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Crusader Cat

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Crusadercat posing in his fursuit. He fucking loves bowl-cuts so much, even his fursona has one.
Minus the Fursuit, this is what you get: a fuck ugly ginger
This seems to be the highlight of this sick fucks life, so he'll tell you ALL about it!

Paden Reilly, aka Crusadercat (also known as PBRY) is a dirty Christian, catmongling, fursuiting furfag with a "paw" fetish who was banned from FurAffinity for threatening to sue one of the administrators for "discriminating against Christians" when he wouldn't delete all anti-Christian art. Like all furries when they get jerked away from their main source of furry porn, they flip the fuck out and go on a mission to show that FA IS BAD BAWWWWW and create Jewtube videos and make an account on DeviantArt. One might call it... a crusade.

His art (if you can really call it that) is almost entirely pro-Christian, with several anti-atheist pieces, so it's no surprise that all of his e-rage comes from anti-Christian art and atheists simply existing. Like most furries, he claims he has problems with relationships because he has "mild" Asperger's syndrome, instead of because he's a social outcast furry that drowns everyone around him with Christianity and fucking cats. He also cannot figure out the difference between "site" and "sight", as he switches them around literally every fucking time he types the word "site".

FurAffinity Bannation

On September 11, 2009, Crusadercat decided that over thirty people on FurAffinity were harassing him by making furry porn depicting his character (he claims that he holds the copyright to all brown cats with blond hair in art) and "bashing Christians", which is basically anything that he finds even slightly offensive. So he does what every furry does when they get pissed off about art or what someone says: cry out about copyright infringement, completely disregard any free speech laws in his country and demand that anything that offends him gets removed from the site immediately because NOBODY should be allowed to make fun of Christians and if he doesn't get his way, he'll get on the phone with his lawyer... to sue a private website that the government has zero control over and isn't breaking any IRL laws.

This is made ten times funnier because he claims that "hate speech" should not be allowed, but has several anti-atheist pieces in his own gallery. Double standards are fun, kids! When confronted about this, he claims that since people posted anti-christian "hate speech", it's perfectly okay for him to post anti-atheist "hate speech", because he can get away with it. How very Christian of him!

The admin, Xaerun or tsawolf, that answered his report (he claims both answered) says "no, there is nothing wrong with the art that is posted". Crusadercat immediately flips his shit and accuses the administrator of "discriminating against Christians" and, of course, threatened to sue the administrator for, in his own words, "not doing his job", which last time normal people checked, isn't against the law when that "job" is policing a furry smut archive that the person doesn't get paid to do.

On the same day, after making a total ass of himself on the forums, he got banned from FurAffinity for threatening a lawsuit.

How to handle drama

Instead of just backing down and admitting he was wrong, on September 13, he instead decides to make a Jewtube video about it, claiming that he has "EXPOSED FURAFFINITY" and that "Furaffinity discriminates against Christians!!!" simply because they refused to delete anything that could be even slightly offensive towards Christians.

Like a fucking idiot just ASKING to get trolled, he also decided to do what all FurAffinity outcasts do: open up a deviantArt in protest. Not only that, but he did our job for us - he screen capped and uploaded all of his own drama. The screen shots are still on his deviantArt, but in preparation of their BAWWWWWLETION, they were saved. Note he uses Safari, enough said.

Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

December 30th, 2009, CrusaderCat uploads a new version of his video "exposing FA" where he astonishingly continues to flaunt his ignorance about the law as well as cry a river of butthurt.


Come back to bed, Garfield.

Thou Shalt Not Yiff: PDF Bible

Things Crusadercat believes

Crusadercat's Ministry Outreach

Not Finished Being Stupid


Fantastic quotes!

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