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User:Hipcrime/The 1000 Titles of Hipcrime

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The Thousand Titles Of Hipcrime

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts...


— William Shakespeare

  1. Duke of Dongs
  2. Emir of Erections
  3. Viscount of the Vas Deferens
  4. Reeve of Reacharounds
  5. Prince of Penii
  6. Baron of Balls
  7. Master of Members
  8. Sultan of Semen
  9. Squire of Scrotums
  10. Bishop of Barebacking
  11. Friar of Fisting
  12. Despot of Dicks
  13. Archangel of Anallingus
  14. Reclusiarch of Rectums
  15. Saint of Santorum
  16. Shogun of Shafts
  17. Deacon of Dicklicking
  18. Kaiser of Cockgobbling
  19. Earl of Ejaculate
  20. Captain of Cum
  21. Boyar of Buttsex
  22. Regent of Rimjobs
  23. President-Elect of Penises-Erect
  24. Pharaoh of Phallus
  25. Golden God of Gloryholes
  26. Chief of Chodes
  27. Owner of Orgies
  28. Aristocrat of Anal Sex
  29. Autocrat of AIDS
  30. Padre of Penetration
  31. Lieutenant of Lechery
  32. Overlord of Orgasm
  33. Tycoon of Testicles
  34. Father of Felching
  35. Count of Copulation
  36. Head of Harems
  37. Almighty of Assplay
  38. Potentate of the Prostate
  39. Reverend of Rent Boys
  40. Hierarch of Handjobs
  41. Holy Lord of Hairy Leatherboys
  42. Missionary of Masturbation
  43. Saviour of Sperm
  44. Brigadier of Bumholes
  45. Field Martial of Fapping
  46. General of GRIDS
  47. Hero of Homosexuals
  48. Sheikh of Scat
  49. Crown Prince of Cockteasing
  50. Professor of Piss-Play
  51. Doge of Debauchery
  52. Colonel of Cock-Worship
  53. Ba'al of Bears
  54. Emperor of Escorts
  55. Comte of Crackwhores
  56. Palatine of Prostitutes
  57. Sergeant of Saladtossing
  58. Wizard of Watersports
  59. Fraujaz of Fetishes
  60. Defender of Docking
  61. Fürst of Felines
  62. Hersir of Queer
  63. Marquis of Mating
  64. Gallant of Gayness
  65. Baig of Blowjobs
  66. Sawai of Sextoys
  67. Princeps of Prolapse
  68. Olympian of Oral
  69. Pope of Posteriors
  70. Dame of Dildos
  71. Bishop of Bath Houses
  72. Baroness of Bellends
  73. Daula of Deepthroat
  74. Prince-Bishop of Precum
  75. Secretary of Sex
  76. Demigod of Domination
  77. Duchess of Deviance
  78. Shah of Streetworking
  79. Vice-President of Vagina-Fear
  80. Totalitarian of Twinks
  81. Martyr of Menstrual-Crack
  82. Scion of Sucking
  83. Lord of Ladymen
  84. Allamah of AIDS
  85. Negus of Necrophilia
  86. Paramount of Penetration
  87. Principal of Pornography
  88. Jester of Jizzdrinking
  89. Commander of Condoms
  90. Bey of Buttfucking
  91. Detu of Dicktickling
  92. Vanquisher of Virginity
  93. High King of Hipness
  94. Burgher of Blumpkins
  95. Abolitionist of Abstinence
  96. Romancer of Rachel Maddow
  97. Caesar of Cleveland Steamers
  98. Terror to Teetotalers
  99. Vidame of Vices
  100. Seeker of Sin
  101. Grand Baron of Ball-Cupping
  102. Fellator of Filipino Ladyboys
  103. Hoarder of HIV
  104. Librarian of Licentiousness
  105. Buggerer of Boys
  106. Sifu of Spermatozoon
  107. Lapper of Love-juice
  108. Deputy of Dogging
  109. Enticer of Eunuchs
  110. Spirit of Seduction
  111. Chieftain of Cruising
  112. Manipulator of Meatus
  113. Despoiler of Diaperfurs
  114. Supplicant of Sodomy
  115. Ravager of Rectums
  116. Svengali of Smegma
  117. Antagoniser of Anal-passages
  118. Practitioner of Penis-Puppetry
  119. Advocate of Amyl-Nitrate™
  120. Bringer of Buttplugs
  121. Ambassador of Autofellatio
  122. Head-honcho of Head
  123. Pastor of Pillow-biting
  124. Scholar of Spunk
  125. Bachelor of Bestiality
  126. Viceroy of Vaseline
  127. High Mage of Hirsute Males
  128. Warrior of Willies
  129. Fondler of Firemen
  130. Archmagus of Assfucking
  131. Prophet of Penetration
  132. Rider of Ramrods
  133. Mangler of Manhoods
  134. Beadle of Breath-Play
  135. Justicar of Jap's-eyes
  136. Tsar of Tops
  137. Broker of Bottoms
  138. Master of Monglers
  139. Boss of Boners
  140. Dictator of Dicksucking
  141. Don of Dicktown
  142. Ace of Anal
  143. Consul of Cocks
  144. Praetor of Prolapse
  145. Minister of Meat
  146. Cardinal of Cornholing
  147. Pharaoh of Pozzing
  148. Bailiff of Ballsacks
  149. Arbiter of Assrammers
  150. Duke of Disease
  151. Assistant-Director of Anal-Dilation
  152. Sheriff of Shitstabbing
  153. Maharaja of the Money Shot
  154. Conqueror of the Clunge
  155. Ayatollah of Eye Doctors
  156. High Priest of Hard-ons
  157. Mayor of Munchcock
  158. Patriarch of Poop
  159. Fuhrer of Fartknocking
  160. Dean of Dirtboxes
  161. Guardian of the Holy Gonads
  162. Sovereign of Soggy Biscuits
  163. Dauphin of Daisychains
  164. Hierophant of the Hershey Highway
  165. Nabob of Knob-jockeys
  166. Grand Caliph of Hand-relief
  167. Mogul of Mudlove
  168. Commandant of the Coal-hole
  169. Pasha of the Pink Oboe
  170. Imam of Immorality
  171. Chancellor of the Chocolate Speedway
  172. CEO of Fellatio
  173. Shaman of the Shaft
  174. Curator of Cavities
  175. First Lady of Baby Gravy
  176. Governor of Buggery
  177. Knight of the Brown Cable
  178. Guru of the Glue Gun
  179. Monarch of Munging
  180. Doyen of Diphallia
  181. Godfather of the Gooch
  182. Tycoon of Teledildonics
  183. Warden of Whoredom
  184. Custodian of the Custard Cannon
  185. Leader of Licking
  186. Buccaneer of Bondage
  187. First Duke of Foreskin
  188. Pirate of Pubic hair
  189. Fellator of Feet
  190. Ruler of Rectums

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