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Skuee/Arbchat log

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Skuee Arbchat, 21:44 GMT (logged at +2 GMT)

Session Start: Tue Jul 24 23:44:50 2007
Session Ident: #arbchat
[23:44] * Now talking in #arbchat
[23:44] * Topic is 'e-court is adjourned�'
[23:44] * Set by Aardvark on Fri Jul 20 08:02:48
[23:44] <numa_numa> INCOMING TRANSMISSION:
[23:44] <numa_numa> .... . .-.. .-.. ---   --- -.   .-   -.-. . .-.. .-.. .--. .... --- -. . --..--   --. .-. . . - .. -. --. ... --..--   .. - .----. ...   -- . --..--   .- -.   --- ..- - .-.. .- .-- --..-- ..   .- ... -.-   -.-- --- ..- --..--   -- -.--   .-.. --- ...- . --..--   - ---   .- -.-. -.-. . .--. -   .... .- .--. .--. .. -. . ... ... .-.-.- .... . .-.. .-.. --- --..--   .... . .-.. .-.. --- --..--   .. - .----. ...   -- . --..--   .--. .. -.-. .- ... ... --- --.
[23:44] <cirrus> ITS MACHINE CODE!
[23:44] <Skuee> wow
[23:45] <cirrus> O_O
[23:45] <emoskank> cirrus: um no
[23:45] <weevickz> .-.. -... .... .----. . .-.   -.   - ...- - -. .- --. ...- .--.   ... .... .--. -..- ...- .- -   .-- .-. .--- 
[23:45] <emoskank> machine code is fucking annoying
[23:45] <Skuee> looks like dashes and .'s to me
[23:45] <weevickz> .-.. -... .... .----. . .-.   -.   - ...- - -. .- --. ...- .--.   ... .... .--. -..- ...- .- -   .-- .-. .--- 
[23:45] <cirrus> emoskank: i made a weak attempt at lulz
[23:45] <emoskank> yeah, but I hate machine code after having to program with i
[23:45] <cirrus> emoskank: lolz
[23:45] * numa_numa is now known as ajt
[23:45] <cirrus> do you make the face every time?
[23:45] <ajt> ALLO?
[23:46] <Xenocidal> SALUTE?
[23:46] <ajt> salut
[23:46] <ajt> its me 
[23:46] <ajt> a j te ee
[23:46] * Puetiwaa ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:46] <Hoveround> ok
[23:46] <Hoveround> so
[23:46] <Hoveround> it is can be arb time nao
[23:46] <BURK> .-.. --- .-.. 
[23:46] <BURK> .. .-.. ..- 
[23:46] <BURK> --. .- .. --.. 
[23:46] <Skuee> Sure?
[23:47] * Homicide ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:47] * PurpleDrank ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:47] <SR> Some stay dryyyyyy and some feel the pain
[23:47] <PurpleDrank> CHAWCLIT RAYN
[23:47] <PurpleDrank> lol hi N3X15
[23:47] <BURK> guys
[23:47] <Anonymaus> Imma grip n sip
[23:47] <Hoveround> what is the desired outcome of this arb Skuee
[23:47] <N3X15> y halo dar
[23:47] <Homicide> yay emoskank is back
[23:47] <BURK> plz keep the chocolate rain down 
[23:47] <cirrus> purple reihn!
[23:47] <emoskank> Homicide: went to do my hair
[23:47] <Skuee> 2 reasons
[23:48] <emoskank> 3 min for arbchat
[23:48] <BURK> fucking girls and their hairs
[23:48] <Skuee> 1. Delete the page about me. 2. Unban me.
[23:48] <PurpleDrank> lol no
[23:48] <FrizzleFry101> lolwut
[23:48] <Hoveround> those arent reasons those are outcomes
[23:48] <Hoveround> ok
[23:48] <Homicide> I'll do more then your hair
[23:48] <BURK> guys
[23:48] <BURK> guys
[23:48] * Anonymaus facepaws
[23:48] <Hoveround> who set the ban
[23:48] <PurpleDrank> ur mama
[23:48] <BURK> let him say his piece
[23:48] <BURK> tfo set the ban
[23:48] <Skuee> I dunno.
[23:48] <Homicide> stfu pd
[23:48] <BURK> when skuee blanked his page
[23:48] <emoskank> homicide: how about I strap a funnel to your face and shit in it
[23:48] <PurpleDrank> ;_; Homocide
[23:48] <Homicide> emoskank: i'll allow it
[23:48] <BURK> GUYS
[23:48] <emoskank> k
[23:48] <SR> ur mama aint shy PurpleDrank XD
[23:48] <Hoveround> i agree with burk, this is fucking arbchat
[23:48] <ajt> PurpleDrank!!!!
[23:48] <Hoveround> stfu or gtfo
[23:48] <PurpleDrank> SR NOOOO!!
