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Wikichan/Postit Tits

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Postit Tits was a wikichan story about an article pertaining to TT.


This article is perfect. Don't fuck with it!
This is yet another TT-Kun story. See TT-Kun's page for more information and more stories


/b/ I have a question

see not 20 minutes ago my step sister was in my room asking me what I wanted for dinner. she was writing it on a post-it pad and her pen wouldnt work so I handed her mine. She took the scribbled on pad off and put it on my chest and said 'here, post-it on your boob' I stared at it for a few seconds, took it off and said 'you can keep it' and stuck it on her boob, she ripped it off and stuck it back on mine. I waited until she was done writing and going to get up and took it and went for her boob but it fell out of my hand and all I got was a handful of tit. but all she did was bend down pick it up and slap it on my stomach and walk out.

See its weird because its the first time I've ever grabbed her tits, and she didn't react with a slap or anything. I grabbed her ass 10 minutes later in the kitchen after she told me she didn't want to see me scratching my ass (hey it itched) and her reaction was a weird face and trying to kick me in my ass (literally)

she's 12 and I'm 19, does she have a crush on me or something? And she started puberty pretty early so she's got a body like a 16 year old already (she is hotter than most girls I went to high school with now that I think about it)


not lies, really did happen, I'm too stupid to be able to make this up.


Jokingly suggest you fuck her in the ass next time she gets you mad. If she she gets grossed out or scared, knock her out and rape her and deny everything when she wakes up. If she agrees, say you were just joking and shes a sick freak, then proceed to knock her out and rape her.


Kinda hard to get pictures of an event happening you didn't expect, but I can give a description of her. about 5'6", brown hair down below her shoulders, B cup tits, nice ass, cute face. she is a fucking moron though but I try and teach her common sense

Still looking for an answer to my question though, even if you think I'm lying answer it!


suggestions fitting of anon, though I might take the sex suggestions when she pisses me off advice. She DOES owe me a favor from about a month ago. I helped save her from getting in trouble and made her agree she owed me anything, maybe i could use that as part of it too


As for the tits. She was probably embarrassed, she had two options: - yell at you, hit you, call you a pervert (animu version) - seeing that you didn't do it on purpose she did as if nothing happened, and left your room. embarrassed. As for the ass thing: She thought (or her only option was to think) you were playing (like you were pretending to be, but instead you are a filthy pervert). So she reacted how she thinks she could handle the situation with too much embarrassment. She definitely does not have a crush on you, do not approach her in a sexual way if you love her. If you don't love her, fucking rape that slut.

Ummm, well. Wether she has a crush on you or not, you can't do anything with her. And I dearly hope your not sick enough in the head to do something with her anyway. It also depends on how mature she is.


understandable, but all pics of her are on her part of the family pc that takes forever to load because they are retarded and get tons of spyware and viruses on the thing. Not to mention /b/ has epic stalkers and could probably find where I live or something from one picture of her. And I'm not up for tons of phonecalls from anon tonight, just advice. Now if I get decent advice i will of course elaborate on further developements down the line, whether it be hours from now or days from now.


Well I just posted tonight's event, there are other instances of little perverted exchanges between us. example - one time a few months ago she was doing something in the kitchen and I was in the living room, i forgot what we were talking about but it caused me to walk in the kitchen and slap her ass as hard as I could (my hand went numb after it) and she got mad and instead of trying to hit me tried to do her 'kick my ass thing'. When I actually piss her off she tries to hit my arm or chest usually, the ass kick only comes when i do something perverted so I'm still trying to figure out what it means.

Also she absolutely hated me until she turned 12, now shes tsundere to me.


Here's a quick way to find out. Get out of the shower or something, and just "accidentaly" have her see you with a raging hardon. Gauge her reactions. If she flips out and vanishes, no-go. If she stares, you're totally in there.


>>17265309 theoretically possible, but she is 12 remember, I doubt she's ever seen one, so she might end up staring just from it being the first she sees

>>17265101 not really, but the majority of anon are pedos. Like I said she's hit puberty so her body's developed. I didn't realize just how developed she was until I met my Mom's boyfreind's daughter who is also 12, this girl has yet to hit puberty and looks like a 9 year old.


If she's a normal 12 year old girl she'd freak and go "EWWWWWW" If she's normal but horny and wants to fuck, she'll stare and her breathing will probly go funny for a sec. Girls are girls, man. and horny is horny. Use your fucking brain, if you really want to do this.

