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EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo

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This is an article for the epic, permadead second forum. For the really ancient, defunct circlejerk see EDF1. For the awesome live forums, go to EDF6.

Only the dead know peace from this evil
Only the dead know peace from this evil
You know, I might recommend putting in a warning to lurk more before creating an account but that might rob you fine fuckers of fools like me to shit on.

It's pretty easy to predict a future you create. Why would anyone want to contribute when the first response they get is fuck off and pretty much everything that follows is essentially the same? Fuck am I getting out of this? boo-hoo, i know, nobody cares about my feelings. I'm not pleading for pity or some sad shit, my point is that I have enough garbage in my life without you niggers; I'm not masochistic enough to fight against the tide. Why waste my time? have fun fucking my corpse, faggots, just don't be disappointed when I don't respond

tl;dr gonna do the right thing: lurk more or fuck off entirely....


—Typical new member experience

EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo was the 3.5th incarnation of EDF, the Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums. If you delved inside these shit-caked walls of an internet insane asylum, you would have found users with varying degrees of faggotry, unwarranted self-importance, alcoholism, drug addiction, furfaggotry and good old fashioned retardation— a veritable rainbow of horrifying mental disabilities which formed the largest circlejerk on the interbutts, right after Kiwifarms, which spawned what was undeniably the best forums evar!!11


Moar info: EDF1.

Typical post
GSTalbert1 is being monitored by some IRC users. Don't be alarmed.

After ED’s rebirth in 2011, the staff decided that ED needed to resurrect the forums to allow a place for excessive circlejerking. However, unlike its predecessor, EDF2 went with better software coated with vast amounts of Javascript, as VBull was, indeed, a steaming pile of shit. The first round of EDF2 started with a sense of anarchy, as there were only two admins and moderators without ban hammers. A few boards lived and died; the Ponies board was a shining example of this.

Unfortunately, around the end of June 2011, a super skilled hacker brute forced Ryan's RSA keyless setup and figured out the forum database’s shockingly complex password, niggers1. Unveiling such a discovery, the forum was hacked and ruined with emails leaked. After nearly a month, the forum was back with an even more complex password (n1ggers), ensuring stability. EDF had risen again as EDF 2.0.1, this time, more fucking admins were added, resulting in immense dick-measuring and ban threats. The medal system was introduced to inject even more unwarranted self-importance into the gigantic ego bubble, awarding the drooling users for such uninteresting qualities as being a Nazi, a Communist, a hipster, an anti-hipster and so on.

EDF2 was by far the gayest of all the ED forums, and its era was undoubtedly covered with cocks and balls. Its reign of terror lasted around 7 years; before the last head admin, Conrad Rockenhaus (who forgot to share his passwords with the rest of the gang), landed in jail. The forums died a slow, agonizing death, with zero available backups. At the same time, the wiki lost over 2 years of written content and its entire userbase. With this dumpsterfire of events, one might think that everyone would abandon ship, but this community of dipshits and retards found a way and came back together to form another forum incarnation, EDF6, which heavily resembles EDF2 in its original form.


EDF in a nutshell.
Looks legit. Wait...Harvey??
  • Noob Introduction Forum - The first place a filthy newcomer like you was supposed to visit, but probably never did anyway. You would have gurgled out your name and why you are so damn happy to be walking the halls of our beautiful forums, only to be raped to death with words and slander.

