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The Saints

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Meet The Saints. An incredibly autistic group of friends that a-logged the everliving shit out of a literally nobody name Ross for nearly half a decade who The Saints exploited him at one point for the most useless currency of all... E-fame.

The Characters


Comic book club autist that feigned being Ross's friend for approximately 3 years. The thesis on the subject is that Kuro is mad that he's a massive sperg who got kicked out of some gay ass internet group called the Chaos Theatre or some shit idk. There is currently an elite group of governement funded scientists who observe Kuro daily. I should mention by the way, that he likes to wear a fedora and wield a katana. Whenever someone talks shit about his favourite group the Saints, he threatens to slice them with his katana and everybody laughs at him. His favorite hobbies include watching every anime in existence and sperging out about his favorite anime character, which for some reason varies each day. When this happens, the scientists quitely go "get the tards.. get the tards." He now owns a Discord group called the anime treehouse which he co-owns with his second favourite group of people, his friends from the comic book club. His primary favorite group of people are his father's bullies. We should also mention that when they make fun of him by asking him who his favorite anime character is, we laugh. Also, Quaker is a faggot. More to come. Cya later /f/aggots.

Logan Allen Westfall

Sociopathic animal abusing stoner dude from Commiefornia with unwarranted self importance who liked to pick up child prostitutes back when he lived in Bakersfield and abuse his female family members and then lie about why he got kicked out of his house. For some reason, this didn't raise red flags to everyone and everybody circlejerked him for years, thinking he was the coolest guy on planet earth because that's how he portrayed himself. It also evidently wasn't grating and obnoxious to people when he kept repeating narcissistic stories about his life where he beat people up or scared them by putting a bunch of black widow spiders around his neck just to scare off some teacher that was being a dick to him. And then they never bothered him or became his friend the next day, which is totally believable. Also, he doesn't like to make friends out of fear or intimidation guise! But his best internet friend and dog Neil was held hostage by their own admission of keeping leverage on each other, which most likely was evidence of pedophilia that they just kept under wraps. All in all, this guy was a sad pathetic manchild with no redeemable qualities whatsoever who deserves to spend the remainder of his life in Redbluff County Prison. Oh, and he only spent a night in a mental institution. Should have kept him there for an eternity, but it's California so what do you expect. There's so much more on this guy but he's already behind bars (thank god) so he can't commit any atrocities anymore. And hopefully someone shanked him since they despise pedophiles in prison. Maybe he wore diapers again as Big Bubba raped him in the prison showers. Also perhaps some of his family members (if what he said is to be believed, but he has no credibility at this point so it's whatever) should be questioned as well because one of them said it was justified that he beat a poor defenseless puppy to death (and later sent a disturbing photo of a cat around his neck). He also said that the puppy was young and wouldn't remember anything, which was his defense. What a truly sick fuck.

Jonathan Elias Ross

The person these idiots were a-logging for so long who was originally part of their gay book club until he eventually became more of a target of ridicule than someone who could be considered a friend. He was eventually targeted by kiwifarms and of course, Metokur (since metokur seems to be good friends with Null and has admitted to using the website as a source for content) blew the whole Ross story into infamy. This was probably seen as a blessing for the saints, but ended up being a curse as they all eventually got exposed as major faggots and their leader got van'd while Ross is still around to this day.

See Also

  The Saints
is part of a series on

Basic Failures