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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/May 3, 2014

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Monica Punk (Monica C. Olson) is a 24-year-old fat, lesbian autist with no job who lives at her mom's house, claims to play 20 different instruments despite not having the ability to play any (including the skin flute in her case), and uploads 50 butthurt videos a day on YouTube. She also thinks she's in a gang, despite the fact that she literally calls the cops crying when people troll her on the internet.

She epitomizes the type of fat, carpet-munching welfare queen who is so stupid she makes Messie Jessie actually look sane. This is backed by the fact that she was actually retarded enough to get fired AND banned from Hot Topic, which is saying a lot since she definitely has the hairstyle and mental state to fit right in. Monica's the type of freak that you'd love to smack in the face just to pass the time, but never would out of fear of losing your hand to the endless layers of her fatty folds. Even Xiao Rishu wouldn't be caught dead trying to help her baaawwing ass! In fact, she would most likely smack her too.

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