Main Category

  • Hard Gay Chats - Basically the catch-all board to any pitiful subject that floated out of a user's grey mushy minds, it usually involved some new brilliant philosophical idea, or adamantly claiming how drunk someone was, or both. A variety of topics lay strewn about this clusterfuck of a forum, all of them infused with the hardest and gayest of chats within. Note this forum usually had some kind of yearbook thread running, so you could visit that with a large bucket of eye bleach and scream yourself to insanity at how ugly all the users were. This forum also vomited up the most forced of forced memes, CIGARSEX. So clearly it's the hip place to be.
  • Religion and Politics - Pretty much was the worst place on the internet to discuss religion and politics, but a great place to hail satan erryday. Wrought with underachieving drug addicts discussing the meaning of life, and how their corresponding countries should be run, it slowly boiled down to large endless battles of NO U with a side of derailing monster hentai pornography so nobody got bored. If you wanted to see Dr. Rice in her natural habitat, you would have lurked here...
  • Shitpost Metropolis - A great rolling city filled to the brim with gallons and gallons of shit. Not particularly different to the other forums, but this was the place where you officially shitpost. You were supposed to be spreading its walls with literally anything you could think of, and furiously masturbate to the outcome. Interestingly, people actually fought over who was the king of Shitpost Metropolis.
Normal Day at the shoutbox

Dramatica Help

  • Encyclopædia Dramatica Collaboration - The board where you discussed stuff that is actually about the wiki that spawned these forums in the first place. So naturally it was deserted.
  • Personae non Beefis - A place to whinge and complain about all of EDF2's problems, which all fell upon deaf ears while the staff got high on heroin and played with their penises.
  • Computers, Internet and Technology - l33t haxors only!!11! You came here to talk about some new irc program that had been farted out and begged users to lend you monies for more RAM.

Secondary Category

Pretty much
You think that's bad? This guy is an admin.
  • News - A board about copypasting stupid shit from old media happening outside of your Basement.
  • EDF Lulz Media Library - A collection of all the lulziest media we could scrape up out of the internet. Had not been working for several years and no one seemed to care.
  • Your Shitty Projects - Built a gigantic papier-mâché cock? Drew an eye-gougingly bad MS Paint comic you made about your day? Pictures of your murder victims? This was the place to dump all those pathetic pet projects that nobody cares about.
  • Space Ghetto - A place to endlessly post all your unfunny pictures, it was filled with repost after repost of images you had already seen on 4chan fifty billion times.
  • Hall of Æpic - Forum's Staff-picked archival service. It was expected from the staff, that they tend to choose the most boring unfunny threads for archival, due to high levels of faggotry present in all ED staff.
  • Ænonymous - A board for posting anonymously, secretly revealed who you have a crush on here. Or someone posted scat porn.

Internet Subcultures

  • Trolls - Users here posted any nefarious deeds they had acted out in the series of tubes, concocted new schemes to make unwilling computer users rage, and called someone a faggot. irl trolling counted too, so if you had stolen candy from a baby in your local park, you'd have posted pics of its sobbing face in this forum. It was only used for personal army requests by 16 year olds butthurt over getting rejected by a girl from their school.
  • DeviantArt - Populated by the EDF2 elitist squad, who refused to post anywhere else on the forum and whose noses were pointed so high up that they could hardly see the keyboard. Much lulz was had on such threads as "What The Fuck Fetishes" and "Shit On The Front Page" which may have lead to a loss of the desire to live. A minimum of 9 bans from DA was required to post on this subforum. HGC posters and Tom Preston fanboys needed not apply. Featured the longest-running thread in EDF's history, the Tom Preston Thread (1000+ pages - we lost count because the thread honestly turned into giant, unfunny circlejerk of artfags after page 500, instead of being about harassing Andrew Dobson as much as possible)
  • Jewtoob - A board about the toobs and the faggots surrounding them.
  • Weeaboo shit- A board to laugh at the sad bloated faces of forever alone users, which pitifully talked about Sailor Moon or some shit in depressingly empty threads.
  • Furfaggotry - Where people whined about furries, then secretly went jacking off to yiffy pr0nz
  • Gæmers - Other than threads existing only to make the board just like /v/ for 4chan rejects, the only other thing that came out of this board was the occasional "ED (insert shit MMO here) server" thread, because you knew the first thing you wanted to do when you were a part of a group famous for its backstabbing heartlessness - was to join them to play your favorite game together.
On the contrary, EDF2 was a friendly place for bronies.
  • Ponies - It was like Equestria with Nazis, where resident EDF bronies clopped away to Derpy Hooves Rule34 and spread the magic of friendship. It slowly spread to other area's of the forums, reminiscent of the infection of /b/ or /pol/, except with more lying down and taking it like a little slut. In the end the ponyfags were not successful, because the popularity of the godawful series died waaaaaaaaaay before EDF2 did.


