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Your mods here are...well, they're definitely not professional at all. They hang out in IRC and dog the hell out of anyone for saying anything...I really didn't want to come back to totse at all, just assuming if your mods act this way, how the fuck do the people 'below' them act? I mean, mods are here to help build their sections of the site, right? Which, in turn, helps out in SEO and all kinds of aspects of the site.

I know I'm probably prying where I shouldn't, but I think behavior like this shouldn't be condoned by mods at me, that's just some kid that hangs out on the internet and probably isn't good at anything...just a word of advice, mods actually do directly effect your search engine statistics (because, it is their job to manage and build their sections, and it's articles, stories and things like that that are picked up in the search engines) I guess if you can't find a professional mod, my word of advice is to not just hand it out...but that's just me, not trying to pry or anything but behavior like that is probably what's preventing the site from growing IMO.

Btw, don't know who tptd is, but he's an admin in IRC so he probably mods here too...just a small word of advice. Just not good behavior for a mod to be acting in my earnest opinion.


grove st. killaz
bzb mercilessly attacks #ed
dolphin fingers his butt on cam lol
bzb and julia
bzb and julia hand dox

#grove is a splintered irc network that was originally run by bzb on, which eventually fell all apart due to AIDS in the proverbial gene pool which then gave way to a reformation of the group on, presently run by...uh...well honestly who really gives a fuck? The #grove kids have been widely successful in making a name for their group by essentially making a general nuisance out of themselves to soft chatting losers like januszeal, Buttes, and all of #ed, in addition to hilariously pointless and overly impotent channel takeovers on almost a daily basis.


abrn runs some random whore off of Rizon

abrn vs fanglekai

long ass irc log of me lawyering the fuck out of fanglekai for personal enjoyment

scroll down to some big plus signs for an interesting chat 

<hxc> [09:13:55] its because im not here
<DarthVineman> [09:15:11] Baloney
<fanglekai> [09:26:46] hellish get new hosting NAO plz
<fanglekai> [09:26:59] and get clover to fix the site
<hxc> [09:27:12] whose clover
<fanglekai> [09:27:22] lol if u posted on totse you'd know
<hxc> [09:27:30] well i dont so whose clover
(<^>++NOTE++ i dont know who clover is, i always go to hellish to get site things done with totse like setting up the irc or DFG for shit on the forum - for the record hxc is the sysadmin and has his own channels but idles in #totse and helps people out a lot ++ tptd just likes to talk to people and say goofy things to people on Internet Relay Chat ++++++)
<fanglekai> [09:27:38] what do you mean whose
<fanglekai> [09:27:45] whose is a possessive adjective
<hxc> [09:27:46] what do u think i mean
<hxc> [09:27:47] ok
<hxc> [09:28:12] but u still haven't told me who clover was
<fanglekai> [09:28:24] a programmer dur
<hxc> [09:28:24] thats the subject of conversation atm
<hxc> [09:28:38] does he go by the nick 'Slpctrl'
<hxc> [09:28:43] on irc?
<fanglekai> [09:28:54] i don't know
<hxc> [09:29:24] because a guy named slpctrl came on irc and claimed 2 be a programmer and joined this other network i told him to join and he used the nick clover
<fanglekai> [09:29:38] ok then that's probably him
<fanglekai> [09:29:41] clover joined and wants to FIX SHIT
<hxc> [09:30:36]
<hxc> [09:30:37] lold
<hxc> [09:31:08] I just pissed on a preying mantis' face! LOL FUCKING PWNED MANTIS! SlpCtrl: 1 Mantis: 0 OOOWNNNNEEDDD. It felt so good, when he started to spread his wings I made sure to piss on those and soak 'em down real good too. This'll probably be the last post zoklet gets from me, so enjoy it.
<***> Playback Complete.
<abrn> lol
<abrn> its totse hacked
<abrn> scrolling up on chats
<abrn> okay so i have something to tell you
<abrn> this was what i was planning
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ on a scale of one to pissed how completely enraged ar you right now and lets discuss why
<fanglekai> lawl wut
<tptd> im about to ddos fanglekai
<fanglekai> lawl
<fanglekai> u think so?
<tptd> go ahead and laugh
<tptd> fanglekai.txt has been created, ur officially on my shitlist kid
<abrn> tptd is just a bitch he touch digs to dog dicks or whatever the fuck tptd stands for
<fanglekai> LOL fanglekai.txt
<tptd> shut the fuck up ^
<fanglekai> have fun with that ip
<fanglekai> i connect via proxy
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ how do you feel about the hacking and it not being able to be resolved
<tptd> wowowo omg how will i ever dox/ddos/swat and ruin your life now
<fanglekai> lawl ur so tuff
<fanglekai> come suck my dragoncock
<tptd> listen up u little shit
<fanglekai> who the fuck is this nigger
<tptd> ive ruined lives for far less
<fanglekai> does he even post on totse?
<tptd> i hacked totse
<tptd> im gonna get ur ip from the database i saved onto my computer
<fanglekai> you hacked totse
<tptd> ya bitch
<fanglekai> you aren't speaking in arabic
<tptd> no shit
<fanglekai> yawn
<fanglekai> so abrn u planned this?
<fanglekai> you got some guy to hack totse?
<abrn> yeah
<abrn> you cock suckers deserved it
<abrn> no you fucking dicklick where did you learn how to talk online
<fanglekai> wut
<abrn> i was just curious about what feelings and issues were raised by a fellow mod in regards to the current hacking and lack of resolution at the moment
<fanglekai> a fellow mod lol
<fanglekai> so you have this tptd guy claiming to have hacked totse
<fanglekai> and you let him sit here in the channel
<abrn> yeah im going to kick him for saying words on irc
<tptd> ``let" me
<tptd> if i got kicked id take this whole network down
--> spazz ([email protected]) has joined #totse
* CompuServ gives voice to spazz
<fanglekai> who the fuck is this nigger
<tptd> then id dox everyone individually
<abrn> why are you discussing the stupid shit here for some social anxiety disorder misdrective reason
<abrn> i mean i guess your feelings hurt easily its pretty easy to ignore or tell him to fuck off or talk shit back in a skillled manner
<abrn> you cant just believe the things that people say on irc and let them effect you emotionally
<abrn> or anywhere on internet
<hxc> im pretty sure tptd is the real deal
<abrn> people are like FUCK YOU
<spazz> pokemon r gay
<fanglekai> y do u think im emotional
<hxc> because u are
<tptd> because ur freaking the fuck out
<fanglekai> lawl
<fanglekai> o yes freaking the FUCK out
<fanglekai> i want to know who this tptd nigger is
<tptd> why do u keep saying "nigger"
<fanglekai> and no one answered the question
<tptd> do u think ur being edgy
<abrn> but when a person on the internet poses a well thought out topic to discuss in #TOTSE about TOTSE to another personal on the same level ON TOTSE that is bitching about the hieracrhy and that mods need to improve and contribute to tose
<fanglekai> o so u r a nignog?
<hxc> u say lawl and lulz and wut but that doesn't cancel out ur other actions that exhibit emotional distress and instability
<tptd> white surban fat middle class, lives with mom and dad probably 17-23
<tptd> suburban***
<tptd> says nigger online cuz he thinks hes cool
<hxc> serbian
<abrn> then that is when it is time to internet relay CHAT
<fanglekai> lawl ok 
<fanglekai> he's serbian
<fanglekai> so he's a nignog
<hxc> no
<fanglekai> serbian = nignog
<hxc> he fucking mispelled suburban why are u so quick to jump on a typo is that really the only thing u can fault him @
<fanglekai> and why is a nignog allowed in the totse channel
<tptd> fanglekai:  why dont u shut the fuck up u god damn idiot
<abrn> you are still just getting sucked in to the misdirected way out by being trolled by two random people instead of internet relay CHATTING me about TOTSE in the TOTSE INTERNET RELAY CHAT
<hxc> im black btw
<fanglekai> you need to get the porch monkey out of here
<abrn> oh of course all you are thinking about is NOT IN MY SECRET PRIVATE TOTSE CLUB KICK TPTD OUT OF THE CHANNEL FOR SAYING THINGS TO ME ON IRC just like you did in the mod forum
<fanglekai> who the fuck is tptd
<spazz> idk
<fanglekai> does he even post on totse?
<spazz> prolly not
<fanglekai> there's no on there named tptd
<tptd> no why would i use that piece of shti site
<fanglekai> so you just join the totse irc
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ why are you stll being emotionally wounded by some random fuckin guy on IRC when a mod is talking to YOU in TOTSE about TOTSE
<spazz> just duches that invade random irc?
<fanglekai> lawl random people invade ur irc?
<abrn> no
<spazz> i guess
<spazz> like hxc
<abrn> this isnt a fucking secret private club or dictatorship
<tptd> lawl porch monkey does he even poste on totse nigger lawl?
<hxc> hello abrn is chatting @ u can u shut the fuck up about tptd please u emo piece o`` shit
<fanglekai> wut private club?
<abrn> theres no reason to kick someone out of the channel if they arent doing shit but talking to you WHY DO YOU FUCKING CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THINGS LIKE THIS
<hxc> because hes emo
<hxc> obviously
<fanglekai> i don't know what you're talkin about
<abrn> were  you left out of a lot of things in high school and made fun of because thats what you are acting like to me
<tptd> HOLY SHIT fanglekai... can u stop FREAKING THE FUCK OUT
<fanglekai> what private club
<fanglekai> lol u guise are funny
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ i eplained this all very fucking clearly if you read any of the 15 paragraphs i have typed on irc
<fanglekai> what paragraphs
<tptd> haha he spelled it ``guise" so he's unique and creative and clever
<abrn> the paragrapjhs about 
<hxc> i think fanglekai is too retarded to keep up w/ chats in here i think maybe thats why he went back to slashnet and idled in a channel that regularly has 3 people max
<abrn> 1. you being emotionally wonded and misdirecting the conversation
<abrn> 2. being and idiot and trying to kick people out instead of growing up and igrnoreing it
<abrn> 3. doing stupid shit instead of discussing totse or anyhting worthwhile but one liner shitty replies with memes in them
<fanglekai> ignoring what
<abrn> in the totse channel i might add
<abrn> i dont know why dont you read what the fuck i said like i just SAID A SECOND AGO
<fanglekai> do you even know what totse is about?
<tptd> hey fanglekai, i dont even post on totse and im in #totse what are u gonna do about it??
<abrn> wow
<abrn> thats why i added that if you arent going to discuss totse then discuss ANYTHING
<tptd> im about to NOT post on totse right now
<abrn> you are just BITCHING
<spazz> itt IDK
<spazz> ^^^^
<fanglekai> uh ok
<fanglekai> it's freedom
<fanglekai> so what's the deal
<fanglekai> close minded
<fanglekai> LOL
<tptd> fanglekai: grow up
<fanglekai> lern2type
<abrn> motherfucker totse is where you can talk about anything you want to talk about
<abrn> where you can find obscure to hilarious text files about anything you want to learn about
<fanglekai> yeah ok
<abrn> its where you can go into SG and ask any question that you cant answer elsewhere
<fanglekai> what's your point
<abrn> totse was always there for that
<fanglekai> and
<abrn> totse was always a home of the intelligently crazy
<abrn> you asked me what totse was 
<abrn> its pretty obvious that  you dont know
<fanglekai> it was full of kidiots
<fanglekai> lawl i was on totse since 01 nigger
<abrn> suck shit
<abrn> who the fuck are you
<DarthVineman> I'm JC Stanton
<abrn> nobody i ever rememebered reading a post of
<tptd> fanglekai is makin shit up
<fanglekai> hai vineman
<abrn> DarthVineman~|~ did you see this guy force me to textually own him
<abrn> its just pitiful
<fanglekai> lol
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ say something valid and of value
<fanglekai> you're talking about owning people........on irc?
<DarthVineman> If you think I've been paying attention
<DarthVineman> You're mistaken
<abrn> yeah
<fanglekai> lol
<fanglekai> hahahah
<fanglekai> o wow
<abrn> i just outlied everything about you that you were doing wrong
<hxc> fanglekai is not by any means a special chatter and even though he has been on totse for 20 years that doesnt grant him the ability to magically own people who are gifted shit talkers
<abrn> everything about you that made you a faggot at the exact moment that you were doing it
<fanglekai> better wipe the cheeto grease off your fingers and put down the mountain dew
<hxc> so please stop acting like u r the big shit thanks in advance
<tptd> yeah fanglekai got kind of destroyed and humiliated and id be embarassed 2 be him right now i tell u what
<abrn> i also did it in a manner which if you werent freaking the fuck out and read what i said you would have been able to STOP being a faggot
<abrn> then you just broke down into memes and even less valid things
<abrn> im not eveil i am quite wqilling to give you a 5th chance
<fanglekai> lawl
<fanglekai> i did a barrel roll nigga
<abrn> i will pose my original question again
<fanglekai> u can't hit shit when i b doin barrel rolls up in this bitch
<abrn> or if you can provide a subject worthwile and not STUPID AS FUCK i would love to discuss it
<hxc> i fully expect u to answer him this time around instead of freaking out about tptd owning u
<spazz> IRC is srs buisness
<spazz> mmmmK
<abrn> <abrn> i was just curious about what feelings and issues were raised by a fellow mod in regards to the current hacking and lack of resolution at the moment
<tptd> im gonna go finish doxing/ddosing every1 on my irc shitlist for the date of 10-28-10
<tptd> then ill get 2 u fanglekai 
<fanglekai> O WIN
<spazz> hxc, pokemon R GAY mmmmmK?
<fanglekai> vury gh3y
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ can you say something of fucking value
<DarthVineman> WUT
* DarthVineman kicks EVERYONE
<fanglekai> lol
<abrn> the manner in which you are pouring your retardation onto irc is resemblant of the 4000+ low quality one liner posts on totse
<fanglekai> u mad?
<abrn> no i dont give a fuck about you 
<abrn> you have made a complete fool of yourself
<hxc> u mad?
<fanglekai> lol
<hxc> u mad?
<tptd> fanglekai: on the level... why are u so reluctant 2 show some personality?
<fanglekai> this is irc
<abrn> i basically just lawyered you
<DarthVineman> I MAD
<fanglekai> u lawyered me??
<fanglekai> lawl
<abrn> yeah
<hxc> lawl
<tptd> i keep seeing some memes and lawls and shit
<tptd> and thats all fine or w/e
<fanglekai> ya very lulzy
<tptd> but i want 2 get to know the REAL u
<abrn> i just proved the case against you with 0 fault that you are nothing
<fanglekai> y u want to kno the real me
<abrn> the jury didnt even bother deliberating
<tptd> maybe we can be pals and i wont have 2 ruin ur life
<fanglekai> there are no juries
<fanglekai> this is irc
<hxc> hey can u make an eggdrop bot to say 'lawl' 'l o l' 'u mad?' and 'wut' and name it fanglekai and let abrn just own it all fucking day
<fanglekai> this is not srs bsns
<hxc> also 'this is irc'
<abrn> you have given me a very good example by your actions that you are completely deviod of independent thought
<fanglekai> u mad?
--> IceeWeiner ([email protected]) has joined #totse
* CompuServ gives voice to IceeWeiner
<hxc> sup IceeWeiner
<IceeWeiner> sup
<hxc> using the best irc client to ever exist i see
<IceeWeiner> not really
<abrn> icechat - the irc client cool people use
<abrn> isnt that the slogan
<hxc> yea
<hxc> it is
<spazz> looky at my stereo in TT
<fanglekai> are you guys done freaking out?
<spazz> ex stereo
<IceeWeiner> uh ok i guess
<DarthVineman> I'm freaking out, man.
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ im going to submit this log to totse when its unhacked and have a tribunal about your status as a thinking imagining human being
<fanglekai> i was talkin to hellish
<hxc> l o l
<fanglekai> i had something to ask him
<abrn> yeah like hellish talks on irc
<hxc> I just pissed on a preying mantis' face! LOL FUCKING PWNED MANTIS! SlpCtrl: 1 Mantis: 0 OOOWNNNNEEDDD. It felt so good, when he started to spread his wings I made sure to piss on those and soak 'em down real good too. This'll probably be the last post zoklet gets from me, so enjoy it.
<DarthVineman> Hellish says 3 words every 2 days
<DarthVineman> Generally those words are "totse is down"
<abrn> so fanglekai once you stop acting like a mother fucker
<fanglekai> meh i dont come in here so i wouldn't know that
<abrn> since you are so dedicated to totse
<abrn> why dont yo uwant to chat about the very serious state of affairs affecting the site that this channel and supposed the mods are dedicated to
<fanglekai> because it's irrelevant
<fanglekai> dur
<abrn> i was assuming due to your post count and level of dedication you would have some clues, info
<abrn> ?
<IceeWeiner> aren't you a mod?
<hxc> because he thinks someone else will always be there to fix his problems
<abrn> IceeWeiner~|~ yeah you missed fanglekai have a total emotional break down when i tried to discuss totse affairs with him in the totse channel of irc
<IceeWeiner> meh
<abrn> so IceeWeiner what forums do you post on excluding SG and/orHB
<IceeWeiner> i'm never online cause i have a life
<abrn> what u n2 


