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Contact an admin on Discord or EDF if you want an account. Also fuck bots.
If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.Britta
Britta or sonicraymanfan1994, is a 16 year-old childish artist from the germany. about as god awful Chris-chan but just moreretarded than him, and more annoying than him. she thinks she hot shit just cause she draws rayman, has a charater with boobs and friends who constantly white knight her over anyone trolls her over her craptastic work.
Britta in general
Meet one of the biggest attention seeking whore you will ever fine on deviantart,she calls herself a rayman fan, all she does it pairs her Original Charter with any thing that is limbless, a furry or a woman. all they do in her pictures is hug, kiss and FUCK. She completely manipulates and changes the character personality for her own needs. That’s pretty sad there worse part of all is her attention seeking.Whenever someone tries to critic her even if it’s the nicest critic you can get, she starts having a shit fit, claims she’ll leave DA and the internet forever,she deactivates her accounts on a weekly bases to get her little friends to try and help the ones who are doing apparently trolling to her, and then return a few days later like NOTHING has happened. she acts like a five year old who didn't get there way so now there gonna go on a fit about it and cry like a slobbering idiot about stupid ass bullshit that no one gives two fucks about. she also starts flame wars with others that she had no good reason to hate or fight with then drags it on and on and on, never letting it go how she hates them and there mean, when really she was the big ass fuck who started this shit then gets her buddies to defend her. she will go and slander then name all over her page and on Deviantart and blames all of her problems on them cause she has too much pride to blame herself. then her friends believe her retarded ass bull crap and they go and attack the person who has done any shit to her
Britta's fetishes
as if being in love with rayman wasn't enough, she has a fetish for spyfox and sonic characters and women she also has some food fetishes along with her boob fetish, and her BDSM fetish
Britta's and critics or trolls
she considers them the same shit, because she is a fucking dumb ass who has no idea how to tell the difference. she deals with them by saying how she hates them or how there losers when really she is the one who made the shitty art so she's to blame but oh no she goes off saying how there to blame for there words and her art is the best thing ever. so if your not giving her a critic and saying " OMG ITS SO AMAZING OMG OMG OMG I WOULD LICK THAT BITCHEZ TITS SO MUCH. RAYMAN IS SO INTO HER BLAH BAH SHIT!" then she doesn't like it and labels you as a troll cause that's the best way to deal with problems after a day she goes and deactivates her deviantart saying she is leaving forever and baaawwing, recently she started saying how no one lovers her even if she has tons of friend and family that love her dearly. later she will send notes to the "trolls and critics" that she will go and kill herself so they would leave her alone. which just results in her becoming troll bait.
she also tells these people that she doesn't care what they say, but if that were true she wouldn't be acting out and baaawwwing over the fact that they said some crap about her work.
britta's Alternate Accounts
she made several on deviantart and sheezyart, usually by the name sonicraymanfan, purplesugar or gwizdoxbritta. she only makes them after she gets trolled to much or what not, then leaves cause she wants to be left alone, but that doesn't work cause people know who you are because of your art you can't run from it, but that just shows she runs from all her problems.