Ruslan Akhtyamov

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This is a better, more fleshed up remake of User:MisterRemover/Ruslan Akhtyamov. Props to him for giving me a base.
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This page contains an hero.
Ruslan Akhtyamov
Nationality: Ruskie
High Score 2 lolis killed, 2 adults killed, injured 1
Top 50? Oh hell nah!
Style Single Player
An Hero? Shotgun mouthwash

On April 26th 2022, just weeks before the Ruski attack on Ukraine, another batshit insane European Adam Lanza copycat would go for the high score after finally snapping his head out (literally). The location of the attack was Ryabinka Kindergarten, and the gun owner's house.

Ruslan in the blood (and brains)

So, who was Ruslan really? Was he an alt-right extremist? Was he influenced by shitty supermarket shooters? Was he a fedpost? No, not at all. He wasn't any of that. The ongoing investigation shows Ruslan had a personality disorder and was a basement dweller. He was probably intensively bullied by his peers for his retarded head shape. Look at him, come on, he looks like a fucking egg! He was shat out 26 years ago, in 1996. The gun he borrowed was from one of his friends, who invited him to come shoot guns. So yes, even Ruslan had friends. His neighbours described him as quiet and nice but was kinda strange at times. He was right about him being strange thought! Anyways after this, there's not much known of Ruslan. His mother recognized him in the shooting cause of his stupid little face.

The shooting

In your face, Ilnaz and Timur!

Ruslan decided to end it all on April 26th, serving as a major lulzfest and a late April Fools to Ruski kids at Veshkayma. To do a school shooting you need a gun! But Ruslan wasn't eligible for that, but he had a great idea! Brutally murder his best friend for his shotgun for the lulz. With that done, to do a school shooting you need a school to attack. The school he chose was a kindergarten, serving as yet another major lulzfest for Adam Lanza and Noah Esbensen. And well.... now you have fun! Ruslan entered the school during naptime, in order to fap to the dead kiddies bettar. From there, an employee tried to talk him down and stop him, but no one can stop a batshit insane Ruski, so he shot her in the head. Next was the other attack, killing 2 sleeping kiddies before shooting another "hero" who tried to stop him, injuring her in the arm. After a quick nut, he decided to do what the 2 other Ruski fags couldn't do, join the ranks of an hero. This shooting was a lulzfest, as shootings, while they happen in Russia, aren't very common. This is the 5th popularized school shooting in Russia, and the penultimate with the less kills, the one with the less kills being a school hostage made by a 15 year old boi who killed a police officer. Good job.... I guess? There aren't mass shootings in Russia right now due to tha war!! in Ukraine.

Russia and Mass Shootings

Isn't it strange? Why a country that's European, with such good gun control laws have mass shootings? Isn't it hard to do a mass shooting in Russia? Not anymore. Dimitry Vinogradov's shooting in 2012 was the equivalent of Eric and Dylan's lulzfest in 1999 but in Russia. It shocked many, and inspired many too. The earliest popularized Russian challenger was a 15 year old who kept a school hostage and killed a police officer. Next up, 4 years later, is Vladislav Roslyakov, a noodle-armed Columbiner faggot who PWned 20 and fragged alot of more with a bomb that actually fucking detonated! 2 years later, is a nice change of pace. Ilnaz Galyaview, a Vladi daddy stan and copycat, who PWned 9 and fragged 20. He also has one of his own copycats, Timur Bekmansurov, who PWned 6, and after the attack got amputated. Then there's Ruslan who PWned 4 and fragged 1. Progressivly, the attacks have less and less kills, just like America! Can Russia be Europe's biggest mass shooting site? Who knows! Maybe it is really!


Class Setup
Item Accessories/Bonus
  • Primary: IZh-27
  • Normal, cool, cheap shotgun which is powerful. Nothing special but it's nice.65~155 Damage
  • Perk 1: Stopping Power
  • Deal alot of damage to little mushy kiddie brains with a shotty.
  • Perk 2: Sleight of Hand
  • Fastens your fapping and nutting before the Party Vans arrive. Also makes your attack faster and more efficient.

Graded Score

Graded score
Kills: 4/20 4 PWned and 1 injured with a shotgun...
Accuracy: 14/20 Good accuracy for a shotgun with a bit of kickback.
Style: 15/20 Entered the school at naptime to fap bettar
Butthurt: 10/20 Nobody really gave a fuck expect Slavic states
Bonus: 9/20 Stole an old man's shotgun and killed him with it before shooting up the kindergarten.
Total score: 52/100 (D)
The Russians do it good
See full ranking

Wanted Level:




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