<fanglekai> tahs true
<abrn> fanglekai~|~ you are approacing 5000 posts
<abrn> you are overly obsessed with totse and you are trying to make it your social club
<abrn> but now
<abrn> you dont even give a fuck
<abrn> i dont know which to believe
<abrn> you are dedicated, or you dont give a fuck about totse
<abrn> which is it boy
<fanglekai> lol
<-- fanglekai has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<abrn> successful
<abrn> so Paco any info, tips, clues on the status of totse?
<abrn> i guess we cant here from dfg or hellish at the moment obviously
<Paco> nope
<DarthVineman> Well
<abrn> one theory i heard was that it was SlpCtrl
<DarthVineman> Hellish asked me about the hosting I offered
<DarthVineman> So I told him about it
<DarthVineman> And he promptly went AFK for 3 hours
<DarthVineman> Upon which he replied
<DarthVineman> <Hellish> hmm
<DarthVineman> <Hellish> Looks nice
<abrn> yeah remember when you already told him all about the hosting you offerened including specs ( awesom) and price (FREE) and he said i dont know and afk for 3 weeks
<DarthVineman> yep
<hxc> LOL
<abrn> oh and then you made a thread about it and everyone on totse said yeah rah rah lets get hosting DO IT DO IT and even another person offered free hosting
<DarthVineman> Lol yeah
<abrn> or that time that totse got hacked due to shitty coding, security, hosting, something and also goes down all the time because altuhost is terrible subpar hosting agency
<DarthVineman> They pay $7/month
<DarthVineman> What do you expect
<DarthVineman> yo abrn have you heard of Mumford & Sons?
<abrn> no
<DarthVineman> They only have one album, you should give it a listen
<abrn> have you head that playstation is making a phoine
<DarthVineman> lol.

grove owns wtfux

Session Start: Sat Apr 02 20:22:48 2011
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[20:35] <+Haunter> lol I was just thinking "Eric could've taken care of this."
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[20:35] <dqn> ty
[20:35] <dqn> @}-,-- ~~ a rose for you meezy ~~ @}-,--
[20:35] <%meezy> lol
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[20:36] * UTOPOS847498 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
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[20:36] * Cacti687410 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
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[20:36] * UTOPOS357927 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:36] * Cacti193840 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:36] * UTOPOS215371 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
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[20:36] * Cacti913946 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:36] * meezy ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:36] * Cacti229853 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:36] <dqn> lol
[20:36] * UTOPOS721693 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
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[20:37] * Cacti909235 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:37] * Cacti365944 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
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[20:37] * Cacti687742 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
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[20:37] * Cacti987559 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
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[20:37] * Cacti107482 ([email protected]) Quit ( Socket is not connected )
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[20:37] * Cacti286853 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:37] * Cacti447804 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
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[20:37] * Cacti974776 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
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[20:37] * Cacti816361 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:37] * Cacti314456 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:38] <raine> i feel p owned
[20:38] * UTOPOS333130 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:38] * Cacti307051 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:38] <Carzand> murg
[20:38] <raine> sup Carzand
[20:38] <soly> that
[20:38] <Carzand> sore
[20:39] * UTOPOS125651 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:39] * UTOPOS758953 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:39] * UTOPOS550795 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:39] * UTOPOS956129 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:39] <+Haunter> get rid of +i
[20:39] * UTOPOS836735 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:39] * UTOPOS598664 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:39] * UTOPOS752543 ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe )
[20:39] <soly> get rid of yourself
[20:39] * UTOPOS175550 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:39] * UTOPOS650180 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:39] * UTOPOS824219 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:39] * UTOPOS920887 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
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[20:39] * UTOPOS606554 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:39] * UTOPOS774906 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[20:40] <+Haunter> oh hey look soly's being a bitch for no reason again
[20:40] <+Haunter> what a surprise~
[20:40] <soly> oh boy someones getting offended at the drop of a dime
[20:40] <+Haunter> w/e rude cunt
[20:41] <darren> you'd think people would develope a calloused outer ego
[20:41] <darren> i mean, i could see in the 90's
[20:41] <darren> by now
[20:41] <soly> lol
[20:41] <raine> i am destroyed
[20:41] <raine> tbh
[20:42] <darren> hugggg
[20:42] ->> Cacti410845 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti384291 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti113375 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti540986 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] * Haunter is now known as California
[20:42] * darren ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:42] ->> Cacti226773 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti980466 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti534851 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti855449 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti546128 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti304586 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] ->> Cacti134515 :No such nick/channel
[20:42] <+California> Eleo
[20:43] <+California> jihad cho0b Eleo
[20:44] * California ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:44] * Eleo ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:46] * nully ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:46] * u ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:46] * tomhanks ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:46] * Carzand ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:46] * thirdchildren ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:47] * hypodermia ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:47] <Shattered> sometimes
[20:47] <Shattered> i like to punch kids
[20:47] <Shattered> in the face
[20:47] * Shattered ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:47] <dqn> rip
[20:48] <N> lol
[20:49] <raine> lol
[20:52] <soly> welp
[20:52] <soly> no ops lol
[20:53] <cake> ops or fuck off
[20:54] * cake ([email protected]) Quit ( Max SendQ exceeded )
[20:54] * dqn ([email protected]) Quit ( client exited: leaving )
[20:56] <soly> lol cake
[20:57] <Worm> :\
[20:58] * Worm ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[20:58] * soly ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:01] <N> fraid to talk faggots
[21:01] <N> ?
[21:01] --> [#wtfux] hi
[21:01] <N> cmon sluts
[21:01] <CapnW-hat> chocolate mini wheats, om nom
[21:01] <N> CapnW-hat
[21:02] <N> come to when you reopen your client k
[21:02] <CapnW-hat> Why?
[21:02] * CapnW-hat ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:05] <N> you guys are bitches
[21:05] <joshisalol>
[21:06] * joshisalol ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:10] * washer ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:10] * anon__ ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:11] * moot ([email protected]) Quit ( client exited: leaving )
[21:11] * Daioptych ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:11] * raine ([email protected]) Quit ( client exited: leaving )
[21:11] * narunetto ([email protected]) Quit ( client exited: - nbs-irc 2.39 - - )
[21:12] * Kovskii ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:12] * FoodNipple ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:13] * Godsh0t ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:13] * GhostFreeman ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:13] * dickin ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:14] * anon___ ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:14] * ako23 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:14] * chase ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:15] * darkdoomer ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:15] * lawltrain ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:15] * lawltrein ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:16] <+xX_cH0GuLi|\|G_420_XxcH4Nk1Nz> NAME IS RAVOL
[21:16] <N> ?
[21:17] * xX_cH0GuLi|\|G_420_XxcH4Nk1Nz ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited )
[21:20] * mib_1jhd is now known as [ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:20] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> hello
[21:21] <N> HI
[21:21] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> what kind of music you like
[21:22] <N> DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING sound it makes when I get messaged by 271 different users
[21:22] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> same LOL
[21:22] <ChatNoir> bill
[21:22] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> ops or fuck off
[21:23] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> hi asl
[21:23] <ChatNoir> hrm
[21:23] <ChatNoir> is that the doing of someone on this server?
[21:24] <ChatNoir> i see
[21:24] * ChatNoir ([email protected]) Quit ( client exited: leaving )
[21:24] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> ^gay irl
[21:25] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB> channel demolished
[21:25] <[ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB>
[21:25] * [ircwatchdog]UNCLE_JIM_BOB ([email protected]) has left #wtfux
[23:49] * cho0b sets mode -i for #wtfux
[23:49] * anon___ ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * anon__ ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * chase ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * Daioptych ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * Eleo ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * GhostFreeman ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * Godsh0t ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * joshisalol ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * meezy ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * moot ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * nully ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * raine ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * soly ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * thirdchildren ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * vitriolic ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * washer ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * xX_cH0GuLi|\|G_420_XxcH4Nk1Nz ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:49] * Allah sets mode +h meezy for #wtfux
[23:49] * Allah sets mode +v raine for #wtfux
[23:49] <~cho0b> :)
[23:50] <xX_cH0GuLi|\|G_420_XxcH4Nk1Nz> sup
[23:50] * UNCLE_JIM_BOB ([email protected]) has joined #wtfux
[23:50] * UNCLE_JIM_BOB is now known as NICE_IP
[23:50] * cho0b sets topic to: UNCLE_JIM_BOB> channel demolished <- we will not recover
[23:50] <~cho0b> yo rep how you doin
[23:50] <NICE_IP> hi
[23:50] <~cho0b> sup kid
[23:50] <~cho0b> how u doin
[23:51] <NICE_IP> how are you doing little child?
[23:51] <~cho0b> i am gewd
[23:51] <~cho0b> just got home from work
[23:51] <%meezy> hi
[23:51] <~cho0b> sup meez
[23:51] <NICE_IP> your irc has been destroyed by chatters from ircwatchdog i barely made it out before the internet network exploded into a ball of firey shit
[23:52] <NICE_IP> i managed to salvage something from the wreckage
[23:52] <%meezy> well met ujb
[23:52] ->> Connection closed from allah.irc
[23:53] ->> Connection closed from
[23:54] ->> Connection closed from
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[23:57] ->> Connection closed from
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[23:58] ->> Connection closed from
[23:59] ->> Connection closed from