Are you hugging her if you greet her? Does she seek physical contact to you often? What does she say about love when the subject comes up? [Test of general feelings towards you and relationships] How does she react on kissing scenes on tv? [Test of shyness] How does she react when you talk to other girls, or what would she say if you said you have a crush on this girl in your school.. and.. (seeking her advice). [Test of jealousy]

I like being quoted for truth. Also, if you have a half decent body (as in not a fatass, some muscle tone - not to be cynical but i kinda doubt it.... sorry....) wander around shirtless. And uhm.... Generally do everything in your power to get her so horny she'll go insane if she doesn't fuck something - don't be obvious about it though. Oh, and also try and bust her getting herself off. timing is key there. Lend her something, then go to retrieve it at the most likely time she'll be fem-fapping. Either she'll kick your ass or she'll be so horny she won't care. I bid you luck. BTW, if it happens, POST PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.


I don't hug people often, she sits in my lap a lot, I make fun of her when she talks about her jr high boyfriends, and when I asked why she doesn't refuse when they ask her out, just to break up with them a week later she just said '...dunno...' and gave that cute look up at me

I don't watch tv often, much less with her

no clue on the jealousy, we only recently started having real conversations a few months ago (seriously, after she turned 12 it was a 180 in her attitude towards me) and I'm not in school right now


She started fapping in the shower about a month ago. Or at least thats when I first noticed she was doing that in there. I would try a 'left something in the bathroom' tactic but she always locks the door when she takes a shower since she started doing that.

Oh and after the 2nd time i was home when she was fappin in the shower when she came out I told her to learn to get off faster, and she said what? So I was more literal and told her to learn to masturbate better and she just said 'shut up!' and stomped off embarassed.


oh also, she has recently kept a toothbrush in the shower on the shelf where we keep shampoo and conditioner. I can only imagine what she uses it for lol


How do you know she was doing it for sure? And bring it up again but definitely avoid the whole "there's nothing to be embarrassed about" spiel. Coz that IS embarrassing. Offer to show her how you do it lol. Actually no, that's probly going too far. I dunno, just say you know she's doing it, you do it to, etc etc. Like i said before, use your brain.


I know I need more time but I might be moving out in about a month or two so I could use a good plan on how to advance things before then


k since /b/ is back I'll answer you now, I just posted the answer in /r/ since somebody mentioned my thread

I thought I heard a weird noise from the bathroom while she was taking a shower and as I got closer noticed it was moaning, got to the door and I could tell she had the shower head on a concentrated setting and was off the wall (its removeable, helpful in washing babies and dogs) and her moaning was pretty obvious.

and that is how I discovered she was fapping in the shower around a month ago, it was roughly 40 minutes she spent in there when her normal showers are 20. and even now she spends 40-60 minutes in the shower when she faps and 20 or so when she doesn't

Leave her something bigger and thicker than a toothbrush, like a skinny deodorant can, and a note saying "use this, it will work better" and see how she reacts lol.

actually that's not a bad idea. buy her a dildo or vibrator.


haha, tempting just her mom and my dad are still around the house. But that idea of joking to teach her how to do it better/faster is good (I actually thought about it before but didn't give it much time to make a plan) I'll probably mention something next time she ends up taking a long shower. tonights was only 20 minutes

Also she recently got expelled for bringing some of my dad's muscle relaxers to school (like I said shes a moron) and got caught with them because somebody told on her, so that leaves a shitton of free time for her during the day (at least until they find a way to stuff her into another school). My dad was bringing her to work with him during the day this past week since I wasn't home, not sure if they will let her stay home for now. I promised to teach her how to play guiltygear if they do so thats some time in close proximity together if she does get left here.


Play guilty gear, but just randomly start poking her in the middle of the game. Like, don't move your eyes from the screen, but take one hand off the controller, poke her in the leg or the side (gently) and say "poke". And then act like nothing happened. Or even better act like "WHAT HAPPEN?!". If it doesn't lead somewhere, or she doesn't respond approvingly, it was never gona happen, lol.


good idea, I could do a rush and poke her while my character is attacking. I know she's ticklish so it would be somewhat effective.


Alright, that was HOT. Fuck you, Anonymous. But I feel I should add the "angel-on-the-shoulder" perspective that /b/ hates so much. Just one comment guys, 'cause seriously I know OP wants to bang his stepsister (and it's okay 'cause she's his STEPsister) if she's up for it. This girl is young still. Even though her body's developed faster, she's still twelve, and though she may have the body of a sixteen-year-old she still has the mind of a twelve-year-old (if not younger - the mind ALWAYS matures slower than the body. ALWAYS.) I read one of these threads through once and saw a fellow /b/-tard say, from personal experience, that the underage b& he had banged had gotten clingy. In the bad way. Like, "you're my soul mate" and "we're going to get married, right?" clingy. Because, like it or not, that's how kids her age think unless they've had some major issues growing up, and even then they might think that way. So, OP, if you're aware that that is a very likely outcome for the inevitable course of action you're steamrolling towards WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY), then find out if she's up for it using any method above, and HIT IT TO PIECES, because /b/ wouldn't have it any other way.
