User:Husker the Wolf

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This colostomy bag was BANNED for their faggotry.
You can help by learning from their mistakes.
Vandalizing their user page with Pain Series attacks never hurts either.

Currently working on a profile page. Joining this website to ruin the reputation of the faggots who stalked me.

Actual faggy men

List of faggots who harassed me:

1. Jason "Lyric" Cook a.k.a Kashi K./United Earth/NWR-Tasha/buu_maji/CaptainLyrbobo/NX-28

You obviously saw that coming, didn't you? Jason is a cloutchaser who thinks it's funny to send people death threats, dox users and block-evade. He's even gone as far as sending an 11-year old to suicide. He is one person you ought to avoid at all costs and one person who obviously needs a jail sentence. In addition, he's brainwashed my friends into thinking I was a pedophile (which I'm not), doxxed my personal info and has attempted to stalk and attack me and my family because he can. Many people have tried to convince him to get therapy but he's narcissistic and stubborn, and constantly makes up superstitious nonsense just to get his own way. And as a matter of speaking, I really hate him up to the point where I actually want rid of him forever. If he thinks I'M a pedophile, he's more or less one himself considering he spends his time masturbating to Bluey.

Of course, I've given him his very own page here on this fucking website:

2. Leo Jones a.k.a L.J Productions

Why is he on the list? Well, he's known to leak my cartoons and dox me so he can get more people to hate me. From what I know, I think he had a weight gain fetish at one point, not to mention his own series Billy's Bizarre Adventures is completely s**t.

3. Lance a.k.a Stargalaxy7/Vailing/Sir Jorge/Sir Lance

In case you don't know who he is, Lance is also a cloutchaser like Kashi K, he sent me numerous death threats, doxxed me and called me a "pedophile Chris Chan". Like WTF, dude? Just because I like underaged characters doesn't automatically mean I'm a pedophile. Not to mention he also whiteknights another troll which I will talk about later. He's even went as far as suspending my fA and Reddit accounts, I tried doing the same to him but it kinda backfired. :(

4. FredtheThomasFan

You're probably wondering why I put him on the list. Well, it's because he made a "reason you suck" speech to me and called me a pedophile. Not to mention he uses very old outdated Trainz models for his pics, where as I use TRS19 nowadays.

5. Chloe May

You saw this coming too, folks! Chloe May is a Karen-y b***h, who spends her time shouting, screaming, sending death threats and block-evading. She's been doing this sort of stuff for ten years and she STILL hasn't even been arrested yet. She's the sort of person who should be put in a mental hospital.

6. MaddoxtheDangerAgent a.k.a GBAFan2000onDeviantArt

Now don't get mad, but Maddox is a horrible person. Why? Because he keeps including me on his hate memes and blames me for past drama that's only happen over a year or two. This dude is literally beating a dead horse, he's not a nice person and it's high time he should be on a hate meme himself.

7. SwindonSudrian

Why is he on the list? Well, I'll explain. SS is the guy who ruined my reputation in the Thomas fandom by constantly exposing every tweet I did. I know I should've blocked him when I had the chance, but his damage has been done. I don't think he's even on social media that much, but at least most people give him the hate he deserves nowadays.

8. Brawelstas388

He's a legitimate manchild who goes around block-evading and making imposter accounts. He once accused me of saying I hate Freedom Planet, which I don't. And claims that I like Hero Wars, which I think that game is pretty pants. He's even harassed loads of my friends in the past too. Thankfully, he's no longer on DeviantArt but he's still a threat to society.

9. Emilis a.k.a Edita/Emiliz

You guessed it, a REAL menace to society. Emilis is an underaged Lithuanian cloutchaser who goes around baiting people on FurAffinity, breaking them with insults and slurs and uses the dark web/TOR to block-evade. He's harassed me and a number of my friends and even went as far as suspending my fA account. What he's doing is not just trolling, but it's also a criminal offence. He's also whiteknighted by Stargalaxy7 as a matter of speaking, and if you look on my featured FurAffinity journal, you can see how many accounts he's made. Roughly almost 100! Thankfully, I did manage to get his YouTube channel terminated so he won't be bothering anyone at all now.

