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There's also a handy [ YouTube playlist] of a ton of female YouTubers reviewing the Fembusters trailer that goes against the ''"women love this, and people who hate it are sexist!"'' narrative that Sony and Feig are pushing, thus proving that the negative reaction to the film is simply because it's just a shitty film.
There's also a handy [ YouTube playlist] of a ton of female YouTubers reviewing the Fembusters trailer that goes against the ''"women love this, and people who hate it are sexist!"'' narrative that Sony and Feig are pushing, thus proving that the negative reaction to the film is simply because it's just a shitty film.
[[Category:Social Justice]]

Revision as of 14:44, 16 December 2016

Who you gonna call?

Fembusters 👻 Paul Feig 👻 Promotion 👻 AVGN's non-review 👻 Jimmy Kimmel's Big Shillel 👻 Leslie Jones' Twitter Meltdown 👻 Leslie Jones Getting Hacked

One would think that the great Hollywood giant Sony would be able to promote a remake of a classic flick without fucking it up. One would be wrong. This subpage covers the epic missteps of the greatest media giant in the world.

Hospital visit

In August 2015, in order to promote the movie or something, the Fembusters visited the pediatric cancer ward at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, in complete costume. Appropriate, given that the movie is the embodiment of cancer. There were tons of photo-ops with kids (who were like 30 years from their parent's condom breaking, or daddy "forgetting" to pull out in time, when the original movie came out, so they totally got the reference), including this one here, which was deleted from Facebook for some reason. Actually, let's take a look at it:

"Hey black guy in the totally inappropriate shirt to visit dying people in! Let's get a pic with this dying kid in the background, you point to the dying girl and the camera. Wouldn't that be hilarious!?! LOL!"

This attempt to capitalize on the misery of sickened children couldn't have been better illustrated by any image than the one above. Anyways, it happened, and 4chan went on a field day with memes and shit, as old media tried to spin it as misogyny (archive) instead of incompetence, and Tufts scrambled to remove the image from their social media accounts in order to mitigate any HIPAA violations (and to cover the tracks of whatever hospital administrator allowed this possibly criminal invasion of a public hospital).

But hey, at least it looks like the kids had a good time, and that's all that matters, right?

I wanted to see the Ghostbusters, not cheap cosplay About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Ghostbusters fan day at Sony HQ

On March 2nd, 2016, one day prior to the actual official release of the Fembusters trailer, Sony held a Ghostbusters fan-appreciation event at the official Sony Studio Lot. Here gathered were a ton of vocal Ghostbusters fans for drinks and photos and whatever, culminating with the first look at the Fembusters trailer. Take a look at some excerpts of the event:

The main event; listen to the language in this video and try to see what words and phrases reappear in similar videos

Spot what is shilling and what isn't

Compare the previous videos with what is said in this video

Ghostbusters Trailer QnA with (((Ivan Reitman))), Paul Feig, & Katie Dippold March 2nd, 2016
"If you providing a standing ovation, you will be entered into a drawing to win a free PS4!"

As anyone with two braincells to rub together can easily surmise, this "fan-appreciation event" really wasn't actually about showing ANY appreciation for their fans, but was instead a one-dimensional attempt by Sony to manipulate the opinions of normies, skeptical nerds, or anyone else watching the video of the event. Because if those hard core Ghostbuster fans say they liked the trailer, then the Ghostbusters franchise is in "good hands", right? I mean, I CAN trust their opinions, riiiight??

In fact, just watch the various other videos of the fan-appreciation event, and count how many times someone says something like:

  • "the franchise is in good hands; they honored its legacy"
  • "it exceeded my expectations"
  • "I've waited years for this"
  • "I was in tears"

In other words, that fan-appreciation event was nothing more than the latest entry from Sony's propaganda machine, which is only made all the more obvious with the near universal despise of the Fembusters trailer, which is completely in spite of all the positive praise for the trailer at the event. You'll never see as much shilling for one idea outside of North Korea. In fact, don't be surprised if someone posts on /tv/ or reddit that they were hired by Sony to be a "fan" at the event, just to pad things up a bit.

But, hey, maybe that's all just a gross exaggeration. Perhaps this IS just genuine fan worship of the franchise, right? It's just a coincidence that everyone literally says the same things when interviewed! They're TOTALLY not on Sony's payroll!! We'll find out when the movie is finally release and the 25% review on Rotten Tomatoes come in.

Movie trailer release

There are three things wrong with this statement

On March 3, 2016, the first official movie trailer for Fembusters was released. And guess what? It's total shit. Here, check it out for yourself.

