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-->| YOU (CrackRabb) have joined #wiki =-= Topic for #wiki is “|RIP in peices OhInternet apr '11 - oct '13| | BURN BABY BURN BABY BURN |” =-= Topic for #wiki was set by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki +o CrackRabb by DanielBrandt =-= Mode #wiki +o jihad by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki -o jihad by DanielBrandt =-= Mode #wiki +h DanielBrandt by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki +o jihad by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki -o jihad by DanielBrandt =-= Mode #wiki +v armufox by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki +v jihad by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki +v NegiSpringfield by CrackRabb -->| PatroclusRex ([email protected]) has joined #wiki |<-- Patroclus has left irc.wtfux.org -->| poko ([email protected]) has joined #wiki =-= Mode #wiki +ao poko poko by DanielBrandt Zalgo [poko] http://dildomail.com poko rip ohinternet poko except poko Error 503 Service Unavailable poko Service Unavailable poko Guru Meditation: poko XID: 1073312564 poko Varnish cache server poko and their favicon is back poko :< |<-- NegiSpringfield has left irc.wtfux.org (client exited: sayounara mina-san) CrackRabb poko poko yes hello CrackRabb ed.com no longer redirects to ohi.com CrackRabb http://anonmgur.com/up/95feeae8b13cd56daf8d0a4390dba6ce.png Zalgo Title: [135.7 KB file, type: image/png] (at anonmgur.com) CrackRabb i think they may be bringing back .com (ed) CrackRabb but poko O_O CrackRabb it'll only be like 300 red link filled pages about le epic 2010 may-mays CrackRabb you htink that's possible? poko well, girlvinyl was fairly "over it" CrackRabb yeah CrackRabb true CrackRabb is the ohi irc still onlinne/ poko thats via anonymuncle CrackRabb they would know CrackRabb oh poko they probably would poko but may not say poko ms degrippo is notoriously secretive CrackRabb on mibbit it was under "ohinternet" CrackRabb and a year ago poko probably a redirect CrackRabb they stil had #ed poko give it a try CrackRabb on there CrackRabb i cant poko yeah and it was their most active channel =-= Mode #wiki +h Wizard by DanielBrandt Wizard hey poko Wizard <3 CrackRabb i dont have a hostmask for that one poko what join anonymuncle? poko <3 poko me neither CrackRabb do they give them out? poko anonymuncle is full of wikipedians CrackRabb ah poko yeah i think so Wizard how are you poko so far so good Wizard poko :) CrackRabb does degrippo host anonymuncle Wizard good poko yes rip Wizard not sick lately poko CrackRabb: dont rule out the possiblity that it may return Wizard I hope CrackRabb ok poko and yes she does CrackRabb ohi poko and get well Wizard CrackRabb or .com? poko .com CrackRabb oh poko Wizard: ohinternet is down CrackRabb what would happen too .es then? Meepsheep it would die poko thats a very good question poko oh CrackRabb anonmgur.com/up/95feeae8b13cd56daf8d0a4390dba6ce.png poko well given how much sherrod hid shit CrackRabb hi meepsheep poko the .se version might do better CrackRabb yeah poko but .se hides shit too i spose Wizard YES CrackRabb .com (ed) no longer redirects to ohi Wizard I really wish I could finish my game Wizard I have an epic plan for the rise and fall of sherrod Wizard and her final form as a giant cybernetic hippo Wizard Fuuuuu poko this is relevant to my interests poko well poko only to watch poko (and jack it) CrackRabb meepsheep ur also an admin at ohi, can you get on thier irc and ask what the deal is? they also have a n#ed Meepsheep i know Meepsheep nobody ever chats there
CrackRabb oh CrackRabb ok CrackRabb not even sherrod? CrackRabb ? CrackRabb wowl CrackRabb lol Meepsheep she hasnt chatted Meepsheep in forever CrackRabb haha CrackRabb meepsheep CrackRabb why dont you use edf2 anymore? CrackRabb because of onideus faggotry there i assume? Meepsheep i didnt know he used it Meepsheep i just got bored Meepsheep esp after wrecking it w phobos CrackRabb huh CrackRabb you need to help phobos iawtc CrackRabb pls login snd use your mod poweres to fagtag onideus Meepsheep well Meepsheep then everyone will bitch @ me again Meepsheep i dont feel like dealing w that phobos yah that was a giant can of gay worms phobos CrackRabb unless you can somehow call up zaiger and convince him to give a fuck in any way shape or form phobos then you will have to deal with some faggotry phobos its happened before it will happen again and you just have to ignore it if you actually want to add to the wiki CrackRabb ok CrackRabb ok phobos Ive written a fucking million articles so Im fucking done CrackRabb yeah true phobos I dont get paid to do it and people dont seem to give a fuck about it anymore phobos so its not my problem CrackRabb actually disregard that as onideus is going to trademark "ED"
