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User:Anwar Sadat's Horny Ghost/Rehtaeh Parsons: Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 05:09, 2 June 2013
It is a milestone in a young persons life, right up there with the first date, the first kiss, and the first time making sweet, sweet love: the first time you are photographed puking drunk in a five person gang bang and have it posted to Facebook. Unfortunately, like all of those other milestones in a young person's life, the first such foray into the bodily fluid filled combination of social media and group sex can be embarrassing, and can cause some people to lie about their consent to the act. In a completely unrelated story, Rehtaeh Parsons was raped by four men who posted pictures of the act onto Facebook, after which she committed suicide.
The Rape
Rehtaeh was forced to willingly accept a large amount of vodka, was then brutally joined by two naked boys on a bed with her, cries of laughter ringing into the night. She begged them to stop not fucking her, and tragically refused to leave without a dicking, even with her girlfriend begging her repeatedly to do so. During the act, one of the boys involved took a picture of his thumb up on her back, presumably because doing a chick hanging out of a window is fucking awesome, bro. Rehtaeh then went two weeks bravely telling the story that the sex was consensual before deciding to instead report that she was raped. During this time she had to endure constant taunts that she was a slut for willingly fucking four boys at once, and propositions from other boys staking their hopes on the veracity of the story. Someone else in that situation might very well have lied in the hopes of being treated better by her peers, but this totally was not the case with Rehtaeh, because, in the words of Rehtaeh's articulate father,
Rehtaeh, after enduring two weeks of abuse due to her clearly false story of willingly fucking four dudes, reported the clear rape to her parents, who called the police, who began investigating. Police routinely receive false reports of rape, and are presumably quite good at detecting and dropping fake ones. Somehow, Rehtaeh's case was dropped as if she had invented the rape, when that was obviously not the case. Not quite two years later, poor Rehtaeh was so oppressed by the patriarchy and not at all guilty about deceiving the world, Retaeh tried to hang herself in her parent's bathroom, failed spectacularly, and ended up on life support. Three days later, her family got bored of New Rehtaeh, and pulled the plug to get on with the bitching and moaning they were so eager to start.
The Bitching and Moaning
As is often the case, Rehtaeh's parents were at the forefront of the moralfaggotry surrounding little Rehtaeh's rape. They went running about Canada, screaming about their daughter's virtue to whoever would listen, mostly nobody. After rape-moralfaggotry became all the rage in certain circles, Rehtaeh's case was taken up for great justice. An Anonymous hacker identified the boys involved in the incident, presumably wearing a Guy Fawkes mask as they did so. The operation, OpRollRedRoll (was about Steubenville but whatever) went about as well as most of the latter day operations have, garnering a little media attention from gullible freelance writers, and then fizzling out after hashtagging #justice4Rehtaeh became too onerous.
Showing no understanding of the irony whatsoever, Parson's father established a Facebook gorup in the memory of Rehtaeh entitled “Angel Parsons”. This name implies that suicide is all that is required to become an angel, in which case Adolf Hitler may be singing in the heavenly choir right alongside Rehtah. The Facebook page is liked by nearly 50,000 people, and is used by Mr. Parsons to trot out his tired, unproven allegations that her daughter was not in fact the caboose of a four man fuck train, but a rapee. He posts circlejerk blog posts and sharing e-polls, and pissing and moaning about how the Mounties won't imprison everyone who fucked his precious daughter.
The New Normal
Now that Rehtaeh played neck tie bungee jump in the bathroom and daddy dearest pulled the plug, Mr. Parsons has become an expert in teenage sex, and is inexplicably on the speed dial of journalists anytime they need commentary on teens having videotaped sex. In these interviews, he shows himself incapable of giving a single statement without spending half of it bitching and moaning about his poor slut daughter's various suitors being put in jail. The reason he is still interviewed is entirely unknown.
Tl;dr Moralfaggotry
April 12 message
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- April 12, 2013 - 12PM GMT
Greetings from Anonymous.
Please be aware of the following facts:
1. One of the alleged rapists has made several public statements admitting that he did have sex with Raetaeh on the night in question. He admits she was inebriated at the time, also that she was throwing up during the act.
2. During his confession, he names three other boys and admits that they too took turns having sex with Rahtaeh that night as well. The names match with those we have confirmed during our investigation.
3. The individual making this confession is the same boy identified in the photograph. He has also admitted to being in the photograph and named the accomplice who took the picture.
4. All information, including screenshots of the confession, have been made available to the police.
5. Two boys have been implicated repeatedly whom we believe are innocent based on numerous testimonies given by individuals with first hand knowledge of the surrounding events.
