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Broward County

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Conspiracy Alert
The subject of this article is the victim of a massive conspiracy by the Social Mafia. You should trust noone and come to your own conclusions after careful consideration of the facts.

Broward County is known for being one of the biggest source of lulz in Florida. The people who run Broward County are typically rumored to be jews, reptilians, and the occult trying to push CIA propaganda at the public's faces. Every time the MSM and the alt-media broadcasts or discusses some strange happening in Florida, the source always leads back to Broward County. The conspiracy theorists often claim that reptilians are setting up false flag shootings in Broward country due to how frequent happenings in Broward County are. In 1996, the forensic journal The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology published an article entitled Homicide in homosexual victims: a study of 67 cases from the Broward County, Florida, Medical Examiner's office (1982-1992), with special emphasis on "overkill". Whatever or not you believe that the government is staging events in Broward County, it seems that corruption in the highest levels of government always seems to take place at Broward County for some unknown reason. Maybe the source of the crimes are once again the Jews.

What a typical Reptilian congresswomen who runs the shithole known as Broward county is known to look like.

Secret Illuminati Occult Rituals in Broward County

One of the Cult Leaders of the Illuminati using an orb to spy on the US people

There are rumors of secret private CIA meetings taking place in Broward County. These CIA people often do the Dab in order to greet each other. The Dab in Broward County is considered to be an Illuminati hand signal by the highest officials of government. When a CIA member is doing the dab, it means shit is going to go down real hard. The Illuminati plan is irrefutably proved by the fact that "Broward" spelled backwards is "Draw Orb", meaning that the area exerts a mysterious attraction ("draw") upon the entire world ("orb").

Missing People in Broward County

The government keeps tons of top secret information at Broward County, many of which have yet to be uncovered. Those who have came to Broward County only to investigate the strange happenings at Broward County have been found dead. A total of 18,000 people have been found dead from car accidents in Broward County so far. All of which were caused by the Illuminati Jews.

Goblin Labs found in Broward County

Goblin people in Broward County plotting the murder of an innocent person.

Goblin attacks in Broward County reported by Alex Jones

The missing people who are rumored to be kidnapped are sent to a secret lab for biological testing. These factories are then used to turn regular people into Goblins. These goblins do nothing but cause harm to others, but occasionally they want to have fun trolling people on the internet. Many of the goblins are known for being contained in the labs that are found in Broward County as part of a conspiracy to recruit online users for the JIDF, Shareblue, ADL, and many others that seek to remove the lulz and fun from the internet as well as wanting to cover up the crimes of those high up in government. The Goblins who do not shallow the SJW poison are people who have escaped from the labs avoiding murder for disobedience. These Goblins who escaped the horrors of the Broward County goblin labs are either forum trolls that want to have fun trolling people for the lulz or regular people just like us.

How Shootings Happen in Broward County

MOSSAD attacks planned in Broward County

If you look up any study about places with the highest homicides in America, Broward County never shows up despite being constantly in the news. Why? Maybe the elites are trying to hide something. Chicago has more gun violence yet Broward County produces more historically significant mass shootings that get more coverage. Maybe the fact that this county is ran by a Democrat has something to do with it or not? Maybe MOSSAD or the CIA is involved? If you look at the suspects, there is something funny going on. Broward County contains a large number of Muslims consisting of 14% of the population, many of which did not come from the Middle East or any Middle Eastern regions. Not a big enough population for any Muslims to come here and start bombing the shit out of people in the name of Allah and none of these people where brought in by the migrant crisis since these people had lived here before the Arab Spring, the Bush wars, and the Migrant Crisis in Europe. There is only one explanation for the bombings that Muslims caused in the 2000s, Bush did it. No, scratch that. This county is ran by MOSSAD and the Israeli intelligence firms in order to promote narratives that damage the integrity of the US and these people were brought in by MOSSAD and Saudi Arabia to promote the War on Terror and the Arab Spring in the early 2010's. A few years later after the Alt-Right become mainstream, the Muslims stopped showing up on the headlines since the war on terror become an outdated concept. The usual Muslim suspects disappeared from the media. It was no longer Allahu Akbar for Broward County, since the old white people have become the new labeled domestic threat in America rending MOSSAD's use of Muslim bombings to be pointless. MOSSAD has since shifted to using white people for terrorism in order to help give leftists more support. In the CURRENT YEAR it is not uncommon for a racist white person or a hippie leftest pretending to be white start randomly going out on the streets shooting for on the streets in order to promote gun control.

Notable People from Broward County

These are a list of people who have either been involved in a mass shooting, terrorist attack, been in a terrorist attack, or have been constantly promoted by the MSM for views.

  • Nikolas Cruz - Edgelord who decided to shoot people just to be edgy.
  • Cesar Sayoc - A man who sent completely bogus bombs in order to gather support for the left. Possible false flag.
  • Mohammod Atta - Conspired in 9/11
  • Sheheryar Alam Qazi - Caused the Oakland Park shooting
  • Jose Padilla - Aided terrorists who plotted a radiological bomb attack
  • Imran Farooq Mandhai - Muslim who conspired to bomb electrical power stations
  • Sami Al-Arian - A computer engineering professor who during the Clinton administration and Bush administration, was invited to the White House. At some point he decided to bomb people.
  • James Gonzalo Medina - A person who planned to bomb an Aventura synagogue.
  • Omar Mateen - Another fucking shooter
  • XXXTentacion - A faggy rapper that deserved to be shot for his shitty talentless music. Bitch was asking for it. After his death there is now one less black person on the planet. Good Riddance to you niggers.
  • Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. - A Federal prosecutor in Florida who was send to investigate corruption in Broward County. He was found dead the next day.
  • Scott Israel - Shitty official who deserves to be fired. This man is proof that the FBI should be abolished.
  • David Hogg - Political activist who promotes gun control.
  • Debbie Wasserman Shultz - Shitty congresswomen and a murderer who has secured hits for the Clinton Cartel. This person is possibly doing satanic rituals with other Broward County officials and working with MOSSAD to induce gun control or wars for Israel.

Investigative Journalism Done in Broward County

List of HAPPENINGS in Broward County


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