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Add pixplzkthnx to Bunkerchan
Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.

Bunkerchan is a leftist imageboard made up of various commies and left wing ideologues who complain all day from their computers about how communism is a better system than capitalism or fascism, despite the fact communism has killed 70 million people across the 20th century. More than Nazi Germany's 7 million high score and some medieval monarchies. Many arguments will range from "that wasn't real communism" or "they deserved it", with the latter being much more honest and telling of their true intentions and goals in life. In reality, they're just as much of an echo chamber as /pol/ is despite them broadcasting themselves as a more sophisticated and nuanced alternative.