well as hilariously sad when you consider that she ran unopposed.

Mustafa bans crackers and the drama begins

The real fun began after Mustafa was "elected" (not like anyone had a choice).

Bahar held an event where she specifically stated that white people, men and non-trannys are explicitly banned from attending. When word about her secret communist get-together made its way to the news, the internet became flooded with articles calling her a sexist and a racist and calling for her head. Things were not made better when pictures surfaces of her standing next to a hand-made "NO WHITE MEN PLS sign, pretending to cry. The sign also contained a drawing of a cup labeled "Male Tears" that, unbeknown to Bahar, communicated to everyone that she apparently likes to drink sperm.

The rebuttal

In an ill-advised attempt to do damage control, the university had Bahar try to quench the flames by making a public statement. Flames that she went on to autisticly fan.

For those too lazy to watch, here is what happens in the video in a nutshell:
The university was expecting her to apologize and be diplomatic to avoid further embarrassment for them both. Instead, Bahar begins by comparing herself to some communist feminazi, explains that the event she banned the honkies from was not intended to promote equality or diversity, accuses the people writing articles about/making fun of her of harassing her and being part of the racist and sexist right wing media conspiracy, before explaining that she cannot be racist or sexist because she's (arguably) a woman of color. She then goes off on a number of unrelated tangents about rape and people that have nothing to do with any of this this while legitimizing herself by claiming to be poor and saying she won an election for her position (while failing to mention there were no other contenders), and finishes everything off by (in a poor choice of words) saying that she and her consorts are not going down, that resistance is futile and that, much like hitler, her people need to take back their space. Amidst her varied implied threats to start a violent revolution against white people, she also accuses them of colonization without a hint of irony, despite herself being part of the muslim infestation that is currently colonizing the UK.

All the while, an actual woman of color that. unlike Mustafa, doesn't have the completion of Casper the friendly ghost, stands besides her, having been relegated to the duties of a failed criticism shield and microphone stand.

#KillAllWhiteMen / #WhiteTrash

File:Bahar Mustafa "white trash".png

Obviously, with this in full swing, people quickly began to dig up Bahar's other dubious exploits. These include calling people "White trash" (this being the only thing Bahar was willing to take back, but only for being "unprofessional") and repeatedly tweeting " #KillAllWhiteMen", a hastag that has since become flooded with pictures of Bahar herself.

In response the official Goldsmith University DaW officer twitter account has been hastily shut down.

Woop woop! That's da sound of da police! + petitions

In response to all this people have begun to set up petitions to have Mustafa removed from her "job", this being the first time in internet history that an online petition was funny for any other reason than being delusional and pathetic. The first petition is a regular one, calling for her to be fired. The second is an internal servery of the university that needs %3 of the students to vote for it so that Bahar can have a vote of no confidence and be canned (don't get your hopes up. The school is 2/3 women and most of them are probably feminazis). A competing petition seeking to support Bahar hasn't been able to reach a tenth of the votes of the one trying to have her sacked.

Simultaneously, someone REPORTED BAHAR TO THE POLICE. Apparently, her actions may be a violation of some british hate-speech laws or something. And, while we here at ED feel sorry for the poor, crooked-toothed britbongs who live in a politically correct dictatorship, it's still always funny to see these laws backfire on the liberal retards who put them in place.

The investigation is ongoing and Bahar is sure to soon get a visit from some "Bobbies" asking "What's all this, then?".

#SupportBaharMustafa trolled


I can't be racist because I'm an ethnic minority woman.


—Says the world's whitest woman.

Hey i made as many of you hosts so please invite loads of BME Women and non-binary people!!

Also, if you've been invited and you're a man/ and or white PLEASE DON'T COME just cos i invited a bunch of people and hope you will be responsible enough to respect this is a BME Women and non-binary event only... Don't worry lads we will give you and allies things to do.


—Mustafa, and her shitty grammar.

However, in regards to calling someone 'white trash' under my official twitter account, I can accept that it was not professional and I do apologize for this.


—Mustafa, claiming that she didn't mean what she said about white men on Twitter.

In-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves.


—Mustafa's excuse for her hashtags.


See also

  • College - What she attends and is living evidence of why getting a college education just isn't worth it anymore.
  • Communism - Her official political ideology.
  • Cultural Marxism - What she practices.
  • Edgy
  • Emma Sulkowicz - A feminazi slut who carried her mattress with her everywhere because she was butthurt that her "rapist" didn't get arrested.
  • Feminism - One of her cults she's a member of.
  • Feminist Frequency - Another lying racist and sexist feminist sack of shit with a victim complex. Sockpuppet of John McIntosh.
  • I Dislike Cis People - Racist, Sexist, hates tranny men. Pretty much the tranny version of Bahar Mustafa.
  • Lena Dunham - Another feminazi cunt that molested her sister and then claimed rape for damage control and feels.
  • Racist - What Bahar is.
  • Social Justice - Another cult she claims membership of.
  • Tumblr - One of the gathering spots for members of the cult of Social Justice and Feminism.
  • Will Noble - Author of the #KillAllMen hashtag despite having a penis
  • White guilt - What she suffers from

External Links

Bahar Mustafa is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.

Bahar Mustafa is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.