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Richard Littlejohn is a closet fag who writes for the British tabloid, the Daily Fail. He supposedly has right-wing views but there's nothing he's really conservative about at all, he just wants to whine and talk shit like a little crybaby about how bad the world is nowadays. He is basically the equivalent of an American neocon and he probably supports Israel. It is painfully, embarrassingly obvious that Littlejohn is a closet fag given how much he writes condemning homosexuals in his articles. Indeed, it's a wonder that he can get away with it in politically correct 2010, given that the UK doesn't have the First Amendment free speech protection that sees Fred Phelps allowed to say what he likes legally without being subject to a dumb bint like Jacqui Smith telling him what he can and cannot say or do.

Nick Griffin, who may also be a closet homo although this is unconfirmed (it is thought that there are porn videos of Griffin floating about on of him getting his mancunt fisted by Arthur Kemp categorised as "gay bear" porn thus qualifying as extreme porn which is the real reason the BNP has no money, not because of Equality and Human Rights Commission cases brought by a Marxist black person called Trevor Philips but because of the fines over dangerous pr0n), has said that Richard Littlejohn is his favourite journalist. Indeed the preferred expression of Richard Littlejohn is "YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP!" which is pretty much his standard response to anything that happens these days that is politically correct. It's thought that Littlejohn is one of those types who believes in the morality of locking up the offender then throwing away the key. And sodomizing him.


In the past year's Sun columns, Richard has referred 42 times to gays, 16 times to lesbians, 15 to homosexuals, eight to bisexuals, twice to 'homophobia' and six to being 'homophobic' (note his scornful inverted commas), five times to cottaging, four to 'gay sex in public toilets', three to poofs, twice to lesbianism, and once each to buggery, dykery, and poovery. This amounts to 104 references in 90-odd columns — an impressive increase on his 2003 total of 82 mentions. There is, alas, no space for us to revisit the scientific study which found obsessive homophobes more responsive to gay porn. But Richard, we're begging you: talk to someone.


—Everything The Guardian cares about is stupid, liberal, environmental, left-wing bullshit. That being said, they do get it right on the cunt Littlejohn.

Richard Littlejohn has written for a number of Britfag newspapers and tabloids including the Sun and the Daily Fail. His arch-enemy is Johann Hari.

Richard Littlejohn is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

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