Registration has been disabled and the moderation extension has been turned off.

Contact an admin on Discord or EDF if you want an account. Also fuck bots.

If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.


From Encyclopedia Dramatica
This is the current revision of this page, as edited by imported>UnknownEinherjar at 22:53, 22 February 2022. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.
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About UnknownEinherjar
This user is from Canædia
This user is bound for Valhalla
This user is on EDF6
... Probably a mistake.
This user drinks Wilkins Coffee


ED, and EDF6 are NOT a hugbox. ED is not a safe space, or a nice place. ED thrives on lulz. When there is none elsewhere, or if an ED user shows weakness, they will turn on their own, just like primitive monkeys.

Current Projects

Working on recovering some old ED pages from Wayback Machine, and restoring old images that I happen to have.
Working on restoring Chris-Chan/Quotes page from backup (the page is completely missing, link will go here when I get it up)

Stuck in the US, working for my company. ...I need to get back to Canada.
The American attitude is rubbing off on me, eh.

Re-learning how 2 wiki again so I can contribute and not shit up articles.

Encyclopedia Dramatica IRC Search Script - Edited for website update

;Encyclopedia Dramatica Search Script by Ford_Lawnmower -- #USA-Chat
menu Channel,Status {
  .$iif($group(#dramatica) == On,$style(1)) Encyclopedia Dramatica Trigger
  ..$iif($group(#dramatica) == On,$style(2)) On: .enable #dramatica
  ..$iif($group(#dramatica) == Off,$style(2)) Off: .disable #dramatica
#dramatica on
On $*:Text:/^(!|@)dramatica.*/Si:#: {
  if ($timer($+(dramatica,$network,$nick))) { return }
  .timer $+ $+(dramatica,$network,$nick) 1 4 noop
  var %method $iif($regml(1) == !,.notice $nick,$iif($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@|%)/),.msg $chan,.notice $nick))
  dramaticaS %method $2-
#dramatica end
alias dramatica { dramaticaS echo -a $1- }
alias -l dramaticaS {
  $1-2 Searching........
  var %sockname $+(dramaticaS,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $iif($3,$+(/Special:Search/,$replace($3-,$chr(32),+)),/Special:Random) 0 $iif(!$3,1,0)
alias -l dramaticaR {
  var %sockname $+(dramaticaR,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $+(/,$3) 0 $iif($4,1,0)
On *:sockopen:dramatica*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:dramaticaS*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    var %dramaticaS | sockread %dramaticaS
    if (Page title matches isincs %dramaticaS) { sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,1,4,32) }
    if (Page text matches isincs %dramaticaS) { sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,1,4,32) }    
    if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32)) && ($regex(%dramaticaS,/\Q<li><a href="/\E(.*)\Q" title="\E/)) {
      dramaticaR $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $regml(1) $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)
      sockclose $sockname
    if (Location: isin %dramaticaS) {
      dramaticaR $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $nopath(%dramaticaS) $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)
      sockclose $sockname
On *:sockread:dramaticaR*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st socket error $nopath($script) }
  else {
    var %dramaticaR | sockread %dramaticaR
    if (*<p>*<b>* iswm %dramaticaR) || (*<p>*<i>* iswm %dramaticaR) { 
      sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$calc($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) + 1),4,32) 
    if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32)) && ($httpstrip(%dramaticaR)) { 
      put $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $v1 $+(�,,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32))
      sockclose $sockname
On *:sockclose:dramatica*: {
  if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)) && (dramaticaR* iswm $sockname) { dramaticaS $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) }
  else { $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) Sorry No results found for your Search }
alias -l httpstrip { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x) | return $remove($replace(%x,&,&), ,<) }
alias -l Put {
  if (!$regex($1,/(\.|^)(msg|notice|echo)$/Si)) || (!$3) { echo -st **Put error** Syntax /Put msg #channel text - or - /Put notice nickname text  | return }
  var %tokens $0, %Tstart 3, %Dtimer 1500
  if ($timer($+(Put,$2,$network)).secs) { %Dtimer = $calc($v1 * 1000) }  
  while ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) > 430) {
    dec %tokens
    if ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) <= 430) {
      .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-2 $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
      inc %Dtimer 1500
      %Tstart = $calc(%tokens + 1)
      %tokens = $0
  .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-2 $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
  .timer $+ $+(Put,$2,$network) -m 1 $calc(%Dtimer + 1500) noop 