[23:48] <PurpleDrank> ;_;
[23:48] <BURK> ORDER
[23:48] <PurpleDrank> SORRY
[23:48] * Yaranaika ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:49] <ajt> emoskank: you are a little too aggro for me I think
[23:49] <Homicide> Shit, I'd do it but I've never run an arbchat.
[23:49] <PurpleDrank> ok
[23:49] <PurpleDrank> Skuee what do you want?
[23:49] <ajt> weevickz is running the show
[23:49] <PurpleDrank> oh
[23:49] <Homicide> +m, +v Skuee
[23:49] <PurpleDrank> it seemed to be a free for all for a minute
[23:49] * core ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:49] <ajt> it will quiet down
[23:50] <ajt> NUMANUMA YEAH!
[23:50] <core> who is this arbchat for
[23:50] <PurpleDrank> Skuee
[23:50] <Homicide> Skuee
[23:50] <ajt> You want to leave but you don't want don't want to take me, don't want don't want to take me, don't want don't want don't want to take me.
[23:50] * Puetiwaa makes a ruckus in the corner of the e-court room
[23:50] <ajt> Your face and the love from the linden trees,
[23:50] <core> oh
[23:50] <ajt> And I remember your eyes.
[23:50] <Skuee> what do i want?
[23:50] <PurpleDrank> yes
[23:50] <cirrus> *facepaws*
[23:50] <Skuee> my page ( deleted and never allowed to return, and to be unbanned
[23:50] <BURK>
[23:50] <Skuee> cirrus, stfu
[23:50] <Skuee> thanks
[23:50] <mikeskehan> also - skuee we need to discuss this business of deleting videos about u being a furry.
[23:50] <PurpleDrank> Skuee and why should ED grant you that?
[23:50] <cirrus> Skuee: what do you have to offer us?
[23:50] <BURK> *facepaws*
[23:50] <Homicide> emoskank: we should pour chocolate all over a slip and slide, then fill the end with shit, and trick kids into going
[23:50] <ajt> hey shut up faggots arbchat has not started
[23:50] <cirrus> ajt: oic
[23:50] * ajt sets mode: +m
[23:50] <cirrus> *facepaws*
[23:50] #arbchat You need voice (+v) (#arbchat)
[23:51] * ajt sets mode: +v Skuee
[23:51] <Skuee> k
[23:51] <weevickz> okay
[23:51] * ajt sets mode: +v weevickz
[23:51] <weevickz> Skuee: 
[23:51] <Skuee> hm?
[23:51] <weevickz> why do you think your page needs to be deleted
[23:51] <weevickz> what makes it particularly offensive and/or you special
[23:51] * ajt changes topic to 'Skuee #arbchat (ajt)�'
[23:51] <Skuee> it's a horrible description of me, and it damages my life personally
[23:52] <Skuee> i cant get a job because of these ED pages about me
[23:52] * Banned ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:52] <weevickz> so really
[23:52] <weevickz> clearing up this ED page would be an investment in your future
[23:52] <weevickz> would it not?
[23:52] <Skuee> yes
[23:53] * ^ban^ ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:53] * weevickz sets mode: +v Hoveround
[23:53] <Hoveround> Skuee - have you specifically been denied employment
[23:53] <Skuee> yes
[23:53] <Hoveround> by whom
[23:54] <Skuee> GameStop.
[23:54] <Hoveround> so GameStop wouldnt give you a job
[23:54] <weevickz> okay Skuee 
[23:54] <Skuee> right
[23:54] <Hoveround> because of your ED article
[23:54] <Hoveround> is this correct
[23:54] <Skuee> yes
[23:54] <Hoveround> how did they find the article. is your internet nickname on your resume?
[23:54] <weevickz> that sort of sucks. and i am sincerely sorry for the inconvenience
[23:54] <Hoveround> or do gamestop store managers google every applicants name
[23:54] <weevickz> now here is the thing. i would like to help you resolve this problem
[23:55] <weevickz> i really would, and i beleive we can come to an amicable compromise
[23:55] <weevickz> so basically we have a service available to you
[23:55] <weevickz> that you would value
[23:55] <Skuee> ok
[23:55] <weevickz> what do you have to offer us of value?
