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From this video:

Hello, Youtube. Uh, got a couple of comments today...that made me, uh, stop and think...and I decided to do a video about...uh. And uh, they were basically saying, you know, what the hell am I still doing here.

Uh, I'm so disillusioned with the site and all that stuff. Um...I-I want to speak directly to those people. Whether they're good people, or they're...troublemakers, or whoever you are. Since when was I ever here...for this site? And...when did you ever hear me state that I am here because I never said that. I'm here 'cause there's people here, and that I like...uh...friends that I've made, and uh, a community that I'm a part of. Um, I'm not here...because of Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, or anybody else in Youtube corporate...headquarters.

Now I have tried to help them...and uh...I've tried to offer them sound advice. On whether you agree with me or not I don't give a shit, but I have tried to give them advice. Uh...I tried to stand up to the hatred on this site, and...I know that no site is going to exist without its...collection of bastards, uh, but there are things that can be done, and should be done, to help...keep that under somewhat of control. They're not being done. And that I blame on the owners of this site, the programmers of this site who are, whether you want to admit to it or not or whether you understand or not, not doing their job. You don't like that, you don't agree with me, I don't give a shit. It's a fact.

The differences between Livevideo and Youtube, when it comes to why one works better than the other, would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Youtube has more users, or Livevideo's gonna deal with all these users, and it uh-it's got nothing to do with how many users the site has. Okay? One is coded properly, the other one isn't. Livevideo could have just as many users as Youtube, but the controls and features are there to help us...keep...out...the negative crap.

And, uh, whether some people like it or whether they don't like it, there are people who just don't want that in their lives. There are people who have enough negativity in their lives that they don't need to come online, and try to enjoy their hobby, and then have some snot-nosed punk kid come on, and say a bunch of nasty shit to them. And they should have the right to say, 'No, I don't want that.' If Youtube can't give us the features and the controls, to block that, properly...with they're up to about four billion dollars right now, and they're backing the largest company on the internet, then...why can Livevideo? Why can one site do it, and another not? Why can the small competition do it, and the big boys not? And don't tell me it's because this site has more users, because that's not true. There's-the reason is because this site started with sloppy code. And they've had plenty of time, and certainly the resources necessary to fix it.

If there's ANYBODY on here who doesn't think that they've been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses, then you're an idiot. They've had months. Months to get these things fixed, and yes, I'm telling you that fixing the something they could have done in a day...if they knew what the hell they were doing. They don't. aleck, uh, left a comment saying, 'Well, one of your sites is bigger than this site, yadda yadda yadda.' What the hell does how many users a site has has to do with it? If I'm hosting the site on my own server, I'm damn well gonna have a seperate copy of the site that I can do modifications to, and curre-transfer it over so that the site's never actually down at any given point in time, and I can fix the problems.

What kind of problems that we're talking about here are not big, huge problems. Or at least they shouldn't be. They are, because Youtube never took the time to fix them in the first place when they had the chance and the opportunity and things weren't overwhelming. And here they are. So what did they do? Have they hired any new programmers? Have they brought in anyone to fix these problems? Who knows? As far as we know, they have fourty employees. That's the last that anybody's ever heard. If they brought anybody in new to work on this, why aren't we seeing any improvements? You think by adding a few...Livevideo-like features to the site that that's...some kind of improvement? Yeah, private messages now work better. Big freakin' deal.

Heh, Youtube has so many people so snowed it's not even funny. You think because now all of a sudden private messages work, that...I don't know, it's like if you starve a man to death for...a week, and then you give him, uh, a plate of shit, that he's gonna appreciate that. And that's the way people on Youtube are acting right now. It's like, 'Ooh, they fixed the private messages! Well thank God!' You know, well, no. No, they fixed the private messages, 'It's about damn time!' is what you should be saying. Now...yeah, several points in time, I flip-flopped on how I felt about Youtube company. I'm entitled to change my mind. Whether any of you idiots like it or not. I've changed my mind.

One time I said Youtube is screwin' up. Then Steve Chen comes and talks to me about it, he explains certain things to me, and he told me certain things, and I believe him. I have no reason not to believe him, so I...come to you guys and I tell you this. Then he makes a liar out of me by...doing nothing.

