Created page with "{{AOTN |Italy |File:Italians niggers of europe.jpg |'''Italy''' is a giant boot in Europe jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea, which is infested with Guidos, a race of croo..."
{{AOTN|Italy|File:Italians niggers of europe.jpg|'''Italy''' is a giant boot in Europe jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea, which is infested with Guidos, a race of crooks, drug dealers, and thieves, with an animalistic bond to crime, pudgy fingers, greasy hair, leather jackets, an overly aggressive attitude, no emotional control, and a horrible language with the world's most annoying accent.|The women are in charge now.|Doom|Cat|Kirtaner}}
|File:Italians niggers of europe.jpg
|'''Italy''' is a giant boot in Europe jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea, which is infested with Guidos, a race of crooks, drug dealers, and thieves, with an animalistic bond to crime, pudgy fingers, greasy hair, leather jackets, an overly aggressive attitude, no emotional control, and a horrible language with the world's most annoying accent.
Italy is a giant boot in Europe jutting out into the Mediterranean Sea, which is infested with Guidos, a race of crooks, drug dealers, and thieves, with an animalistic bond to crime, pudgy fingers, greasy hair, leather jackets, an overly aggressive attitude, no emotional control, and a horrible language with the world's most annoying accent.