[23:56] <weevickz> this is a matter of market forces
[23:56] <weevickz> incentives
[23:56] <weevickz> economics
[23:56] <Skuee> hover gamestop owners google your name
[23:56] <Skuee> er
[23:56] <Skuee> hmm
[23:56] <Skuee> my loyality to ED, I s'pose
[23:56] <weevickz> honestly
[23:56] <weevickz> you are some worthless nerd
[23:56] <weevickz> and your loyalty isn't worth shit to us
[23:57] * PurpleDrank is now known as loyality
[23:57] <weevickz> loool
[23:57] * loyality is now known as howdoesispelledloyalty
[23:57] * weevickz sets mode: +v howdoesispelledloyalty
[23:57] * weevickz sets mode: +v BURK
[23:57] <howdoesispelledloyalty> :)
[23:57] * Banned is now known as Idunnolol
[23:57] * Puetiwaa is now known as Skueeisunderage
[23:57] <weevickz> Skuee: what do you want to do with your life
[23:57] * Skueeisunderage is now known as that-is-all
[23:57] * ^ban^ is now known as SmallChildren
[23:58] <BURK> skuee 
[23:58] * Orly ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[23:58] <BURK>
[23:58] <howdoesispelledloyalty> much love to GameStop for not hiring someone such as yourself Skuee
[23:58] <BURK> where is ed on that search
[23:58] * that-is-all is now known as Puetiwaa
[23:58] <BURK> i dont remember your powerword being in that article either
[23:58] * SmallChildren is now known as Idunnolul
[23:58] <Hoveround> burk its in there
[23:58] <BURK> either way
[23:58] <BURK> skuee is 16
[23:58] <howdoesispelledloyalty> oh
[23:58] <BURK> gamestop only hires 18+
[23:58] <Hoveround> question, how many resumes do you think gamestop would get
[23:58] <Hoveround> in a week
[23:59] <BURK> also skuee how is it inaccurate?
[23:59] <Hoveround> im not buying that gamestop denied you employment
[23:59] * SR is now known as Imlyingaboutgamestopinarbchat
[23:59] <Hoveround> neither would an appellate court
[23:59] <weevickz> okay hold
[23:59] * weevickz sets mode: -vvvv Skuee BURK Hoveround howdoesispelledloyalty
[23:59] * weevickz sets mode: +v BURK
[23:59] <BURK> did you or did you not engage in homosexual furry roleplay in a program called second life?
[23:59] * howdoesispelledloyalty is now known as baww
[23:59] <weevickz> Skuee: BURK raised an important question
[23:59] <weevickz> how is said article inaccurate?
Session Time: Wed Jul 25 00:00:00 2007
[00:00] <weevickz> oops
[00:00] * weevickz sets mode: +v Skuee
[00:00] <Skuee> it says im a furry, when i'm not
[00:00] * baww is now known as UsingAFoxCharacterIsSONOTFURRY
[00:01] <Skuee> well, i'm not anymore
[00:01] <Skuee> i'm past that part of my life
[00:01] <BURK> skuee explain this plz:
[00:01] * mikeskehan ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout�)
[00:01] <weevickz> Skuee:
[00:01] <weevickz> i want you to tell me if this is a screenshot of you
[00:01] * mikeskehan ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:01] <weevickz> and remember
[00:01] <weevickz> you are under oath
[00:01] <weevickz> you must tell the lulz, the whole lulz, and nothing but the lulz
[00:02] <Skuee> are you fucking kidding
[00:02] <Skuee> lol
[00:02] <Skuee> wow
[00:02] <BURK> skuee this is srus buisness
[00:02] <BURK> answer the question
[00:02] * Jonsey ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:03] * Idunnolul is now known as SRSBUISNESS
[00:03] <Skuee> if you wanna keep it up, whatever
[00:03] <Skuee> that's fine
[00:03] <Skuee> just keep believing what a article on the internet says about me
[00:03] <Skuee> go ahead
[00:03] <BURK> skuee is that also the symbol for transgenderism on your coller in that picture?
[00:03] * SRSBUISNESS is now known as ITTBAAAAAAAAAAWW
[00:03] * UsingAFoxCharacterIsSONOTFURRY is now known as EDNeverLies
[00:04] <Skuee> ED always lies.
[00:04] <BURK> skuee we know it to be truth, as it is backed up by your blog about psychic warfare
[00:04] * EDNeverLies is now known as EDhasnoreasontomakeupshitabout
[00:04] * Hoveround is now known as HoverCanHasFloorPlz
[00:04] * EDhasnoreasontomakeupshitabout is now known as aboutyou
[00:04] * Merking_Muffley ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:04] * HoverCanHasFloorPlz is now known as Hoveround
[00:04] * weevickz sets mode: -m
[00:04] <Skuee> go ahead hover
[00:04] <Hoveround> ok
[00:04] * Imlyingaboutgamestopinarbchat is now known as SR
[00:04] * Jonsey is now known as ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM
[00:04] * mikeskehan is now known as skueeItsallTrue
[00:04] <aboutyou> i promise not to act retarded weevickz
[00:04] <Hoveround> i table a motion we do fucking nothing to the article
[00:04] <Hoveround> and frontpage is
[00:04] <Homicide> not like I didn't ask 5 times. >_>
[00:04] <weevickz> i motion
[00:04] <Hoveround> do i have a second
[00:04] <weevickz> that if Skuee does not provide something of value
[00:04] <BURK> exhibit b
[00:04] <BURK>
[00:04] * aboutyou is now known as PurpleDrank
[00:04] <cirrus> i second
[00:04] <weevickz> we find out where he goes to school
[00:04] <weevickz> where his parents live
[00:04] <weevickz> and we explain to everyone
[00:05] <BURK> weev we have his powerword
[00:05] <weevickz> that he likes to dress up as a fox and fuck rats
[00:05] <cirrus> that he is a transgendered furfag
[00:05] <Hoveround> motion carried, article as is, front page for 5 days or ass aprpopriate by site admin
[00:05] <weevickz> Skuee: do you think this is fair?