phobos Meep and I just make articles to fuck with people and tbh its been ages since Ive wanted to work on one phobos Thats all the new content we are willing to submit CrackRabb ok phobos But there need to be other people who do want to work on boring articles people will still read CrackRabb i will work on them CrackRabb said the very hungr crackrabb phobos because until then no one is going to do shit phobos but thats a long shot phobos tbh phobos but hay phobos thats the truth phobos if you want to actually do something phobos just toil away until things get better phobos because eventually the faggots will leave phobos Ive watched this site, server, existence wiped off the Internet no fewer than 4 times now phobos its an undead creature and cannot be killed phobos just populated with faggots Meepsheep ^ poko ^ CrackRabb ^^ poko ^ CrackRabb it cant be killed CrackRabb true CrackRabb : 3 CrackRabb that makes me happy CrackRabb its like a hydra CrackRabb cut off one head CrackRabb and more shall take it s place -->| Beefcake- ([email protected]) has joined #wiki |<-- Beefcake has left irc.wtfux.org =-= Mode #wiki +v PatroclusRex by CrackRabb =-= Mode #wiki +v Beefcake- by CrackRabb -->| tripper ([email protected]) has joined #wiki -->| junius ([email protected]) has joined #wiki =-= Mode #wiki +v junius by DanielBrandt -->| NegiSpringfield ([email protected]) has joined #wiki |<-- Beefcake- has left irc.wtfux.org (client exited: ) |<-- PatroclusRex has left irc.wtfux.org |<-- junius has left irc.wtfux.org =-= Mode #wiki +v NegiSpringfield by CrackRabb -->| Schnookums ([email protected]) has joined #wiki =-= Mode #wiki +h Schnookums by DanielBrandt =-= CrackRabb has changed the topic to “|RIP in peices OhInternet apr '11 - oct '13| | BURN BABY BURN BABY BURN | inb4 ED.com reboot”
on modern trollface as internet cancer
-->| Equivamp has joined #ed CrackRabb hi equivamp Equivamp hello CrackRabb hi Equivamp is today friday or saturday? kaven_matnock sat Equivamp thank <redacted> -->| doxcat ([email protected]) has joined #ed CrackRabb its not until you type "troll memes green trollface" into google images that you realize how cancerous to the web the newer trollface pic has become CrackRabb rip web' kaven_matnock new trollface? CrackRabb yeah CrackRabb the one most people know CrackRabb as opposed to the classic CrackRabb green troll w horns kaven_matnock the smily face kaven_matnock smiley* kaven_matnock errr kaven_matnock grinning kaven_matnock i dont ever remember it being green tho CrackRabb http://bfolder.ru/_ph/32/2/291477059.jpg Equivamp http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/363/635/0ee.jpg Equivamp that one? kaven_matnock nah, thats the orig CrackRabb not my fault that ur va newfig kevin_matnock kaven_matnock nonot the 2nd CrackRabb yes doxcat yes kaven_matnock http://toychop.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/troll-face-meme.png kaven_matnock thats the new one kaven_matnock ohhhh wait kaven_matnock i misread what you said doxcat fubark doxcat bonzip CrackRabb like for exa,mpl CrackRabb http://www.quickmeme.com/img/25/251186da702e416a2abfbe62a1542f503903d4aa005d307e14b9391d64417671.jpg CrackRabb ^what the hell is that CrackRabb ? kaven_matnock your complaining how you cant fiind the old one in google now CrackRabb i mean i get the point of the text CrackRabb but but what the hell does trollface have do do with it CrackRabb >"lol i said something soumwhat amusisng, i trol u" CrackRabb cancer amirite? kaven_matnock well i just dont see how this is a surprise to you CrackRabb sorry CrackRabb but it wasnt until people irl started spouting memes that it dawned on me CrackRabb that most memes CrackRabb become CrackRabb cancer kaven_matnock now that any retard can buy a phone and have access to the www CrackRabb the one excepting being if they are already ironiclly/intentionnaly cancereous doxcat sup kaven_matnock CrackRabb like lel face, top lel, top gun hat, "le * face" kek etc CrackRabb :^) CrackRabb the nthey are usually exempt kaven_matnock yo CrackRabb oh speaking of ironc cancer CrackRabb merry wew-mas everybody http://i.4cdn.org/s4s/src/1387648289743.png kaven_matnock i mean its nice to see tech moving to where its cheap and fast enough that everyone has decent access kaven_matnock the downside is kaven_matnock most of humity is dumb as hell doxcat tbh
im irrelevant
zaiger they killed goatse.cx zaiger to make some subdomain shill BlueZek horrible CrackRabb what CrackRabb wasnt it an email thing tho -->| daria ([email protected]) has joined #ed BlueZek crackrabb and the eternal struggle to be relevant
the honors
CrackRabb btew, what did you mean by "do the honors" when you posted that list of articles fro myour usespace CrackRabb from your userspace* CrackRabb btw* Schnookums if you wanted to deathnotice Schnookums didn't mean anything bad by it Schnookums two articles i marked fail CrackRabb ok CrackRabb well CrackRabb ok CrackRabb what was the link Schnookums https://encyclopediadramatica.es/User:Schnookums/newpages Schnookums im still looking at your layout CrackRabb ok Schnookums ill let you start the deathnotice votes on the talk CrackRabb ok