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rAIDS? in my Hollyweird? DO WANT!

Official Proclamation

This is not an up-to-date status page for Chanology in the LA area. But just in case anyone's actually checking this place, the next protest for January 2009:

Official Location TBA

Official Timing Vote on a date here Arrive: TBA Go home: TBA

Official Theme TBA

Chat Meetings every Wednesday at 9pm, #socal


As posted from another site where an anonymous talks to an ex-OSA member. Be very careful people.

"I've been following this very closely - can't wait to see what happens on Feb 10. I wouldn't put it past them, but they won't be able to get someone to every raid. There are OSA HQs in Florida and L.A., so those locations will be in the most danger of being infiltrated. Smaller protests, not likely. OSA wouldn't trust anyone but real insiders with that task.

Protection from this: don't have a non-speaking, silent protest, as is being discussed. Most OSA infiltrators stand out like FBI agents at Defcon, if you know what to look for.

Actually, your biggest danger is *not* that they'll try to incite violence, but that they'll send in a private investigator to go hang out with you guys afterwards, pretend to be one of you and wait for you to take your masks off. I noticed no one's talking about this on the boards. Can you please pass this info around? OSA doesn't want you arrested yet. They want to know who you are. Won't be hard for him/her to take pictures of you all, either, since everyone's bringing a camera.

Protection from this: Only leave the protests with long-time friends. If you have to leave the protest with an Anon you have just met, don't take your masks off in front of each other."



All LAfags who plan on attending the protest should email SoCalAnon to get on the event mailing list.

Dress Code & Code of Conduct

PROTIP: If you ever want a Scientologist to go away and they are lower than OT3, tell them the Xenu story. Even better, wear a huge placard on you and/or a large sign with the Xenu story printed on it or also have someone dress in a Xenu alien costume. They are not 'allowed' to hear the Xenu story until they've paid over $250,000, so by Scifag 'law' they have to leave the vicinity.


From Anons' attorney (feel free to redistribute):

I have personally spoken to Officer xxxxxx with the Parades and Permits Division of LAPD (213)-847-1640, and have been informed that NO permit is required for 2/10. General rules:

1. Stay out of street

2. Don’t block sidewalk

3. If bringing amplified noise, be aware of excess noise ordinance which could be a problem

4. If significant # of people (more than 100) be careful to spread out so you don’t block sidewalk.

5. Masks, bandanas and such are legal.

She said what I described is lawful, does not require a permit, and would not subject you to police problems.

I would like this remailed as well.


More Legal

Also found this on the net, and would like to share:

The National Lawyers Guild is a (Marxist) political organization first and a legal foundation second. Double-check their advice.

Don't Feed The Trolls

Scientologists are notorious for taking pix and trying to identify those who oppose them for future harassment. They may get in your face, ask for your ID or business card and try and take down your car's plate number if they see you ridin dirty; they may also tail you to find out where you live. If you ain't gonna roll with the 300 from the Hollywood Starbucks as we descend on them from the Vermont/Sunset Red Line station, try and take public transportation or cycle there. If you must drive, don't park near the target. See above for neighbourhood parking options.

According to LAPD, masks, balaclavas, bandanas and such are perfectly legal. Masks (see below for V masks) are recommended to protect your anonymity, but optional. If not, wear hoodies, shades and long sleeves. Cover tattoos and such. Bring cameras. If you can find 'rape alarms' or fog horns -great but NO MACE or anything that could even be considered a WEAPON.

  Note to Greg House: Leave your cane at home, crip.

If physically assaulted, don't fight back AT ALL. If you are attacked it's best to assume the foetal position on the pavement, protect your head and take it like a /b/tard. We will have everything being filmed by a pro camera crew and local media so you may have a nice civil lawsuit against the individual and/or the 'church' providing you didn't provoke the attack and/or retaliated.

Crowd Control

Despite the fact that there will likely be a 'party' atmosphere with so many lulzy mofos in the same place at the same time (OMFGZ! a /b/and of /b/rothers -and s/i/sters- in my IRL? It's moar likely than you think!), keep a lid on it. By all means have fun, but remember, this isn't a Habbo raid.

