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Encyclopedia Dramatica:MIA Encyclopedia Dramaticians

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The brave, the proud, and the bold. The following is a list of ED's finest who are missing in action. Some of them are from, and haven't registered since the site shut down, while others simply fell off the map. Wherever they are now, they are surely missed and are not forgotten.

  • Ajt
  • Banaan
  • Blu Aardvark - Eaten to death by his own specially bred sporting dogs.
  • BURK - Voted off the island by EDF and was g-lined by weev as a result. He is now stuck on Facebook posting misspelled emo rants and hipster prints.
  • Chankachankaboo
  • Chunkmunky
  • Crazyconan
  • Creative Username - Lost e-battle with Zaiger.
  • DCY
  • Drunkenlazybastard Slowley killing self with alcohol in the hill country of the republic of texas.
  • E - Unexpectedly disappeared with all the server credentials.
  • Endedrural - Sacrificed after jumping off a cliff in order for Mario to reach the other side.
  • Entropy
  • Ezrahalogen
  • Finney Confirmed alive in the pacific north west, also damp.
  • Fiskie - It just didn't feel the same since the site split from the .com domain. Moved on, doing own projects now. If you knew me, feel free to add me on Steam.
  • Garrett - Got a job, got a home, got a girl. Some of us have to grow up sometimes ;_;
  • Ghostlight - Purported to have gotten lost in his LiveJournal inbox buried under messages.
  • Ghost People - British EDF2 artfag who disappeared in 2014.
  • Halcy
  • Hardvice
  • Hoveround Still alive and shitposting on facebook about his degenerate homosexual lifestyle.
  • IckleBee - Known as the Godfather of the deviantART articles of ED.
  • Iicatsii
  • JailBait
  • Jasper
  • Jawsome - Unfortunately entered into a healthy relationship and possibly graduated from Art School.
  • Jmax
  • LiteralKa
  • Milwin - The token Arab toast of EDF2 and a superb shitposter, he/she/it vanished in 2014 without a trace. Most likely has been beheaded by ISIS or something.
  • Mr Jonzz - Possibly KIA serving in the Justice League.
  • Mu.ollin - Fled the Tor cave for Switzerland, he was truly a cool bro.
  • Paco650 - ED's token Beaner, Paco went back to Mexico to get a decent job after the US economy took a crap.
  • PieAreSquare
  • Pierced - Entered a wormhole in EVE Online, possibly stuck.
  • PirateSmacK - Caused the Dancing Sandw PLEASE COME BACK!!!ONE1!11.
  • Quasidan - ED's token Jew never returned from Yom Kippur where he was asked to atone for his contributions to ED.
  • Riboflavin - Thought to be in Gitmo after being mistaken for Cho Seung Hui on the Virginia Tech campus.
  • Ritegroic
  • Ryan - v& due to botnet.
  • Sheneequa
  • Silivrenion - Became an Admin on and deserted one week later after its creation (literally).
  • Speedycat - He sure was speedy.
  • Subseven Not seen since ODB's wake in LA
  • Tfo - Last seen hate-fucking a nameless homeless man in Prague's backstreets.
  • Thedreadedkettle - Snatched by dingos in the Australian outback. He was An Tyrant.
  • TKN
  • Tigercommander - Joined ISIS. That's the last we've heard of him...
  • Wattage - Wattage appeared on the ED:Map in late 2006 and immediately set about ræping the fuck out of the fledgling YouTube, trolling PeppermintPatti, Argent and Bravesgirl. This troll of trolls simply vanished into the ether in late 2007 after -rumour has it- finding God.
  • Weatherman
  • WhiteMystery - MysteryBot's operator; never returned to ED after .com shut down in 2011.
  • Yiri -Supposedly in an Australian jail, though this is rumored to be false. served time in Silverwater Correctional Centre for beating up a girl, currently lives in South America (Ya, Rly)
  • Zenophile808 - Turned out to be The Final Boss of Chanology; vanished without trace when Anon's forces were overrun by moralfags. Thought to be Agent Pubeit.
  • Zionistacat

See Also

MIA Encyclopedia Dramaticians
is part of a series on
the former regimes


Corporate Shill Branch GirlvinylJacknstockKillhamsterPink PoodleSheneequaThedreadedkettleZaigerConrad Alan RockenhausAediotUmkemesikMarioMario456
Unwitting Pawn Branch Blu AardvarkBURKCrazyconanEd LolingtonkaleJuniusThaddeusKazantzakisOnideusOtterWhiskersQuasidanRiboflavinSchnookumsTfoShardDaxvanffVerminwattageweevWKDWhiteMysteryZenophile
Angry Patriot Ghost Branch AlGoreAndrewpantsOldDirtyBtardRubberducyiri
See Also Encyclopedia DramaticaEpic BattleJoseph EversMysteryBotOhInternetSelloutSheneequa Turns FourThe War of Zaiger Aggression

MIA Encyclopedia Dramaticians
is part of a series on
ED Government


Executive Command Founder Joseph EversLulz Incarnate Ae-tanCodified Likeness Utility CLU
Theocratic Branch Spiritual Advancement Guru MeepsheepBrother HipcrimeOur Dear Leader GloriousReaderHardchat Royalty Likeicare
Judicial Branch Judge BoudicaDrama Detective GirlOnInternetArbchatInternet court
Intelligence Division Arctic Research Scientist CakuChanfig and Professional Memer CrackRabbit Kentucky Colonel FleacollerindustryCordial Cyborg JacketKaptein-Commandant Conciërge TabsE-Detective and Token Straight Guy Zagan
Communications Network Jamaican Ambassador ASSBLONKERLogistics Expert ScumhookMaysamProfessor A Fucking BoxCommissar MegaManlyMemetic Warfare Director ChimplordReal Celebrity Paul Rudd
Department of Defense "Old Bone" KleetusCatalogue Cleaning Crew Cobaltcat
Founding Documents ED:HelpED:101ED:LULZED:OATH