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This is redsportcar321's arbchat log, not much lulz, but the resolution is rather funny. See his other arbchat HERE.
Session Start: Mon Feb 04 22:51:05 2008 Session Ident: #arbchat [22:51:05] * Logging for #arbchat started [22:51:06] <@subseven> excellent [22:51:10] <PunaKone> lol BURK, thx [22:51:12] <+BURK> jesus mori can you log? [22:51:14] <PunaKone> now its logging [22:51:16] <PunaKone> IM LOGGING [22:51:18] <+BURK> god [22:51:19] <PunaKone> IM LOGGING [22:51:24] <@Mori> i dont keep logs because of my paranoia [22:51:34] <@Mori> anyway are we ready to begin? [22:51:35] <+BURK> lol [22:51:40] <+BURK> i keep logs because of my paranoia [22:51:50] <+redsportscar321> i'm ready when you are [22:52:01] <@Mori> various lawyers are you ready? [22:52:05] <+cam> oui [22:52:06] <+BlackMist> yes [22:52:14] <@Mori> aight arbchat is beginning [22:52:21] * Mori sets mode: +M [22:52:22] * Mori changes topic to 'channel #arbhcat is not for people that have used legal threats. This includes Jamie Baillie.�' [22:52:31] <@Mori> i hope that was the right M [22:52:32] <@Mori> anyway [22:52:37] <PunaKone> lol no [22:52:37] <@Mori> defense please present your case [22:52:39] <+redsportscar321> i wasn't vandalizing per se i was only removing 1 sentence and 1 picture that had my user name in it and nothing more [22:52:47] * Mori sets mode: -M [22:52:50] * Mori sets mode: +m [22:53:07] <+BlackMist> what you belive is vandalzing is just mere editing [22:53:09] <+BURK> and what is your username? [22:53:12] <@Mori> that still counts as vandalism [22:53:28] <+BURK> what were the contents of the sentance removed and the picture? [22:53:32] <+redsportscar321> redsportscar321 is my username on youtube, the mentioned one in the article [22:53:37] <@Mori> also burkums let the dude present his case in peace [22:53:40] <+BlackMist> if my client had put in a bunch of swears and imature jokes it would be considered vandalism [22:53:57] <+BURK> ok ok just let me know when i can rip his sphincter [22:53:58] <+BlackMist> but one line means almost nothing in an entire article [22:54:00] <@Mori> so what is it that you want [22:54:14] <+redsportscar321> 1st of all it said : User:redsportscar321 IS TRYING TO VANDALIZE THIS PAGE RIGHT NOW!Plz undo all this users edits on this page [22:54:41] <+redsportscar321> 2ndly:FangXXV is suspected to be a front for another GE320 fantard redsportscar321,A moron who thinks that if he stuffs his pale face with pocky sticks and jerks off to Bleach and Transformers,he will become an asian. [22:54:44] <+BlackMist> just a samll template change to his user page will suffice [22:55:14] <+redsportscar321> lastly:Redsportscar321,token azn may be the lulzkiller's accomplice FangXXV. [22:55:24] <+redsportscar321> that's all i edited [22:55:41] <@Mori> so why did you make these changes? [22:56:04] -> *Mori* we want to know the defendants age [22:56:13] <+redsportscar321> i removed those three statements because i didn't want to have my username associated with an article fasly depicting my nature [22:56:21] <@Mori> ok, and how old are you? [22:56:28] <+BURK> i have evidence i feel is relevent to this arguement [22:56:32] <+redsportscar321> 16 [22:56:41] <@Mori> ok, BURK, present the prosecution [22:56:44] <+BURK> http://www.youtube.com/user/redsportscar321 [22:56:46] <+BURK> notice [22:56:47] * Retrieving #arbchat modes... [22:56:57] <+BURK> his channel icon is of bleach popular teenagers animu [22:57:06] <+BURK> and his