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Warning! still uses quotes from the Matrix to convince you they are not insane. Upon arriving at this website, you most likely have the strong, instinctual urge to automatically defend your current belief system and to reject all of this information. This is a sign that you are not bugfuck insane.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.


— is your #1 source for the Truth: Fuck you, I'm a dragon! is a shitty cult website that tells about how reptilian aliens are in fact responsible for all of the shit that's wrong with the world. According to Truthists, all of humanity is being controlled by aliens that force us all to think and act alike. Also, the sun is a cube and Inner Earth exists. Can't you get that through your thick, stupid skull?

OMG Truth

The Universe

The universe according to
PROOF that the sun is a cube.

The universe is a flat, pentagonal-shape that simply resides within the Universal Dodecahedron; which consists of 12 flat, pentagonal-shaped universes. The Universal Dodecahedron was created by Darkness (also known as "Satan") and is called "The False Realm", as opposed to the "True Realm" that Darkness lives in. Darkness is holding everyone and everything captive inside of this "False Realm" he created. Truthists also believe that the sun is a cube, but it's spinning at such a high velocity that it looks like a sphere. This is true, stare at the sun for 10 minutes straight without blinking and you will see. claims that the reason Darkness made the sun a cube is because cubes create strife, confusion and confrontation. But to make it easier on everyone they made it spin so fast that it looks like a sphere and so fucking hot that nobody will ever know the difference.

The sun is a cube, not a sphere. It only appears to be a sphere because it is spinning at a high velocity. All suns (i.e., stars) are cubes. Darkness intentionally designed the universe like this because on a metaphysical level, cubes (or more specifically, their 90-degree right angles) create strife, confrontation, and confusion.


—Yeah and my shit is really gold that smells and tastes like shit, does that mean you will wear it on your fingers?

It is possible that the right angles at the corners of your screen are the reason why looks so incredibly fucking ugly. Or it could be that it screams 1990 Geocities personal page with the black backround with light text, the only thing missing is a top 40 song in MIDI and the pictures of stars in the backround. If is causing you confusion, however, that is because you have been brain-washed by hyper-dimensional satanic lizard men.

The Earth

The Earth according to

Truthists believe that Inner Earth exists, and can be accessed by traveling to the North and South poles. However, one can not simply walk to the poles because anyone en route to the polar openings is stopped by Outer Earth guardsmen. In fact, all planets are hollow and have an inner sun. Down in Inner Earth, there is a civilization even more advanced than humanity. Some of the people of Inner Earth know about the Outer Earth civilization, and some do not.

People believes that all humans were invented via genetic experiments by Reptilian Aliens. All people are being held captive by the Reptilians and by Darkness. We are all slaves to the Reptilians and we are always under their control, especially organic portals. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Women are ultra-impressionable beings, and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life.


—, Explaining that women are the reason that the world sucks

Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal.


—, Calling you an organic portal

Make no mistake: It is indeed tragic that a man cannot satisfy his sexual needs without also getting trapped in a relationship at the same time (otherwise, he will be accused of rape, since non-relationship consensual sex does not exist on Earth, due to the aforementioned programming of women).


—, Neatly summarising the root of all mankind's woes

The Reptilians

The Reptilians are responsible for creating people, and are therefore in control of all our thoughts. Reptilians are able to rewrite history and invent new forms of science and religion. Just like when people have kids they can control what they think. All of our current world leaders are actually Reptilians that are able to shapeshift into human form. Reptilians control our cultural symbols and science too.

For example: the DNA Double Helix design and the modern symbol for medicine(intertwined snakes) are one in the same, despite the fact that the medical symbol is taken from Hermes in Greek Mythology and the Double Helix was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick.

How do you know that the leaders of this world are not aliens? That's right, you have absolutely no proof at all! Have you ever met them and examined their bodies, etc.? No, you haven't.


—, Being a perv

It all makes sense now.


A complete science would place astral planes, parallel dimensions, synchronicities, consciousness, etheric fields, telepathy, vital energies, emotional energies, volition, hyperdimensional existence and timeloops all under the same framework. At present, these appear to be phenomena distinct from science, but that is because science as we know it is incomplete. It is not that these phenomena can be explained in terms of present science as reductionists and debunkers enjoy doing, but rather that present science must expand to accommodate these phenomena in terms of higher physical and metaphysical principles


Thomas Cox, some smug dicksponge you've never heard of, proving that you are educated stupid

Yes that's right, science can't explain coincidences and a load of random bullshit made up when people were high. The computer being used to host the site, is an incredibly complex piece of high technology, which appears to function because of science, actually works via quantum self-replicating machine elves which, when stimulated by the keyboard, break my words down into thought packets and transfer them to you via hypertelepathy.

FREE.YOUR.MIND. According to the truth is by no means politically correct or socially acceptable. So according to themselves MUST be ran by a bunch of America hating black person Jews.

Other Quotes

Jesus Christ--an actual being who is simply a truth messenger--had his name hijacked by the Reptilians. They used him as a character in their perverted, brainwashing bestseller entitled "The Bible." For disinformational and metaphysical reasons, the Reptilians decided to use the name of an actual truth messenger for their fictional "son of God" character. The irony here is that a messenger of the truth was used in order to spread lies.


—, Jesus was a tool in the Reptilians' perverted plan.

When your mind wakes up from sleep quicker than your physical body, and you feel someone pushing down on you or "watching" you, it is a Reptilian (or other kind of alien) in the fourth dimension.


—, on sleep paralysis

You can see the Reptilians via meditating, using hallucinogenic drugs, and sleep paralysis.


—, Confessing to being a pothead

The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth, and also to kick out the aliens that were already living on Earth.


—, The Reptilians used Dinosaurs to scare off other aliens

As a Web Developer I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If people are going to put rubbish up on the web they should at least have the decency to put it up as a well designed and usable web site. I took one look at and it just looked like somebody vomited this so called information onto one long page. Then again you could say it’s just as well it’s an unreadable mess. The content seems like rubbish anyway.



Most importantly, doesn't it seem rather odd to you that, in the 5,500 years of recorded history, there has never been an official school of thought that states, "The current ruling elite of Earth created humanity," or one that states, "Aliens created humanity"?


—, creating an irony singularity with one sentence.

Gallery of TRUTH

See Also

External Links

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