On the other hand, THIS math is perfectly correct; they even got an actual scientist/mathematician to make sure it was correct!

Also be sure to play the "Fembusters Drinking Game" while watching the trailer: take one shot whenever...:

  • there's a "subtle" vagina joke
  • a neon ghost appears on screen
  • there's a call back to the original Ghostbusters
  • there's a blatant rip off of the original Ghostbusters
  • Patty acts like a stereotypical sassy black woman
  • a lesbian actress licks a phallic object
  • there is a clear indication that all of the actresses phoned in their performance
  • you finally realize that Death's icy embrace is ultimately preferable to watching this movie

Sony Pictures was SO hot on reusing older material for their movies, they even reused the trailer for Pixels:

GIRL POWER means that, no, there totally isn't a boom mic in those glasses, and pointing that out means you're sexist.

Anyways, after the trailer was released, things happened the way you pretty much expected them to: the video was given more Downvotes than Upvotes (it's close to 7 downvotes for every 2 upvotes, and close to 1 million downvotes, making it the most downvoted trailer in YouTube history), people continued to shit on the movie and the trailer, Sony Pictures began to delete comments, and people within Sony are getting fired for failing to produce a viable product.

Just watch that ratio spread farther and father apart...

Or, ok, maybe not "fired", but, y'know... Sony Pictures Consumer Marketing Chief George Leon has "exited his post".

Anyways, despite the fact that it's pretty damn clear that nobody liked the trailer (and therefore, the movie), Sony Pictures refuses to accept that they've made a shitty movie which pissed off loyal Ghostbusters fans. Furthermore, it seems as if Sony Pictures has hired a social media engineering company to try to shift public opinion of the film. For example, they tried to stem the tide of negative downvotes for the trailer by organizing an Upvote campaign, (see related images to the right and below): as you can see, there was clearly an attempt to try to stuff the ballots in the hopes that maybe other people would catch on and "organically" Upvote the video through osmosis, but it obviously didn't work.

This graph clearly shows that there was an organized a mass Like-vote campaign, but obviously it failed to gain traction.

Meanwhile, Feminist and SJW bloggers didn't want to accept that "their side" actually made a shitty product, and that critical reaction against Fembusters is clearly due to the content of its character and not their gender... so Feminists and SJWs worked their mental gymnastics overtime to try to find ANY justification for all the negative responses. And as you can imagine, the conclusion they reached was that male fans were being typical sexist, racist shitlord dudebros, as well as every other shallow excuse they could pull from out of their ass. This is because, as we all know, "gender equality" means that only men---and NEVER women---are capable of producing shitty stuff, and therefore any negative critical reaction against something that women have a significant role in is TOTALLY because those critics are infuriated that women would DARE enter a man's domain. (BTW, Stateville University's official Women-only Safe Space is open 24-7-365, and any male student attempting to illegally tresspass will be arrested.) Oh, wait, you say that Second-wave Feminism's fight for equality ALSO included a person's right to criticize a woman's efforts just as they would a man's? When did we agree to that? That would mean we can't play our Victim Card anymore!




Stephanie Merry, Washington Post (archive)




William Bibbiani, Crave Online (archive)




Molly Fitzpatrick, Fusion (archive)




Eve Vawter, CafeMom - The Stir (archive)




Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY (archive)




Andrew Shuster, Gossip Cop (archive)

Wait, were half of these articles seriously written by white men? Why yes, yes they were. The name for this phenomenon is commonly known as Airport's Law.

Sony Pictures caught on to this, and they too are blaming the failures of Fembusters on Ghostbusters fans for being sexist. Now they're working with their social medial engineering partners to plant false flag comments on YouTube, depicting a male fans of Ghostbusters being blatantly sexist and racist, in order to give themselves an out when Fembusters is finally released and doesn't go anywhere as well as they expected it to. More details about what and why Sony's been doing what they've been doing can be read below.

Second Trailer

On May 18th, 2016, the Second Official Trailer for the movie was released, on a channel not related to Sony... and, well, you can only imagine how "good" it is, and the reactions to it:

But remember everyone: if you downvote it, it's because you hate women yadda yadda yadda.

Meanwhile, Paul Feig shows how bootyblasted (archive) he's been lately, and especially concerning the reactions to the trailers, and complains informs the readers that the trailers look bad because he's simply not a joke-joke-joke-oneliner-oneliner writer. Instead, he's the kind of writer that puts too much quality into this humor which is just super difficult to translate into a trailer.