I, uh, you know, I'll give the guy a second chance. And I'll come to you guys and I'll tell you and I'll say, 'Well, it looks like they're gonna get this one taken care of now', and yadda yadda yadda. Makes a liar out of me again. That's it. That's it. No more chances. Not gonna make a liar outta me anymore. I'm not hiding what this asshole's saying to me anymore, either. Okay? I kept secrets from you people because he told me he didn't want me to tell you. Well, I told you. I told you...before BBC, uh, before anybody, that Youtube was gonna do the profit-sharing thing. Go ahead and check the date on my video where I said it. It was before it was released to anybody else. You got it from me. I'm not tootin' my horn or anything like that, but what I'm telling you is that I've been telling you people the truth all along. Okay? And I still have to deal with people coming on my channel and telling me, well I'm full of shit or If I don't like it I should go over to Livevideo and not do any more videos here on Youtube. Screw you! I'll do my videos wherever the hell I want to, and...I'll do it because of my friends and because of the community that I'm a part of; it has nothing to do with...loyalty to a site. It has nothing to do with being a traitor and going somewhere else, and, you know, you people got your heads so wrapped around the whole Renetto...fucking Youtube drama, that you don't know, you don't recognize reality when it slaps you in the face. The truth of the matter is, There's only-when it comes down to this Youtube...drama know, you got Renetto doing shit and whoever the hell knows what he's doing behind our backs and he's getting paid for that, paid for this, paid for the other thing, whatever. You know, I don't care if he's getting paid. I never did care if he was getting paid, it's never been an issue with me.

What was an issue with me was when he said some nasty shit about people that I care about. And THAT's what I got on his case about. And I'm still on his case about it 'cause the damn...sonuvabitch has never made a proper apology. And until he makes a proper apology, I don't like the guy. Okay? He just makes it worse and worse and worse, he comes out with a new video. This racist bullshit video that he did. You know, if he can't find black people on Youtube to watch, it's not because they're not here. It's because he IS a racist. Okay? They're here. I've subscribed to several people that, but I don't subscribe to them because they're black and I don't think about it, 'Oh, he's black,' you know? It doesn't enter into my head. It's like, 'Are they doing something that I'm interested in? Are-are they a good person?', and all that stuff. What color they are has absolutely nothing to do with it. And...if somebody came and looked at my subscribers and said that I saw that I didn't have or did have, looked at the racial demographics and came to me and said, oh, well I'm a racist, I'd tell them they were a fucking moron. You know, I subscribe to people because I like what they're saying, not because of the color of their skin.

And...if somebody's gonna put a video up about, you know, thinking he's gonna be considered a racist because he's not-he doesn't have enough black people, and he needs a token black person in a list of subscriptions. Man! What a fucking DICKHEAD. You know, and now we got all this crap about, you know, uh, Yourtube News is helping to promote, uh, Mia Rose, and, oh, she's got all these subscribers...who cares? Especially hellionexciter. Dude, get your head outta your ass. Alright? What do you fucking care? You're never gonna get featured, you're never be on a front page, nobody cares. You got a few people who listen to you, you're-you're a fan of the fucking Encyclopedia Dramatica and all their bullshit, know, you expect that it matters to anybody what the hell you say? You know, gimme a break.

So Mia Rose is featured, so she's popular, so she's got a bazillion subscribers. Who cares? I don't care. You know, it's not a popularity contest here. If you get involved in a popularity contest, and you become a Renetto, like your subscribers matter to you that much. You know [laughs], well I guess you do like that, I guess that IS important to somebody like you. You know, because it's-it is a popularity contest for you, isn't it? And the way you come down to theboringdispatcher because he's fat: 'Oh no, he's FAT! God help us, he's a fat man!' At least the guy's got a brain between his ears. You know, I'm not going anywhere. I'll put my videos where the hell I want to, and I'll do it because I've got friends here, and I'm-I'm part of a community. And...that community just happens to extend over to Livevideo as well. And I'll put my videos there. Now, which site do I prefer? I prefer Livevideo. Why do I prefer Livevideo? It's a better site. That's it. Why do I still post videos on Youtube? Because I have friends, and there's a community here, same thing.