We are there for INTERNETS ARE SRYS BUSINESS and the world will be watching so be on your best behaviour. Don't start or participate in arguments with your fellow Anons, don't raise your voices and chill out on anything the NORPs (Normal Ordinary Responsible Person(s)) who will be marching with us may find offensive. Refrain from using the fag suffix on everything (eg. Scifag, helLAfag, Gayfag etc.).

In fact, lay-off most of our staples entirely: shit like faggot/faggotry, nigger/nigra, enjoy your AIDS and Jew Golds mean different things to IRL folks and your time is better spent explaining why Scientology needs to be stopped and have their tax exempt status revoked by the US government.

Anonymous Ghandi

  We have plans to deal with troublemakers and there will be a group of roving Anons whose job it will be to report in with the protest organisers.

Scifags may try and infiltrate our ranks to stir-up trouble and make Project Chanology look bad, especially if we have the kind of numbers we are expecting. But let's not be paranoid about it; since most of us don't know moar than one or two fellow Anons IRL, there's no way of knowing whether dickhead yelling "FUCK YEAH SEAKING" is just a newfag fucktard, a Scifag spy or a troll (remember, those Regime losers who took down 711chan weren't Scifags...they were arsehole trolls).

As has been discussed above, don't get into arguments or fights even if you feel provoked; walk away. If someone is simply acting the fool and pissing you off, chill and go somewhere else. A spie or troll who is not fed will usually up-the-ante and expose themselves by actively trying to pick fights.

At this point, it's perfectly fitting to speak up; get with some fellow Anons who've also noticed the loser's anti-social behavior and calmly tell them to chill. If they get all up in your face IRL tough-guy style and come back at you with "Or you'll do what?" we have you covered with 1337 Anon 'SWAT' agents doing the rounds. If one isn't readily available, you'll be able to call in a report and the problem will be 'neutralized'. If push comes to shove, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES trade blows with a troublemaker. Anons should band together and sit on the spai/troll/twat to restrain him until the Project 'police' or the IRL police are alerted.

Infiltration Before, During and After

As posted from another site where an anonymous talks to an ex-OSA member. Be very careful people.

"I've been following this very closely - can't wait to see what happens on Feb 10. I wouldn't put it past them, but they won't be able to get someone to every raid. There are OSA HQs in Florida and L.A., so those locations will be in the most danger of being infiltrated. Smaller protests, not likely. OSA wouldn't trust anyone but real insiders with that task.

Protection from this: don't have a non-speaking, silent protest, as is being discussed. Most OSA infiltrators stand out like FBI agents at Defcon, if you know what to look for.

Actually, your biggest danger is *not* that they'll try to incite violence, but that they'll send in a private investigator to go hang out with you guys afterwards, pretend to be one of you and wait for you to take your masks off. I noticed no one's talking about this on the boards. Can you please pass this info around? OSA doesn't want you arrested yet. They want to know who you are. Won't be hard for him/her to take pictures of you all, either, since everyone's bringing a camera.

Protection from this: Only leave the protests with long-time friends. If you have to leave the protest with an Anon you have just met, don't take your masks off in front of each other."

Documenting Stalking

Documenting stalking: That said, don't go straight home either in case you'll be stalked by operatives. Document stalking for win. Have a plan to make stalkers lose your trail. Don't wear anything that identifies you, and park your car well away from observation by both fellow anons and scifags.

This Warning From Ex-OSA Officer

IF ANYONE does ANYTHING that is violent, illegal, bad---EVERYONE should IMMEDIATELY step aside from the person or persons, take a PHOTO of them.

IF they don't stop right there---DON'T get into it: CALL THE COPS. That way IF it's OSA____their asses will be fried. IF not, hey---it's a person who probably will stop--once separated. IF you make that clear:

1) Few will pull anything weird, as they'll KNOW they alone will be held responsible

2) It EXPONENTIALLY decreases the chances of OSA joining in.

External Links

  • Hollywood Toys & Costumes V masks HT&C have a hueg variety of lulzy masks and costumes but for græt protest justice (and $10) get the V (for Vendetta) EFG masks while they last (call first).</s?>SOLD OUT!
Address: 6600 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028, Phone: (323) 464-4444
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-7pm, Sat 10am-7pm, Sun 10:30am-7pm