background is full metal alchemist another shitty animu [22:57:20] <@Mori> i am noticing a strong correlation between animu and this guy [22:57:33] <+BlackMist> anime is a popular genre [22:57:42] <+BlackMist> it doesn't mean he truly is the guy [22:58:04] <+redsportscar321> i am the youtube user mentioned here [22:58:11] <+redsportscar321> and the same one in the article [22:58:12] <+BURK> redsportscar321: have you ever smoked marijuana? [22:58:20] <+BURK> do not lie [22:58:35] <+redsportscar321> as pointed out to me by Ge320 and gunfever who said he would do that to me [22:58:41] <+redsportscar321> no i have not [22:59:32] <+BURK> and you say you are also a wikipedia [22:59:38] <@Mori> do you think it is rad to like anime? [22:59:41] <+redsportscar321> yes i am [22:59:45] <+BURK> do you consider yourself aspergian? that is one who has aspergers syndrome? [22:59:48] <+cam> State for the record redsportscar321: are you a homosexual? yes/no answer please. [22:59:58] <+BURK> also do you use the same username on wikipedia [22:59:59] <+redsportscar321> no [23:00:02] <+redsportscar321> no i do not [23:00:04] <+cam> You are under oath [23:00:07] <+BlackMist> I wish to know the relevence to these questions? [23:00:21] <+cam> Denied. [23:00:23] <+BURK> BlackMist: aspergers has been known to produce deranged internet users [23:00:32] <+redsportscar321> i do not have aspergers [23:00:33] <+BURK> combine that wiccanpedoism and you have a monster [23:00:34] <@subseven> it is relevant to our interests [23:00:42] <+cam> subseven: lol <3 [23:00:45] <+BlackMist> i understand those [23:00:56] <+BlackMist> I meant the sexuality question that cam proposed [23:01:07] <+cam> Its relevant to our interests .... [23:01:23] <+BlackMist> ok continue on [23:01:35] <+BURK> redsportscar321: what is your wikipedia username? [23:02:16] <+BURK> please answer the question [23:02:16] <+cam> I move to have the defendant �and his lawyer� permanently glined and banned from EncyclopediaDramatica.com [23:02:19] <+redsportscar321> redsportscar323 [23:02:24] * birthmother has left #arbchat [23:02:25] <+BURK> cam [23:02:27] <+BURK> hush [23:02:28] <+BURK> plz [23:02:29] <@Mori> why do you like red sports cars [23:02:39] <+redsportscar321> no reason really [23:02:50] <@Mori> i have heard them refered to as '�terrible�' and '�hella gay�' [23:02:53] <+BlackMist> what do you like about the numbers 32 and 1 [23:02:56] <+BURK> redsportscar321: would you say you are an anime fan? [23:03:10] <+redsportscar321> not a fan as much as a when i'm bored i watch it person [23:03:16] <+BURK> oh [23:03:17] <+BURK> really [23:03:24] <+cam> you watch it person? [23:03:28] <+BURK> which is why your fucking channel icon and background are animu characters right? [23:03:29] <+cam> Please elaborate [23:03:52] <+BlackMist> my client has no life and as such wacthes TV so with nothing on he wacthes anime [23:03:53] <+redsportscar321> basically i couldn't think of anything else better to make them [23:04:07] <+BURK> do you think we are stupid? [23:04:10] <+redsportscar321> no [23:04:13] <+BURK> do you think that you can lie to us [23:04:16] <+redsportscar321> no [23:04:23] <+cam> THEN WHY ARE YOU FUCKING LYING [23:04:24] <+BURK> and that we wil lbelieve it like the hordes of faggots on youtube and wikipedia? [23:04:35] <+BURK> and [23:04:40] <+BURK> you are trying to vandalize the article [23:04:49] <+redsportscar321> i'm not lying or trying to vandalize [23:05:03] <+BURK> as you did it 4 times\ [23:05:10] <+BURK> after it was