  • Group Shower Warmups - Discuss your favorite sports with your buttbuddies in the gym shower.
  • Lucha - EDF2's favorite sport of Aztec warfare involved masks.
  • Science - Talk about science and the weird shit it created.
  • PARTY HARD - Dance your balls off and talk about drugs.
  • Foodz & booze - Talk about cum sandwiches, absinthe and dong cakes.
  • The Locker Room - Explain your sweaty awkward sexual experiences here and we promised not to laugh wholeheartedly at your miserable excuse for a sex life.
  • Music, Movies and Media- A place where the most abhorrent cultural taste known to man was paraded about with no remorse.

In Jokes

Submerged Ghost People by Killerratte.
Movie Night regulars by Witty
  • Niggers1 - This was seriously the password Ryan set for the EDF2 database. God only knows how it was up for a full three months before the inevitable brute force.
  • ***Official Thread of X*** - Started by holy roller ChristianWarrior94 with the post ***OFFICIAL THREAD OF CHRISTIANITY***. Surrounding the title of a thread with triple *'s had set the standard for officialdom.
  • Negi's dong - See gallery below.
  • Die In A Fire's tits - Lost in space, but countless stories have been told and retold of the super kawaii horror that grazed EDF for a few hours one horrid day.
  • oddguy - Everyone in the ænonymous board was actually Oddguy, the resident Jew (who was inexplicably a Mod).
  • COMIC SANS - The officially sanctioned font of EDF2.
  • The day where everyone got a yellow name and admin user title.
  • The day where everyone under a certain post count got "Sockpuppet of Fumo161" as a user title.
  • Tagging @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy repeatedly in comments.
  • WARRIORED - Nobody wants to be warriored. Come to EDF2 and you will get warriored. HARD. Gay forced meme created by Sugar Bombs to mock Beefrave's sock fueled Asperger attack.
  • Fez Avatars - Based on a Facebook picture by Atomic Joe, when ED temporarily lost the .se domain the remaining members who were smart enough to edit their hostmask files donned the red fez to signify their allegiance to the new post-apocalyptic ED government.
  • lol fgt ahhhahahahah lol u suk bals ololoololollololoolollollol - Possibly the greatest line ever written. Posted by some guy making a personal army request, specifying what not to say to him.
  • RAP IS FOR CRIMINALS - Self explanatory forced meme created by ilovejesus69. Evolved to X IS FOR CRIMINALS.
  • Scumhook is managing his account details - he literally did this for 6 hours a day.
  • (insert words here)/11, nevar forget* - Originating from one of EDF's frequent movie nights. Pretty self explanatory.
  • BBBBBBIIIIIIRRRRRRRDDDDDDSSSSSS!* - From the EDF movie night that featured birdemic.
  • Foodfight! - A movie so terrifying it haunts the survivors of the EDF movie night to this day.
  • Wilkins Anti-Rap Squad - A group started by ilovejesus69. Dedicated to fighting the tyranny of inferior coffee brands and spread the word of Wilkins instant coffee.

Well Known Faggots

How EDF was being kept online
Oddguy knew how to work the shaft.
Baya Rae 4900, our prophet.