[00:05] <BURK> that he mongles dong on the internet and he has sex with ajcomix
[00:05] * ITTBAAAAAAAAAAWW is now known as ITTwin
[00:05] <Homicide> (transgender lol)
[00:05] <Hoveround> �motion carried, article as is, front page for 5 days or as aprpopriate by site admin
[00:05] <Hoveround> :)
[00:05] <cirrus> Skuee is hugboxing
[00:05] <BURK> :) sounds reasonable to me
[00:05] <Homicide> By the way, Skuee:
[00:05] <emoskank> Skuee, do you want to be a girl?
[00:06] <Homicide> There's a shit ton of Matthew Vasquez on google
[00:06] <BURK> skuee: also we have all your youtubes backed up
[00:06] <skueeItsallTrue> BTW Skuee, I'm reloading your furry video on Youtube.
[00:06] <SR> cirrus: i concur
[00:06] <Anonymaus> No, just take it like one
[00:06] <BURK> so if you delete everything, we have it all
[00:06] * skueeItsallTrue is now known as mikeskehan
[00:06] <BURK> OH SHI
[00:06] <cirrus> Skuee: talk to us plz
[00:06] * ITTwin is now known as ^ban^
[00:06] <PurpleDrank> On June 23, 2007 at the request of Mike Skehan and an entire Stickam room that ganged up on him, Skuee denounced furrism and furry faggotry after three long months of soul searching. Listen closely to the background to hear people in the Stickam room telling him what to say.
[00:06] <emoskank> hugbox is still down, he has no support system
[00:06] <PurpleDrank> Skuee this proves that you did not publicly denounce your furfaggotry of your own chocie
[00:06] <Puetiwaa> shit, Skuee got trolled by Stickam?
[00:06] <Homicide> He's going to make some more drama
[00:06] <BURK> skuee we have hugbox penetrating bombs
[00:06] <PurpleDrank> but merely because your Stickam peers told you to
[00:06] <Homicide> I bet he's making an account to blank that shit
[00:06] <Puetiwaa> that's some failure right the fuck there
[00:07] <mikeskehan> he didn't, u could hear me telling him what to say in the background.
[00:07] <BURK> we can destroy you inside your hugbox
[00:07] <cirrus> i predict cries of "this is illegal"
[00:07] <BURK> cirrus yes
[00:07] <cirrus> that or frantic dox shredding
[00:07] <N3X15> Yeah, I'll be there to revert it
[00:07] <Hoveround> guys
[00:07] <^ban^> N3X15: He lurks moar.
[00:07] <PurpleDrank> This makes me feel that you'll do anything just to feel accepted
[00:07] <Homicide> N3X15: I'm watching it too either way
[00:07] <Hoveround> is it still business hours in US
[00:07] <BURK> of course i saw delete fucking everything coming
[00:07] <Puetiwaa> (23:07:19) <cirrus> i predict cries of "�BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW�" <-- fix'd
[00:07] <Hoveround> someone call gamestop
[00:07] <mikeskehan> also skuee deleted all his fury blogs immediatly after we found them which proves guilt.
[00:07] <PurpleDrank> Which is a pathetic trait in a human being
[00:07] <cirrus> Puetiwaa: correct
[00:07] <BURK> so i backed up 10 of his lulzier vids
[00:07] <Hoveround> and ask if they'd deny employment
[00:07] <Homicide> I should call gamestop
[00:07] <Hoveround> in that scenario
[00:07] <SR> Hoveround: WIN
[00:07] <BURK> skuee: do you love the internet?
[00:07] <Homicide> Hoveround: he's 16 anyway
[00:07] <Anonymaus> ONCE A FUR, ALWAYS A FUR
[00:07] <PurpleDrank> And personally I feel that we shouldn't have to spare you
[00:07] <BURK> skuee: do you love the internet?
[00:07] <Homicide> brb cigarette
[00:08] <Homicide> Skuee: Are you a dickgirl?
[00:08] <BURK> do you know what hate is now?
[00:08] <Puetiwaa> if Gamestop have a 18+ employee policy, he'd get rejected regardless
[00:08] <N3X15> They wouldn't, it would be discriminatory or something.
[00:08] <BURK> becuase this isnt full hate yet
[00:08] <Homicide> Puetiwaa: they do
[00:08] <mikeskehan> skuee: also, plz note i have a screen cap of your flordia state issued ID
[00:08] <BURK> we will call your parents skuee
[00:08] <BURK> your school
[00:08] <Homicide> mikeskehan: upload that shit to ED
[00:08] <cirrus> Puetiwaa: no, it was the naughty ED article that lost him the job! truth!
