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| Have you ever gotten into a locker-room fight with the person next to you, arguing that a samurai could totally [[rape]] a [[300|spartan]]? Of course not, you're a weak pussy who can't do anything outside [[fap]] in your parents basement and [[troll]] on [[B|/b/]]. But if you get a few nerds to Google some information and [[cosplayers]] to have intense [[buttsex|battles to the death]] and you've got yourself '''''Deadliest Warrior'''''... well at least they tried.
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| [[File:Samurai-clippy.jpg|right]]
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| [[image:Deadliestwarriorlogo.jpg|thumb|right|My logo has a helmet inside a ninja star in the center of my HUGE AWESOME TEXT! [[all caps|IS MY SHOW COOL YET?]]]]
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| == Origins ==
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| It all started when a fat, disgusting thing that called itself Max Geiger was peeing next to some guy in a bathroom stall somewhere. They were arguing about [[dildo|ninja eggs]] and spartan shields, and how [[Ninjas vs. Pirates|a ninja could beat a pirate.]]
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| After wiping the pee and sperm off its hands, it had the most [[shit|delightful]] idea ever; to make a show about outdated soldiers killing ''other'' outdated soldiers. Knowing that one man couldn't possibly argue with himself, (Unless he was some [[basement dweller]] no-life that talks to himself on AIM because he cant make friends) it gathered two other butt-buddies to craft the show we know today as Deadliest Warrior.
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| The show went live on April 7, 2009. And, just like every other [[gay|super-duper-mother-fucking-balls-to-the-walls-awesome]] show, it would be aired on Spike TV.
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| [[image:DeadliestwarriorFIGHT.jpg|thumb|left|Cosplayers participate in a plastic battle to the death.]]
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| == Procedure ==
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| The show would first start out introducing 2 historians/weapons and martial arts masters (or in the case of the Green Beret v. Spetznaz episode, two Russian mobsters that they promised free vodka and two neckbeards who spent way too much time on [[K/|/k/]] who proceeded to have a middle finger fight the whole time) from each side. They each introduce their warriors from different time periods that have never fought each other [[irl]] and how [[retarded|kewl]] they were afterwards. This procedure is [[Lie|skillfully done]] so they'll usually pit a faggot with a sword and cotton armor against some bitch with iron plates and an AK-47. about 1/3rd of the show will be rambling on about the warrior's philosophy and history or some [[shit]] like that. (Note that they will be repeating each warrior's culture and fighting style throughout the episode) After the introduction, both of the combat masters of each side will be [[buttfuck|competing against each other]] in trials (Such as slicing up the corpse of a fat chick mistaken to be a cow corpse, or stabbing jello shaped like a human's torso) while the nerds calculate how [[pun|deadly]] the weapon's force or speed was against the object.
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| Typically, weapons are divided into four types; '''[[Cock|Short Range]],''' '''[[Dildo|Mid Range]],''' '''[[The Great Black Dick Hoax|Long Range]],''' and '''[[Rape|Special Weapons]]
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| <center><youtube>b5ywu7RxpTk</youtube></center>
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| <center>'''Typical Deadliest Warrior Fight Scene'''</center>
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| == Internet Controversy ==
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| Ever since the show came out, those "I wonder if a cowboy could ride a viking like a horse" questions turned into "I wonder who'll win in tonight's Deadliest Warrior", both IRL and on the net. One good example of Deadliest Warrior being one of those "HEY GUISE DID YOU WATCH THAT ONE EPISODE OF x" topics is on forums and chat boards. It is created [[99.9%]] of the time on any forum, and guaranteed to end in a flamewar. (Just like any other forum thread) Basically, there are two types of "people" who would even bother talking about the matter, whom of which are the haters and fanboys. Just like any other fanboy, they will defend their show with a burning passion while wearing their novelty t-shirts and baseball caps. Haters, on the other hand, rant about the show either for the lulz or because [[Truth|its historically inaccurate]].
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| Including that, [[Youtube]] if flooded with videos, raging about how their precious (and inherently inferior) mongrel gook samurai's virginity was stolen away by the <s>vikings</s>pure, noble, Aryan warriors who are the rightful inheritors of the world. SIEG HEIL!! 14/88!!