10. JohnsJovialPictures/IdiotArchives/TheKetchumBunch

Some gullible cunt who thought it was funny to steal my videos and call them cringe. If anyone's cringe, it's him. But he's attempting to pull the victim card by saying I'm bullying him. It's the other way round, HE'S BULLYING ME. So, in other words, he is one guy I would avoid contact with. Not to mention his Barney Bunch account TheKetchumBunch is an example of being an asshole. He's made FIVE hate videos about me, a few of them involve Drew Pickles "doing it" with me. I can't stand the Barney Bunch, mainly as they frantically ruined Drew Pickles for the entire galaxy and they make GoAnimate videos look tame in comparison. Remember that one Simpsons episode with a guy named Homer Simpson who was a idiotic police cop who said "Uh-Oh! Spaghetti-Os!". Well, BB's Drew Pickles is pretty much the same with his annoying catchphrase "Bag, that was swell!". But the good news is, he's finally retiring from Speakonia videos, which means no more swell hate videos from him.

11. CartoonCool12

A racist, pedophiliac manchild who spends his time jerking off to The Loud House, block-evading, shouting and screaming and harassing innocent people for no reason. He's harassed me several times and even went as far as making not one but TWO imposter accounts of me. Just because I dislike The Loud House doesn't automatically mean I should be harassed over it. But in any case, he's the sort of person that should be sent to a mental hospital.

12. StarSearch1927 a.k.a Galaxy-Afro

He's another complete jerk to society. He's harassed me and a few friends of mine numerous times and even whiteknighted a troll who sent me a death threat. He's even once abused FlyingPringle at one point. I clearly don't understand why people like him, he's such a heartless b*****d who obviously needs to be arrested.

13. Sol Leverick a.k.a TalyllynRailwayStudios/TywynWharf2002/TankEngineNo1/RedWestern02/TheSodorSamurai

He's just a South Park-crazed fanboy in the Thomas fandom who I dislike. Why? It's because HE SENT ME DEATH THREATS and this was one of them: So he's just another guy who I suggest avoiding at all costs.

14. Daniel Coffey a.k.a SmurfyDan/DanCoffey1991/DantheYTPMan1/DantheDiesel/CoffeyMan5

Another Thomas fandom member I really hate. Why? It's because he's just a snooty, conceited, self-centred p***k who's harassed me in the past. He's blocked me for no reason, and worst of all, HE'S A MEMBER OF THE INFAMOUS SODOR ISLAND FORUMS. He even had the guts to invade one of my old servers under the Barney Bunch name. He's not a nice person because all that fame from being in the fandom for over ten years has gone to his head and made him a complete jerk. Not to mention his Steaming to Legacy and The Station Master's Office videos are pretty pants too. In addition, his "misinformation" was just enough to get me IP-Banned from the Thomas wikia. I kid you not, he's a complete SiF bootlicker and a bully towards smaller, lesser-known fandom members just so the Thomas fandom can be strictly forbidden towards autistic people (even though he took part in many of National Autistic Society's Thomas Train Walks himself), he'd probably be more welcome in the Peanuts or Smurfs fandoms respectively but for a middle-aged man, he is not welcome in the Thomas fandom. Amazingly, it's not just me he's harassed but he's also harassed friends of mine such as True Blue Productions and RailPony. But what's worse is that he ruined my reputation by making a Google Drive link about me, and if we were to meet in person, he'd assault me right on the spot, which is one of the reasons to why I don't attend events like the Awdry Extravaganza or Clearwater Exhibition at all.

