July 29 2014 Merchant broadcast

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The image is captioned with "liar", written in Latin, French, English, German, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Hindi and Hebrew
Skyking, Skyking, do not answer --OH VEYY

On July 29th 2014, an /x/ anon on 4chan was monitoring the Wide-band WebSDR broadcast on 8992khz, the US Air Force nuclear emergency action message frequency, when a message was transmitted, an ordinary Emergency Action Message. Suddenly the message was followed by a very powerful pirate transmission overriding the signal. The transmission was a Slow-Scan Television format image, which is commonly used by Ham radio operators to send each other pictures of their children and furry porn over radio.

Confused, he posted a thread on x and asked for fellow /x/enos to help decoding the signal. Surely; a nerd decoded the signal which revealed itself to be le happy merchant flanked by a star of david, captionned with the word Liar in five languages. The thread quickly exploded and threads were made in /pol/, /g/, /int/ and /b/; where, except for /pol/; nobody cared. The merchant transmission itself was very powerful compared to the USAF signal, which essentially means that the transmitter was either extremely powerful, or that the pirate transmission being sent from a close location to the websdr web receiver antenna. A theory arose that maybe UVB-76 was the transmitter; because the abnormally powerful transmitter, which constantly broadcasts weird noises, was silent at the time on it's usual frequencies. To this day the transmission remains a mystery, perhaps this was the biggest radio troll since the Max Headroom hijack, and the troll has most likely been v& or awared with the medal of Hero of the Soviet Union.

/x/ Original thread: http://4archive.org/x/thread/14978158

/pol/ thread: http://4archive.org/pol/thread/33144713

Recording: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ncpMZg5J8r or http://a.pomf.se/efvdxn.wav

Was Ben Garrison behind the July 29 broadcast?

See Also

July 29 2014 Merchant broadcast is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

July 29 2014 Merchant broadcast is part of a series on


Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage.