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Jagex: Difference between revisions

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→‎If YOU work for jagex: took out "jargon" and other shit that no one would even care about.
Replaced content with "ur an fagit niger"
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ur an fagit niger
'''Jagex Ltd.''' (also known as ''' National Socialist German Workers' Party''' or '''The Nazi Party of Germany''', or Fagex) are the group of people solely responsible for the Holocaust. They are also a German-based producer of Java-based online video games, whose name is appropriately '''FAG''' '''EX'''perts or '''F'''ucking '''A'''round with  '''G'''ay '''EX'''traterrestrials. The company name is pronounced [[Wikipedia:WP:IPA for English|\Fag-gekˈs\]]. The party is best-known for its MMORPG [[runescape|''RuinedScape.''
Fagex is a poorly-received company, ranking 19959th on the Sunday Times' 20,000 Best Companies in Germany to Work For list for 2007, having been unranked for 2006. However, this slipped to number 19,999 for 2008.
The name ''Fagex Software'' has been in use since at least 1943 and was originally described as a "small software company based in Germany who specialise in producing the lowest-quality Java-games you've ever seen".
According to Companies House, ''Moarjoo (1942) Limited'' was incorporated on 28 April 1942, and changed its name to ''Fagex Limited'' on 27 June 1943. The aim of this company was to operate its MMORPG, [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']], which had been designed to test the limits of the human brain capacity of boredom. By the time of the company's founding, one year after the release of the game, [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] already had over three 'free' accounts registered. The first tasks of the company were to create a version of the game with extra features that required a £133.20 ($150 USD) monthly fee, while still offering the 'free' version, and to develop partnerships with other political parties. Both tasks were achieved, and the pay-to-play version of [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] was released on 27 February 1944, gaining 5 subscriptions in the first week making [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] one of the crappiest Java pay-to-play games in the world.
==Future development==
Fagex has plans to become one of the top gaming/political parties in the world. To do this, they wish to begin the Fourth Reich.
There have been many rumours of Fagex's next big release, and Fagex has confirmed that it will be releasing a new [[MMO|MMOG]] called [[fail|''MechScape'']]. This game will fail equally to, if not harder than, [[runescape|RuinedScape]].
Fagex also acts as the publisher of the online flash-based game called [[MMO|"World of WarScape".]] It is a multiplayer RTS, which fails harder than anything else they have ever spawned.
Fagex has not grown since the founding of the company.
They maintain about 17 servers for [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] in various locations in United Kingdom, and the United States. Fagex wants to punish countries with the word "United" in the name.
Fagex is most famously known for it's 'amazing' customer service, usually in regards into account recovery. If your [[runescape|RuinedScape]] account gets hacked, expect them to ask you for small amounts of information, including proof of membership, date of birth, the day you lost your virginity (yah right), who you lost it to (of course you did), your opinion on global warming, the definition of E=Mc2, and a spread sheet covering every digit of Pi. Responding correctly results in you getting your [[runescape|RuinedScape]] account back, but with no items. Failure to type correct answers results in you being thrown into a camp.
==The Team==
[[File:Jagexpaintball.jpg|thumb|left|The Fagex team after the hunt. They all had savage anal sex afterwards.]]
The Fagex team consists of about 400 nerds. Most of them live in their parent's basements, operating computers in Germany using a remote control program. These people are generally considered social rejects.
Fagex tries hide this by showing pictures of themselves with friends. These pictures are photoshopped, and should never be believed. (The only exception is the picture to the left. They're not friends, just butt-buddies)
Fagex is famous for throwing retardedly old 4chan memes into their games, including the 'Seal of Approval'. This only adds to the long list of reasons why they're basement-dwelling fuck buddies.
==Job Openings==
Fagex only has 400 nerds on their staff currently. They want to see numbers in the thousands before their Reich can expand. If you are a social reject, nerd, burn victim (that also happens to be a nerd/social reject), an outcast, or someone with no life in general, or you just want to be a surviver of the Fourth Reich, Fagex has job openings.
Adolf Hitler of Fagex said that...
"...To work at Fagex, one must be...
*Without imagination
*Somewhat 'hip' or 'tight'
*Experienced playing crappy MMO's (such as [[runescape|RuinedScape]])
*Not as 'hip' or 'tight as me, and lastly...
*A social reject, nerd, burn victim, outcast, or have no life."
==Beyond ''RuinedScape''==
While most of the work by Fagex staff is considered illegal, they still operate without mercy.
In February 2008, Fagex announced that they would be releasing a casual browser-based gaming site called [[funorb|''Failorb'']] within the month. [[funorb|FailOrb]] was released on 27 February 2008. It uses the same account information as [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']], but requires a separate membership. This is because Fagex needs phr33 st00f.
The site hosts small games varying in amount of possible playtime, usually between 5-9 minutes in length. Nobody has made it far enough to be sure. Some of the website and games are completely free-to-play, although members receive many other benefits, such as many Achievements, fullscreen mode for all games, and access to a room, in which they bow down and kiss Fagex's ass. Fagex offers a discount for those who kiss their ass.