15. Brian Fitzgerald a.k.a Buzzy Trombone/Loony/HardyBardy/Papermariofan1/buzzlightbeer1

Just some ableist cloutchaser from Ireland who thinks it's funny to provoke people who can't even draw. He called me "The biggest p***k in the UK" claimed I had "therapy issues", doxxed me and raided my server numerous times, which he called "gay". Like WTF, man? That's considered homophobic. He's tried stalking and harassing me up to the point where he's also harassing MY FAMILY! It's pretty clear that he's also attempting to dox my family, get my personal address and send home-invading hitmen to attack me. Brian is more than just a cloutchasing troll, he's a legitimate criminal, a notorious supporter of the Irish Republican Army and a huge threat towards citizens of the British nation. If you even looked on his Twitter/X, you can see how many ableist, targetted posts he's made. And it's not surprising that no-one actually bothers to BLOCK AND REPORT him, and no matter HOW MANY times I've tried to report it, Twitter/X's report system is completely fucked.

16. Matthew Hassett a.k.a MH1994

Another hugely, snooty Thomas fandom user I despise. He whiteknights Dan Coffey for a start, and spread misinformation about me throughout social media which resulted in me being banned from many Discord servers and Thomas wikias as a result. Not to mention his Trainz content he makes isn't that good. It almost looks pudgy. So he's a guy who should be avoided at all costs.

17. Kaycee Patterson a.k.a OhPencilMiss/Tena

18. Michael the Hugglebeast a.k.a MammothManFan2021

19. CloudyToonz

20. Hayden a.k.a Hayz/Branwen/Hayden The Red CR 782 Class Engine/BrakeCarBrunoFan43/WhiffFan66/windoes11/The Certified Sanji

An underaged mentally-crazed NBA Youngboy fanboy who spends his time bullying others and trying his best to fit in. The best type of trolling he does is "ratioing" people and sending rage bait. And there's literally no point in blocking him, because doing so will result him gloating and boasting that he "owns" you. And if he owns you, you're in his command. And NO hater should listen to the commands of a stupid, braindead minor. He won't even admit defeat when you expose him of his earlier drama, such as NSFW roleplaying when he was 11, bashing people's opinions and constantly saying the N-word. In addition, he was the culprit who made that fake N-word tweet of me which canceled up to the point where I was almost arrested, so he's a dumb child that I would avoid at all costs.

22. Aaron Doan

23. Raven Skeleton

24. Tards on Deck a.k.a Punished ToD

25. Skarloey Rheneas

26. Sheldon Donner a.k.a Mr. Weasel/ItsMrWeasel

Some jerkass weasel-loving creep who, out of the blue, decided it would be funny to harass me for being a manchild, make tons of hate videos and hate art about me, vaingloriously and ruthlessly attack me and brainwash tons of people into thinking I'm the asshole when he's just a bigger nutbrain himself. He bullies me for being autistic, yet he's autistic himself and would just pull off a victim card to get out of trouble. So he's a guy I would recommend avoiding at all costs.

27. BlueX HandSpirit Productions

28. PercyFan06

29. TheRealBertie69

30. Dylan May

A dumbass whiteknight of Kashi K, SmurfyDan and many other users who've earned respect by lying. Dylan May has no talent for making content, all he does is bully small users and other people so he can become popular. He's a gullible little prick who obviously deserved to be avoided at all costs.

31. AlextheHornyCowboy/AlextheInflatableCowboy/SomethingYaNo7/Alejito

32. Rocket-Kitty/Shadowsirenmoon

33. JaytheFox99

34. Crispy Toast

35. YaroslavTV

A real pigfaggot who holds an upmost disrespect for Ukranians, YaroslavTV is a fucking terrorist who rudely intruded a Discord server I was in and attempted to ruin my fucking life by making a fucking webpage on me. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that faggy man has a userpage on here? He looks and smells like both a pig and a faggot, hence his fucking name of pigfaggot.

36. Slick Video Productions

37. TheJohnler