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Regarded by conspiracyfags everywhere as a sign that MKULTRA truly never ceased, Polybius was an alleged arcade game that showed up in the Portland, Oregon area sometime during the 1981. Of course, Polybius was far from the average primitive arcade game however, as it reportedly was the cause of much teenage angst including insomnia, nightmares, and lack of emotion or empathy.


The chronology of Polybius is quite simple; a game enclosed in a tedium black box appeared in a few arcades in meth-land in the early 80's. After experimentation with said machine, various local teenagers became obsessed with the game, dwindling away precious dollars on gameplay that would have otherwise gone to more productive outlets.

Also, according to owners of arcades where the alleged game was placed, men in black attire would occasionally enter to collect "data" from the machines. Not questionable at all.

As the Polybius fiasco occurred alongside the rise of Usenet, it was naturally a hot topic among posters from Portland wishing to discuss why "that one kid started acting all weird and stuff".

The majority of these Usenet posts have since mysteriously been scrubbed out of existence.


There are several surviving reports of Polybius gameplay from the original Usenet postings. While archives of said originals appear to be nonexistent, Usenet veterans report that there were two primary conflicting accounts. If Polybius truly were a government-issued mind-control operation, every game was likely variated to some extent, as well as there being a control machine (possibly an already-established game such as Pac-Man). The stories of Polybius report that playing the game emulated:

  • An undeveloped first-person-shooter type.
  • Something similar to Tempest with the inclusion of puzzles and mazes.


  • The font used on the Polybius machine as well as the alleged title screen matches no known font.

See Also


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Meepsheep/Polybius is part of a series on


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