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Warbears log 4, for those times when retarded just isn't fucktarded enough.

* VGCat has joined #arbchat
<CaptainOblivious> Marballz?
* januszeal sets mode: +v VGCat
<CaptainOblivious> Is that you?
<VGCat> yes
<CaptainOblivious> type  /nick Marballz
* VGCat is now known as marballz
<CaptainOblivious> Okay.
<CaptainOblivious> When can we start?
<januszeal> lol
<januszeal> ok
<januszeal> now?
-> *januszeal* remember pretend I'm on marballz side
<marballz> what do we say
* weev has joined #arbchat
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo weev weev
*januszeal* oh ok
*januszeal* fag
*januszeal* jk
-> *januszeal* lolol
<weev> uhh
<weev> why is there
<CaptainOblivious> Okay, so how are we doing this?
<weev> a miss aveline arbchat?
<weev> oh
<weev> thats old
<weev> whose arbchat is this?
<januszeal> lol
<weev> im gonna run it
<marballz> yeah
<CaptainOblivious> Okay.
* januszeal changes topic to 'Warbears arbchat nao�'
<CaptainOblivious> We're here to request that the Warbears article be taken down.
<weev> wait
<weev> CaptainOblivious: you personally?
*januszeal* sup
<CaptainOblivious> weev: me and marballz here.
*januszeal* you better tell weev
*januszeal* or you are getting glined
<weev> okay
<marballz> yes i request the same thing
<weev> marballz: why do you want the warbears article taken down
<weev> and why do you think you deserve special treatment
<weev> and what personal relationship do you have to warbears
<marballz> as i find it offending 
<januszeal> marballz : is that the only page you find offending?
* eppigy has joined #arbchat
* ChanServ sets mode: +v eppigy
<marballz> well no but i am personally insulted
<eppigy> Me too these accusations are hurrendous
* ChanServ sets mode: -v eppigy
<weev> why are you personally insulted
<weev> 13:40 <@weev> and why do you think you deserve special treatment
<weev> 13:40 <@weev> and what personal relationship do you have to warbears
<weev> you havent answered these questions yet
<marballz> sorry
<CaptainOblivious> Sigh.
<weev> are you going to answer them?
<januszeal> marballz : speak faster
<januszeal> type*
<weev> im an ED admin dude
<weev> i can take down the article if i want
<weev> and protect it
<weev> but you better be convincing
* eppigy is now known as TYPE_MAN_GODDAMMIT_TYPE
<CaptainOblivious> Marballz, man.
<marballz> well i am marballz on warbears i am not insulted by the bit were you call me a sad kid who posts all day but i find the area about my condition very personal and i also find the bit about e-penises personal as i didnt even say it
* TYPE_MAN_GODDAMMIT_TYPE is now known as eppigy
* januszeal sets mode: +N
<weev> okay marballz.
<weev> do you have any money?
* ChanServ sets mode: +v eppigy
<weev> since you and only you are personally offended
<marballz> well i have money but i have no accsess to it
<januszeal> marballz : how does that work?
<weev> okay so you dont have any fucking money
<marballz> ok
<eppigy> marballz: Trust fund?
<weev> your parents have money
<weev> mommy and daddy may give it to you one day, if you suck daddy off a lot
<marballz> more like a couple of bank accounts
<weev> okay well
<weev> use those bank accounts
<weev> to register a paypal account
<weev> hows that
<marballz> i cant i have no info on them
<weev> how much money do you have in your bank ccounts
<weev> then you dont have
<weev> any money
<marballz> yes in a point 
<weev> no not in a point
<weev> you dont have any money at all
<marballz> sorry
<weev> the money is likely purely mythical
<eppigy> marballz: I am gathering from your retarded blathering that you come from money and have never had top work for anything confirm/deny
<weev> i recommend you get some money.
<marballz> confirm
<eppigy> SCORE
<CaptainOblivious> Why are we talking about money?
<marballz> my father is a wealthy man
<eppigy> I bet
<eppigy> monetarily
<eppigy> but he is poor in all things that matter
<januszeal> CaptainOblivious : because removing a page costs
<eppigy> look what his seed has produced
<marballz> ok ok lissen i was told i could discuss the matter politly here
<weev> marballz: msg
<weev> check the privmsgs i sent you
<eppigy> I apologize
<eppigy> I will zip it
* ChanServ sets mode: -v eppigy
* Retrieving #arbchat modes...
<marballz> thank you
* CaptainOblivious changes topic to 'Warbears arbchat nao|Be polite.�'
<CaptainOblivious> :|
<januszeal> lol
<CaptainOblivious> Can we get somewhere please?
* januszeal changes topic to 'Warbears arbchat nao�'
<januszeal> yes please
<CaptainOblivious> >:(
<januszeal> i have stuff to do
<CaptainOblivious> I'm personally tired of having everything you guys have been doing pinned on me!
<januszeal> CaptainOblivious : lmao
<CaptainOblivious> What?!
<januszeal> you're not cool enough to be an EDiot
<marballz> ok
<CaptainOblivious> Is that a good thing?
<CaptainOblivious> I'll assume it is.
