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Bashar al-Assad

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Bashar Hafez al-Assad or in English Basher Del Asshat born 11 September 1965 is the 19th Dictator elected in a free, democratic Syrian election on 17 July 2000, winning the office of President-for-life in a landsilide victory with 110% of the vote. A Puppet leader of the Ba'ath Party and ardent supporter of Islamic Terrorist Groups al-Asshat screamed the loudest for the destruction of THE GREAT SATAN until 2012 when he started crying for fellow Muslim U.S. President Barak Obama to help him maintain his aristocratic lifestyle of elected king and his favored possition as Chief Of Oppression, Violator of Human Rights, Keeping Wimmins Barefoot And In The Kitchen and Pimp Daddy King that Bitch Smacks anyone, with a long prison sentence, that has an opposing political opinion. Everything the Obama administration stood for.<
> In other words, let him be like every has-been, Libtard celebrity on [[Twitter}} but with the real power over a country and its people that they all wish they could have. Much like Tara Strong and her wish for a return to concentration camps for everyone who went against her Political Model and voted for our great god emperor, Donald Trump.

Al Bundy?