Admins & Moderators


Notable Retards

  • Zaiger - Floating above the fray like a clam scented angel, was the driving force behind ED, who kept the joint humming when he wasn't being drunk or high on heroin. Kicked out of ED for stealing donation money and is now homeless and addicted to crack. The only reason why anything worked on ED for so many years is because lesser-known admins & users sacrificed their time and money for the website.
  • SeeBeen - Sysadmin of Siberian origin. He came, avoided actually doing anything, broke the forum server and disappeared. He also forgot to provide backups for the website, so we all got fucked in the end.
  • Oddguy - EDF's resident jew, poster of inane shitposting or inane serious posting, either way the quality of his writing is always punctuated by the worst grammar/spelling known to man. Would edit wiki pages in exchange for head. Later became a jewtuber who rants about stuff. Still noses around in EDF6.
  • ilovejesus69 - An extremely unmemorable person who babysits the snake pit known as EDF2. If oddguy had tits and wasn't so bitchy, the result would be ilovejesus69. Literally does nothing whatsoever, but in an attempt to be interesting, ilovejesus69 pretends to have an obsession with violent porn. Still shares the love of Jesus in EDF6.
  • Endsenten - Fat Mexican. Formerly known as the Queen of Doxing and one of the most secretive users of EDF2. Was capable of ruining your life, if you pissed her off. Officially retired from EDF.
  • Uberfukken - Faggot. Known for getting into long bitchfights on the forums and for complaining about the number of spics living in his shitty town, on the shoutbox. But still this faggot only watched spicporn, where the "female" is 50+ of age, and 300+ pounds. Still he was one of the most important users, who kept the trainwreck that was EDF2, alive. Officially retired from EDF.
  • CobaltCat - Cat-obsessed Danish editor and part-time forum moderator. Disappeared when EDF2 was destroyed, but came back for some more catnip a couple of years later.
  • Solution - Some loser with PTSD that used the forums as therapy. Hangs around in EDF6 to this day.
  • SuperSpecialSuperStar - The most consistently bad poster on EDF, with every word he types making you wish you could reach through the computer screen and tear his throat out. Believed to be a 13-year-old chinese boy and creator of the Frog Mercenary. In reality the greatest poster who will be forever missed after his latest ban/rage quit. DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS - Returned after his ragequit (got banned from every other forum he tried to post in withing days) and now posts using at least 17 sock puppets. His name became its very own and regularly-used insult on EDF2, ie. "Fuck off S4!"
  • Rev Junco - Chubby little 13-year-old boy with a penchant for stalking any female member of the site, eventually got himself Permabanned for posting his underage cock in the all over the forum. Allowed to return solely because people enjoy using him as a punching bag.
  • rst8 - A young tweenster that managed to figure out how to use a computer, joined EDF and never stopped being a homo up until the end, was prone to leaving then returning in a hissy fit. Also confirmed furfag.


  • Milwin - A gloriously retarded shitposter of Saudi-Arabian origin with the appearance of a slice of toast. He disappeared in 2014 without a trace after saying goodbye to the forums (some users presumed he was drafted into the army). Probably dead.
  • Ghost People - An early forum user from the UK with the appearance of a hooded gas mask person, who was obsessed with raiding / trolling Deviantart & Andrew Dobson. Vanished around 2013 / 2014.
  • Suicide King - This massive faggot was known for downvoting every single post he came across on the forum to reach the record of most negative ratings ever on EDF2. He had acquired around 16000 downvotes until he got tired of his own shit.
  • bunu - A fat, 20-something, cosplay-obsessed attention whore with a pink-haired grey catgirl-fursona, that kept derailing countless threads in 2013, by either making them about her shitty art or playing around / flirting with thirsty Ediots. It didn't help that all her signatures were filled with animated cats crying and other weird shit, as well as her pink fursona-catgirl-thingy that attracted furry white knights. She was also constantly obsessed with the popular "Tom Preston did it again" - thread. Her constant de-railing was punished by several Ediots that declared the official "bunu rape" day, (which happened two times), posting embarassing photos of her and malicious drawings. She fucked off shortly after the second time and was never seen again near EDF, good riddance.
  • Sugar Bombs - A feisty (fake) blonde from Texas with the face of a 50's pin-up model and a body as flat as a pancake. She was well-liked for the most part, but during the end times of EDF2 she tried to pull off a DGTrixie-style stunt (pretending / hinting to have some kind of terminal mental sickness / brain tumor) and fucked off from the forums, after announcing it on ED Movie Night. Many months later it was discovered that she was merely pretending to be dead so she could both revel in the "drama" and seperate herself from ED in a "dramatic" way. Could have just told us that she's done with ED. What a bitch.

Hall Of Shame

EDF2's most popular thread
A typical day on the Shoutbox
bunu in action

Because the forum had a no ban policy it was almost impossible to get banned, no matter how big of a faggot you were. That is why it was up to the other users on the forum to get rid of unwanted members by "encouraging" them to go away. But most of the time the disgraced users were kept around as deflated lolcows, occasionally milking them for some dusty lulz.

  • Another_n00b - A young gentleman who very much lived up to his username by strutting around attempting to change the wiki in the worst possible ways. Then after being told to GTFO he fled to EDF where he deposited the most butthurt tl;dr goodbye message known to the internets, earning himself a place in the hall of shame. Later, when his flounce was quoted in QOTN he came back to beg the admins to stop.
  • Onideus - ED admin and faggot in every way conceivable. It was believed that if every single member put him on ignore, he would still make threads and talk to himself, posting about the wiki and failing to realise nobody gave a fuck. It should be noted that the mail delivery service in Walla Walla, WA is incredibly convenient, as every time he gets e-bullied too much, *poof*, theres another package of LEGO waiting for him at the door, just screaming at him to log off and go make some more plastic masterpieces.
  • DocEvil - Wannabe nazi holocaust denier who was made an admin and attempted to gain E-fame by transforming Shitpost Metropolis into his own personal army entitled SMYD forums, and furiously writing himself into this article. After he had his privs removed he attempted to make his own EDF2 twice (three times if you count a previous attempt at making an image board), and when that didn't work he threatened to hunt down Zaiger at ROFLCON with a gang of 4chan admins and kill him. Now lurking the forgotten recesses of the internet with a swastika scraped into his forehead, roughly fondling his balls to guro child porn.
  • KKKoonhater - Another troll wannabe no one cared about until he invited his fat, ugly, old, jew girlfriend to the forum. They insisted on being an attractive couple despite various physical abnormalities proving otherwise, which were swiftly pointed out by various members of EDF. He and his blimp of a gal-pal boiled with butthurt at these truthful comments on their hideousness and he vowed to take revenge by taking down EDF2 with the help of his epic troll group which was really just a sad, old man turned troll named Flaglerchat. B& and possibly hacked, now having sad unfulfilling sex with his sister "girlfriend".
  • DGTrixie - One of ED's many GOTIS infected whores. Unfortunately, you can't even fap to this one due to the fact that she is a gassy, ancient librarian and manatee.
  • Fumo161 - Came to EDF to spread the word of anonymous in the most newfag way physically possible. Was instantly shot down into a flaming carcass by every other user on the site. He attempted to create various sockpuppets to regain some vague appearance of dignity, but there isn't a sock thick enough to cover this weedy little fellow's intense cancerous ways, so he was instantly outed. Eventually his faggotry reached critical mass, so he was immediately doxd and spiraled into a weeping mass, currently rocking backward and forward in a corner of his parents house, occasionally muttering annonymoos is leegun annonymoos is leegun...
  • swishy - Another EDF user infected with extreme GOTIS, hailing from south Carolina and the epitome of trailer trash. She posted noods within roughly 3.12 seconds of joining, and then announced her pregnancy to the whole board. Then made a thread pretending to have had an abortion. Then said she didn't actually have an abortion. All this for that glorious attention she so desperately craves. Eventually doxed to the point of having to change address.
  • Umkemesik - Mexicano failtroll who tried to Take Down ED. Failed, doxed, pwned, presumably skinned alive by niggers. Finally allowed to return after he begged Zaiger to unban him. And now (as of 2021) he's our admin. What a twist And now (as of 2023) not anymore.
  • Messyjessie- A white trash GOTIS whore who came to the forum to share her epic tale of fail ,and criminal record. ALSO DID WE MENTION SHE WAS A WHORE?! Banned for stalking Zaiger and now resides on our tinychat channel in desperation for human interaction, even with people who hate her. Will ask everyone to bring Oddguy on Tinychat so she can terrorise him with her vagina.
  • ElectricYiff - AKA ExplosiveDiareah (or more accurately "ExplosiveSperg"), this self-hating autistic furry got notorious for making several shitty threads in which he randomly raged over things that no one really gave a shit about, from Liam Neeson to crappy superhero crap to Dreamworks movies. Whenever he was contradicted or had his retarded statements debunked, he threw tantrums that consisted in spamming the topic with godawful furry porn. His greatest moment was when he disagreed with the recent addition to the mod team (he made over 9000 threads about who HE thinks should be a mod) and decided to overthrow him by PMing people about it and sperging until he was fagtagged, which caused a massive anal devastation and consequently ragequit.
  • Racketeer - An emo faggot pedophile who left the forums in disgrace and literally vowed to take down EDF2 when he returned. Currently back and butthurt more than ever. Winner of the second annual "2012 EDF2: Faggot Of The Year Award". Seemingly doesn't understand that you don't need to sign in to lurk the forums
  • Pinktits - Upon entering the forum she seemed like the standard attention whore, but wait, theres moar! IT'S A TRAP!!! Within the space of one page she asked if anyone wanted to cyber plox , offered to send cheese pizza,said she once fapped with a knife and revealed that she was a hermaphrodite. After her dox exposed she was only pretending to be a loli and a steady stream of abuse hurled at her calling her fat she stopped posting, never to return again.
  • Silverhaze06 - Flooded images of black power cock while being doxed, pretended to be his ex and posted all her nudes, ex joined the forums and became more popular than him. Last seen committing seppuku.
  • Cyn - Refused to show her virtually non-existing tits, and kept berating on how she was ashamed of her minuscule cup-size, but still wouldn't show them. Was trolled relentlessly when she dared move out of the DeviantArt subforum. Got doxed.
  • WaterShipDowns - A bunny-eared furry retard who thought he could create a better retelling / redesign of Andrew Dobson's "Alex ze Pirate" comics by posting his own drawings, concepts and story bits in the Tom Preston thread. His stuff was so terrible that he was told to fuck off, took it too personal and started a giant bitchfight with several senior users that ended with him getting doxed and nominated for Faggot of the Year. Prior to this, he constantly pretended to be in good company with everyone, except pretty much everyone hated his guts. His dox included him, among many other things, celebrating his 18th(?) birthday alone with his fursona on a cake (all with photos) and being a diaper-furry fetishist. Was ousted out of the forums afterwards and never seen again.