[00:08] <N3X15> A furry would sue them
[00:08] <PurpleDrank> If you're so weak to criticism that you must change yourself then you should really get off the internet
[00:08] <N3X15> lol
[00:08] <BURK> hell we have plenty of people who live in florida that can even put up flyers at your school
[00:08] <SR> Skuee: you going to make youtube videos about ED looooooool???
[00:08] <Homicide> HOSHIT
[00:08] <Homicide> WHERE IN FLORIDA
[00:08] <Homicide> WHERE IN FLORIDA
[00:08] <Homicide> WHERE IN FLORIDA
[00:08] <N3X15> :O
[00:08] <^ban^> Suddenly, Skuee. Thousands of him.
[00:08] <mikeskehan> homicide: i'm ripping it from my backups now
[00:08] <Puetiwaa> Homicide, then ED had nothing at all to do with the fact that he's underage b&, as far as Gamestop are concerned...
[00:09] <Homicide> Puetiwaa: yep.
[00:09] <Homicide> They didn't google shit
[00:09] <SR> liezzzzzzz
[00:09] <PurpleDrank> Skuee please talk to us
[00:09] <Homicide> They denied his ass
[00:09] <BURK> puetiwaa his ed article dosent come up at all when you google skuee
[00:09] <dcslater> DAD NO
[00:09] <Puetiwaa> "If, however, you make a complete ass out of yourself, threaten frivolous lolsuits, or are simply a bad internets citizen, we will probably just laugh at you, and photoshop some BBQ onto your image for the lulz."
[00:09] <emoskank> BURK: which is why it's important we frontpage it
[00:09] <BURK> his stickam youtube and ed userpage do
[00:09] <BURK> emoskank ilu
[00:09] <Puetiwaa> "If, however, �you make a complete ass out of yourself�, threaten frivolous lolsuits, or are simply a bad internets citizen, we will probably just laugh at you, and photoshop some BBQ onto your image for the lulz."
[00:09] <emoskank> ilu2
[00:09] <SR> <dcslater> DAD NO 
[00:09] <Homicide> yeah, lets keep him unemployed
[00:09] <Xenocidal> Skuee is busy BAAAAAAAAAWing.  Please hold.
[00:09] <Puetiwaa> highlighted for clarity
[00:09] <Puetiwaa> who wants to do some shoopin'?
[00:09] <ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM> someone check the hugbox
[00:10] <ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM> i think we lost hm
[00:10] <Homicide> he's hugging his anus
[00:10] * cirrus looks at the hugboxcam
[00:10] <BURK> SKUEEE
[00:10] <BURK> SKUEEE
[00:10] <BURK> SKUEEE
[00:10] <BURK> SKUEEE
[00:10] <Homicide> and putting his transgender symbol in it
[00:10] <BURK> ANSWER US
[00:10] <BURK> ANSWER US
[00:10] <BURK> ANSWER US
[00:10] <PurpleDrank> more like his bff ajcomix
[00:10] * Anonymaus facepaws
[00:10] * Homicide facepaws
[00:10] <Xenocidal> *facepaws*
[00:10] <BURK> will you make a video renouncing all faggotry?
[00:10] <cirrus> hugboxcam reports skuee is being hugged like no tomorrow
[00:10] * Puetiwaa facepaws
[00:10] <ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM> Well, its tiem for the PN to have somw fun.
[00:10] <Homicide> in the ass
[00:10] <ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM> Well, its tiem for the PN to have somw fun.
[00:10] <Homicide> oh shi
[00:10] <Skuee> hey guys
[00:10] <Skuee> im on stickam
[00:10] <Skuee> just FYI
[00:10] <Skuee> lol
[00:10] <cirrus> o hi
[00:10] <Homicide> get bent
[00:10] <Homicide> oh shi
[00:10] <BURK> orlu
[00:10] <BURK> hey gaiz
[00:10] <Anonymaus> Need some loudnigra skuee?
[00:10] <Homicide> We don't care about stickam.
[00:10] <mikeskehan> also skuee - please note that while ED may not consider it a hostile act removing that video, I personally do.
[00:11] <Skuee> but which stickam am I on?
[00:11] <BURK> time for an expeditionary force
[00:11] <Skuee> its a mystery
[00:11] <SR> OMFG
[00:11] <cirrus> skuee: it is irrelevant
[00:11] <Anonymaus> No it's fucking not
[00:11] <cirrus> we will find you
[00:11] <ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM> just repost the video
[00:11] <mikeskehan> Skuee__ is the one you use, skuee.
[00:11] <Homicide> Skuee: you're here, that's not important
[00:11] <cirrus> eeuks is there too
[00:11] <ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM> anhyone DL it?
[00:11] <BURK> skuee
[00:11] <Homicide> cugarette
[00:11] <BURK> we are coming for you irl
[00:11] <Skuee> i cant repost, 'twas quick capture
[00:11] <mikeskehan> i'm uploading it now.