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| ==Season 1==
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| ===Episode 1: [[Native_American|Apache]] vs [[Pope|Gladiator]]===
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| The Gladiator ended up getting raped by the Apache. After the Apache dropped the [[banhammer|finishing move]], he licks his [[cock|knife]] drenched in the Gladiator's blood, because the dumb buffalo jockey forgot to use lube. 6 months later he died of [[AIDS]].
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| ===Episode 2: [[Techno Viking|Viking]] vs [[Wapanese|Samurai]]===
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| The Samurai [[Unrealistic Expectations|effortlessly sliced the Viking in half with his katana and walked off.]]
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| ===Episode 3: [[300|Spartan]] vs [[Naruto|Ninja]]===
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| Upon discovering that the Ninja [[Lie|wasn’t into men]], the Spartan went into a rage and smashed him into [[drug|dust]]. Later on he killed some random Jew [[I did it for the lulz|just because]].
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| ===Episode 4: [[Lazy Town|Pirate]] vs [[White knight|Knight]]===
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| The Pirate couldn't defeat the Knight's [[Gundam Wing|impenetrable armor]], and so he just opened up his visor and [[Fellatio|raped him in the face]].
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| ===Episode 5: [[Koreaboo|Yakuza]] vs [[Anonymous|Mafia]]===
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| It started off pretty good, until it got to the end and the [[Anonymous|Mafia]] guy [[fleshlight|killed him with an ice pick before smoking a]] Jew
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| ===Episode 6: [[Worldwide Masonic Conspiracy|Green Beret]] vs [[Vladimir Putin|Spetsnaz]]===
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| [[File:Fmprecationimage.jpg]]
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| ===Episode 7: [[Chinese|Shaolin Monk]] vs [[Sea nigger|Maori Warrior]]===
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| The Shaolin Monk was too high on [[Drugs|marijuana]] to attack the Maori Warrior so he hired his friend the Ninja to come and take him out. Afterward the Monk and Ninja engaged in [[Mormon|endless celestial sex.]]
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| ===Episode 8: [[Redneck|William Wallace]] vs [[Happy Negro|Shaka Zulu]]===
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| [[Nobody cares|The claymore decapitated three meat heads in one swing, and cleanly cut into the Zulu ishlangu shield. The Zulu responded with quick slashes of the iklwa, managing to slice up a pig and piercing a sample of unriveted chainmail. The range of the claymore and its performance proved to be the deciding factor, giving it the advantage.]]
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| [[File:Jesusnigger.jpg|thumb|right|Shaka Zulu]]
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| ===Episode 9: [[Catholic|IRA]] vs Taliban===
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| The Taliban shot the IRA thousands of times [[Warhammer 40,000|but they were too drunk to feel the bullets]]. Eventually the Taliban just said [[tits|fuck it!]] and [[Jihad|killed themselves]]
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| ==Back for Blood Special==
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| Before the start of season 2 they decided to take all the winners from the previous season and <s>[[Awesome|pit them against each other]]</s> complain about how that one can't fight that one because he is too weak. It was made in two parts, with part 1 having the ancient warriors, and part 2 having the modern warriors. for the ancient ones they had a spartan vs a samurai. It ended with the spartan fucking up the samurai's shit, and part two had the spetznaz vs IRA. It ended with the IRA getting fucked up by those crazy russians.
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| ==Season 2==
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| ===Episode 10: [[SWAT]] vs [[Germania|GSG9]]===
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| This one was close but the one [[America|AMURIKA]] prevails. Towards the middle, a [[Nazi|GSG9]] entered a warehouse occupied by a [[SWAT]] member armed with a [[Don't_taze_me_bro|Incapacitating electro magnetic multi projectile mechanism]] which is basically a [[Cheap|made in china]] weapon compiled of 32 tazers glued together.
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| ===Episode 11: [[Mongol|Atilla the Hun]] vs [[Greek|Alexander the Great]]===
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| Although Alexander had a giant crossbow, Atilla managed to stab him in the fucking throat.
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| ===Episode 12: [[Brokeback Mountain|Jesse James]] vs [[Wop|Al Capone]]===
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| Everyone thought the Al would win (since he has better shit) but America always wins when Italy is involved.