But it's the same community on Livevideo, really. People that have given up on Youtube, and a few people who are just Livevideo users that are...not on Youtube. and large, it's all the same group of people. We're all the same thing. We're vloggers. And, uh, this, this brand loyalty stuff is ridiculous. If, tomorrow, Livevideo offered me a job, and was willing to pay me...huge amounts of money, I'd take the job. I'd still put videos on Youtube. Why? Because I have friends here. 'Kay? What I do in order to, to make money, or how I go about it, that's nobody's business. If I come on here and I posted this video and I'm saying, 'Hey, I'd like a job,' what the hell's wrong with that? An honest day's work for an honest day's wages, there's nothing wrong with that. That's how you do things in this world. And...I gotta hear griefers giving me shit 'cause I'm trying to get work. Heh, you know [flips the bird], fuck you. What do you know? You're so busy living in your parent's basement and sucking on mommy's tit, don't know what it's like to work a day's, an honest day's work, you don't know what it's like to have, to wanna actually do something to earn, to earn your way around. know, people, uh, actually posted some nasty comments about me because they say I 'took money' from Peter. No, I didn't take money from Peter. Peter wasn't willing to accept the money from Youtube and he was gonna...refuse it. Flat out refuse it, which means I gotta go back into the [unintelligable] pocket's, and he said, 'Do [you] want it?' You're damn right I want it. Ha, if I could take money out of [unintelligable] pocket's and put it in my pocket, why the hell wouldn't I? And don't tell me YOU wouldn't do the same thing. Does that mean I took money from Peter? No, it doesn't mean I took money from Peter. It does however mean that Peter is my friend, he saw a chance to help me out, and he did. And I would do the same thing for any of my friends. That's what it's like when you got friends. I understand a lot of you people, you haters or whatever the hell they've been calling you (I don't particularly care for that word, I'll just call you assholes), you don't know what it's like to have friends. And this is why it's so alien to you. I'm telling you right now, you know, if you could just get off...of your high horses, get off of your, uh, your hate kick, and...try making friends with some people, instead of just, uh, taking cheap shots at might understand it. But, uh, I just don't see it happening.

I've also been getting a lot of grief because of some of the messages I've posted on, uh, ZionistaCat's...uh, video. Uh, you know, hehe, they say I say nasty things about this woman, and all of this you know, how could I say this to this lady. She's no lady! She's not a woman, she's an IT, okay? Anybody involved with that group is an it. Do I think they should be dead? YES. Yes I do. Why do I think that? Because they're never going to amount to ANYTHING but a burden on society. They think I'm some kind of a Nazi because I wanna, you know, because I wanna, I'm an internet murderer, blah blah blah blah blah blah. I'm not going out searching for anybody to kill. But do I think they should be eliminated? Yeah, I do. And that's not, that doesn't make me a Nazi. Okay? I think they should be eliminated because they're the ones that are like the Nazis. If I could go back in time kill, kill Adolf Hitler, I'd do that. And what I see here is a bunch of little, little Hitlers, trying to, uh, become the dictators of this site. They're trying to force us to do things their way, through fear, intimidation, and threats. Okay? And...they're gonna grow be criminals...on a much larger scale. That's what's gonna happen. I've seen it happen before, and that's what they are, they're scum. So, yeah, I, I think it's better off they be eliminated ahead, ahead of time. That doesn't make me a murderer. I'm not going out killing them. I'm not killing anybody, I've never killed anybody. is my opinion. I'm entitled to it.

They're...trash. And as far as I'm concerned, what do you do with trash? Throw it away and you incinerate it. And that's what needs to be done to this kinda trash. They're human garbage. Well, like I said, I don't consider them human. They don't ACT like human beings. They don't even act like animals. Animals have more common decency than these...pieces of shit. Anyway, this has been my angry video. There will be no comments on this video, there will be no video responses to this video. This is just me saying what I think, and if you don't like it, tough shit. You wanna flag this video, you go right ahead, but when it gets flagged, if it gets flagged, yeah, I'm gonna complain to Youtube about it. Okay? Because I can go watch one of hellionexciter's videos, and see cursing...left and right, and it doesn't get flagged. I can go to, uh, Bohing...just his last video he's cursing left and right in. Doesn't get flagged. So don't flag my video. You flag my video, I'm gonna bitch and complain. I'll bitch and complain to the point where I drive Steve Chen out of his fuckin' mind. You hear me, Steve? Don't let this video get flagged. I've cursed. Tough shit. Goodbye.