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Izzy Galvez

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Izzy Galvez (Powerword Israel Galvez) is a notable SJW of whom what one might put simply is a good for nothing fatass Anti GamerGate blogger.

Who is this Beaner

Before GamerGate, Izzy was a nerd who worked as a "Abuse specialist at Amazon" claiming to have a bunch of technical expertise. Some clever kiwifarmers however did an internal search of Izzy and found that his day job is just being an over glorified, minimum wage telephone manager for their call centers, a position that only requires a A High School Degree. Thus his job is to sit on his ass all day subjecting himself to IRC, Skype, and subsequently call lines complaining to either Amazons internal IT crew, Grey Hat specialists, or whoever the fuck else above him to actually handle whatever situation he's handed, taking all the credit himself.

Fox report on Izzy and Gamergate (notice the obscured Baphomet archives)

Sarah Butts/Taking down ED

See also: Sarah Nyberg

As his job does depend on it, Izzy does go out of his way to advertise himself as a shield and non abuser to those around or whomever might not be familiar with him, presenting himself as a selfless hero. In our hero's spare time he's taken it upon himself to join Crash Override Network, an internet entity founded and run by Zoe Quinn. CON put shortly is a blanket group started under the visage that it actually protects it's innocent applicants, but much like our hero and his own views this is as far as it factually could be the case. If it wasn't clear enough, Izzy is a no talent hack who only uses his name and position to defend whoever he sees fit rather than take an objective approach to handling customers under him, this isn't to be unexpected though as again the same folks he's become well know for protecting have the same fear of facts and their own words, and no there is no better example than one Sarah "Butts" Nyberg.

Provided ID could not be validated.
Section on Izzy is 3:14-4:14

Sarah herself is someone with a few skeletons and children in the closet and asked for Izzy's technical and positional expertise once some revealing chat logs started making the rounds around the internet. Izzy being a clueless fuck decided to file a report to Webcitations to take down an archive of Sarahs site/IRC snipets, the archive in question was by far the most popular means people used to view and access the logs. Izzy thinking they were the original archive of the logs, had his wish and the logs were removed. when in reality they weren't the originals and were archived by a Kiwifarmer. The logs themselves were hosted and traceable to other sites WAAAAAAAAY before they popped up on Webcitations. Izzy, then seeing people were debunking his shit went into full damage control and tried pushing that the logs were then tampered with on r/GamerGhazi by posting screenshots of ffshrine on Wayback Machine. Oddly enough, FFshrine had previously delisted itself from the Wayback Machine and all archives of it had Mysteriously Disappeared. Ghazi in brief moment of clarity called Izzy out on his bullshit and many GGers had a laugh at him for being a complete failure of a person. Izzy and his friends however were not amused at this and made/had reports escalated via CON and it's connections prompting many Locked and Suspended accounts.

Robert Marmolejo and Izzy

See also: Unseenperfidy

Here again we have another corrupt CON member and fellow associate of Izzy's who was supposed to be helping harassment victims from muh mean internet trolls. In reality, his associate Robert to be a pretty determined sexual deviant, and secretly went after some clients using their information harass the shit out of them, and demand nudes.This all however came to an end however once shit hit the fan about his ways, Robert promptly got the fuck off twitter. Izzy then posted a series of tweets apologizing to those who Robert harassed repeatedly but ended it smugly saying that at least he came clean, which of course, he kinda had to at that point and people were quick to put him down for his shit but Izzy and his compatriots at CON were subsequently angry and puzzled at the leaker  mombot for exposing their deviant friend who actively abused his position, however going after Mombot would go on to prove disastrous for Izzy, and CON's already crumbling integrity.

Going After Mombot

While Izzy was in a state of absolute mad child on the internet he was dropped a DM by a user  Rudderhouse of whom had previous spats on twitter with mombot and had recently blocked her. Rudderhouse then posted links to him of mombots supposed Dox and that he was gathering other aGGers and trolls to gather more info. Izzy immediately jumped to the forefront and was notably pretty chill with the thought doxing someone online he didn't like, hell he even tried taking credit from Rudderhouse, eagerly saying he found the info in the first place, once again taking credit for shit he didn't do.

However though it all was just a ruse, as it turns out Rudderhouse was actually mombots friends the whole time, all the information Izzy was taking credit for finding was actually of a friend of Rudderhouse, who at the same had been documenting the whole ordeal, and those involved

Now what do we do with this info? Mombot is a fucking menace.


—Izzy, eager to lose his low paying job

Rudder, delete your tweets asking people to DM.


Attempting to control shit

Don't waste all the ammo at once.


This is too fucking easy


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