[00:11] <Skuee> and i didnt save
[00:11] <Skuee> so
[00:11] <mikeskehan> 76% complete.
[00:11] <BURK> we have your powerword
[00:11] <Skuee> ok mike
[00:11] <BURK> we can have your tax records
[00:11] <SR> looooool
[00:11] <BURK> phone number
[00:11] <Skuee> are you uploading it on the skueefailsatlife account?
[00:11] <BURK> social security
[00:11] <Skuee> :P
[00:12] <emoskank> BURK: does he pay taxes?
[00:12] <BURK> skuee
[00:12] <^ban^> we have his drivers liscense.
[00:12] <mikeskehan> yes skuee, why? did u report it to Youtube Staff?
[00:12] <cirrus> skuee: do you grasp the gravity of this situation?
[00:12] <Anonymaus> O glorious win
[00:12] <^ban^> we need thousands of skuee to show up in florida
[00:12] <Skuee> no
[00:12] <Skuee> why would i?
[00:12] <BURK> either to live video or another
[00:12] <BURK> skuee
[00:12] <dcslater>
[00:12] <dcslater>
[00:12] <mikeskehan> because you keep blocking it, skuee. 
[00:12] <BURK> i also have a video of you doing a tutorial on how to spam youtube
[00:12] <BURK> i also have a video of you doing a tutorial on how to spam youtube
[00:12] <BURK> i also have a video of you doing a tutorial on how to spam youtube
[00:12] * ITSBAWWWWWWWWTIEM ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[00:12] <PurpleDrank> lol
[00:12] <cirrus> uh oh
[00:12] <BURK> do you think youtube admins will like that?
[00:12] <Skuee> i blocked it?
[00:12] <Skuee> o_O
[00:12] <Skuee> hm
[00:12] <Skuee> hold on
[00:13] <BURK> skuee i have everything backed up
[00:13] <SR> mirror 
[00:13] <PurpleDrank> gee you would think a spam tutorial would be against the rules or something ya know?
[00:13] <mikeskehan> skuee - also - i need 2 talk to your IRL boyfriend, Ajcomix - immediatly.
[00:13] <Anonymaus> Get his number
[00:13] <Anonymaus> And let's bounce
[00:13] <BURK> yes
[00:13] <cirrus> Skuee is the girl in the relationship
[00:13] <BURK> i wonder if ajcomix has anything to say about this
[00:13] <ajt> I believe the term is "bottom"
[00:13] <cirrus> he wants to wear dresses but daddy won't let him
[00:13] <Skuee> AJ is not my boyfriend, I'm celebite.
[00:13] <cirrus> ajt: this is true
[00:13] <Skuee> Sorry.
[00:14] <cirrus> Skuee: then why the transgender symbol?
[00:14] <Puetiwaa> ajt, "twink" tbh
[00:14] <Xenocidal> Celebrite
[00:14] <SR> Celebate actually
[00:14] <PurpleDrank> CELEBITE
[00:14] <Xenocidal> Like lightbrite
[00:14] <SR> looooooooool
[00:14] <ajt> Skuee: did you get a good result from this #arbchat?
[00:14] <cirrus> CENOBITE! :o
[00:14] <SR> OH SHI
[00:14] <emoskank> celibacy is for people who can't get sex
[00:14] <Skuee> 'Twas lulzy, AJJT.
[00:14] <Skuee> AJT*
[00:14] <Skuee> but w/e
[00:14] <FrizzleFry101> Skuee, which do you like better, rainbow tiger or furnation?
[00:14] <BURK> skuee VIRGINITY BY CHOICE??? 
[00:14] <BURK> I THINK NOT
[00:14] <ajt> Skuee: you love the attention
[00:14] <Anonymaus> Furnation is impossible to crash
[00:14] <Anonymaus> go to RT
[00:14] <FrizzleFry101> o rly
[00:14] <N3X15> hahahaha
[00:14] <FrizzleFry101> i did it yesterday
[00:14] <Anonymaus> y rly
[00:14] <mikeskehan> Skuee: I would appreciate it if you refrained from using the word "lulzy" thank u drive thru
[00:14] <FrizzleFry101> and the day before
[00:14] <Anonymaus> It's harder to take down than RT though
[00:15] <Hoveround> guyz it is celibate
[00:15] <Hoveround> god you cunts acnt spell
[00:15] <FrizzleFry101> true
[00:15] <Anonymaus> Plus RT is concentrated faggotry
[00:15] <cirrus> Hov: o/
[00:15] <PurpleDrank> lol i know right
[00:15] <emoskank> Skuee: I doubt you'll have trouble staying celibate, you look like you're 12
[00:15] <SR> mad grammar skilz
[00:15] <Hoveround> get a job, sparkling wiggles
[00:15] <PurpleDrank> SKUEE SAY SOMETHING
[00:15] <Anonymaus> Just take them all down
[00:15] <Anonymaus> RT, FN and GYC
[00:15] <BURK> skuee you are going to be on the front page
[00:15] <FrizzleFry101> then where will you yiff?
[00:15] <Puetiwaa> ajt, Skuee is all butthurt that Gamestop wouldn't hire his underage ass
[00:15] <BURK> both with power word and without
[00:15] <N3X15> He's busy bawwwwwing and changing his diapers
[00:15] <Anonymaus> A flipped jeep
[00:15] <BURK> so it shows up on top of google
[00:15] <FrizzleFry101> LOLd
[00:16] <cirrus> so, we are going through with frontpaging skuee's article, filling it with more stuff and engaging IRL ruin?
[00:16] <Skuee> k, come check if i'm bawling
[00:16] <Skuee>
[00:16] <FrizzleFry101> skuee never answered me :\
[00:16] <Anonymaus> BAWLIN'
[00:16] <mikeskehan> yes, i'm going 2 add to it.
[00:16] <PurpleDrank> WE FLY HIGH
[00:16] <BURK> cirrus we can find where he is irl
[00:16] <weevickz> SAN FRANCISCO, July 24 /PRNewswire/ -- 365 Main Inc., developer and
[00:16] <weevickz> operator of the world's finest data centers, has provided online retailer
[00:16] <weevickz> RedEnvelope with two years of 100-percent uptime at 365 Main's San
[00:16] <weevickz> Francisco facility. It has also reduced RedEnvelope's overall energy costs
[00:16] <Hoveround> they see me bawlin, they lollin
[00:16] <weevickz> err mispaste
[00:16] <Idunnolol> THEY SEE ME BAWLING
[00:16] <Idunnolol> THEY HATING
[00:16] <cirrus> Skuee: come talk to me! 
[00:16] <FrizzleFry101> skuee, whats your favorite furry place in sl
[00:16] <PurpleDrank> lol alternative stickam
[00:16] <BURK> whats mchsi 
[00:16] <weevickz> Skuee: so heres the deal
[00:16] <mikeskehan> his mother & father sell insurance, i will have to look into that as well.
[00:16] <weevickz> what i want from you
[00:17] <dcslater> he is listening to halo music
[00:17] <mikeskehan> potential insurance fraud looming?
[00:17] <weevickz> is for you to draw a swastika on your face
[00:17] <dcslater> he left the computer
[00:17] <cirrus> hugbox
[00:17] <weevickz> and say on an mpeg
[00:17] * weevickz sets mode: +m
[00:17] <weevickz> that "the jewish pig dogs" were responsible for the WTC attacks of 9/11
[00:17] <weevickz> then i want you to write an essay
[00:17] <weevickz> as to the means, motive and opportunities that they had
[00:17] * Idunnolol is now known as ILOLD
[00:18] <BURK> weev until then the page will be front paged?
[00:18] * dcslater is now known as nood_bix|stickam
[00:19] * PurpleDrank is now known as StfuYouFags
[00:19] * StfuYouFags is now known as PurpleDrank
[00:20] <BURK> weev it appears skuee is afk on his stickam
[00:20] * Anonymaus is now known as FACEPAWS
[00:20] <BURK> no hes there
[00:20] * ShadowGamers ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:21] * PurpleDrank is now known as IsSkueesIPStillValid
[00:21] <weevickz> i want an mpeg
[00:21] <weevickz> a video i can watch forever
[00:21] <weevickz> with his anti-semitic rant
[00:22] <BURK> hes listening to linkin park
[00:22] <BURK> and ignoring you weev
[00:22] <BURK> he does not fear you he says
[00:22] <ajt> oh no...
[00:22] * ajt shakes his head
[00:22] * IsSkueesIPStillValid is now known as EveryoneIsIgnoringMe
[00:23] * EveryoneIsIgnoringMe is now known as ImCryin
[00:23] <BURK> ohai: skuee
[00:23] <BURK> ohai: do you fear weev?
[00:23] <BURK> Skuee™: why would I?
[00:23] * Xenocidal is now known as CrawlingInMyFURRRRRR
[00:24] <BURK> *facepaws*
[00:24] * CrawlingInMyFURRRRRR is now known as Xenocidal
[00:24] * ImCryin is now known as IHaveSqueesAddress
[00:24] <ajt> hey what was the name of the vtech shooter?