reverted once [23:05:12] <+BURK> you did it again [23:05:14] <+BURK> 3 times [23:05:19] <+BlackMist> I move for a retardedness plea [23:05:29] <@Mori> are you jewish redsportscar321? [23:05:32] <+redsportscar321> yes i did because it was reverted [23:05:39] <+redsportscar321> yes i am [23:05:54] <+BURK> REPLACING WITH 'this account is niether a spambot nor a vandal so go fuck yourselves' [23:05:55] <+cam> wait [23:06:00] <@Mori> Well [23:06:00] <+cam> Hold up [23:06:01] <+cam> HOLD [23:06:01] <+cam> UP [23:06:03] <+BURK> REPLACING WITH 'nice try assholes') [23:06:06] <+cam> redsportscar321: you ARE jewish? [23:06:07] <+BURK> sound familiar? [23:06:08] <@Mori> I think we see why you are called redsportscar321 [23:06:14] <+redsportscar321> yes i am jewish [23:06:20] <+BURK> wow [23:06:21] <+cam> redsportscar321: what is your opinion on 9/11 [23:06:22] <+BURK> well [23:06:26] <+redsportscar321> i am not denying i did that, but to my own user page [23:06:28] <@Mori> THE RED SPORTS CAR IN YOUR NAME IS A SIGN OF YOUR AVARICE [23:06:33] <+BURK> you called us assholes [23:06:39] <+BlackMist> I move for a his people did wtc so he's probably as deranged as them plea [23:06:42] <+BURK> and told us to go fuck ourselves [23:06:45] <+BURK> and now you expect us [23:06:46] <+cam> redsportscar321: opinion on September 11 jew attacks? [23:06:48] <+BURK> to do you a favor [23:06:50] * Mori sets mode: +v PunaKone [23:06:51] <+BURK> and unban you [23:06:52] <+BURK> also [23:06:56] <+PunaKone> KIKE KIKE KIKE [23:06:59] <+BURK> you and your people [23:07:01] <+redsportscar321> i wasn't refering to you guys [23:07:02] <+BURK> flew fucking planes [23:07:07] <+BURK> into the world trade center [23:07:08] <+cam> into our peoples [23:07:09] <+cam> offices [23:07:12] <+cam> n shit [23:07:13] <+BURK> and killed 3000 of our people [23:07:16] <+cam> yeah [23:07:21] <@Mori> how do you feel about the 3000 american citizens you killed on september the 11th 2001? [23:07:22] <+cam> redsportscar321: do you admit that jews did wtc? [23:07:24] <+BURK> so why dont you go fuck yourself [23:07:30] <+cam> DO [23:07:31] <+cam> YOU [23:07:32] <+cam> ADMIT [23:07:32] <+cam> THAT [23:07:33] <+cam> JEWS [23:07:34] <+cam> DID [23:07:35] <+cam> INFACT [23:07:35] <+cam> DO [23:07:37] <+cam> WTC? [23:07:44] <+PunaKone> KIKE KIKE KIKE [23:07:50] <+BURK> tell me redsportscar321 who do you think is right palestine or israel? [23:07:53] <+redsportscar321> yes [23:08:00] <+cam> lololol [23:08:05] <+BURK> ANSWER THE QUESTION [23:08:14] <+redsportscar321> palestine [23:08:23] <+BURK> fuck you you liar [23:08:26] <@Mori> SO YOU WOULD EVEN BETRAY YOUR OWN PEOPLE? [23:08:31] <+PunaKone> YOUR HONOR MORI [23:08:42] <+BURK> even i would have accepted israel as it is a point of heated debate [23:08:51] <+PunaKone> I SAY, THAT WE CLOSE THIS CASE BECAUSE OF THE DEFENDANTS RETARDEDNESS AND JEWISHNESS [23:08:51] <+BURK> but you weasled out and said what you thought we wanted to hear [23:08:52] <+cam> basically [23:08:54] <+cam> fuck jews [23:09:04] <+BlackMist> PN: seconded [23:09:09] <+cam> Also [23:09:10] <+BURK> THIRDED [23:09:13] <+cam> I move to have the defendant and his lawyer permanently glined and banned from EncyclopediaDramatica.ch [23:09:13] <+redsportscar321> hold on Blackmist told me what to say [23:09:20] <+cam> LOL [23:09:22] <+BlackMist> I said isreal [23:09:26] <+cam> BLACKMIST: is this true [23:09:26] <+BlackMist> not palestine [23:09:27] <+PunaKone> lol [23:09:29] * Renzo has joined #arbchat [23:09:33] <+redsportscar321> about 1 minute late he did [23:09:33] <+cam> BlackMist: Tell me the truth you fucker [23:09:39] <+BlackMist> I requested him to agree to jews doing wtc [23:09:42] <+BlackMist> and nothing else [23:09:45] <+BURK> I DEEM THAT redsportscar321 BE USED AS THE FUEL SOURCE FOR THE FIRST ROAD TEST OF THE JUDENMORDWAGEN [23:09:47] <+BlackMist> I'm his laywer [23:09:49] <+cam> BlackMist: are you helping the jew? [23:09:53] <+BlackMist> and he was on his way to losing [23:09:53] <+cam> BlackMist: ARE YOU HELPING THE FUCKING JEW OR NOT [23:09:57] <+cam> YOU FUCKING KIKE SYMPATHIZER [23:10:06] <@Mori> ORDER IN THE COURT [23:10:11] <+PunaKone> I SAY, THAT WE CLOSE THIS CASE BECAUSE OF THE DEFENDANTS RETARDEDNESS AND JEWISHNESS [23:10:12] <@Mori> redsportscar321 i am a fair man [23:10:12] <+BlackMist> I'm his lawyer I had to help him [23:10:17] <@Mori> redsportscar321 i am a fair man [23:10:20] <@Mori> and really [23:10:24] <@Mori> i will offer you the same chance [23:10:24] <+BURK> tell me redsportscar321 have you ever seen a red sports car [23:10:29] <@Mori> i would a non-traitorous jew [23:10:29] <+BURK> that runs on the bodies of burning jews? [23:10:35] <@Mori> but i ask of you [23:10:37] <@Mori> what will you do for me [23:10:39] <+cam> someone voice renzo [23:10:42] <+BURK> yes do not mistake us for heeb haters [23:10:42] <@Mori> in exchange for your edits? [23:10:54] <+redsportscar321> what do you want me to offer? [23:10:57] <+cam> cake [23:10:59] <@Mori> I am asking you [23:11:04] <@Mori> what will you offer us [23:11:08] <+BURK> make a sign while wearing your yamulka [23:11:11] * Mori sets mode: +v Renzo [23:11:11] <+BURK> preferably with a rabbi [23:11:12] <+BURK> with a sign [23:11:13] <+BURK> that says [23:11:15] <+Renzo> Hello [23:11:16] <+BURK> "jews did wtc" [23:11:19] <+Renzo> what the fuck is going on [23:11:25] <+redsportscar321> cam says i should offer cake [23:11:34] <+BURK> dont fucking listen to thim [23:11:34] <+PunaKone> redsportscar321, do what BURK says [23:11:37] <+BURK> get your rabbi [23:11:42] <+BURK> and hold a sign with him [23:11:46] <+BURK> that says "jews did wtc" [23:11:46] <+BlackMist> yes I advbise you to take the offer [23:11:47] <+cam> i said cake before i saw BURK's brilliant idea [23:11:55] <+redsportscar321> fine i'll take Buke's offer [23:11:56] <+cam> so disregard the cake thing [23:11:57] <@Mori> Ok I am enjoying BURK's idea [23:11:58] <@Mori> do this [23:12:02] <+BURK> if you do that you win the internets and we unban you [23:12:04] <@Mori> and we will give you your edits and unban you [23:12:11] <+redsportscar321> fine i'll do it [23:12:19] <@Mori> If you do not do it [23:12:20] <+cam> redsportscar321: fyi we are completely serious right now [23:12:20] <+Renzo> The picture [23:12:24] <@Mori> the consequences [23:12:26] <@Mori> will be dire [23:12:26] <+Renzo> must be finely detailed [23:12:35] <+BURK> yes a clear picture [23:12:38] <+cam> photoshop is not acceptable [23:12:38] <+BURK> no photoshop [23:12:40] <+Renzo> Do you understand? [23:12:48] <+redsportscar321> i don't have photoshop [23:12:49] <@Mori> if you do this you will win BIG with us [23:12:49] <+cam> any edit attempts will result in severe consequences [23:12:53] <@Mori> do you understand this redsportscar321 [23:13:10] <+redsportscar321> yes i understand, however i am not promising anything [23:13:12] <@Mori> AS ARBCHAIR OF THIS ARBCHAT [23:13:14] <@Mori> I RULE [23:13:28] <@Mori> THAT IF REDSPORTSCAR PRODUCES SAID PICTURE [23:13:34] <@Mori> HIS WISHES WILL BE GRANTED [23:13:36] <@Mori> IF NOT [23:13:42] <@Mori> I RULE THAT HE BE HOUNDED FROM THE INTERNET [23:13:45] <+BURK> DOX WILL DROP [23:13:50] <+cam> BRICKS WILL BE SHAT [23:13:52] <@Mori> All in favour? [23:13:55] <+BlackMist> I [23:13:56] <+BURK> AYE [23:13:57] <+cam> aye [23:14:00] <@Mori> aye [23:14:01] <+PunaKone> aye [23:14:15] <@Mori> well then redsportscar321 [23:14:18] <@Mori> you have your task [23:14:19] <@Mori> get to it [23:14:52] * +redsportscar321 has quit IRC (Quit: to the shul!