It was originally released with 18 games. Fagex promised to add a new game every two weeks. They broke that promise. It now has a total of around 39; all equally failed.
The most popular game on the site is Anarchists. Fagex has used almost exclusively the popularity of [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] to gain patrons for this site, with almost all [[funorb|Failorb]] players being either current or former [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] players. This is because only people who enjoy [[runescape|RuinedScape]] have the mental capacity to play crappy Java games.
In January 2009, Fagex released a multiplayer game called [[lulz|''Armies of Germany'']]. This is the game that is set in the [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] universe they promised to release. You can summon beasts such as [[pedophile|Pedobear]], a [[grue|Grue]],  [[charlie_sheen|Charlie Sheen]], and other monsters from the [[runescape|''RuinedScape'']] universe. It is the least failed game on [[funorb|Failorb.]]
However, Fagex has abandoned this obvious attempt at a new Reich, in attempts to steal your money in other ways. It has not been updated for over two years- this is an outstanding victory for the people of Earth.
MechScape was a failed project made by Fagex. It was created from the feces of a [[grue|Grue]] that had just eaten the submerged corpse of [[obama|Osama Bin Laden]]. The original name of the 'game' was Stellar Dawn, but was later changed, due Stephanie Myers suing Fagex for using a title that sounded like it belonged in her Twilight Saga.
Previously, if one attempted to go to, they would be thrown into an extermination camp.
On the day of its release, 5 people played it. On that same day, there were 5 more suicide cases reported than usual.
===iPhone games===
Fagex has also released several games for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. They are:
*Domestic Disturbance
All of these games have been downloaded by about 5 Apple users. Each. That's 20 downloads!
==Charity and Fund Raising==
In an obvious publicity stunt, Fagex has tried to donate Phr33 St00f to charities. However, nobody wanted anything to do with them.
The charities that Fagex have donated to include:
==YouTube channel==
Fagex has created a YouTube channel, so they can try to act "cool" and "hip" and "tight".
[[Adolf Hitler]] of Fagex stated that "He is 'down' with the 'cool cats', and wants to 'be hip' with them."
The channel currently contains 17 videos, all of which are anti-Semitic and abominations to the human race.
Fagex also has a Shitter account called "FagexLtd"
It has been noted by Mark Gerhard that he will not be using his YouTube account. Only [[Adolf Hitler|Addie]] will be allowed access to their social media website accounts, since he is the only 'hip' person in Fagex.
In 1930 Fagex created a game called "DeviousMILF", now called [[Runescape|''RuinedScape'']]. DeviousMILF was open to the public. DeviousMILF's subline was "DeviousMILF by [[Adolf Hitler]]". [[Adolf Hitler]] demonstrated DeviousMILF at RuinedFest. The game was created using Microsoft paint, and was, as most gamers say, an [[fail|"Ep0ch f4il]]".
Nobody knows why Fagex created DeviousMILF, but scientists have hypothesized that they created it to send spyware into the computers of those who played it, and steal their [[pr0n|pr0nz]].
When playing the 'game' DeviousMILF, you may feel a sudden urge to commit suicide. This is a normal feeling, as you feel it from playing most of Fagex's games. One should act on this urge if playing for more than ten minutes.
==Other Failures==
Fagex is responsible for many failures, most of which are games. A list of other failures include:
*The DMV
*'Friday' by Rebecca Black
*Disney Channel
*The Twilight Saga
*The earthquake in Japan
*Billy Mays' death
*Creating the word "Guesstimate"
*Predicting the Rapture on May 21, 2011
*Spawning Justin Bieber
*Creating the Daihatsu Midget
*Creating Dungeons and Dragons
*Giving Pamela Anderson hepatitis
*giving Pamela Anderson oversized tits.
*Making the "Comedy Awards"
*Dropping nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
*Attack on Stalingrad
*Creating the movie "Glen or Glenda?"
*[[Vietnam War]]
*[[Iraq war]]
*[[war on drugs]]
== If YOU work for jagex ==
*YOU need to stop kidding yourself, jagex. Your game will NEVER recover and It can only get worse from here.
*YOU are disgusting.
*YOU are the maker of a plethroa of <del>innovative games that are adored by millions </del>. sordid abominations that no one likes.
*YOU hold too high of an opinion of your self. I dont know where you get your unwarranted sense of pride from. If you were a band you would basically be the owner of a one hit wonder...a one hit wonder that you didnt even make, which is a double failure, not to mention that runescape has always been shit...Triple failure.
*YOU like the players and YOU enjoy our feedback? But YOU never learn any thing.
*YOU will never Succeed. And if you do succeed, YOU will fail at it.
*YOU will NEVER get IT.
*YOU consider yourself to practice "agile development" because you constantly change directions.
*YOU talked about blizzard in an interview, but blizzard was too busy to talk about YOU
*YOU use projection, an unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else.
*YOU skipped computer science one to program ping pong rejects on <del>your</del> a borrowed 100$ lap top, which is why you fail at coding.
*YOU want to compete with the big boys, but can't. BAWWW :(
*YOU should Leave the industry.
*YOU have special snowflake syndrome. You're not a special snowflake, you're a tiny blob of sludge encrusted on the foot of the gaming community.
*YOU are failures, all of your games are failures, and the players that you will never have would be catastropic failures as well; do not develop anymore. Such a massive congregation of failure would throw the earth off course and out of orbit...if Mod Mark does not do so first.
*YOUR game looks like its made with Microsoft paint compared to other mmo's
*YOU Have 99 problems and a good game ain't one of em.

Revision as of 05:43, 8 September 2013

ur an fagit niger