terogen takeover

[21:56:34]<@madcl0wn> ❤♥ ty ♥❤
[21:56:51]<@madcl0wn> ❤♥ uncle !!! ♥❤
[21:56:55]-!- mode/chan [+o [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB] by madcl0wn
[21:57:05]<@madcl0wn> ❤♥ sp bb ♥❤
[21:59:17]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:17]-!- zpotonaator was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:17]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:17]-!- xylem was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:17]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@50DA9416.E85B2738.D52A0B9A.IP] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:17]-!- windsok was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:17]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:17]-!- wildone81 was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:17]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:17]-!- vijay was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:18]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:19]-!- vhost was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:19]-!- vhost [[email protected]] has joined #terogen
[21:59:19]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:22]-!- venuism was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:22]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:23]-!- Tupac_Shakur was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:24]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:25]-!- Tofu[sleep] was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:26]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:27]-!- TheChedder was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:28]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:29]-!- TeroAssist was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:30]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:31]-!- ssttss was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:32]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@ninthgate.irc] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:33]-!- Snake was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:34]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:35]-!- nick_h was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:36]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@149C3A40.8966AE81.96FFA688.IP] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:37]-!- Narcissus was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:38]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:39]-!- maZtah was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:40]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:41]-!- liquidcms was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:42]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:43]-!- lancetw was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:44]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:45]-!- Jordan_U was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:46]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@terogen-5C82A8D2] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:47]-!- jidou was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:48]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:49]-!- imbezol was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:50]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:51]-!- Idzme was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:52]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:53]-!- Hiromi was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:54]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:55]-!- Dave2 was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:56]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:57]-!- blink was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[21:59:58]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[21:59:59]-!- azeem was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:00]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[22:00:01]-!- ay^ was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:02]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*@y.z] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[22:00:03]-!- xyz was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:06]-!- ukimota was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:07]-!- phenny was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:09]-!- mozbot was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:10]-!- borg was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:12]-!- NeverCast was kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
[22:00:13]-!- mode/chan [+b *!*] by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB
[22:00:14]-!- you have been kicked from #terogen by [literatus]UNCLE_JIM_BOB [Mass Kick/Ban]
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 26 22:00:14 2010

#grove vs #lulz (spoiler alert: grove wins)

Session Start: Fri Dec 14 14:46:14 2007
Session Ident: #lulz
[14:46] * Now talking in #lulz
[14:46] * Topic is 'Welcome to The Lulz IRC - Also visit us on TeamSpeak: | Press Release @ 6pm EST (GMT-0500) on 12/14/07
[14:46] * Set by [Lulz]CeLe on Fri Dec 14 12:55:35
[14:46] <HoChiMan> FUCK
[14:46] <HoChiMan> UNCLE JIM BOB
[14:46] * [myg0t]sn4fu ([email protected]**********) has joined #lulz
[14:46] <HoChiMan> SNAFU?!
[14:48] <UNCLE_JIM_BOB> lol
[14:48] <[myg0t]sn4fu> hmmm
[14:48] * [myg0t]sn4fu ([email protected]**********) Quit (Connection reset by peer)

dolphin and grove troll #skyrim

09:12 <nikkki> oooooo shi
09:12 <nikkki> its happening again
09:13 <nikkki> HALP
09:13 <nikkki> somebody please
09:14 <nikkki> what in the fuck is askyrim
09:14 <nikkki> a skyrim
09:14 <nikkki> i join #skyrim
09:14 <dolphin> idk but you seem to be the only one worried about it
09:14 <nikkki> there is noone in thst channel

09:15 <dolphin> blogging about #skyrim in #grove in true lolcow fashion
09:15 <nikkki> theres no one in that channel.....
09:15 <nikkki> its is empty
09:15 <nikkki> i just looked
09:17 <dolphin> d/c
09:17 <nikkki> disconnected?
09:17 <nikkki> slyrim disconnected?
09:17 <dolphin> idk
09:17 <nikkki> skyrim
09:17 <nikkki> hm
09:17 <nikkki> man
09:17 <nikkki> this is odd bro
09:18 <nikkki> wtf is a #skyrim
09:18 <nikkki> anyway
09:18 <dolphin> idk
09:18 <nikkki> yeah who knows
09:18 <dolphin> blog about it more
09:19 -!- S1MB4 [[email protected]] has joined #grove

09:19 -!- mode/#grove [+v S1MB4] by NickServ
09:19 <S1MB4> AHUHuahuhAUHUEHAU
09:19 <nikkki> o hai
09:19 <S1MB4> hope nikkki enjoy ddos:)))
09:19 <nikkki> wtf is a #skyrim guise
09:19 <S1MB4> have plenty packet for he
09:19 <nikkki> nikki = offensive
09:19 <nikkki> noob
09:19 <S1MB4> in future:))
09:19 <nikkki> her real name
09:19 <nikkki> want address]and phone number
09:19 <nikkki> i have
09:19 <nikkki> street view of house
09:19 <nikkki> form google maps
09:20 <nikkki> so please
09:20 <nikkki> packet offensive
09:20 <S1MB4> have plenty of packet for :)))
09:20 <nikkki> oh noes

09:20 <nikkki> oh noes
09:20 <S1MB4> your family is fucked comin sooon :)))
09:20 <nikkki> plz dont do that
09:20 -!- S1MB4 [[email protected]] has quit [emoquit: 
09:20 <dolphin> wow
09:20 <nikkki> lol emopart
09:20 <dolphin> he didn't part
09:20 <nikkki> bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
09:20 <dolphin> are u an idiot
09:20 <nikkki> yeah
09:20 <nikkki> must be
09:21 <nikkki> i dont know
09:21 <dolphin> yeah gotta be
09:21 <nikkki> he saud hes gonna packet offensive
09:21 <nikkki> ........
09:21 <dolphin> yeah i hope her cox internet won't be too stunned by simbas 
09:21 <nikkki> yeah me too

09:21 <nikkki> yeah me too
09:21 <nikkki> that would be horrible
09:22 <nikkki> fucking noobs
09:22 <nikkki> afraid of ddos and shit
09:22 <dolphin> ya
09:22 <dolphin> also the noobs that bitch about botfloods
09:22 <nikkki> i know right
09:22 <dolphin> and get emo over it
09:22 <dolphin> ya
09:22 <nikkki> fucking emo fags
09:22 <dolphin> arent they some fucking fags
09:22 <nikkki> bitchin bout bot floods
09:22 <dolphin> tru
09:22 <nikkki> yeah dude
09:22 <nikkki> huge fags
09:22 <nikkki> #bearcave style
09:22 <dolphin> what do you think we should do about those fags nikkki 
09:22 <nikkki> big hairy fags
09:23 <nikkki> i dont know man

09:23 <nikkki> i dont know man
09:23 <nikkki> drop them
09:23 <nikkki> 'me hums jeopardy tune and wats to be ddos
09:23 <dolphin> wats to be ddos
09:23 <nikkki> i dont know
09:23 <nikkki> what is ddos?
09:23 <dolphin> I DONT KNOW
09:23 <dolphin> I DONT KNOW
09:23 <dolphin> I DONT KNOW
09:23 <dolphin> I DONT KNOW
09:23 <nikkki> and packets
09:23 <dolphin> you are one dumb faggot LOL
09:23 <nikkki> im confused
09:23 <mr_vile> wtf1
09:23 <nikkki> like sugar pacets?
09:23 <dolphin> wtf
09:23 <dolphin> idk
09:23 <nikkki> hm
09:24 <dolphin> what is ________

09:24 <dolphin> what is ________
09:24 <nikkki> i dont know dolhi
09:24 <dolphin> wtf
09:24 <dolphin> idk
09:24 <dolphin> i dont konw
09:24 <dolphin> wtf
09:24 <dolphin> what is________
09:24 <nikkki> I DONT KNOW
09:24 <nikkki> but i need some sugar packets
09:24 <nikkki> to make some buck
09:24 <nikkki> jailhouse liquor
09:24 <nikkki> bc im in jail riht no
09:24 <nikkki> making wine in my toilet
09:24 <nikkki> that and i need a honey bun
09:24 <nikkki> for yeast
09:24 <nikkki> to fermnt
09:24 <nikkki> please
09:24 <nikkki> send sugar packets
09:25  * nikkki waits for packets of sugar

09:26 -!- mode/#grove [+b *!*] by UTOPOS
09:26 -!- nikkki was kicked from #Grove by UTOPOS [enough lols for today, I'll 
          be botflooding skyrim shortly]
09:26 <dolphin> oh shit
09:26 <dolphin> lol
09:27 -!- mode/#grove [-b *!*] by dolphin
09:36 -!- nikkki [[email protected]] has joined #grove
09:36 -!- mode/#grove [+v nikkki] by NickServ
09:36 <nikkki> omg
09:37 <nikkki> waiting for skyrim flood
09:37 <nikkki> please
09:37 <nikkki> dont
09:37 -!- mode/#grove [+b *!*] by UTOPOS
09:37 -!- nikkki was kicked from #Grove by UTOPOS [enough lols for today, I'll 
          be botflooding skyrim shortly]
09:37 -!- mode/#grove [-b *!*] by dolphin
09:37 <dolphin> 12:17 <+medeski> o hai
09:37 <dolphin> 12:17 <+medeski> dolphin

09:37 <dolphin> 12:17 <+medeski> how are you today?
09:37 <dolphin> 12:17 <+medeski> wtf is a #skyim?
09:37 <dolphin> 12:17 ::: AOIDev [[email protected]] 
                has joined #skyrim
09:37 <dolphin> 12:19 ::: dolphin was kicked from #skyrim by farticle [wtf is a 
09:37 <dolphin> 12:28 < DIPLOMAT> ???- .b -???
09:37 <dolphin> 12:28 ::: 1 - #skyrim: ban *!*polaris@* [by 
                [email protected], 481914 secs ago]
09:37 <dolphin> 12:28 ::: 2 - #skyrim: ban *!*60eafa8e@* [by 
                [email protected], 481914 secs ago]
09:37 <dolphin> 12:28 ::: 3 - #skyrim: ban 
                *!*cracked@* [by 
                [email protected], 481914 secs ago]
09:37 <dolphin> 12:28 ::: 4 - #skyrim: ban *!*@*184.164.131.* [by Gator, 7265 
                secs ago]
09:37 <dolphin> 12:28 ::: 5 - #skyrim: ban *!*grove*@* [by Gator, 2611 secs ago]
09:37 <dolphin> 12:29 < guns007> pickin on a poor dolphin have u no decency

09:37 <dolphin> 12:35 <+medeski> look
09:37 <dolphin> 12:35 <+medeski> dont flood here
09:37 <dolphin> 12:35 <+medeski> if you dont want a retaliation
09:37 <dolphin> 12:35 <+medeski> and especally
09:37 <dolphin> 12:35 <+medeski> dont flood
09:37 <dolphin> 12:36 <+medeski> with information about another network and 
                another channel
09:37 <dolphin> 12:36 <+medeski> that is bzb's fault
09:37 <dolphin> 12:36 <+medeski> for releasing info about his ircd
09:37 <dolphin> 12:36 <+medeski> need i say more?
09:39 <dolphin> 12:38 <+medeski> noob as trolling group
09:39 <dolphin> 12:38 <+medeski> i log packets too
09:39 <dolphin> 12:38 <+medeski> so please
09:39 <dolphin> 12:38 <+medeski> ddos me
09:39 <dolphin> 12:38  * medeski waits
09:39 -!- nikkki [[email protected]] has joined #grove
09:39 -!- mode/#grove [+v nikkki] by NickServ
09:39 <nikkki> omg

09:39 <nikkki> wtf happened
09:39 <nikkki> i got banned
09:39 <nikkki> or soemthing
09:40 -!- mode/#grove [+b *!*] by UTOPOS
09:40 -!- nikkki was kicked from #Grove by UTOPOS [enough lols for today, I'll 
          be botflooding skyrim shortly]
09:41 <dolphin> 12:40 < guns007> 2 words
09:41 <dolphin> 12:40 < guns007> suck me
09:41 <dolphin> 12:40 ::: guns007 [[email protected]] has left #skyrim []
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < nathan> !etoke
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 <&bud> nathan has initiated an e-toke! Use !in or !ready 
                to join!
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < k2> nathan has initiated an e-toke! Use !in or !ready 
                to join!
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < nathan> gotta pack
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < nathan> !etoke
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 <&bud> nathan has initiated an e-toke! Use !in or !ready 
                to join!

09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < k2> nathan has initiated an e-toke! Use !in or !ready 
                to join!
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < nathan> gotta pack
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < nathan> !etoke
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 <&bud> nathan has initiated an e-toke! Use !in or !ready 
                to join!
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < k2> nathan has initiated an e-toke! Use !in or !ready 
                to join!
09:58 <dolphin> 20:50 < nathan> gotta pack
09:58 -!- mode/#grove [-b *!*] by dolphin
09:58 <dolphin> scroll lotc

10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 < dave> give back gator's nick
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 < dave> everyone here should know that the owner of this 
                channel steals people's nicknames
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 <@farticle> no, gator crossed the line
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 <@farticle> and cost me money
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 < dave> ^
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 < dave> a childish act of revenge.
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 <@farticle> he cost me money
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 <@farticle> and then told me
10:11 <dolphin> 13:07 <@farticle> he woudl TAKE his nick back
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> so do it
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> dont cross the line
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> and cost me money
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> and not expect a retaliation
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> same wth

10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> dont flood here
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> and not expect retaliation
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> and yes
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 < dave> just pasted that in every channel im in
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> and eye for an eye leaves the world blind
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> but this is efnet
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> the wild wild west of irc
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 < dave> are you drunk?
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> sure man
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> ook man
10:11 <dolphin> 13:08 <@farticle> he started it
10:11 <dolphin> 13:09 <@farticle> i fnished it
10:11 <dolphin> 13:09 <@farticle> dont complain
10:11 <dolphin> 13:09 < dave> are you drunk?
10:11 <dolphin> 13:09 <@farticle> dont start no shit, wont be no shit
10:11 -!- nikkkkkki [[email protected]] has joined #grove
10:11 -!- mode/#grove [+v nikkkkkki] by NickServ
10:11 -!- nikkkkkki is now known as medeski
10:12 <dolphin> no, medeski crossed the line
10:12 <medeski> dont dtart no shit wont be no shit
10:12 <dolphin> and cost me money
10:12 <medeski> dolphin
10:12 <medeski> what has nothign to do with you
10:12 <medeski> that is gatorbait
10:12 <medeski> and nice try
10:12 <dolphin> and then told me
10:12 <medeski> trying to botflood

10:12 <dolphin> he woudl TAKE his nick back
10:12 <dolphin> so do it
10:12 <dolphin> dont cross the line
10:12 <dolphin> and cost me money
10:12 <medeski> nice try
10:12 <dolphin> and not expect a retaliation
10:12 <dolphin> same wth
10:12 <medeski> tryingt o bot flood
10:12 <dolphin> dont flood here
10:12 <dolphin> and not expect retaliation
10:12 <dolphin> and yes
10:13 <dolphin> an eye for an eye leaves the world blind
10:13 <medeski> look its bzb's fault he posted info leading to this ircd and 
                this channel
10:13 <dolphin> but this is grovenet
10:13 <dolphin> the wild wild west of irc
10:13 <dolphin> sure man
10:13 <dolphin> ook man

10:13 <dolphin> he started it
10:13 <medeski> no efent is the wild wild wes tof irc
10:13 <dolphin> i fnished it
10:13 <dolphin> dont complain
10:13 <dolphin> dont start no shit, wont be no shit
10:13 <medeski> lol dolphin
10:13 <medeski> exactly
10:13 <medeski> dont start no shit wont be no shit
10:14 <medeski> but thats goes for gatorbait
10:14 <medeski> bc hes bawing
10:14 <medeski> you guys on the other hand
10:14 <medeski> tried to makema wraith net
10:14 <medeski> to flood skyrim
10:14 <medeski> and failed
10:14 <medeski> miserably
10:14 <medeski> so again
10:14 <medeski> dont flood my shit
10:14 <medeski> i wont flood your shit

10:14 <medeski> i was actually successfull
10:14 <medeski> and this doesnt have anything to do wth you dolphin
10:15 <dolphin> the difference between #skyrim and #grove is that we dont care 
                if you flood here
10:15 <medeski> this is about bzb's bots originally
10:15 <medeski> and now
10:15 <medeski> some other fag
10:15 <medeski> wants to try and flood
10:15 <medeski> from the same host
10:15 <medeski> clones
10:15 <medeski> like
10:15 <medeski> the only way to get more noob
10:15 <medeski> is to use 1 client
10:15 <medeski> and the timer
10:15 <medeski> you think your 1337?
10:15 <medeski> guess again noob
10:15 <medeski> youre a faggot
10:16 <medeski> if you dont care that i flood here

10:16 <medeski> why did i get ddos 2 days ago
10:16 <medeski> fr flooding here
10:16 <medeski> in retaliation to the skyrim flood
10:16 <medeski> and why do i get banned here
10:16 <medeski> for flooding?
10:16 <dolphin> ur not banned
10:16 <medeski> obvioudly you cre
10:16 <medeski> and youre butthurt
10:17 <medeski> someone is
10:17 <medeski> you might not be
10:17 <medeski> but smeone is
10:17 <medeski> guaranteed
10:17 <medeski> dont start shit
10:17 <dolphin> ya u
10:17 <medeski> if you dont want t turned back on you
10:17 <medeski> i got 54534543509345834058 more bots
10:17 <medeski> this you guys are cool bc you got your own ircd?
10:17 <dolphin> i got bots too