�) [23:15:07] <+PunaKone> wow [23:15:11] <+BURK> lol [23:15:12] <+PunaKone> great Mori [23:15:18] <+BURK> i think we are being trolled [23:15:20] <+BURK> but still [23:15:22] <+PunaKone> i applaud [23:15:26] <+BURK> the mental image is hilarious [23:15:30] <+cam> yes [23:15:33] <@Mori> yes but really either we get to fuck with him or we get the best picture ever [23:15:33] <+cam> i am happy about this [23:15:35] <+BURK> if he does it [23:15:41] <+BURK> unban him [23:15:45] <+BURK> but put it on his userpage [23:15:46] <+BlackMist> that picture will be win [23:15:47] <+BURK> and lock it [23:15:48] * Mori sets mode: -m [23:15:49] <+cam> it would probably start religious uproar [23:15:52] <+cam> around the globe [23:15:57] <+Renzo> not likely [23:15:59] <+cam> if the jews admitted their participation in wtc [23:16:00] <+Renzo> but still [23:16:01] <+BURK> SEE I HAVE GREAT IDEAS WHEN I AM AT SCHOOL [23:16:05] <+Renzo> it would be nice [23:16:22] <+cam> i can see it on Faux news now [23:16:26] <+cam> you know when they like [23:16:30] <+cam> show the url of a website [23:16:37] <+BlackMist> finnaly having a hebrew say/show it [23:16:39] <@Mori> i was thinking of just banning him but then i thought, no, we should do a thing [23:16:41] <+cam> "this website is responsible for" [23:16:43] <+BlackMist> will be lulzy [23:17:15] <@Mori> did that gay dude ever cough up the cock cake? [23:17:24] <+cam> not that i heard [23:17:29] <+cam> the one weev did? [23:17:31] <@Mori> yeah [23:17:34] <+cam> don't think so [23:17:42] <+BlackMist> no he flaked [23:17:42] <@Mori> weev told the guy to email the pics to him, and weev is missing, so we may never know [23:17:50] <+BlackMist> we should revert his small edit [23:18:02] <+cam> weev will come back [23:18:06] <+BlackMist> that we did for him [23:18:07] <+Renzo> You are all [23:18:09] <+Renzo> going to die [23:18:14] <+BURK> http://www.youtube.com/user/ScarredFurry lol look at this background [23:18:19] <+BURK> wait [23:18:22] <+BURK> wrong channel [23:18:22] <+cam> renzo did you take your meds today? [23:18:39] <+Renzo> Cam [23:18:41] <+Renzo> that was like [23:18:42] <+Renzo> funny [23:18:43] <+PunaKone> Renzo, if im going to die, im going to take you with me [23:18:45] <+Renzo> in first grade [23:18:54] <+cam> Renzo: no then [23:18:57] <+BlackMist> renzo could you unban me form #ed [23:19:10] <+cam> no [23:19:12] <+cam> he could [23:19:16] <+cam> but he won't lolol [23:19:19] <+Renzo> how do you keep getting yourself banned [23:19:24] <+BlackMist> mori [23:19:32] <+BlackMist> I dind't even do anything in #ed [23:19:39] <+BlackMist> mori was like do you like #ed [23:19:42] <+BlackMist> and I said yes [23:19:46] <+BlackMist> and he banned me [23:19:54] <+cam> (lulz ensued) [23:20:04] <@Mori> the ban message was too bad [23:20:38] <+BlackMist> yes it was lulzy [23:20:48] <+BURK> P.L.U.R. owns Hate [23:25:38] * +cam has left #arbchat [23:29:04] * aristotle73 has quit IRC (Input/output error�) Session Close: Tue Feb 05 00:00:00 2008