July 29 2014 Merchant broadcast

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The image is captioned with "liar", written in Latin, French, English, German, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Hindi, Hebrew

On July 29th 2014, an /x/ anon on 4chan was monitoring the Wide-band WebSDR broadcast on 8992khz when he picked up a strange pirate transmission overriding the signal. Upon closer inspection by another anon, it appeared that an image was encoded in the sound.

Basically, someone trolled the USAF's nuclear command radio with le happy merchant, except they would have needed a giga-fucking powerful transmitter for it to be this clear and loud. Another possibility is the pirate transmission being sent from a close location to the websdr web broadcasting antenna.

Much more likely, the gay OP added the image himself before posting on /x/, resulting in the mentally challenged masses of anons believing him like monkeys.

recording: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ncpMZg5J8r or http://a.pomf.se/efvdxn.wav