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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 2, 2015

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Imdb has many keyboard warriors, who will sperge out the minute you criticize their favorite celebrity, movie, what have you, but it takes a very special nigger faggot to succeed in getting their very own ED page. Ladies and gentlemen, may we present to you an ancient chubby geriatric mistake from God: Fiero or Jamie Miller from Chicago, Illinois. As some like to call him. Like so many gentle lolcows before him, fiero's dirty laundry is but a mouse click away, which would have stayed perfectly hidden where it not for him, next to boy butt, also liking to yell and annoy people till kingdom come, thus basically asking for it.


What have I missed?
Kill la Kill
2 days ago
Jeremiah True
4 days ago
6 days ago