10:17 <medeski> and you cal bot flood?
10:17 <medeski> welcome to 1995
10:17 <dolphin> guess where they are
10:17 <dolphin> IN MY ASS LOL
10:18 <dolphin> dont make me pull them out fucker
10:18 <medeski> do it faggot
10:18 <WAKAWAKA> medeski is a fucking BEAST
10:18  * medeski is not afraid of the internets
10:18 <dolphin> because i sware
10:19 <dolphin> you will never return to efnet or grovenet ever again
10:19 <medeski> ........
10:19 <medeski> k
10:19 <medeski> back that up
10:20 <dolphin> i will
10:20 <dolphin> keep talking shit
10:20 <dolphin> your botfloods dont phase me
10:21 <dolphin> but if you keep talking shit about me and my friends im going 
                to set your shit on fire bro
10:21 <medeski> how about 1900 bots
10:21 <dolphin> play with fire and get burned
10:21 <medeski> just pinged this server
10:21 <medeski> yeah
10:21 <medeski> same goes for you
10:21 <medeski> who staretd t
10:21 <medeski> bro
10:21 <medeski> bzb came to ym efnet channels
10:21 <medeski> and bot flooded
10:21 <medeski> dont start shit
10:21 <medeski> wont be shit
10:21 <medeski> so talk to your pal
10:21 <medeski> i dont start shit
10:21 <medeski> i end it
10:23 <medeski> the problem is you thought you flooded some noobs
10:23 <medeski> and fucking signed it
10:23 <medeski> with this ircd
10:23 <medeski> and this channel
10:23 <medeski> leaving yuor mark was dumb
10:24 <medeski> you should have sone it anon
10:24 <medeski> i am not nstacros
10:24 <medeski> nstavros
10:24 <dolphin> medeski
10:24 <dolphin> while you lay there

10:24 <dolphin> hopefully as uncomfortable as you can possibly be
10:24 <dolphin> i want you to listen to e
10:24 <dolphin> i want you to digest this
10:24 <medeski> yeah youre waitgni for bzb to wake up
10:24 <dolphin> because before i leave in 3 weeks with your botflood 
10:24 <medeski> bc hes the only one who has control of the dosnet
10:25 <dolphin> i have a lot of things i want to get off my chest
10:25 <medeski> ok
10:25 <dolphin> i dont hate you medeski
10:25 <medeski> so go ahea
10:25 <medeski> dim going ouside
10:25 <dolphin> i dont even dislike you
10:25 <dolphin> i do like you
10:25 <medeski> same here bro i dont dislike you either because i know youre 
                not respondible
10:25 <dolphin> i like you a hell of a lot more than i like most people on efnet
10:25 <dolphin> i hate this idea that you're the best
10:25 <dolphin> because you're not
10:25 <medeski> this isnt person dolhpin
10:25 <dolphin> i'm the best
10:26 <dolphin> i'm the best in the world
10:26 <medeski> it isnt personal
10:26 <medeski> ok
10:26 <medeski> this is against whoever flooded
10:26 <dolphin> there's one thing that you're better at than i am
10:26 <medeski> and i know it wasn you
10:26 <dolphin> and thats kissing gatorbaits ass
10:26 <medeski> so keep that straight
10:26 <dolphin> youre as good at kissing gatorbaits ass as dave
10:26 <dolphin> don't know if youre as good as hellas though
10:26 <dolphin> hes a pretty good ass kisser
10:26 <medeski> fuck nstavros
10:26 <dolphin> always was and still is
10:26 <medeski> he needs chapstick
10:26 <medeski> same with dave
10:26 <dolphin> whoops! i'm breaking the fourth wall!
10:27  * dolphin waves to the camera
10:27 <dolphin> i am the best botflooder in the world
10:27 <medeski> look man i started flossin
10:27 <medeski> in 2005
10:27 <medeski> nstavros
10:27 <medeski> aka
10:27 <medeski>  hellas
10:27 <dolphin> i've been the best since day one
10:27 <dolphin> when i walked into this channel
10:27 <medeski> did a channel takeover
10:27 <dolphin> and ive been vilified and hated since that
10:27 <medeski> and turned it into wigger city
10:27 <dolphin> day
10:27 <medeski> instead of a palce to make fun of nggers
10:27 <medeski> i dont care
10:27 <medeski> iv moved on
10:27 <medeski> but gatorbait
10:27 <medeski> will never get his nick back
10:27 <dolphin> because vap0r saw something in me that nobody else wanted to 
10:28 <dolphin> thats right, i'm a vap0r guy
10:28 <medeski> me too
10:28 <medeski> i <3 vap0r

10:28 <medeski> p4l
10:28 <dolphin> you know who else was a vap0r guy?
10:28 <dolphin> |-o-|
10:28 <medeski> i love vap0r
10:28 <dolphin> and he split just like i'm splitting
10:28 <medeski> but hate gator
10:28 <dolphin> but the biggest difference between me and |-o-| is
10:28 <medeski> i still talk to vap0r
10:28 <dolphin> im going to leave with the botflooding championship
10:28 <medeski> nha nigga
10:29 <dolphin> ive grabbed so many of gatorbaits brass rings
10:29 <dolphin> that it's finally dawned on me
10:29 <dolphin> that they're just that
10:29 <medeski> dude fuck gator
10:29 <dolphin> they're completely imaginary]
10:29 <medeski> we are on the same team
10:29 <dolphin> the only thing thats real is me
10:29 <dolphin> and the fact that day in and day out
10:29 <medeski> im rwal too nigga
10:29 <medeski> dont forget that
10:29 <dolphin> for almost six years
10:29 <medeski> dont get ti twisted
10:29 <dolphin> i have proved to everybody in the world
10:29 <dolphin> that i am the best on this keyboard
10:29 <dolphin> in the botnet
10:30 <dolphin> and even with ddos!
10:30 <dolphin> nobody can touch me!
10:30 <dolphin> and yet no matter how many times i prove it
10:30 <dolphin> i'm not on your lovely little collector cups
10:30 <dolphin> i'm not on the cover of the program
10:30 <dolphin> i'm barely promoted
10:30 <dolphin> i don't get ops
10:30 <dolphin> i'm certaintly not in any memorably logs
10:30 <dolphin> but the fact of the matter is
10:31 <dolphin> i should be
10:31 <dolphin> this isnt sour grapes
10:31 <dolphin> but the fact that dave is in the main event at botflood mania 
                and i'm not makes me sick
10:31 <dolphin> oh hey
10:31 <dolphin> let me get something straight
10:32 <dolphin> those of you who like me
10:32 <dolphin> you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else
10:32 <dolphin> because you're the ones who pander to the ops
10:32 <dolphin> you're the ones who read and lol @ the memorable logs
10:32 <b0nk> ne martin & wood
10:33 <dolphin> and you try to shove it in my face and get an autography and 
                try to sell it through dcc because you're too lazy to start a 
                shell company on efnet
10:33 <dolphin> im leaving with the botflood championship on december 17th
10:33 <dolphin> and hell
10:33 <dolphin> who knows
10:34 <dolphin> maybe i'll go defend it on freenode
10:34 <dolphin> maybe i'll go back to hardchats
10:34  * dolphin looks at the camera and waves
10:34 <dolphin> hey sniper jesus how you doing?
10:34 <dolphin> the reason i'm leaving is you people
10:35 <dolphin> because after im gone youre still going to pour chats into 
                these mircds
10:35 <dolphin> im just another spoke on the wheel
10:35 <dolphin> the wheel is going to keep turning

10:35 <dolphin> and i understand that
10:35 <dolphin> gatorbait is going to stay opped in his chans despite himself
10:35 <dolphin> he's an op who should be an ircop
10:36 <dolphin> because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, 
                douchebag asshole yes men, like jihad
10:36 <dolphin> whos going to tell him everything he wants to hear
10:36 <dolphin> and i'd like to think that maybe efnet will be better after 
                gatorbait is dead
10:36 <dolphin> but the fact is
10:37 <dolphin> its going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his 
                doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family
10:37 <dolphin> let me tell you a personal story about gatorbait alright
10:37 <dolphin> this whole `` '' thanksgiving turkey '' " campaign
10:38 -!- mode/#grove [+b 
          by UTOPOS
10:38 -!- dolphin was kicked from #grove by UTOPOS [UTOPOS]
10:38 -!- dolphin 
          [[email protected]] 
          has joined #grove
10:38 -!- mode/#grove [+v dolphin] by NickServ
10:38 -!- mode/#grove [-b 
          by dolphin
10:39 -!- mr_vile [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout]
10:39 -!- DarthVineman [[email protected]] has 
          quit [Connection reset by peer]
10:40 -!- medeski [[email protected]]
10:40 -!-  ircname  : nignog
10:40 -!-  channels : +#grove 
10:40 -!-  server   : [Grove]
10:40 -!-  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 11 mins 10 secs [signon: Fri Nov 18 
                      10:11:42 2011]
10:40 -!- End of WHOIS
10:42 -!- medeski [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout]
10:42 -!- fook [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout]
10:42 -!- fook [[email protected]] has joined #grove
10:42 -!- mode/#grove [+v fook] by NickServ
10:44 <dolphin> babydick abrn here
10:59 -!- medeski [[email protected]] has joined #grove
10:59 -!- mode/#grove [+v medeski] by NickServ
10:59 <medeski> lol
10:59 -!- medeski is now known as m3deski
11:02 <b0nk> tiny peen
11:02 <b0nk> ne
11:02 <b0nk> ?
11:02 <b0nk> ???
11:02 <b0nk> ???
11:02 <b0nk> frends???
11:05 <dolphin>
11:10 <b0nk> im watching a trailer for the latest harry potter movie thanks
11:11 <m3deski> you got a pm on efnet dolphin
11:12 <Dates> hi b0nk frend
11:13 <m3deski> o hai
11:20 -!- chumsicle [[email protected]] has joined #grove
11:20 -!- mode/#grove [+v chumsicle] by NickServ
11:20 <dolphin> hi chumsicle 
11:21 <dolphin> you guys play skyrim?
11:21 <chumsicle> yeah
11:21 <dolphin> have you finished the main quest?