A Gallery for Basement Dwellers, by Basement Dwellers About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

The High Quality EDF Banners About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

See Also

  • EDF1 - The original shithole.
  • EDF6 - The current reincarnation of EDF2.
  • ED Movie Night - Watch terrible movies together.
  • ED IRC - Nobody goes there anymore.
  • BMO - An annoying bot that plagued the forums for a long time.
  • Faggot of the Year - One of the greatest honors of EDF is to become the FOTY.

External Links

EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo is part of a series on


Visit the Sites Portal for complete coverage.

EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

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EDF1 Faggots

@Faust and Pory
@Moon beam 750
@Negi Springfield

EDF1 Faggotry

@Casual Friday
@DeCadence Comic
@Mod Sass
@Sheneequa Turns Four

EDF2 Faggots

@Conrad Alan Rockenhaus
@Michael Horowitz Foster
@Onideus Mad Hatter
@Tom Preston

EDF2 Faggotry

@Bullet to the Head of the NRA
@Faggot of the Year
@George Zimmerman's Big Game Hunter
@The Clown Prince Rises
@Wilkins Coffee

EDF6 Faggots


EDF6 Faggotry

@Faggot of the Year @Rule 34 League

Featured article November 16 & November 17, 2011
Preceded by
EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo Succeeded by
Ubuntu and Great iPhone 4S disappointment of 2011
Featured article April 3 & 4, 2012
Preceded by
EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo Succeeded by
Lil B