* You were kicked by januszeal (fag�)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #arbchat
* Rejoined channel #arbchat
* Topic is 'Warbears arbchat nao�'
* Set by januszeal on Sun Mar 25 13:42:58
<CaptainOblivious> Fuk
#arbchat You need voice (+v) (#arbchat)
* januszeal sets mode: +h CaptainOblivious
<CaptainOblivious> Uh, thanks I guess.
<CaptainOblivious> Look, we've got to get somewhere.
<CaptainOblivious> Marballz, are you there?
* Hoveround has joined #arbchat
<CaptainOblivious> Uh, hi.
* januszeal sets mode: +v Hoveround
<Hoveround> n eppigy?
<CaptainOblivious> Marballz?
<januszeal> marballz died
<Hoveround> marballz is +v 
<CaptainOblivious> Isn't there some sort of compromise that could be reached?
<marballz> we no you are busy guys but some of you stuff is lies 
<CaptainOblivious> Please, just tell us what we have to do to get our articles removed.
<Hoveround> marballz - please elaborate on what you consider 'lies'
<CaptainOblivious> WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS TALKING?!
<weev> okay well
<weev> there isn't really a compromise that can be reached here
<weev> marballz is personally offended
<weev> the article seems intended to offend
<marballz> sorry
<CaptainOblivious> what if I took a picture of myself 
<januszeal> nude?
<januszeal> and we front paged it
<CaptainOblivious> And wrote 'I have been trolled by ED' on my forehead with sharpie.
<januszeal> and sent it to everyone you know?
<januszeal> no i like my idea better
<CaptainOblivious> I'm not posing nude.
<CaptainOblivious> I'll write I have been trolled by ED on my forehead. Is that good enough?
<marballz> nude isnt good
<Hoveround> CaptainOblivious - do you have access to a watermelon?
<CaptainOblivious> No.
<Hoveround> they dont have watermelons in america?
<januszeal> lmao
<Hoveround> this isnt exactly nude
<Hoveround> hows that
<Hoveround> for a 'compromise'
<Hoveround> emulate that
<CaptainOblivious> There are no whole watermelons sold around here.
<CaptainOblivious> And hell no anyway.
<CaptainOblivious> How about I write it somewhere else.
<CaptainOblivious> Where would you want me to write it?
<marballz> would ass be good enough
<Hoveround> marballz, you're a thinker
* Retrieving #arbchat modes...
<januszeal> marballz : male/female.
<januszeal> marballz : male/female.
<Hoveround> i think this is going somewhere nao
<januszeal> marballz : male/female.
* CaptainOblivious sets mode: -m
<CaptainOblivious> My ass?
<CaptainOblivious> -_-
<marballz> male
<CaptainOblivious> Do I have to?
<eppigy> D:
<eppigy> marballz: do you have a sister?
<Hoveround> eppigy, whats your opinion?
<marballz> well its better then the water melon
* januszeal sets mode: +mvv-h CaptainOblivious eppigy CaptainOblivious
<Hoveround> oic
<eppigy> we need sister pics
<marballz> no i dont
<eppigy> I am not viewing this guys ass
<eppigy> marballz: hot neighbor?
<marballz> im sure this is illegal
<eppigy> no
<eppigy> it is not
<marballz> how old are you guy
<eppigy> You are asking us to perform a service
<eppigy> we are negotiating payment
<marballz> i no
<eppigy> marballz: I am 24
<eppigy> marballz: no/know
<Hoveround> guys how about this idea. we give them edit access to ED, they give us moderator access to warbears forum
<Hoveround> its a simple trade
<marballz> its basically child-porn its really not the greatest option
<eppigy> lol
<eppigy> marballz: we'll be the judge of that
<weev> lol
<weev> what is child porn?
<januszeal> eppigy : lol
<weev> oh
<weev> listen
<marballz> listening
<weev> marballz is not amicable to any reasonable solution
<weev> this arbchat has 0 chance of success
<weev> i declare it over
<CaptainOblivious> WAIT
<weev> content stays up until better reasons come along
<weev> no
<eppigy> marballz: your life is over
<weev> CaptainOblivious: you're screwed
<weev> sorry
<januszeal> marballz : question
<Hoveround> arbchat concluded
<CaptainOblivious> Can you take down my part if I write I have been trolled by ED on my ass :|
<weev> CaptainOblivious: no.
<CaptainOblivious> ...
<CaptainOblivious> hm
<januszeal> marballz : do you have power on the warbears forum?
<CaptainOblivious> He has respect.
<januszeal> oh
<marballz> well no but im a close friend to power
<weev> respect is for faggots
<januszeal> who cares about that
<weev> if he doesnt have rot
<weev> root*
<januszeal> lol
<weev> we cant negotiate
<marballz> i see
<weev> anyways
<januszeal> marballz : can you get us an admin account?
<weev> arbchat is concluded
<januszeal> kk
* weev sets mode: +b *!*VGCat@*
* marballz was kicked by weev (later.�)
* januszeal sets mode: -m
<weev> lolllll
<januszeal> lololol
<RichLow> damn, that was funny
<Hoveround> and people say that ED is tyranny
<januszeal> lol
<eppigy> people are upset by the disregard for feelings of others
<januszeal> brb
<eppigy> they do not understand their highly paid care giver cannot help them on the internet
<eppigy> and their trust fund means nothing