[00:24] * IHaveSqueesAddress is now known as LikeSrsly
[00:24] * nood_bix|stickam is now known as CHOSEUNGHUI
[00:24] <BURK> cho seung hui
[00:24] * LikeSrsly is now known as HOI
[00:25] * ajt is now known as Cho_seung-hui
[00:25] <Cho_seung-hui> oh yeah
[00:25] * mikeskehan ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: �)
[00:25] * BURK ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (Cho_seung-hui (BANG!))�)
[00:25] * Cho_seung-hui is now known as ajt
[00:25] <ajt> lol
[00:25] * BURK ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:25] * CHOSEUNGHUI is now known as dcslater
[00:26] * Zipwolf ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:27] * NEVERMIND is now known as SomeoneGetSkueesRealIP
[00:28] <weevickz>
[00:28] <weevickz> err
[00:28] * SomeoneGetSkueesRealIP is now known as PurpleDrank
[00:28] <weevickz> 18:54 -%- Skuee [[email protected]]
[00:28] <weevickz> 18:54 -%-  ircname  : iwonder
[00:28] <weevickz> 18:54 -%-   modes    : 
[00:29] <weevickz> 18:54 -%-           : is connecting from *
[00:29] <weevickz> theres his real ip
[00:29] <weevickz> enjoy
[00:29] * weevickz sets mode: -m
[00:29] <N3X15> tys
[00:29] <weevickz> im pretty much closing this
[00:29] <PurpleDrank> GLEEEEEEEEE
[00:29] <weevickz> cause skuee isnt fucking responding to shit
[00:29] <BURK> weev we might have his adress
[00:29] <Homicide> :<
[00:29] <ajt> .win 3
[00:29] <weevickz> we can keep making fun of him here
[00:29] <cirrus> so, what is the procedure now?
[00:29] <PurpleDrank> if i do it right i can have his mom and dad's name phone number and address
[00:29] * N3X15 b& from pn forum just for the lulz
[00:29] <cirrus> frontpage? all out datamining? irl ruin?
[00:30] <BURK> weev
[00:30] <BURK> go to his stickam
[00:30] * ILOLD is now known as Banned
[00:30] <BURK>
[00:31] * Homicide ([email protected]) has left #arbchat
[00:32] * Zipwolf ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout�)
[00:32] <ShadowGamers> That gives me an idea :(
[00:32] <cirrus> oh?
[00:32] <ShadowGamers> Like, re-download BackTrack and see what it can do
[00:32] <ShadowGamers> Remote-exploit go :V
[00:33] <cirrus> *facepaws*
[00:33] * dcslater ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: I'm Gone�)
[00:33] <PurpleDrank> you won't find shit about him through his IP
[00:33] <ShadowGamers> :(
[00:33] <PurpleDrank> i just tried ;_;
[00:33] <^ban^> what happened to his drivers liscence?
[00:34] <ShadowGamers> wait whuuuuuuuut
[00:34] <PurpleDrank> PROJECT HONEY POT
[00:34] <N3X15> haha proxy?
[00:35] <PurpleDrank> LOL ITS A HONEY POT
[00:35] <ShadowGamers> DON'T FUCK WITH US
[00:35] <ShadowGamers> WE'LL SET OUR BEES ON YOU
[00:35] <PurpleDrank> HE'S AN AGENT
[00:35] <^ban^> lolproxy
[00:37] <BURK> can we get through his proxy
[00:37] <BURK> like the ip he used to access ed
[00:38] <FrizzleFry101> me = deadnigger on stickam
[00:38] <FrizzleFry101> btw
[00:38] <PurpleDrank> i think we would have too many problems with the other ip's accessing the article BURK
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> Top-5 Countries For
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> Dictionary Attacks
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> (see top-25) 	#1 [Korea] Korea (14.7%)
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> #2 [China] China (13.6%)
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> #3 [United States] United States (12.8%)
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> #4 [Poland] Poland (7.3%)
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> #5 [Russian Federation] Russian Federation (5.3%)
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> KOREAS
[00:39] <ShadowGamers> CRACKING YOUR PASSWORDS
[00:40] <PurpleDrank> we're only 3rd?
[00:40] * mikeskehan ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[00:40] <cirrus> PurpleDrank: they are KOREANS, you forget
[00:40] <PurpleDrank> oh yeah
[00:40] <emoskank> in Korea
[00:40] <PurpleDrank> no
[00:40] <emoskank> all they do is play Starcraft and hack shit
[00:40] <PurpleDrank> i know right?
[00:40] <ShadowGamers> THE MORE YOU KNOW
[00:41] <PurpleDrank> and eat raw chicken
[00:41] <cirrus> they are the anti-nigger
[00:41] <cirrus> raw chikkinz?
[00:41] <Xenocidal> More like dogs.
[00:43] <BURK> weeeev
[00:43] <BURK> we have his address
[00:43] <BURK> and his spineless freind is threatening to ruin ed
[00:43] <PurpleDrank> BURK GIMME
[00:43] <BURK> purple wait mike will give it to us when he is ready
[00:43] <PurpleDrank> mikeskehan
[00:43] <PurpleDrank> mikeskehan
[00:43] <mikeskehan> i have to pull it off of a backup dvd
[00:43] <mikeskehan> im working on it.
[00:44] <ShadowGamers> what
[00:44] <PurpleDrank> what
[00:44] * FACEPAWS ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: �)
[00:45] <Hoveround> can we consider arbchat concluded?
[00:45] <PurpleDrank> duh
[00:45] <cirrus> ruin shall ensue
[00:45] <Hoveround> then why are you fagets [sic] still here