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Role-play Unlimited began in the late days and the death of RPE; an older text based engine created by Morf and Matthunter. RPU, on the other hand, was originally created by a autistic man and later received the help from a obese jackass. Initial servers/role-pussies included simple things, but as the game generally grew to be more populated, people started to flood in and act like yolo420 faggots. Most of them nowadays are between the ages of 10 and 15 years old, so watch yourself. Servers initially started with some sense of dignity being the trash population was still populating role-play engine, however as time went forward, the trash began migrating into RPU much to the despair of the sane side of the community. Most of the players have engaged in pedophillia, fur faggottry and guro.
Reused and recycled trash role-plays:
Zantelga was spawned from the same creator of RPU. It was the ultimate warrior; one that could not be killed, except for when it finally committed seppuku. Though keep in mind since they believe the role play was 'real', which means the never ending army of soldiers that had greater power than fucking super saiyan goku and could rip you in half with a spoon could kill you in real life, because fuck you that's why. Not much happened in the story itself aside from people constantly getting assfucked by their bestest of friends. There was something important to write about Zantelga, but I forgot because Zantelga sucks anyway. LOTS of gay shit happened, an especially drama that nobody really cares about because it's the fucking internet, and should remember that this is real life and lives are being lost.
Eternal Saga
Eternal Saga was next, spawned out of Zantelga's corpse like a rising phoenix of flaming gayness. It was pretty much the EXACT SAME THING except with a separate name and a few minor details, like more assfucking. Why should you be concerned? You shouldn't because Eternal Saga didn't last long either, it was put down like old yeller, except with less guns and more dicks. A plethora of available races to the players opened up with little change from Zantelga; including one that allowed them to engage in vore and devour other people to gain power. When males devoured people, their muscle mass increased, where as if females devoured people their breast size would increase eventually leading to this. They fap to this as if their community weren't full enough of girls.
Aeternus Chronica
Aeternus Chronica is the latest spawn of what was Zantelga. After Eternal Saga's death with dicks, Aeternus rose in it's place, and since people can't figure out that history repeats itself, Aeternus will eventually die out as well and be renamed into something less suspicious. Check out this 100% legit confirmed quote.
—Anon |
The player base of Aeternus doesn't really expand beyond that of the people that originally took part in Zantelga or Eternal Saga. A few people have in fact quit, realizing that the role-play is in fact not a reality despite the claims of a few other participants that believe otherwise.
Other servers
Pretty much EVERY server is an unoriginal, piece of shit that lets you participate in the next generation faggotry of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Naruto or Bleach. Occasionally something different will come up, until you learn it's just as shitty as everything else and it still is derived from some anime. You should be ashamed of yourself, because if you declare anything otherwise, you're just as bad as them.
Gyro Gun & the forum bombing
A little while back, someone figured out how to totally obliterate servers with some fancy text in shitty forums, apparently leading them to spread the code and caused someone to go Al-Qaeda on most of the servers. Because of their terrorist actions, pretty much EVERY server immediately updated to avoid being forum bombed again. Was this apart of Anthony's master plan to force everyone to update? Will Lloyd finally find his dragon balls? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! Gyro Gun, the unsung hero of RPU decided to take matters into his own hands. Despite being a furry faggot, he managed to piss off the owner of RPU to great extent. Except Anthony isn't the owner, because the BYOND staff retains the right to own everything you create- So he just pissed off somebody nobody really cares about anymore, which worked well, in the end, considering he got Anthony to post a huge wall of text on the hub about how the BYOND mods suck, the BYOND TOS sucks, and how Gyro Gun sucks, except he wasn't so nice about it. Gyro Gun has even created his own text engine- Called Creative Roleplay! Too bad it sucks like everything else. Hopefully, he'll become an hero. Gyro Gun's real life name is also Thomas Clarke, not like it matters. He also has his own shitty little game that's basically a copy of Megaman and claims it has completely original content when in actuality it uses sprites from a mobile Megaman game.
—Anthony |
The death of RPU
Some time ago, RPU died and was replaced by RPI. Anthony's sole server, Zantelga, turned into Guardians' Song and got its own hub. Fortunately, it's still dead. RPI, by comparison, is much better than RPU ever was if you don't mind recycled servers.
See also
- BYOND - where RPU is hosted.
Everything else
- RPU's hub
- Anthony's BYOND page
- RPU host files
- Gyro's BYOND page
- Creative Roleplay
- Lloyd Ishtar's twitter
- Lloyd Ishtar's BYOND page
- Anthony's DeviantArt
- Anthony's GaiaOnline profile
- Anthony's Steam profile
- Demo of Anthony's game
- Anthony's Desura Profile
RPU is part of a series on Visit the Gaming Portal for complete coverage. |