6. There are multiple witnesses who were classmates of the alleged rapists that can confirm they were shown the photograph of Rehtaeh by them.
7. At the very least, there was a house with a minimum of half a dozen underage students consuming alcohol and engaging in sexual intercourse. What happened in this house resulting in the spread of child pornography. This much the police will agree to. No charges have been filed in regards to this.
Why is Anonymous involved in this case? We are involved because the facts above clearly illustrate that several crimes have been committed in Nova Scotia. A 17-year-old girl killed herself because the police failed to do their jobs and charge a single person for any of them.
Is it necessary for Anonymous to be involved in this case? Yes. For a moment lets set aside the theatrics, the masks and the labels. We are group of concerned citizens that have recognized an injustice in the system. We have taken it upon ourselves to point out that injustice to the public and we are asking the police to correct their incompetent handling of this case--a young girl has already died from it.
An image of a 15-year-old girl having sex was viral in Cole Harbour District High School. Neither the school nor the police dispute this. By legal definition that image was child pornography. By some estimates, hundreds of individuals have already seen the photograph, including many adults. The police have seen the photograph. The fact that this evidence was disregarded as inappropriate for any kind of arrest by the police is unconscionable.
What the police are saying to the citizens of Nova Scotia is clear: Having underage students drinking and having sex in your home is not a crime in our community. Photographs of 15-year-old girls having sex is not child pornography, but if it is, the distribution of that child pornography is not a crime. A 15-year-old girl is capable of giving her consent to sex even after she is inebriated to the point that she vomits while hanging out of a window--it is not sexual assault.
We urge the RCMP to act like guardians , set the proper example for the young men of Nova Scotia and send a clear message: This behavior will not be tolerated in our communities. The women and young girls of Nova Scotia should not have to live in fear or be forced to hide evidence of a rape because they will be called whores.
As we have previously warned, the identities of these individuals have already began to circulate online independent of our own actions. We have done our best to keep those names from being released. Two young men are being implicated in a crime we know they did not commit. Is it illegal for us to release their identities and let the world know that they are innocent? What justice will be made available to them once their names are slandered throughout the world and for all time?
It is not for the police to decide the facts presented here do not constitute a crime. That is the responsibility of a jury. A claim of sexual assault has been made. There is photographic evidence of it. There is an admission that child pornography was distributed throughout the community. One of the individuals who should be charged hasn't even disputed these facts. We are asking--no, we are demanding: Let a jury decide. Follow your own procedures and protect the innocent.
We do not seek vigilante justice. If those who we believe are guilty are exonerated in a court of law, Anonymous will disappear from Nova Scotia.
If we decide to release the names a deadline will be declared at least one week in advance.
Rehtaeh Parsons was my daughter
My daughter was three years old when we went to watch Babe: Pig in the City. There’s a part in the movie when Babe knocks over a goldfish bowl and the fish falls onto the floor and starts flopping around. When this happened Rae suddenly stood up on her chair in the movie theatre and started screaming for someone to help the fish. She cried for it as I tried to reassure her Babe would help (thank God he did) and that the fish would be alright.
That was the nature of my daughter Rehtaeh. She was like that her whole life. I couldn’t go for a walk in Halifax with her without her asking me for change to give to someone in need. She was always looking out for people or animals that needed help. She called Animal Control Services on our neighbors because they left their dog outside too long. Her room and her life was always full of little creatures.
Sometimes her heart was too big, sometimes it scared me.
They say parents need to teach their children. Instead, it was Rehtaeh who was my teacher. My precious gift. She was the absolute best part of my life.
Rehtaeh and one of her many, many pets
Rehtaeh and one of her many, many pets There’s a wooden box in my house that holds all the memories I have of my beautiful little girl. The outfit she wore home from the hospital, a hand print in clay, art, school cards and drawings, mementoes of her life. Even a newspaper dated December 9th, 1995, the day she came into this world.
I tried to keep it all for her, to have someday when she grew up and had her own family. That day will never come.
Rehtaeh died April 7th at 11:15 PM. She was 17 years old.
She died struggling to live, much as she spent the last 18 months. She hung on right to the very end, when the nurses were telling us if she couldn’t be declared brain dead soon they couldn’t use her as an organ donor. We couldn’t wait any longer. She couldn’t live any longer. And right at the last moment there was a change in her blood pressure as the last part of her brain gave away. She knew she had to leave. It was time to let go and find peace.
It was so like her to hang on right up until the very last second. To give us all a chance to hold her hand, wipe her tears away, and kiss her beautiful face for the last time.
