Randy Robert Stair/01 Information

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This is a document from his manifesto titled as, "01 Information.docx"

These are all of the audio and video recordings pertaining to my death. There are video versions and audio versions. The audio versions consist of additional recordings (not all audio recordings were recorded on video); so I’d highly recommend downloading both folders, because the video versions miss crucial discussions. Honestly I recorded all of these at the end of my nights, so I didn’t always have the time or the will to set up the camera. Also included in this folder are the shooting range videos. Those were recorded in my uncle’s backyard shooting field. I do apologize for the size of these files, but they’re all in HD. The iPhone videos in the car (as well as the “Parents” recordings) are all lossless quality (no compression). All of these recordings and videos are essential for understanding what I did and how I did it. There’s no graphic content or sexual themes in any of these recordings. They’re all just me sitting in front of the camera, just recording with my microphone, or driving and venting my thoughts.