bzb hacks januszeal into oblivion

<@januszeal> garrett: <3
<+Dong> why did borders have that many addresses?
-!- januszeal1 [[email protected]] has joined #
<@Mog> januszeal1, sup bro!
<@solar> hacked bro
-!- januszeal1 [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]
<@januszeal> hmm
<@januszeal> that is unfortunate
<@a> hacked bro.
<@januszeal> maybe.
-!- I_HACKED_JANUSZE [[email protected]] has joined #
<@Mog> I_HACKED_JANUSZE, sup bro!
-!- I_HACKED_JANUSZE is now known as Hhahh
-!- Hhahh is now known as IOWNUFATFAG
-!- IOWNUFATFAG is now known as HACKED
<@januszeal> lol
<@januszeal> someone is trying too hard
-!- HACKED is now known as urFAT
<@januszeal> why are you so buttranged
-!- urFAT is now known as HAHuhaowned
<@januszeal> why are you so buttranged
<@januszeal> why are you so buttranged
<@januszeal> why are you so buttranged
-!- HAHuhaowned is now known as dareu2voice
-!- dareu2voice is now known as cwhathapens
-!- cwhathapens is now known as illchatudown
-!- illchatudown is now known as ufatfuck
-!- ufatfuck is now known as buturbitchasssca
-!- buturbitchasssca is now known as scaredfatfuck
<@januszeal> ^ mad
<@januszeal> dis nigga
<@januszeal> think he can troll
<@januszeal> he doesn't realize
-!- scaredfatfuck is now known as JZISTROLLED
-!- CAUSEOFDETH is now known as TROLDBYBZB
<@januszeal> listen bro
<@januszeal> you need to stop
<@januszeal> because i am lolling at work
<@januszeal> and that is bad
-!- TROLDBYBZB is now known as lookufatbitch
-!- lookufatbitch is now known as uareSCARED
<@januszeal> man
<@januszeal> you have no idea
<@januszeal> of all the important shit
<@januszeal> on this vps
<@januszeal> oh wait
<@januszeal> i pay 10/year for it and i dont give a shit about anything on it
-!- uareSCARED is now known as ITSthefactIGOTHA
<@Mog> i pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a moderator / admin of forums and all abroad
-!- ITSthefactIGOTHA is now known as ckONU
-!- ckONU is now known as THATSwhatfuny
<@januszeal> listen bro
-!- THATSwhatfuny is now known as CUZIhacku
-!- CUZIhacku was kicked from # by januszeal [not hacked.]
-!- CUZIhacku [[email protected]] has joined #
<@Mog> CUZIhacku, sup bro!
-!- CUZIhacku is now known as emokick
<@januszeal> 1d333f0a78544cbca4e449603f30b021
-!- emokick is now known as SCARED2CHAT
<@januszeal> 00:57:15 ... # *!*[email protected].* Channel ban list is full
<@januszeal> rather
<+Beavis> > AMD Fusion Media Explorer | Home Blog
<@a> why do we have so many bans
-!- SCARED2CHAT is now known as scarednerd
-!- scarednerd is now known as scared2chat
-!- scared2chat is now known as ugetowned
<@a> hi there
-!- ugetowned is now known as nowurscared
»» a gives voice to nowurscared
<@a> hi
<+nowurscared> ya
<+nowurscared> ur scared
<+nowurscared> 2 chat
<+nowurscared> w me
<+nowurscared> the greatest irc troll 2 ever live
<+nowurscared> u are in the prescene of greatenss
<@Mog> the greatest show ever seen
<+nowurscared> bow and suky mdick
<+nowurscared> ya
<+nowurscared> the greatst hsohqwever seen
<@a> hello !
<+nowurscared> hello !
<+nowurscared> hahahauehauehauhe i am god
<+nowurscared> i got hack on januszeal
<@a> BR?
<+nowurscared> ya
<@a> BR~
<@a> tudo bom?
<+nowurscared> januszeal
<+nowurscared> is shattered ego no life owned
<+nowurscared> i ruuin him whole life
<+nowurscared> mess wth best get trolled 2 deth
<@a> BR!
<+nowurscared> this is januszeal
<+nowurscared> i got hack and i got ownage on him
<+nowurscared> he is embarsed
<+nowurscared> he will never show fat face in here again
<+nowurscared> i completly unteralyl anhilaite him
-!- nowurscared is now known as bzbTROLLGOD
<+bzbTROLLGOD> u want 2 step toe 2 toe
<+bzbTROLLGOD> w me
<+bzbTROLLGOD> u pusy
<+bzbTROLLGOD> u dont talk shit
-!- bzbTROLLGOD [[email protected]] has quit [Killed (slash (tr0ll3d))]
-!- mode/# [+i] by slash

januszeal has an emo moment

<januszeal> hey
<januszeal> bro
<januszeal> you legit socialed me
<januszeal> i am impressed
<bzbTROLLGOD> hey
<bzbTROLLGOD> why dont u invite me
<bzbTROLLGOD> 2 #
<januszeal> you convo jacked me
<januszeal> and i gave you a shell
<januszeal> hey
<januszeal> it's been a long fucking time since i've been trolled
<januszeal> i guess i got a little soft
<januszeal> in b4 fat jokes
<januszeal> anyways
<januszeal> no hard feels here
<bzbTROLLGOD> ok bro󌳌󌳌󌳌󌳌Ì
<bzbTROLLGOD> i earned my spot
<bzbTROLLGOD> in #
<bzbTROLLGOD> leme kiss a invite
<januszeal> but if you touch my shit again i will rape your face
<bzbTROLLGOD> look bro dont fuk w me
<januszeal> lol
<bzbTROLLGOD> invite 2 #
<januszeal> nah
<bzbTROLLGOD> why not
<januszeal> not my channel
<bzbTROLLGOD> u scared 
<januszeal> sorry mang
<bzbTROLLGOD> where is ur chanel
<januszeal> nah
<januszeal> nice attempt 
<bzbTROLLGOD> what channel u 
<januszeal> to delete your bash history and shit
<bzbTROLLGOD> where ur chanel located
<januszeal> thank you for pointing out my weakness
<bzbTROLLGOD> ya
<bzbTROLLGOD> i help u u help me
<bzbTROLLGOD> invite 2 #
<januszeal> i can't bro, not my chan
<januszeal> i gtg 
<bzbTROLLGOD> whats ur chan
<bzbTROLLGOD> u scared 2 tell me ur chan
<januszeal> don't have one
<januszeal> lol
<januszeal> i retired from that shit
<januszeal> peas
<bzbTROLLGOD> 󌳌󌳌󌳌󌳌󌳌󌳌󌳌join my chan
<bzbTROLLGOD> join my chat crew 
<bzbTROLLGOD> mbe ull learn how 2 chat
<bzbTROLLGOD> #grove

