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"Steven" AKA Ninja AKA The Kid
Age: 31
Birthdate: December 12, 1993
Race: Hispanic
Location: California with his mother, and Maryland with his father, flies back and forth
Physical Description:
Individuals: Hyacinth, BLinker, Slvrspun
Pedophile Websites: BoyChat
A minor who is believed to be actively associating with and groomed by pedophiles online.

"Steven" AKA Ninja AKA The Kid started being groomed on the Internet at age 8, and he put his first Website up in 2002. He is 14 years old now and is still being groomed. He thinks that he is a pedophile because he is a gay teen. Several pedophiles have "befriended" him, and have talked him into making videos on Youtube, referencing BoyChat, showing them his bellybutton, etc.

The company associated with his websites has been listed as a fictitious business name, but it is unknown whether the real name is fictitious or the business name is fictitious at this time. It is likely that much of the information about this child is fictitious, as well. However, on the end of this is a young boy who makes shirtless videos and writes on a whiteboard about BoyChat and some of its members and is obviously being coached to say what he says on his videos.


A conversation on BoyChat:

"Re: Boychat Survey

Posted by Ninja on 2006-September-1 15:39:39, Friday

In reply to Boychat Survey posted by boyfriend on 2006-August-31 11:38:38, Thursday

I whould say his bellybutton stomach area i like best."

"My favorite area starts there..

Posted by hyacinth on 2006-September-2 02:28:21, Saturday

In reply to Re: Boychat Survey posted by Ninja on 2006-September-1 15:39:39, Friday

at his belly button, which is very nice, and works it's way south from there.."

Another quote from him on BoyChat, which describes how he has been groomed to think about sexuality:

"Re: Once again - boylove and babylove are DIFFERENT

Posted by Ninja on 2006-September-25 00:01:41, Monday

In reply to Once again - boylove and babylove are DIFFERENT posted by Jimf3 on 2006-September-24 23:15:20, Sunday

Well i have to say that i dont think babys i want sex with them.

But i think they are cute.

I know my bf he lieks boys younger then me like 4 to 7 and my age as well.

But not babys but i just wanted to say many people think its wrong for older grownups to like someone my age or younger like 7 or 9 or even 16 so.

I know a lot here still do like em sexually and well i think its ok as long as they dont hurt them.

But to say someone bad just cause they think a baby sexy well just look at your self look at my self me and my bf still thinik younger boys then us are really cute and like to do things so i like maby 9 and older but my bf 4 and older but no babys but it wrong to like what we like acroding to how people say things should be so for us i guess you call boylovers to say umm oh this person bad just cause they like babys is just saaying your bad your self i say they bad if they hurt them yes but if they dont hurt them they no diffrent then you or i."

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names

  • Ninja
  • "Steven"
  • The Kid

Known E-mail Addresses


Known Websites


Pedophile Websites


Additional Quotes

He writes this about someone he met online and talks to on the phone who he calls "Mr. Green":

"But he just seems to get upset a lot i wish he whould love me for me and understand i a boy and to let me be free but yet DONT LEAVE ME that the thing he say fine he leave me alone but that is not what i want i want him to still be part of my life but dont be so upset when i with other friends or talking to someone or what ever or if i cant pick up phone not to jump to thinking i was talking to someone else and so on I really like him in fact i love him he my secound best friend other then teddy and i dont want him to go away ever but i just wish he not be so jelous and let me have a bit more freedom with out likeing me anyless or leaveing me."

Additional Information

  • Ninja's father is a truck driver.
  • Steven is home-schooled and has a tutor in Maryland.
  • He has a dog named AC.
  • He has a best friend named Teddy AKA Arthro/Aurthro.
  • Domain registration information from his Websites:


Stevens Fan Club
P.O. Box 2446
Pico Rivera, California 90662


Mariscal, Steven
MJM Webpages
P.O. Box 2446
Pico Rivera, California 90662
United States
(800) 895-7021

NOTE about the business above:


NO. 05 0856220 FIRST FILING. The following person( s) is (are) doing business as MJM Web Pages, MJM Network, Aaron Carter US Fan Club, 9202 Canford St., Pico Rivera, CA 90662. The full name of registrant(s) is/are : Steven Mariscal, 9202 Canford St., Pico Rivera, CA 90660 This Business is being conducted by, an individual. Signed: The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date)1/1/1994. /s/: Steven Mariscal This statement was filed with the County Clerk of LOS ANGELES County on 1/1/1994. NOTICE: THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO THAT DATE. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name statement in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411et seq.,Business and Professions Code). SANTA MONICA DAILY PRESS to publish 4/25/2005, 5/2/2005, 5/9/2005, 5/16/2005

Contact Us

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