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| ===Episode 13: [[Spics|Aztec Jaguar]] vs [[Niggers|Zande Warrior]]===
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| The spic almost won, but the nigger had a spear and stabbed through his gut.
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| ===Episode 14: [[Nazi|Nazi Waffen-SS]] vs [[Vietnam|Viet Cong]]===
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| The Nazis fell for the [[traps]] but luckily they had a flamethrower so they had some spicy asain food.
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| ===Episode 15: [[Roman Empire|Roman Centurion]] vs [[India|Rajput Warrior]]===
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| The Roman guy barely got any hits in while the indian was raping him
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| ===Episode 16: [[Somalia|Somali Pirates]] vs [[Columbia|Medellin Cartel]]===
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| The pirates jumped the spics, but in the end...one of the niggers fucking shot the last guy with a damn bazooka. (There seems to be a pattern when it comes to niggers vs spics). Besides, the pirates were ridiculously given black and white scarfs to make them look like [[Sandnigger|Palestinians]]. A fine example of [[kike]]s at work and how [[retarded]] they think [[Americunt]]s are.
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| ===Episode 17: [[Iran|Persian Immortal]] vs [[Ireland|Celtic Warrior]]===
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| Thats right. A terrorist vs a mick ... [[ALL CAPS|WHO DO YOU THINK FUCKING WON!!11!11?]] (Surprisingly, the mick lost) [[Jihad|ALLAH BE PRIASED!]])
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| ===Episode 18: [[3Guys1Hammer|KGB]] vs [[CIA]]===
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| While the CIA had [[Awesome|exploding cigars and suitcase guns]], the KGB had [[fail|shoeknifes and camera guns]]. It ended with the last KGB guy getting choked with piano wire
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| ===Episode 19: [[Vampire|Vlad the Impaler]] vs [[Azn|Sun Tzu]]===
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| Thats right. Vlad the fucking Impaler, the guy who everyone thought was fucking Dracula, vs some [[Over 9000|50,000 year old]] chink that wrote [[Tl;dr|The Art of War]] who [[noone|noone's]] heard of. Except some dumbass who read it and conquered Europe. It ended with Vlad shoving a pike up the chinks ass.
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| ===Episode 20: [[fail|Ming Warrior]] vs [[fail|Musketeer]]===
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| The chinks lose again, this time [[lolwut|to the french]], who were actually pretty badass back then.
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| ===Episode 21: [[indians|Comanche]] vs [[asia|Mongol]]===
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| The mongol brought a bunch of devastating weapons, but the indian had a bigger dick so he [[skullfuck|skullfucked]] him.
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| ===Episode 22: [[IDF|Israeli commando]] vs [[Navy|Navy SEALs]]===
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| Wtf kinda match up is this, a [[nigra|nigger]] was on the SEAL team, and an Israeli-born wrestler who was never actually an Israeli commando was on the commando team. It is especially ridiculous because only the top Israeli commandos are given advanced training in the art of doing false-flag shit like [[9/11]] so that the Jews can blame it on someone else and have Amurka go to war against sandniggers. Aside from that, we all know that a [[true|black man cant swim]], since they come from a dirty and dry continent which is just desert; [[fact|they are so dumb that whenever there is water nearby, they will walk 20 miles around or away from it rather than cross a fucking bridge]]. However, in the end [[America]] won, and the possibility that an American show would be biased in favor of Yankees to boost the pride of drunk middle-aged tubs of fat sitting on the couch is certainly not a problem, because [[Fox News|they say that they provide a fair and balanced view of things]]. In the end, after the SEALs had won, the SEALs and Jews shook hands before [[buttsex]].
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| ==See Also==
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| *[[Booty Warrior]]
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| *[[Civilization]] - The [[bullshit|high-end software]] likely used to determine the winners
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| *[[Cosplay]]
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| *[[Fanfiction]]
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| *[[God Warrior]]
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| *[[You|Keyboard Warrior]]
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| *[[Nicotine Warrior]]
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| *[[Ninjas vs. Pirates]]
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| *[[Protest Warrior]]
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| *[[Real Life Super Hero]]
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| *[[SJW|Social Justice Warrior]]
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| ==Info==
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| *[http://www.spike.com/show/31082 Website]
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| [[Category: Fandom Stuff]]
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