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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/July 26, 2012

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Adalia Rose is the latest fad on Fagbook to show how caring and good people on the internet are, for we know she will be cured by all the likes she has gathered on her Facebook, srsly guys.

On paper the idea of a small loli who has huge eyes, small mouth and nose, with a huge head, small body, no breasts and many colorful wigs, babbling in an over high pitched voice sounds like an average day In Fapan.

Meanwhile in the real world, the only real guilt here lies with her parents who actively expose her to milking, in order to portray her as a victim, taking advantage of her disease, and using it to further their blatant money making melodrama scam by parading her around in silly outfits, weird makeup and piercings singing and doing other retarded shit, then posting this shit to Facebook.

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