grove trolls #wtfux 2 death

<~jihad> xcuze me januszeal u have always kept distance from wtfux family
<januszeal> jihad: most of your users hate me
<~jihad> januszeal: idk i think you're referring to helldive emotions which were largely falsified and otherwise exaggerated for lolz and dorama'
<januszeal> jihad: perhaps
-!- jzb [[email protected]] has joined #wtfux
<jzb> hello
<jzb> may i join the wtfux family
<jzb> i have a j nick and enjoy anime
<januszeal> jzb: did you ddos me?
<jzb> i have a beard and am overweight
<jzb> i think i will fit right in
<jzb> did i?
<~jihad> why would you even give up that you haz a spy in the channel
<~jihad> who does that
<jzb> i have several spies
<januszeal> jihad: he's a retard bro
<jzb> one is named januszeal
<starbuck1> I'm a spy
<mepholic> jzb: whats ur home ip
-!- starbuck [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout]
<jzb> hey mepholic 
-!- jzb [[email protected]] has quit [User has been permanently banned from WTFuxNet (i am trolled hence i am using the gline command r u trolled)]
<januszeal> lol
<mepholic> :|
<januszeal> jihad: man he trolld u
<mepholic> he was gonna tell me
<~jihad> i trolled him into using the connect command
<mepholic> and u banned him
<mepholic> omg.....................
<januszeal> lol
<starbuck1> I just read super hott elf erotic literature
<~jihad> gosh i have all of their home IPs from when i rooted all their ircds
<henrietta> well
<~jihad> kids n their mircds
<starbuck1> I don't even like fantasy shit
<starbuck1> and
<henrietta> isnt that special
<starbuck1> dayum
<januszeal> jihad: lol
<januszeal> jihad: he ddosed me :(
<~jihad> they only started using proxies too late in the game
<~jihad> he ddosed what?
-!- bzb [[email protected]] has joined #wtfux
<januszeal> my shell
<~jihad> wb
<bzb> hello friends
<bzb> i have compromised januszeal server
<januszeal> hmm
<januszeal> that's odd
<bzb> he will not recover i am currently reading his personal files
<+Dave> in b4 wtfux gets shit on in league
<bzb> that's odd
<bzb> you are fat
<starbuck1> I am definitely going to bed now
<henrietta> ^
<henrietta> oh fuck yeah
<starbuck1> not even interested in this drama
<meezy> nerds
<~jihad> >bzb
<~jihad> >hacked
* jihad giggles
<bzb> hey jihad
<soly> lol
»» Allah gives channel half-operator status to meezy
<bzb> u skilless fat loser
<bzb> ill hack u
<bzb> if u dont watch ur fuckin step
<~jihad> u mad?
<henrietta> If I wake up early I can go shopping
<henrietta> If I wake up early I can go shopping
<~jihad> seems it
<bzb> u r mad u use gline on me
<bzb> HAHAHh u mad u mad 4chan
<%meezy> i must go shopping
<bzb> 4chan mudkips umadyet
-!- bzb [[email protected]] has quit [client exited: Lost terminal]
<januszeal> hmm
<~jihad> mad as hell
<januszeal> well that's interesting
<henrietta> okay just took a resin hit
<henrietta> time to apocalypse hige
-!- hypodermia [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout]
<~jihad> the only thing "bzb" has going for him is that he isn't the saddest kid to come in here and chat hard about hacking 

dolphin exploits the zalgo shit-bot and kills ED irc

abrn profile

<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> tux is a god damn fed anyway 
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> man i smoke so much weedsa
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> for the past uncountable number of days ive just been smoking massive joints at least hourly
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> except one day in the middle i smoked only 2 hits of a bowl and was high all day from it
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i smoke in the car on the way to work on the way to school on the way to smoke
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i got pulled over by the cops while smoking a joint i was like w/e
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i wake up and either rolla joint before getting out of bed or i roll one while i take my morning shit
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> sometimes i just sleep for periods of days
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> just stay up for 10-40 minutes at a time
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> smoke a bowl or joint at some point during it and go back to sleep
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> usually about 1-5 days
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i smoked resin for the fuck out it
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> just to season up the cannibinololoids in my system
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> smoked kief
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> smoked crack
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> on a bowl of weed
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> and in a joint
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> made two stops so far to the headshop for papers
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> cant really speak coherently anymore
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> im really happy
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> im smoking right now
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i go see my dealer almost daily
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> spent most of a paycheck, plus 2 random 50s i earned on weed
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> spent 30 on crack
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> bout 2 hit him up 2day again
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> its nice to vary up the high
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> just sprinkle some on the bowl
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> watched star wars for a few days
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> went to a class
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> went to class high with nothing but a pen and a joint to smoke during class
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> people always give me shit @ school
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> im just so high and i have nothing i probably look fuckin cool
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> they talk to me and shit
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i answer them like im fucked on codones and black
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> ate some brownies
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> with weed in them
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> didnt do anything
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> im on this perpetual dull stonedness
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> any amount of weed just maintains me at this constant stonedness
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i need about 1/3 more of what i am smoking now and ill be high enough maybe
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i dont turn on the computer
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i dont do any of my assignments
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i get mail every day and lol @ it and throw it all in a big heap of shredded mail
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i dont talk to anyone in my family
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> or anyone on the phone
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> lost my shoes
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> lost about 30 dollars 
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i only eat candy cookies and sandwiches
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> once a day
<FREEATLAST:)ABRN> i smoke enough to turn off my appetite

typical grove conversation

<video type="youtube" id="rfvrlTpuoO8" width="300" height="300" desc="ujb's heart-touching 'real irc life'" frame="true" position="right"/>

[16:44] <SlpCtrl> Hey Dfg how you been?
[16:44] <tptd> shut the fuck up
[16:45] <SlpCtrl> Lol.
[16:45] <SlpCtrl> Sorry tough guy.
[16:45] <abrn> im gonna snail trail my cum across your face while you are sleeping then lick it off OWNED LOL GOT U KIDIOT HUFF RAID
[16:45] <tptd> hey SlpCtrl do u want me 2 ddos u off the face of this earth
[16:46] <SlpCtrl> Lol I don't have any botnets. Glad to know you remember me though that's special.
[16:46] <tptd> get u swell on kid
[16:46] <abrn> get u swell on kid
[16:46] <tptd> im gonna leave u crater in the pavement
[16:46] <SlpCtrl> I'm swole for sure.
[16:46] <SlpCtrl> Swole and a genius.
[16:46] <abrn> im gonna leave u crater in the pavement
[16:46] <SlpCtrl> Not a skinny faggot that talks shit in IRC fo sho.
[16:46] <tptd> haha copycat nice one from kindergarten
[16:46] <tptd> hey SlpCtrl im swol as fuck
[16:47] <tptd> u wuldnt say shit 2 me
[16:47] <SlpCtrl> I bet.
[16:47] <tptd> for real
[16:47] <SlpCtrl> What's your total on squat bench and DL?
[16:47] <SlpCtrl> Thought so.
[16:47] <abrn> i squat a g6
[16:47] <SlpCtrl> I bet.
[16:47] <tptd> i squat 290 bench 240 and dead lift 250
[16:47] <hxc> whats a g6
[16:48] <abrn> g6 is my plane
[16:48] <hxc> 6 grams HAHAH
[16:48] <SlpCtrl> Lol I bet you do tptd.
[16:48] <SlpCtrl> It only makes sense that you deadlift 10 more pounds than you bench after all.
[16:48] <tptd> why wuldnt it pussy
[16:48] <abrn> i weigh 290
[16:48] <SlpCtrl> Well, because most people deadlift at the very least 100 more pounds than they bench. Benching uses smaller muscle groups.
[16:48] <abrn> do u think u could squat me
[16:49] <SlpCtrl> I squat 315
[16:49] <hxc> lol
[16:49] <tptd> ok whatever have fun w ur broscience
[16:49] <SlpCtrl> Deadlift 485 and bench 255
[16:49] <abrn> do u think if u lift me a lot then i will lose weight
[16:49] <SlpCtrl> You need to have your diet in check.
[16:49] <tptd> u need 2 shut ur fucking mouth
[16:49] <SlpCtrl> Lol.
[16:49] <tptd> Lol.
[16:50] <abrn> Lol.
[16:50] <hxc> {L}âUghîñ Ôut £òU{Ð}
[16:50] <tptd> stop riding my chat style thanks in advance
[16:50] <hxc> ghost ride the chats
[16:50] <SlpCtrl> If only people would speak to me that way IRL :(.
[16:50] <abrn> stop riding my cock so slowly thanks in advance
[16:50] <tptd> shut the fuck up ^
[16:50] <SlpCtrl> They'd get their wind pipe crushed.
[16:50] <tptd> so u got a cat you food it walk it scrath its head play mouse with it and stuff
[16:51] <abrn> gotta get dat buum buum buum
[16:52] <SlpCtrl> Any good scary movies anyone see lately?
[16:52] <abrn> i have somth 2 tell 2 u all, i lost my mthrfukng virgin this week to 6a friend name paul so just sit n ur fuckin nerd center wit 15 bottle pops lyien aroundt you suckin on tha whole worls dick
[16:53] <abrn> SlpCtrl~|~ paranormal activity is gr8 is will scare your shit balls the fuck out of your shit socket
[16:53] <SlpCtrl> you mean 2?
[16:53] <SlpCtrl> I saw the first one, thought it was stupid as fuck.
[16:53] <abrn> nah i never rly watch horror
[16:53] <SlpCtrl> That's all I watch lol.
[16:53] <abrn> wtf lol you are missin out
[16:53] <SlpCtrl> I think comedies and hsit are gay as fuck lol.
[16:54] <abrn> have you seen oldboy
[16:54] <SlpCtrl> Nah what's that?
[16:54] <abrn> nah i dont like comedies - i like FILM
[16:54] <abrn> oldboy great movie must watch right now
[16:54] <SlpCtrl> Well all film has a genre.
[16:55] <abrn> watch gummo gr8 movie dont watch it

The origins of grove

Phone hijinks


See also

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Featured article January 9 & 10, 2013
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Grove Succeeded by