I tried my best to save my daughter’s life. I believe that in my heart.
I asked her repeatedly what I could do, was I doing enough, what did she want from me? She said she just wanted me to be her dad. To make her laugh. To do everything possible to keep a part of her life normal. She said it helped more than I could ever know.
I prayed for the best while I prepared her for the worst. We went to counseling together. Sometimes I was the drive, sometimes the father, sometimes the counselor.
The worst nightmare of my life has just begun. I loved my beautiful baby with all my heart. She meant everything to me. I felt her heart beating in my soul from the moment she was born until the moment she died. We were a team. We were best pals. We often sat on my couch and laughed until we could hardly speak. When we weren’t together she would call me or text me every single day, just to say hi, to say she loved me. The life I had with my daughter was a rare thing. It was wonderful, it consumed me. I was defined by it. It made my life rich and beautiful.
She was amazing.
Yesterday I looked at another wooden box. It will hold her ashes. I hate it.
I had to write something about this. I don’t want her life to defined by a Google search about suicide or death or rape. I want it to be about the giving heart she had. Her smile. Her love of life and the beautiful way in which she lived it.
I found out this afternoon my daughter saved the life of a young woman with her heart. How fitting.
She also gave someone a new liver, a kidney, a new breath, and a new chance to love. She saved the lives of four people with her final gift of life. She was that wonderful.
Someone out there is going to look at the world with my daughter’s eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
To the Justice Minister of Nova Scotia
Rehtaeh Parsons thought the worst outcome for her case would be no charges against the men who raped her but we all know better. The worst thing that could happen would be charges. That they would be found guilty, and that Rehtaeh would sit on a court bench and listen in utter disbelief as they were given parole, or a suspended sentence, or community service. All for completely destroying her life while they laughed.
Why is it they didn’t just think they would get away with it; they knew they would get away with it. They took photos of it. They posted it on their Facebook walls. They emailed it to God knows who. They shared it with the world as if it was a funny animation.
How is it possible for someone to leave a digital trail like that yet the RCMP don’t have evidence of a crime? What were they looking for if photos and bragging weren’t enough?
Why was this treated like a minor incident of bullying rather than a rape? Isn’t the production and distribution of child porn a crime in this country? Numerous people were emailed that photo. The police have that information (or at least they told us they did). When someone claims they were raped is it normal to wait months before talking to the accused?
You have the opportunity here to do something good and lets face it; the court system in Nova Scotia was just going to rape her all over again with indifference to her suffering and the damage this did to her.
My daughter wasn’t bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she thought she could trust, her school, and the police.
She was my daughter, but she was your daughter too.
For the love of God do something.
- I’ve been contacted from media outlets from all over the world and as a past member of the media I understand why you all want to speak with me. You have all been very courteous, professional, and respectful. Please know, however, this is the only statement I am able to make. I’m to devastated.***
I feel like I’m dead inside.
External Links
Timeline of Events
- April 10 4:14 pm GlenCanning's blog
- April 11 18:57 GMT DailyMail "Agony suicide gang rape teen mother reveals daughter trolled hanged herself" alternately titled "Rehtaeh Parson's mother reveals utter humiliation, drove angel suicide" or "Mother of girl, 17, reveals how utter humiliation drove her 'angel' to suicide after 'bragging rapist' posted picture of ordeal online unleashing a torrent of abuse that continues even in death" in full
- April 12 9:17AM 'Anonymous' won't release names of Rehtaeh Parsons suspects
- April 12 4:29PM Rehtaeh Parsons case to be reopened by police
- April 13 9:39AM Friends, family, dignitaries attend Rehtaeh Parsons funeral
- April 17 4:42PM Posters go up supporting boys in Rehtaeh Parsons case
- April 17 4:48PM Rehtaeh Parsons’ family upset by ‘harassing’ posters
- April 18 10:01AM Family upset over posters supporting boys in Rehtaeh Parsons' case
- April 18 RCMP worried posters in Rehtaeh Parsons case could incite vigilantism
- Upsetted parents of Rehtaeh Parsons and Amanda Todd joining Harper at some forum to talk about cyberbullying • CBC News (CA) 05/09/2013
- "Angel Rehtaeh" Facebook-endorsed remembrance page.
- RIP Rehtaeh Parsons
- Includes garbage from feminists such as rape culture
- The REAL Rehtaeh Parsons page on Facebook was taken down, but there was a cache.
Rehtaeh Parsons' Twitter photos
- Archive link needed for "Speak the Truth" Facebook group, had almost 130 members, taken down by curator Monday April 15.