You get your first bite of the apple watching a trailer. Everyone has a million different ideas of what this movie is going to be. I think a lot of people thought we were going to take the original script and just flip it, so that Melissa’s going to be Venkman, and Kate’s going to be Ray Stantz! And you’re like, ‘Well, no, we would never do that.’ Nobody knows what you’re doing, so it could be anything. … For us, we just needed to plant a flag and go, ‘Here’s kind of how some of the stuff in the movie is!’ …


—Paul Feig, in completely denial of the fact that he literally did take the original script and flip it

My movies, for some reason, are really hard to do trailers for, because my comedy all comes from context, really. I’m not the guy who’s like joke-joke-joke, and here’s a one-liner one-liner one-liner. I do have those, but you have to get to know the characters, you have to settle in with them to get to know their personalities, saying, ‘Oh, that’s funny because that character doesn’t normally do this.’ … That said, I liked what the first trailer was, and we’re going to have the new trailer that we’re putting together now that I’m really excited about, too, which shows a little more of the scope. … But people are always going to react the way they’re going to react, and that’s the joy and the terribleness of the Internet.


—Paul Feig, under the delusion that Fembusters is well written

And anyone who has followed movies for any period of time knows that judging a movie by its trailer is often a mistake.


Stephen Silver (archive), not realizing that even if people hated the movie ONLY because it stars women in it, that feeling had nothing to do with the trailer.

If filmgoers want to treat the 2016 Ghostbusters as a crime against cinema, they should really make the effort to see it first.


Stephen Silver (archive), completely oblivious to the fact that maybe he should really make the effort to go and read Mein Kampf cover-to-cover first before criticizing it. BTW, this is also probably the lamest argument to try to trick convince people into paying money to watch this shitshow.

But hey, I guess maybe Paul Feig is right and this movie is going to be good despite the shitty trailers. I mean, it's not like the very concept is terrible or anything, or the idea that the original Ghostbusters actors have unrelated cameos on it, or that SJWs and Feminists have latched onto this film because they somehow are under the delusion that people hate it BECAUSE there are women leads in it, and that therefore criticizing the film means you hate all women and want them to die. And it CERTAINLY has nothing to do with the fact that the film will probably be full of lines like this one:

"I don't know if it was a race thing or a lady thing, but I'm mad as hell!" Well it's OBVIOUSLY a race thing because we CLEARLY saw female-Ray crowd surf literally five seconds earlier!

Nope, Mr. Feig is right; it's clear ALL of us just misinterpreted the trailer, and that's the ONLY reason why there is controversy for the film. I guess we're all just going to have to pay $16 to watch the film in order to acquire the right to criticize it! THAT'LL show 'em!!

And the fact that the cast of Fembusters haven't come out and say ANYTHING about their movie experiences, one way or another, is a complete coincidence.

General First Trailer Reactions

Maddox attempts to renew his relevance with this trailer review

Red Letter Media subscribe to Facebook Twitter tumblr Twitbooktumbflerlkfacebooksdglkjhdfgkjh

Less shitty recut of the trailer, in the same way urine technically is "less shitty" than shit itself

Marshmallow Man Reacts to GHOSTBUSTERS Trailer

Down the Plot Hole trailer breakdown

Another trailer review

Laugh at these guys as they try to balance their obvious disgust of the trailer and their desire to not look sexist.

Angry Video Game Nerd's nonreview of Fembusters

First Trailer Reactions from Women who have internalized misogyny

Comic Book Girl 19 has internalized misogyny

The Wooly Bumblebee has internalized misogyny

The Wooly Bumblebee doesn't think the trailer SMASHES the Patriarchy, so she's CLEARLY internalized misogyny, and thus her opinion is completely invalid

Zoe has internalized misogyny

Alachia Queen has internalized misogyny

Robin from PopSpectrum has internalized misogyny

Late to the Party's Vanessa has internalized misogyny, while Robert is a shitlord dudebro

DoubleO88's sister has both internalized misogyny AND racism!

lovelyti2002 ALSO has internalized misogyny and racism; why can't you people accept that white men like Paul Feig are trying to make things better for both women AND black people??

Meanwhile, Sensei Aishitemasu covers the Patty character and the issue of "Palatable Blackness".

There's also a handy YouTube playlist of a ton of female YouTubers reviewing the Fembusters trailer that goes against the "women love this, and people who hate it are sexist!" narrative that Sony and Feig are pushing, thus proving that the negative reaction to the film is simply because it's just a shitty film.